{"title":"欧盟的网络安全趋势:监管重商主义与地缘政治数字化","authors":"Helena Carrapico, Benjamin Farrand","doi":"10.1111/jcms.13654","DOIUrl":null,"url":null,"abstract":"<p>The European Union (EU)'s cybersecurity policy has, over the past two decades, undergone dramatic changes that have positioned it not only at the forefront of the EU's security policy landscape but also as one of the most influential policies across the EU policy spectrum (Carrapico and Farrand, <span>2020</span>; Christou, <span>2015</span>; Dunn Cavelty, <span>2013</span>; Obendiek and Seidl, <span>2023</span>). Over the years, the EU has become particularly aware of its increasing reliance on digital infrastructure and services, namely, how sectors such as transport, trade, finance, health, energy and education rely on accessing secure information and communication technology infrastructure. This dependency has been understood as highlighting the EU's vulnerability to the exponential growth in cyberthreats online (Carrapico and Farrand, <span>2021</span>). Having developed mainly in a reactive fashion to these perceived vulnerabilities, the EU's cybersecurity strategy was officially introduced in 2013 as an umbrella for a set of pre-existing, albeit scattered, initiatives (European Commission and High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, <span>2013</span>). Since then, it has transitioned from a set of foundational measures to a mature, comprehensive and strategic policy focused on resilience, co-operation and technological advancement. It is composed of four main sub-policy areas: cybercrime and law enforcement; critical information infrastructure protection; cyber-defence; and cyber-diplomacy. Although distinct in their focus, these areas all work together towards the protection of the EU's digital infrastructure and residents.</p><p>The evolution of the EU cybersecurity policy can be characterised as having three distinct phases: the first was the genesis phase (1985–2003), during which the different sub-fields of cybersecurity developed separately (in particular in the context of the former EU First and Third Pillars), and the EU gradually positioned itself as a co-ordinating actor capable of addressing cross-border cybersecurity threats. This phase saw the initial recognition of the need for a co-ordinated approach to cybersecurity within a European framework. The second was the institutionalisation phase (2004–2018), where the EU pushed towards a more consistent policy framework by advocating for coherence and dialogue between the different sub-fields. This push involved the introduction and expansion of the number of EU cybersecurity co-ordinating bodies and adopting resilience as a strategy to protect businesses, public bodies and citizens. The third phase can be classified as the regulatory phase (2019–present), which has been marked by a significant attempt by the EU to gain control of cybersecurity governance. This has been achieved through a discursive framing of cybersecurity as a matter of European sovereignty (Farrand and Carrapico, <span>2022</span>), the translation of this discourse into a substantial body of legislation (Farrand and Carrapico, <span>2022</span>; Heidebrecht, <span>2024</span>), the continued expansion of the number of EU bodies involved in this field and the introduction of international leadership ambitions in this field (Carver, <span>2023</span>). Overall, the history of EU cybersecurity policy is one of continuous expansion and systematisation, having emerged as <i>ad hoc</i> initiatives aimed at protecting the common market and, at a later stage, at furthering the EU Justice and Home Affairs agenda. Having outgrown these policy areas, EU cybersecurity is now also firmly present within the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and beyond, making it a truly transversal policy.\n1</p><p>The present article analyses the 2023 developments in EU cybersecurity, placing them in their broader geopolitical and policy contexts. In the geopolitical context, the Commission perceives the EU as vulnerable to new threats, and their technological dimension, in a world that is increasingly polarised and unstable. In terms of policy, this has translated into the pursuit of regulatory controls aimed at creating a unified approach to cybersecurity in the Union, characterised by increased oversight and hierarchical EU governance, along with actions aimed at exporting its cybersecurity norms as international standards through cyber-diplomacy initiatives. The article proposes that developments in this field can be understood through the lens of regulatory mercantilism (Farrand and Carrapico, <span>2022</span>). This framework highlights that there has been a unification of sovereignty, security and economy discourses, in which the EU frames its own vulnerabilities to external threats as necessitating increased regulatory control and exports of its own norms and values as international standards (Farrand, <span>2023</span>). Regulatory mercantilism is characterised by a rhetorical performativity (Couture and Toupin, <span>2019</span>) that ‘contrasts the geopolitical, security and economic challenges that the EU is facing in the twenty-first century with the vision it has for its future as an integration project’ (Bellanova et al., <span>2022</span>, p. 348). In this sense, regulatory mercantilism identifies policy formation as a means of state-building in response to geopolitical concerns, which this article aims to unpack. It does so by taking the three characteristics of regulatory mercantilism and applying them to the 2023 developments in cybersecurity policy. The first section highlights the EU's growing sense of geopolitical insecurity and vulnerability as a driver of policy; the second explores those policies in more depth, identifying the increased regulatory control the EU is seeking to exert in this policy domain; and the third reflects on the attempts at norm exporting through cyber-diplomacy.</p><p>The EU's 2023 actions in the field of cybersecurity are best understood in relation to the broader policy agenda and initiatives of the EU. With the formation of the von der Leyen Commission, a discourse of ‘digital sovereignty’ became central to the EU's actions in technology governance (Bellanova et al., <span>2022</span>). The EU's digital sovereignty discourse expresses a desire for increased control as a response to a perceived sense of vulnerability to external threats posed by both non-EU states and private sector actors that may not align themselves with EU values or interests (Carrapico and Farrand, <span>2020</span>). Shaping Europe's Digital Future, the Commission's policy agenda concerned with the ‘digital pillar’ of its 2019–2024 work programme framed this sovereignty ambition in terms of developing EU capabilities and reducing external dependencies (European Commission, <span>2020b</span>, p. 3). It is closely linked to the concept of strategic autonomy (Broeders et al., <span>2023</span>). The State of the Union 2023 underscores that this European sovereignty is ‘an economic and national security imperative to preserve a European edge on critical and emerging technologies’ (von der Leyen, <span>2023</span>, p. 7), reinforcing this notion that EU security is determined by its ability to act independently of external constraints or pressures. These constraints include, namely, a lack of control over externally held or operated infrastructures, services and content providers (Madiega, <span>2020</span>) with implications for the EU's capacity to protect citizens' data and security (Celeste, <span>2021</span>; see also Chander and Sun, <span>2023</span>); a dependence upon critical natural resources possessed or processed by other states required for producing technologies needed for cybersecurity purposes (DeCarlo and Goodman, <span>2022</span>); and a perceived vulnerability to increased cyberthreats, whether in the form of disinformation, ransomware attacks, denial of service attacks or data breaches (Moerel and Timmers, <span>2021</span>).</p><p>These identified digital vulnerabilities are closely related to the EU's broader sense of its own geopolitical vulnerabilities. This has often been implied in concerns expressed over challenges to the liberal international order as a rejection of globalisation (Braw, <span>2024</span>), with increased disregard for international organisations and norms (Stephan, <span>2023</span>) and a return to ‘great power’ politics between larger states (Weiß, <span>2023</span>). In the context of these geopolitical changes, there has been a blurring of ‘cyber’ and ‘material’ security, with the EU discussing concerns over ‘hybrid’ threats in 2016 (European Commission and High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, <span>2016</span>), with cybersecurity being one means by which hostile actors could destabilise the EU, whether through spreading disinformation or attacking critical information infrastructures (European Commission and High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, <span>2016</span>, p. 10). This 2016 document was followed up in 2018 by a Communication on increasing resilience and bolstering capacities to address hybrid threats, where it was stated that ‘cybersecurity is critical to both our prosperity and security. As our daily lives and economies become increasingly dependent on digital technologies, we become more and more exposed’ (European Commission and High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, <span>2018</span>, p. 7).</p><p>In 2023, the Russian war on Ukraine served to highlight the EU's perceived cyber-vulnerability resulting from broader geopolitical instability, with CERT-EU\n2 monitoring the potential for Russia's actions to expand into cyber-operations against the EU's institutions. One of CERT-EU February 2023 report's key findings was that ‘cyber operations associated with Russia's war on Ukraine have not been confined to the belligerents. Since Russia's invasion, allies of Ukraine, such as EU countries, have faced several types of cyberattacks’ (CERT-EU, <span>2023</span>, p. 3). New technologies are also classified as threats, with generative artificial intelligence (AI) featuring in both the State of the Union 2023 and a report produced by CERT-EU. In the State of the Union, it is explicitly framed as a security threat, with von der Leyen citing experts claiming that preventing human extinction by AI should be prioritised in the same way as preventing nuclear war, stating that AI ‘is a general technology that is accessible, powerful and adaptable for a vast range of uses – both civilian and military. And it is moving faster than even its developers anticipated. So we have a narrowing window of opportunity to guide this new technology’ (von der Leyen, <span>2023</span>, p. 9). Similarly, CERT-EU stated that whilst generative AI could have potential cyber-defensive capabilities, they have significant concerns regarding its potential for cyber-offence, with uses including sophisticated social engineering attacks, more effective forms of phishing and automation of the identification of cybersecurity vulnerabilities allowing for the uncovering of previously unknown attack vectors (CERT-EU, <span>2023</span>, p. 4). Given the concerns regarding the security implications of increased AI use, the European Commission has made clear the desire to regulate the use of the technology internally, through mechanisms such as the AI Act,\n3 as well as seeking to guide the development of rules at the international level, both through the AI Act serving as a blueprint for the rest of the world and through guiding innovation and the implementation of minimum standards for safe and ethical use (von der Leyen, <span>2023</span>, pp. 9–10).</p><p>2023 was a particularly active year for the EU's regulatory efforts in cybersecurity. Whilst admittedly agreed upon at the end of 2022, the directive on measures for a high common level of cybersecurity across the Union (Directive 2022/2555), also known as the NIS2 Directive, entered into force in January 2023. This directive repealed the original NIS Directive and is indicative of a form of regulatory cybersecurity ‘state making’ on the part of the EU. In its public facing FAQ document, the Commission explained its decision to repeal the original directive and create new legislation on the basis that it was responding to an expanded threat landscape and needed to address ‘an insufficient level of cyber resilience of businesses operating in the EU; inconsistent resilience across Member States and sectors; insufficient common understanding of the main threats and challenges across Member States; [and a] lack of joint crisis response’ (European Commission, <span>2023a</span>). The proposal for the directive made clear the desire for increased control in this field, stating that the proposal was part of a package aimed at ‘strengthening the Union's strategic autonomy to improve its resilience and collective response’ (European Commission, <span>2020a</span>, p. 1). Interestingly, in the final text of the directive, the link to vulnerability as a basis for intervention is found in recital 37, where it is stated that ‘intensified cyberattacks during the COVID-19 pandemic have shown the vulnerability of increasingly interdependent societies’ (Directive 2022/2555). As well as updating the pre-existing requirements under NIS1 (Directive 2016/1148), NIS2 provides for stronger oversight and enforcement in order to guarantee resilience from cyberattacks (Vandezande, <span>2024</span>). Article 12 provides for co-ordinated vulnerability disclosure between member states (MSs), as well as the creation of a vulnerability database that will be maintained by European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA). Article 13 mandates co-operation at the national level between MSs, and Article 14 establishes a co-operation group ‘to support and facilitate strategic cooperation and the exchange of information among Member States’, the membership of which includes representatives of the MSs, the Commission and ENISA, with the European External Action Service acting as an observer.</p><p>2023 also saw a deepening of cybersecurity regulation in line with a regulatory mercantilist frame of heightened oversight and regulatory hierarchy, going from beyond the narrower confines of setting private sector obligations to the establishment of an all-encompassing cybersecurity framework. First, the Commission proposed modifications to the Cybersecurity Act, which had been adopted in 2019 (Regulation 2019/881) to expand its certification schemes to include managed security services. The Commission proposed this as means of raising the overall level of cybersecurity in the Union, which would facilitate the emergence of trusted cybersecurity service providers as a priority for the ‘industrial policy of the Union in the cybersecurity field’ (European Commission, <span>2023e</span>, p. 1). The establishment of a European certification system based on European standards was central to the rationale of the Cybersecurity Act (Kohler, <span>2020</span>), with the expansion of this regime to cover additional sector actors representing a deepening of this regulatory approach. The proposal, which has had its first European Parliament reading and is awaiting the Council's first reading position, states that its purpose is to support the EU Cyber Solidarity Act, which was also published in April 2023 (European Commission, <span>2023e</span>, p. 2). Interestingly, the main legal basis for the act is Article 173 TFEU, which concerns the creation of the necessary conditions for the competitiveness of the EU's industry, which aligns with the underlying regulatory mercantilist position.</p><p>The proposal for the Cyber Solidarity Act makes explicit the link to the digital sovereignty agenda, highlighting the threat posed by external actors with references to Russian aggression and cyberattacks, as well as from other state and non-state actors (European Commission, <span>2023f</span>, p. 1), strengthening solidarity through better detection of, preparation for, and responses to cybersecurity threats (European Commission, <span>2023f</span>, p. 2). We see another form of cybersecurity industrial policy being devised within this framework – the means by which these objectives are to be achieved are through the ‘deployment of pan-European infrastructure’ in the form of security operations centres, named the EU Cyber Shield; the creation of an emergency response mechanism to support MSs in preparing for and responding to cyberattacks, as well as recovering from them; and the establishment of the European cybersecurity incident review mechanism, intended to allow for the review and assessment of significant incidents, with the cybershield and emergency response mechanism being directly funded by the Digital Europe Programme (European Commission, <span>2023f</span>, p. 3). Article 1 of the proposed Cyber Solidarity Act explicitly includes in its objectives reinforcing ‘the competitive position of industry and services in the Union cross the digital economy and contribut[ing] to the Union's technological sovereignty in the area of cybersecurity’ (European Commission, <span>2023f</span>, p. 22), reinforcing the regulatory mercantilist position adopted by the Commission in this field. As of May 2024, the act has secured political agreement between the Parliament and Council and is now awaiting formal approval subject to the Council's first reading (European Commission, <span>2024</span>).</p><p>Two other measures directly focused on cybersecurity also made significant progress in 2023. The EU Cyber Resilience Act, first proposed in September 2022 (European Commission, <span>2022</span>), received political agreement in December 2023, was voted favourably by the European Parliament in March 2024 and is now awaiting the Council's first reading (European Parliament, <span>2024</span>). The purpose of the Cyber Resilience Act, which has Article 114 TFEU as its legal basis, is to ensure that hardware and software products made available in the EU are rendered cybersecure, through measures aimed at guaranteeing cybersecurity through a product's entire life cycle, as well as ensuring that consumers are given sufficient information concerning the security of products, permitting informed choices (European Commission, <span>2022</span>, p. 2). The act is framed as supporting the Shaping Europe's Digital Future agenda, allowing the EU to ‘reap all the benefits of the digital age and to strengthen its industry and innovation capacity, within safe and ethical boundaries’ (European Commission, <span>2022</span>, p. 3). This regulation will give the Commission considerable powers, under the heading of market surveillance and enforcement, including deeming products as non-compliant with the regulation and as presenting a significant cybersecurity risk based on an ENISA assessment. The Commission will then be able to adopt implementing acts applying Union-level restrictions, up to and including withdrawal from the market under Article 45 (European Commission, <span>2022</span>, p. 59). Interestingly, concerns regarding AI are reflected in the Regulation, with products containing elements classified as high-risk AI systems under the proposed AI Act deemed as falling under the scope of the Cyber Resilience Act under Article 8.</p><p>Finally, 2023 saw the formal approval of the EU Institutional Cybersecurity Regulation (Regulation 2023/2841), which was published in the Official Journal in December 2023 and entered into force in January 2024. This regulation obliges all Union entities to have their own internal cybersecurity risk-management, governance and control frameworks under Article 6, the adoption of risk-management measures under Article 8 and to have established a cybersecurity plan by January 2026 under Article 9. Article 10 establishes the Interinstitutional Cybersecurity Board, comprising a representative of each of the Union's entities, which is tasked with monitoring and oversight of compliance with the regulation under Article 11. These combined measures indicate a comprehensive deepening of the EU's cybersecurity regulatory efforts, in which the Commission has fostered a cybersecurity industrial policy, heightening oversight within a regulatory mercantilist framework. As stated by Flonk, Jachtenfuchs and Obendiek, ‘even if the EU does not strongly promote the term “digital sovereignty” directly, the volume, bindingness and orientation of its policy output are indicative of a change towards a stronger assertion of its domestic sovereignty’ (Flonk et al., <span>2024</span>, p. 23).</p><p>MSs have welcomed these different measures, which they believe to be necessary, at EU level, in order to foster a stronger common level of cybersecurity across the Union. The speed at which the proposals have received political agreement and have progressed through the legislative process, most being adopted following first reading, is indicative of the high level of consensus in this field. MSs have, however, highlighted the need to ensure coherence within this very rapidly expanding policy area and queried the effectiveness of the voluntary nature of some of the proposals (Council of the European Union, <span>2022b</span>). These are, without doubt, issues that will re-emerge as the field continues to expand.</p><p>As mentioned in the introduction, the third element of the EU's regulatory mercantilist approach to cybersecurity consists in the attempt to export its norms and values beyond its borders with the aim to promote its vision of cybersecurity, and ultimately protect itself from cyberthreats. This ambition is particularly visible in the EU cyber-strategy, which identified international leadership as one of the main priority areas of EU external action (European Commission and High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, <span>2020</span>). The EU hopes to achieve this leadership through seeking to define and shape international cybersecurity norms and standards, which it is disseminating through its cyber-diplomacy instruments (Latici, <span>2020</span>). The EU perceives itself as a natural leader in this field and as being uniquely placed to define and promote such standards based on its founding democratic values, respect for the rule of law and fundamental rights. Moreover, it argues that international standards are often being used by non-EU countries to advance ‘their political and ideological’ visions (European Commission and High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, <span>2020</span>, p. 20), which are detrimental to EU growth, prosperity and security, making EU action in this field a particularly important priority.</p><p>Although EU efforts to become a key cyber-diplomacy global actor are not new (Council of the European Union, <span>2015</span>; European External Action Service, <span>2016</span>), we have been able to observe an acceleration in translating this rhetorical ambition into new policy initiatives and diplomatic tools. In practice, this has led to an increased spillover of EU cybersecurity policy from the common market and the area of freedom, security and justice to the CFSP. The new policy initiatives include an increased presence in multilateral bodies, a considerable growth in the number of bilateral agreements the EU has signed and instruments aimed at deepening EU integration (Renard, <span>2018</span>). Amongst the latter, the 2017 EU cyber-diplomacy toolbox is particularly worthy of mention, as it introduces, for the first time, a joint diplomatic response to malicious cyber-activities (Council of the European Union, <span>2017</span>). This initiative involves, in particular, a number of CFSP objectives, such as cyber-capability building in third countries, the introduction of EU-led political and thematic dialogues with non-EU countries and the imposing of restrictive measures beyond the EU territory. The Council of the European Union (<span>2022a</span>) has repeatedly stressed the importance of the link between EU external policies, the achievement of its cybersecurity objectives and the ambition to strengthen EU digital sovereignty.</p><p>2023 developments in this field further deepened and institutionalised this trend by emphasising the need for ‘a stronger, more strategic, coherent and effective EU policy and action in global digital affairs to confirm EU engagement and leadership’ (Council of the European Union, <span>2023</span>, p. 2). More specifically, 2023 saw the EU continue to invest in four main routes to cybersecurity norm exporting: (1) increasing the coherence between cybersecurity policy and other externally facing digital policies, based on the idea that cybersecurity functions as an enabler of advancement in these other policy areas (which include, for instance, the digital promotion of human rights); (2) showing a more united front in international multilateral fora where cybersecurity standards are discussed, such as the International Telecommunication Union and the International Organisation for Standardisation, to ensure greater influence over decisions; (3) increasing the EU's presence in other multilateral organisations where internet governance is being discussed, namely, the United Nations, the World Trade Organisation and the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers; and (4) continuing to expand and reinforce the existing network of bilateral and regional partnerships. 2023 saw the launch of the EU-Canada and the EU-Singapore digital partnerships, which prioritise cybersecurity, digital transformation and skills in EU priority areas such as semiconductors, quantum technologies and AI (European Commission, <span>2023b</span>). Where regional partnerships are concerned, 2023 witnessed the birth of the EU-Latin America and Caribbean Digital Alliance, which focus on capacity building, connectivity, innovation and digitalisation in the region (European Commission, <span>2023c</span>, <span>2023d</span>). Finally, this year also saw the proposal to develop structured dialogues directly with the private sector (Council of the European Union, <span>2023</span>). Although we have observed a considerable effort on the side of the EU to expand its capacity to export cybersecurity norms beyond its borders and to speak with one voice on the international stage, there is for the moment insufficient evidence to ascertain whether this approach is shaping third countries' stance on the topic.</p><p>2023 was not a year of grand pronouncements or radical policy shifts in the field of cybersecurity in the EU. Instead, it is a year in which the foundations that have been laid in previous years have been used to further construct a comprehensive EU cybersecurity policy agenda, which can be regarded as being represented by regulatory deepening and active attempts at norm exporting. In line with the explanatory theoretical framework presented in this article, this deepening has been underscored by an explicit securities and vulnerabilities discourse, in which action is required in order to ensure that the EU is able to mitigate against the threats posed to it by external actors and situations over which it feels it has limited control. This perception of limited control has also led the EU to develop a global norm exporting ambition, in line with regulatory mercantilism. As a response to external threats, the EU is seeking to use its regulatory capacity to develop robust standards for cybersecurity internally, which can then be exported to other states and to the international arena in the form of best standards and practices, based on self-described European values, as a means of cementing the EU's position as a global leader, promoting itself as a rule maker rather and in so doing, reducing its vulnerabilities. Through the lens of regulatory mercantilism, we see a blurring of economic and security goals, as well as cybersecurity and material security concerns, centred on the concepts of digital sovereignty and strategic autonomy. In this, EU cybersecurity policy cannot be considered niche or of interest to technical experts only – instead, it serves as a central pillar of the initiatives pursued by the EU in its desire to provide leadership to a world it perceives as presenting myriad complex threats to its continuing stability and security. Finally, given the current evolution of EU cybersecurity, we expect academic research to reflect the exponential expansion of this policy area. In particular, further research is needed to understand how this policy field is being governed, by whom and what impact the digital sovereignty discourse has had (or not) on its advancement. Furthermore, it is important to investigate the implications of the recent surge in EU regulatory cybersecurity measures, not only for the EU as an international leader in cybersecurity but also for its wider search for a more influential position on the world stage. New research in this field will, therefore, need to further examine EU cyber-diplomacy efforts and their implementation, in the context of both multilateral organisations and bilateral relations. From a legal perspective, future research may wish to consider the diverse array of legal bases used for furthering cybersecurity measures, assessing their internal coherence and fit.</p>","PeriodicalId":51369,"journal":{"name":"Jcms-Journal of Common Market Studies","volume":"62 S1","pages":"147-158"},"PeriodicalIF":3.1000,"publicationDate":"2024-07-25","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/jcms.13654","citationCount":"0","resultStr":"{\"title\":\"Cybersecurity Trends in the European Union: Regulatory Mercantilism and the Digitalisation of Geopolitics\",\"authors\":\"Helena Carrapico, Benjamin Farrand\",\"doi\":\"10.1111/jcms.13654\",\"DOIUrl\":null,\"url\":null,\"abstract\":\"<p>The European Union (EU)'s cybersecurity policy has, over the past two decades, undergone dramatic changes that have positioned it not only at the forefront of the EU's security policy landscape but also as one of the most influential policies across the EU policy spectrum (Carrapico and Farrand, <span>2020</span>; Christou, <span>2015</span>; Dunn Cavelty, <span>2013</span>; Obendiek and Seidl, <span>2023</span>). Over the years, the EU has become particularly aware of its increasing reliance on digital infrastructure and services, namely, how sectors such as transport, trade, finance, health, energy and education rely on accessing secure information and communication technology infrastructure. This dependency has been understood as highlighting the EU's vulnerability to the exponential growth in cyberthreats online (Carrapico and Farrand, <span>2021</span>). Having developed mainly in a reactive fashion to these perceived vulnerabilities, the EU's cybersecurity strategy was officially introduced in 2013 as an umbrella for a set of pre-existing, albeit scattered, initiatives (European Commission and High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, <span>2013</span>). Since then, it has transitioned from a set of foundational measures to a mature, comprehensive and strategic policy focused on resilience, co-operation and technological advancement. It is composed of four main sub-policy areas: cybercrime and law enforcement; critical information infrastructure protection; cyber-defence; and cyber-diplomacy. Although distinct in their focus, these areas all work together towards the protection of the EU's digital infrastructure and residents.</p><p>The evolution of the EU cybersecurity policy can be characterised as having three distinct phases: the first was the genesis phase (1985–2003), during which the different sub-fields of cybersecurity developed separately (in particular in the context of the former EU First and Third Pillars), and the EU gradually positioned itself as a co-ordinating actor capable of addressing cross-border cybersecurity threats. This phase saw the initial recognition of the need for a co-ordinated approach to cybersecurity within a European framework. The second was the institutionalisation phase (2004–2018), where the EU pushed towards a more consistent policy framework by advocating for coherence and dialogue between the different sub-fields. This push involved the introduction and expansion of the number of EU cybersecurity co-ordinating bodies and adopting resilience as a strategy to protect businesses, public bodies and citizens. The third phase can be classified as the regulatory phase (2019–present), which has been marked by a significant attempt by the EU to gain control of cybersecurity governance. This has been achieved through a discursive framing of cybersecurity as a matter of European sovereignty (Farrand and Carrapico, <span>2022</span>), the translation of this discourse into a substantial body of legislation (Farrand and Carrapico, <span>2022</span>; Heidebrecht, <span>2024</span>), the continued expansion of the number of EU bodies involved in this field and the introduction of international leadership ambitions in this field (Carver, <span>2023</span>). Overall, the history of EU cybersecurity policy is one of continuous expansion and systematisation, having emerged as <i>ad hoc</i> initiatives aimed at protecting the common market and, at a later stage, at furthering the EU Justice and Home Affairs agenda. Having outgrown these policy areas, EU cybersecurity is now also firmly present within the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and beyond, making it a truly transversal policy.\\n1</p><p>The present article analyses the 2023 developments in EU cybersecurity, placing them in their broader geopolitical and policy contexts. In the geopolitical context, the Commission perceives the EU as vulnerable to new threats, and their technological dimension, in a world that is increasingly polarised and unstable. In terms of policy, this has translated into the pursuit of regulatory controls aimed at creating a unified approach to cybersecurity in the Union, characterised by increased oversight and hierarchical EU governance, along with actions aimed at exporting its cybersecurity norms as international standards through cyber-diplomacy initiatives. The article proposes that developments in this field can be understood through the lens of regulatory mercantilism (Farrand and Carrapico, <span>2022</span>). This framework highlights that there has been a unification of sovereignty, security and economy discourses, in which the EU frames its own vulnerabilities to external threats as necessitating increased regulatory control and exports of its own norms and values as international standards (Farrand, <span>2023</span>). Regulatory mercantilism is characterised by a rhetorical performativity (Couture and Toupin, <span>2019</span>) that ‘contrasts the geopolitical, security and economic challenges that the EU is facing in the twenty-first century with the vision it has for its future as an integration project’ (Bellanova et al., <span>2022</span>, p. 348). In this sense, regulatory mercantilism identifies policy formation as a means of state-building in response to geopolitical concerns, which this article aims to unpack. It does so by taking the three characteristics of regulatory mercantilism and applying them to the 2023 developments in cybersecurity policy. The first section highlights the EU's growing sense of geopolitical insecurity and vulnerability as a driver of policy; the second explores those policies in more depth, identifying the increased regulatory control the EU is seeking to exert in this policy domain; and the third reflects on the attempts at norm exporting through cyber-diplomacy.</p><p>The EU's 2023 actions in the field of cybersecurity are best understood in relation to the broader policy agenda and initiatives of the EU. With the formation of the von der Leyen Commission, a discourse of ‘digital sovereignty’ became central to the EU's actions in technology governance (Bellanova et al., <span>2022</span>). The EU's digital sovereignty discourse expresses a desire for increased control as a response to a perceived sense of vulnerability to external threats posed by both non-EU states and private sector actors that may not align themselves with EU values or interests (Carrapico and Farrand, <span>2020</span>). Shaping Europe's Digital Future, the Commission's policy agenda concerned with the ‘digital pillar’ of its 2019–2024 work programme framed this sovereignty ambition in terms of developing EU capabilities and reducing external dependencies (European Commission, <span>2020b</span>, p. 3). It is closely linked to the concept of strategic autonomy (Broeders et al., <span>2023</span>). The State of the Union 2023 underscores that this European sovereignty is ‘an economic and national security imperative to preserve a European edge on critical and emerging technologies’ (von der Leyen, <span>2023</span>, p. 7), reinforcing this notion that EU security is determined by its ability to act independently of external constraints or pressures. These constraints include, namely, a lack of control over externally held or operated infrastructures, services and content providers (Madiega, <span>2020</span>) with implications for the EU's capacity to protect citizens' data and security (Celeste, <span>2021</span>; see also Chander and Sun, <span>2023</span>); a dependence upon critical natural resources possessed or processed by other states required for producing technologies needed for cybersecurity purposes (DeCarlo and Goodman, <span>2022</span>); and a perceived vulnerability to increased cyberthreats, whether in the form of disinformation, ransomware attacks, denial of service attacks or data breaches (Moerel and Timmers, <span>2021</span>).</p><p>These identified digital vulnerabilities are closely related to the EU's broader sense of its own geopolitical vulnerabilities. This has often been implied in concerns expressed over challenges to the liberal international order as a rejection of globalisation (Braw, <span>2024</span>), with increased disregard for international organisations and norms (Stephan, <span>2023</span>) and a return to ‘great power’ politics between larger states (Weiß, <span>2023</span>). In the context of these geopolitical changes, there has been a blurring of ‘cyber’ and ‘material’ security, with the EU discussing concerns over ‘hybrid’ threats in 2016 (European Commission and High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, <span>2016</span>), with cybersecurity being one means by which hostile actors could destabilise the EU, whether through spreading disinformation or attacking critical information infrastructures (European Commission and High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, <span>2016</span>, p. 10). This 2016 document was followed up in 2018 by a Communication on increasing resilience and bolstering capacities to address hybrid threats, where it was stated that ‘cybersecurity is critical to both our prosperity and security. As our daily lives and economies become increasingly dependent on digital technologies, we become more and more exposed’ (European Commission and High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, <span>2018</span>, p. 7).</p><p>In 2023, the Russian war on Ukraine served to highlight the EU's perceived cyber-vulnerability resulting from broader geopolitical instability, with CERT-EU\\n2 monitoring the potential for Russia's actions to expand into cyber-operations against the EU's institutions. One of CERT-EU February 2023 report's key findings was that ‘cyber operations associated with Russia's war on Ukraine have not been confined to the belligerents. Since Russia's invasion, allies of Ukraine, such as EU countries, have faced several types of cyberattacks’ (CERT-EU, <span>2023</span>, p. 3). New technologies are also classified as threats, with generative artificial intelligence (AI) featuring in both the State of the Union 2023 and a report produced by CERT-EU. In the State of the Union, it is explicitly framed as a security threat, with von der Leyen citing experts claiming that preventing human extinction by AI should be prioritised in the same way as preventing nuclear war, stating that AI ‘is a general technology that is accessible, powerful and adaptable for a vast range of uses – both civilian and military. And it is moving faster than even its developers anticipated. So we have a narrowing window of opportunity to guide this new technology’ (von der Leyen, <span>2023</span>, p. 9). Similarly, CERT-EU stated that whilst generative AI could have potential cyber-defensive capabilities, they have significant concerns regarding its potential for cyber-offence, with uses including sophisticated social engineering attacks, more effective forms of phishing and automation of the identification of cybersecurity vulnerabilities allowing for the uncovering of previously unknown attack vectors (CERT-EU, <span>2023</span>, p. 4). Given the concerns regarding the security implications of increased AI use, the European Commission has made clear the desire to regulate the use of the technology internally, through mechanisms such as the AI Act,\\n3 as well as seeking to guide the development of rules at the international level, both through the AI Act serving as a blueprint for the rest of the world and through guiding innovation and the implementation of minimum standards for safe and ethical use (von der Leyen, <span>2023</span>, pp. 9–10).</p><p>2023 was a particularly active year for the EU's regulatory efforts in cybersecurity. Whilst admittedly agreed upon at the end of 2022, the directive on measures for a high common level of cybersecurity across the Union (Directive 2022/2555), also known as the NIS2 Directive, entered into force in January 2023. This directive repealed the original NIS Directive and is indicative of a form of regulatory cybersecurity ‘state making’ on the part of the EU. In its public facing FAQ document, the Commission explained its decision to repeal the original directive and create new legislation on the basis that it was responding to an expanded threat landscape and needed to address ‘an insufficient level of cyber resilience of businesses operating in the EU; inconsistent resilience across Member States and sectors; insufficient common understanding of the main threats and challenges across Member States; [and a] lack of joint crisis response’ (European Commission, <span>2023a</span>). The proposal for the directive made clear the desire for increased control in this field, stating that the proposal was part of a package aimed at ‘strengthening the Union's strategic autonomy to improve its resilience and collective response’ (European Commission, <span>2020a</span>, p. 1). Interestingly, in the final text of the directive, the link to vulnerability as a basis for intervention is found in recital 37, where it is stated that ‘intensified cyberattacks during the COVID-19 pandemic have shown the vulnerability of increasingly interdependent societies’ (Directive 2022/2555). As well as updating the pre-existing requirements under NIS1 (Directive 2016/1148), NIS2 provides for stronger oversight and enforcement in order to guarantee resilience from cyberattacks (Vandezande, <span>2024</span>). Article 12 provides for co-ordinated vulnerability disclosure between member states (MSs), as well as the creation of a vulnerability database that will be maintained by European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA). Article 13 mandates co-operation at the national level between MSs, and Article 14 establishes a co-operation group ‘to support and facilitate strategic cooperation and the exchange of information among Member States’, the membership of which includes representatives of the MSs, the Commission and ENISA, with the European External Action Service acting as an observer.</p><p>2023 also saw a deepening of cybersecurity regulation in line with a regulatory mercantilist frame of heightened oversight and regulatory hierarchy, going from beyond the narrower confines of setting private sector obligations to the establishment of an all-encompassing cybersecurity framework. First, the Commission proposed modifications to the Cybersecurity Act, which had been adopted in 2019 (Regulation 2019/881) to expand its certification schemes to include managed security services. The Commission proposed this as means of raising the overall level of cybersecurity in the Union, which would facilitate the emergence of trusted cybersecurity service providers as a priority for the ‘industrial policy of the Union in the cybersecurity field’ (European Commission, <span>2023e</span>, p. 1). The establishment of a European certification system based on European standards was central to the rationale of the Cybersecurity Act (Kohler, <span>2020</span>), with the expansion of this regime to cover additional sector actors representing a deepening of this regulatory approach. The proposal, which has had its first European Parliament reading and is awaiting the Council's first reading position, states that its purpose is to support the EU Cyber Solidarity Act, which was also published in April 2023 (European Commission, <span>2023e</span>, p. 2). Interestingly, the main legal basis for the act is Article 173 TFEU, which concerns the creation of the necessary conditions for the competitiveness of the EU's industry, which aligns with the underlying regulatory mercantilist position.</p><p>The proposal for the Cyber Solidarity Act makes explicit the link to the digital sovereignty agenda, highlighting the threat posed by external actors with references to Russian aggression and cyberattacks, as well as from other state and non-state actors (European Commission, <span>2023f</span>, p. 1), strengthening solidarity through better detection of, preparation for, and responses to cybersecurity threats (European Commission, <span>2023f</span>, p. 2). We see another form of cybersecurity industrial policy being devised within this framework – the means by which these objectives are to be achieved are through the ‘deployment of pan-European infrastructure’ in the form of security operations centres, named the EU Cyber Shield; the creation of an emergency response mechanism to support MSs in preparing for and responding to cyberattacks, as well as recovering from them; and the establishment of the European cybersecurity incident review mechanism, intended to allow for the review and assessment of significant incidents, with the cybershield and emergency response mechanism being directly funded by the Digital Europe Programme (European Commission, <span>2023f</span>, p. 3). Article 1 of the proposed Cyber Solidarity Act explicitly includes in its objectives reinforcing ‘the competitive position of industry and services in the Union cross the digital economy and contribut[ing] to the Union's technological sovereignty in the area of cybersecurity’ (European Commission, <span>2023f</span>, p. 22), reinforcing the regulatory mercantilist position adopted by the Commission in this field. As of May 2024, the act has secured political agreement between the Parliament and Council and is now awaiting formal approval subject to the Council's first reading (European Commission, <span>2024</span>).</p><p>Two other measures directly focused on cybersecurity also made significant progress in 2023. The EU Cyber Resilience Act, first proposed in September 2022 (European Commission, <span>2022</span>), received political agreement in December 2023, was voted favourably by the European Parliament in March 2024 and is now awaiting the Council's first reading (European Parliament, <span>2024</span>). The purpose of the Cyber Resilience Act, which has Article 114 TFEU as its legal basis, is to ensure that hardware and software products made available in the EU are rendered cybersecure, through measures aimed at guaranteeing cybersecurity through a product's entire life cycle, as well as ensuring that consumers are given sufficient information concerning the security of products, permitting informed choices (European Commission, <span>2022</span>, p. 2). The act is framed as supporting the Shaping Europe's Digital Future agenda, allowing the EU to ‘reap all the benefits of the digital age and to strengthen its industry and innovation capacity, within safe and ethical boundaries’ (European Commission, <span>2022</span>, p. 3). This regulation will give the Commission considerable powers, under the heading of market surveillance and enforcement, including deeming products as non-compliant with the regulation and as presenting a significant cybersecurity risk based on an ENISA assessment. The Commission will then be able to adopt implementing acts applying Union-level restrictions, up to and including withdrawal from the market under Article 45 (European Commission, <span>2022</span>, p. 59). Interestingly, concerns regarding AI are reflected in the Regulation, with products containing elements classified as high-risk AI systems under the proposed AI Act deemed as falling under the scope of the Cyber Resilience Act under Article 8.</p><p>Finally, 2023 saw the formal approval of the EU Institutional Cybersecurity Regulation (Regulation 2023/2841), which was published in the Official Journal in December 2023 and entered into force in January 2024. This regulation obliges all Union entities to have their own internal cybersecurity risk-management, governance and control frameworks under Article 6, the adoption of risk-management measures under Article 8 and to have established a cybersecurity plan by January 2026 under Article 9. Article 10 establishes the Interinstitutional Cybersecurity Board, comprising a representative of each of the Union's entities, which is tasked with monitoring and oversight of compliance with the regulation under Article 11. These combined measures indicate a comprehensive deepening of the EU's cybersecurity regulatory efforts, in which the Commission has fostered a cybersecurity industrial policy, heightening oversight within a regulatory mercantilist framework. As stated by Flonk, Jachtenfuchs and Obendiek, ‘even if the EU does not strongly promote the term “digital sovereignty” directly, the volume, bindingness and orientation of its policy output are indicative of a change towards a stronger assertion of its domestic sovereignty’ (Flonk et al., <span>2024</span>, p. 23).</p><p>MSs have welcomed these different measures, which they believe to be necessary, at EU level, in order to foster a stronger common level of cybersecurity across the Union. The speed at which the proposals have received political agreement and have progressed through the legislative process, most being adopted following first reading, is indicative of the high level of consensus in this field. MSs have, however, highlighted the need to ensure coherence within this very rapidly expanding policy area and queried the effectiveness of the voluntary nature of some of the proposals (Council of the European Union, <span>2022b</span>). These are, without doubt, issues that will re-emerge as the field continues to expand.</p><p>As mentioned in the introduction, the third element of the EU's regulatory mercantilist approach to cybersecurity consists in the attempt to export its norms and values beyond its borders with the aim to promote its vision of cybersecurity, and ultimately protect itself from cyberthreats. This ambition is particularly visible in the EU cyber-strategy, which identified international leadership as one of the main priority areas of EU external action (European Commission and High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, <span>2020</span>). The EU hopes to achieve this leadership through seeking to define and shape international cybersecurity norms and standards, which it is disseminating through its cyber-diplomacy instruments (Latici, <span>2020</span>). The EU perceives itself as a natural leader in this field and as being uniquely placed to define and promote such standards based on its founding democratic values, respect for the rule of law and fundamental rights. Moreover, it argues that international standards are often being used by non-EU countries to advance ‘their political and ideological’ visions (European Commission and High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, <span>2020</span>, p. 20), which are detrimental to EU growth, prosperity and security, making EU action in this field a particularly important priority.</p><p>Although EU efforts to become a key cyber-diplomacy global actor are not new (Council of the European Union, <span>2015</span>; European External Action Service, <span>2016</span>), we have been able to observe an acceleration in translating this rhetorical ambition into new policy initiatives and diplomatic tools. In practice, this has led to an increased spillover of EU cybersecurity policy from the common market and the area of freedom, security and justice to the CFSP. The new policy initiatives include an increased presence in multilateral bodies, a considerable growth in the number of bilateral agreements the EU has signed and instruments aimed at deepening EU integration (Renard, <span>2018</span>). Amongst the latter, the 2017 EU cyber-diplomacy toolbox is particularly worthy of mention, as it introduces, for the first time, a joint diplomatic response to malicious cyber-activities (Council of the European Union, <span>2017</span>). This initiative involves, in particular, a number of CFSP objectives, such as cyber-capability building in third countries, the introduction of EU-led political and thematic dialogues with non-EU countries and the imposing of restrictive measures beyond the EU territory. The Council of the European Union (<span>2022a</span>) has repeatedly stressed the importance of the link between EU external policies, the achievement of its cybersecurity objectives and the ambition to strengthen EU digital sovereignty.</p><p>2023 developments in this field further deepened and institutionalised this trend by emphasising the need for ‘a stronger, more strategic, coherent and effective EU policy and action in global digital affairs to confirm EU engagement and leadership’ (Council of the European Union, <span>2023</span>, p. 2). More specifically, 2023 saw the EU continue to invest in four main routes to cybersecurity norm exporting: (1) increasing the coherence between cybersecurity policy and other externally facing digital policies, based on the idea that cybersecurity functions as an enabler of advancement in these other policy areas (which include, for instance, the digital promotion of human rights); (2) showing a more united front in international multilateral fora where cybersecurity standards are discussed, such as the International Telecommunication Union and the International Organisation for Standardisation, to ensure greater influence over decisions; (3) increasing the EU's presence in other multilateral organisations where internet governance is being discussed, namely, the United Nations, the World Trade Organisation and the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers; and (4) continuing to expand and reinforce the existing network of bilateral and regional partnerships. 2023 saw the launch of the EU-Canada and the EU-Singapore digital partnerships, which prioritise cybersecurity, digital transformation and skills in EU priority areas such as semiconductors, quantum technologies and AI (European Commission, <span>2023b</span>). Where regional partnerships are concerned, 2023 witnessed the birth of the EU-Latin America and Caribbean Digital Alliance, which focus on capacity building, connectivity, innovation and digitalisation in the region (European Commission, <span>2023c</span>, <span>2023d</span>). Finally, this year also saw the proposal to develop structured dialogues directly with the private sector (Council of the European Union, <span>2023</span>). Although we have observed a considerable effort on the side of the EU to expand its capacity to export cybersecurity norms beyond its borders and to speak with one voice on the international stage, there is for the moment insufficient evidence to ascertain whether this approach is shaping third countries' stance on the topic.</p><p>2023 was not a year of grand pronouncements or radical policy shifts in the field of cybersecurity in the EU. Instead, it is a year in which the foundations that have been laid in previous years have been used to further construct a comprehensive EU cybersecurity policy agenda, which can be regarded as being represented by regulatory deepening and active attempts at norm exporting. In line with the explanatory theoretical framework presented in this article, this deepening has been underscored by an explicit securities and vulnerabilities discourse, in which action is required in order to ensure that the EU is able to mitigate against the threats posed to it by external actors and situations over which it feels it has limited control. This perception of limited control has also led the EU to develop a global norm exporting ambition, in line with regulatory mercantilism. As a response to external threats, the EU is seeking to use its regulatory capacity to develop robust standards for cybersecurity internally, which can then be exported to other states and to the international arena in the form of best standards and practices, based on self-described European values, as a means of cementing the EU's position as a global leader, promoting itself as a rule maker rather and in so doing, reducing its vulnerabilities. Through the lens of regulatory mercantilism, we see a blurring of economic and security goals, as well as cybersecurity and material security concerns, centred on the concepts of digital sovereignty and strategic autonomy. In this, EU cybersecurity policy cannot be considered niche or of interest to technical experts only – instead, it serves as a central pillar of the initiatives pursued by the EU in its desire to provide leadership to a world it perceives as presenting myriad complex threats to its continuing stability and security. Finally, given the current evolution of EU cybersecurity, we expect academic research to reflect the exponential expansion of this policy area. In particular, further research is needed to understand how this policy field is being governed, by whom and what impact the digital sovereignty discourse has had (or not) on its advancement. Furthermore, it is important to investigate the implications of the recent surge in EU regulatory cybersecurity measures, not only for the EU as an international leader in cybersecurity but also for its wider search for a more influential position on the world stage. New research in this field will, therefore, need to further examine EU cyber-diplomacy efforts and their implementation, in the context of both multilateral organisations and bilateral relations. From a legal perspective, future research may wish to consider the diverse array of legal bases used for furthering cybersecurity measures, assessing their internal coherence and fit.</p>\",\"PeriodicalId\":51369,\"journal\":{\"name\":\"Jcms-Journal of Common Market Studies\",\"volume\":\"62 S1\",\"pages\":\"147-158\"},\"PeriodicalIF\":3.1000,\"publicationDate\":\"2024-07-25\",\"publicationTypes\":\"Journal Article\",\"fieldsOfStudy\":null,\"isOpenAccess\":false,\"openAccessPdf\":\"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/jcms.13654\",\"citationCount\":\"0\",\"resultStr\":null,\"platform\":\"Semanticscholar\",\"paperid\":null,\"PeriodicalName\":\"Jcms-Journal of Common Market Studies\",\"FirstCategoryId\":\"96\",\"ListUrlMain\":\"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jcms.13654\",\"RegionNum\":1,\"RegionCategory\":\"社会学\",\"ArticlePicture\":[],\"TitleCN\":null,\"AbstractTextCN\":null,\"PMCID\":null,\"EPubDate\":\"\",\"PubModel\":\"\",\"JCR\":\"Q1\",\"JCRName\":\"ECONOMICS\",\"Score\":null,\"Total\":0}","platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":null,"PeriodicalName":"Jcms-Journal of Common Market Studies","FirstCategoryId":"96","ListUrlMain":"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jcms.13654","RegionNum":1,"RegionCategory":"社会学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":null,"EPubDate":"","PubModel":"","JCR":"Q1","JCRName":"ECONOMICS","Score":null,"Total":0}
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, 2022,第348页)。从这个意义上说,监管重商主义将政策形成确定为应对地缘政治关切的国家建设手段,本文旨在对其进行剖析。它采用了监管重商主义的三个特征,并将它们应用于2023年网络安全政策的发展。第一部分强调了欧盟作为政策驱动因素的地缘政治不安全感和脆弱性日益增强;第二部分更深入地探讨了这些政策,确定了欧盟正在寻求在这一政策领域施加的越来越多的监管控制;第三是通过网络外交进行规范输出的尝试。欧盟2023年在网络安全领域的行动最好与欧盟更广泛的政策议程和倡议联系起来理解。随着冯德莱恩委员会的成立,“数字主权”的话语成为欧盟技术治理行动的核心(Bellanova et al., 2022)。欧盟的数字主权话语表达了加强控制的愿望,作为对非欧盟国家和可能与欧盟价值观或利益不一致的私营部门行为者所构成的外部威胁的脆弱感的回应(Carrapico和Farrand, 2020)。塑造欧洲的数字未来,委员会关于其2019-2024年工作计划的“数字支柱”的政策议程在发展欧盟能力和减少外部依赖方面构建了这一主权雄心(欧盟委员会,2020b,第3页)。它与战略自治的概念密切相关(Broeders等人,2023)。《2023年国情咨文》强调,这种欧洲主权是“维护欧洲在关键技术和新兴技术上的优势所必需的经济和国家安全”(von der Leyen, 2023年,第7页),强化了欧盟安全取决于其独立于外部约束或压力采取行动的能力这一概念。这些限制包括,即缺乏对外部持有或运营的基础设施、服务和内容提供商的控制(Madiega, 2020),这对欧盟保护公民数据和安全的能力产生了影响(Celeste, 2021;参见Chander and Sun, 2023);对生产网络安全所需技术所需的其他国家拥有或加工的关键自然资源的依赖(DeCarlo和Goodman, 2022);以及对日益增加的网络威胁的脆弱性,无论是以虚假信息、勒索软件攻击、拒绝服务攻击还是数据泄露的形式(Moerel和Timmers, 2021)。这些已确定的数字脆弱性与欧盟对自身地缘政治脆弱性的更广泛认识密切相关。这通常隐含在对自由国际秩序的挑战所表达的担忧中,即对全球化的拒绝(Braw, 2024),对国际组织和规范的日益漠视(Stephan, 2023),以及大国之间“大国”政治的回归(Weiß, 2023)。在这些地缘政治变化的背景下,“网络”和“物质”安全的界限变得模糊,欧盟在2016年讨论了对“混合”威胁的担忧(欧盟委员会和外交事务和安全政策联盟高级代表,2016年),网络安全是敌对行为者破坏欧盟稳定的一种手段。无论是通过传播虚假信息还是攻击关键信息基础设施(欧盟委员会和外交事务和安全政策联盟高级代表,2016年,第10页)。继2016年的这份文件之后,2018年又发布了一份关于提高弹性和增强应对混合威胁能力的文件,其中指出“网络安全对我们的繁荣和安全都至关重要。随着我们的日常生活和经济越来越依赖于数字技术,我们变得越来越暴露”(欧盟委员会和外交事务和安全政策联盟高级代表,2018年,第7页)。2023年,俄罗斯对乌克兰的战争突显了由于更广泛的地缘政治不稳定而导致的欧盟感知到的网络脆弱性,CERT-EU2监测了俄罗斯扩大针对欧盟机构的网络行动的可能性。CERT-EU 2023年2月报告的主要发现之一是,“与俄罗斯对乌克兰的战争有关的网络行动并不局限于交战方。”自俄罗斯入侵以来,乌克兰的盟友,如欧盟国家,面临着几种类型的网络攻击(CERT-EU, 2023,第3页)。新技术也被归类为威胁,生成人工智能(AI)在《2023年国情咨文》和CERT-EU制作的一份报告中都有体现。 在《国情咨文》中,人工智能被明确定义为一种安全威胁,冯德莱恩援引专家的话说,防止人工智能导致人类灭绝应该像防止核战争一样被优先考虑,并指出人工智能“是一种通用技术,易于获取,功能强大,适用于民用和军事等广泛用途。”它的发展速度甚至超过了开发者的预期。因此,我们指导这项新技术的机会窗口越来越窄”(von der Leyen, 2023,第9页)。同样,CERT-EU表示,虽然生成式人工智能可能具有潜在的网络防御能力,但他们对其潜在的网络攻击表示严重担忧,其用途包括复杂的社会工程攻击,更有效的网络钓鱼形式和网络安全漏洞识别的自动化,允许发现以前未知的攻击媒介(CERT-EU, 2023,第4页)。鉴于对人工智能使用增加的安全影响的担忧,欧盟委员会已明确表示希望通过《人工智能法案》等机制在内部规范该技术的使用,并寻求指导国际层面规则的制定。通过人工智能法案作为世界其他地区的蓝图,并通过指导创新和实施安全和道德使用的最低标准(von der Leyen, 2023,第9-10页)。2023年是欧盟网络安全监管工作特别活跃的一年。虽然在2022年底达成一致,但关于整个联盟高水平网络安全措施的指令(指令2022/2555),也称为NIS2指令,于2023年1月生效。该指令废除了原来的NIS指令,并表明了欧盟方面对网络安全监管的一种“国家制定”形式。在其面向公众的常见问题解答文件中,委员会解释了其废除原指令并制定新立法的决定,其基础是应对不断扩大的威胁形势,并需要解决“在欧盟运营的企业的网络弹性水平不足;各会员国和部门的复原力不一致;对各会员国面临的主要威胁和挑战缺乏共识;(以及)缺乏共同的危机应对措施”(欧盟委员会,2023a)。该指令的提案明确表示希望加强对这一领域的控制,并指出该提案是旨在“加强欧盟的战略自主权,以提高其弹性和集体反应能力”的一揽子计划的一部分(欧盟委员会,2020a,第1页)。有趣的是,在该指令的最后文本中,将脆弱性作为干预基础的联系见序言37。其中指出,“2019冠状病毒病大流行期间加剧的网络攻击表明了日益相互依存的社会的脆弱性”(第2022/2555号指令)。除了更新NIS1(指令2016/1148)下已有的要求外,NIS2还提供了更强有力的监督和执法,以保证抵御网络攻击的能力(Vandezande, 2024)。第12条规定了成员国(MSs)之间的协调漏洞披露,以及由欧盟网络安全机构(ENISA)维护的漏洞数据库的创建。第13条规定了成员国之间在国家层面上的合作,第14条建立了一个合作小组,“以支持和促进成员国之间的战略合作和信息交流”,其成员包括成员国、欧盟委员会和欧洲空间局的代表,欧洲对外行动署作为观察员。2023年,根据加强监督和监管等级制度的监管重商主义框架,网络安全监管也在深化,从设定私营部门义务的狭窄范围扩展到建立一个无所不包的网络安全框架。首先,委员会提议修改2019年通过的《网络安全法》(第2019/881号条例),以扩大其认证计划,将托管安全服务纳入其中。欧盟委员会将此作为提高欧盟整体网络安全水平的手段,这将促进可信网络安全服务提供商的出现,并将其作为“欧盟在网络安全领域的产业政策”的优先事项(欧盟委员会,2023e,第1页)。基于欧洲标准建立欧洲认证体系是《网络安全法》基本原理的核心(Kohler, 2020)。随着这一制度的扩大,以涵盖更多的部门行为者,代表着这种监管方法的深化。 该提案已经在欧洲议会进行了第一次阅读,正在等待理事会的第一次阅读,声明其目的是支持欧盟网络团结法案,该法案也于2023年4月发布(欧盟委员会,2023e,第2页)。有趣的是,该法案的主要法律依据是第173条TFEU,该条款涉及为欧盟行业的竞争力创造必要条件,这与潜在的监管重商主义立场一致。《网络团结法案》的提案明确了与数字主权议程的联系,强调了俄罗斯侵略和网络攻击等外部行为者以及其他国家和非国家行为者构成的威胁(欧盟委员会,2023f,第1页),通过更好地检测、准备和应对网络安全威胁来加强团结(欧盟委员会,2023f,第1页)。我们看到在这个框架内正在设计另一种形式的网络安全产业政策——实现这些目标的手段是通过以安全运营中心的形式“部署泛欧基础设施”,称为欧盟网络盾牌;建立应急机制,支持各国防范和应对网络攻击,并从中恢复;建立欧洲网络安全事件审查机制,旨在审查和评估重大事件,网络防护和应急响应机制由数字欧洲方案直接资助(欧洲委员会,2023年);拟议的《网络团结法》第1条明确规定,其目标包括加强“欧盟工业和服务业在数字经济领域的竞争地位,并为欧盟在网络安全领域的技术主权做出贡献”(欧盟委员会,2023f,第22页),加强委员会在该领域采取的监管重商主义立场。截至2024年5月,该法案已获得议会和理事会之间的政治协议,目前正在等待理事会一读的正式批准(欧盟委员会,2024年)。另外两项直接关注网络安全的措施也在2023年取得了重大进展。《欧盟网络弹性法案》于2022年9月首次提出(欧盟委员会,2022年),于2023年12月获得政治协议,并于2024年3月获得欧洲议会的赞成票,目前正在等待理事会的一读(欧洲议会,2024年)。《网络弹性法》以第114条TFEU作为其法律依据,旨在通过旨在确保产品整个生命周期的网络安全的措施,确保在欧盟提供的硬件和软件产品具有网络安全,并确保消费者获得有关产品安全的充分信息,从而做出明智的选择(欧盟委员会,2022;该法案的框架是支持塑造欧洲的数字未来议程,使欧盟能够“在安全和道德的范围内获得数字时代的所有好处,并加强其行业和创新能力”(欧盟委员会,2022年,第3页)。该法规将赋予委员会在市场监督和执法的标题下相当大的权力。包括根据ENISA评估认为产品不符合规定,并存在重大网络安全风险。然后,委员会将能够通过实施法案,实施欧盟层面的限制,直至并包括根据第45条退出市场(欧盟委员会,2022年,第59页)。有趣的是,对人工智能的担忧反映在该法规中,根据拟议的人工智能法案,包含被归类为高风险人工智能系统的元素的产品被视为属于《网络弹性法案》第8条的范围。最后,2023年正式批准了欧盟机构网络安全条例(Regulation 2023/2841),该条例于2023年12月在官方期刊上发表,并于2024年1月生效。本条例要求所有欧盟实体根据第6条建立自己的内部网络安全风险管理、治理和控制框架,根据第8条采取风险管理措施,并根据第9条在2026年1月之前制定网络安全计划。第10条设立机构间网络安全委员会,由联盟各实体的一名代表组成,其任务是监测和监督第11条规定的法规的遵守情况。 这些综合措施表明,欧盟在网络安全监管方面的努力全面深化,其中欧盟委员会制定了网络安全产业政策,在监管重商主义框架内加强监督。正如Flonk、Jachtenfuchs和Obendiek所述,“即使欧盟没有直接大力推广‘数字主权’一词,其政策产出的数量、约束力和方向也表明,欧盟正朝着更坚定地主张其国内主权的方向转变”(Flonk等人,2024年,第23页)。各成员国对这些不同的措施表示欢迎,他们认为这些措施在欧盟层面是必要的,以便在整个欧盟范围内建立更强大的共同网络安全水平。这些建议获得政治同意和通过立法程序取得进展的速度,其中大多数是在一读后通过的,表明在这一领域取得了高度的协商一致意见。然而,各国代表强调需要确保在这一迅速扩大的政策领域内保持一致性,并质疑一些建议的自愿性质的有效性(欧洲联盟理事会,2022年b)。毫无疑问,随着该领域的不断扩大,这些问题将再次出现。正如引言中提到的,欧盟监管重商主义网络安全方法的第三个要素是试图将其规范和价值观输出到境外,以促进其网络安全愿景,并最终保护自己免受网络威胁。这一雄心在欧盟网络战略中尤为明显,该战略将国际领导力确定为欧盟对外行动的主要优先领域之一(欧盟委员会和外交与安全政策联盟高级代表,2020年)。欧盟希望通过寻求定义和塑造国际网络安全规范和标准来实现这一领导地位,并通过其网络外交工具传播这些规范和标准(Latici, 2020)。欧盟认为自己是这一领域的天然领导者,在基于其基本民主价值观、对法治和基本权利的尊重来定义和促进这些标准方面具有独特的地位。此外,它认为国际标准经常被非欧盟国家用来推进“他们的政治和意识形态”愿景(欧盟委员会和外交事务和安全政策联盟高级代表,2020年,第20页),这不利于欧盟的增长,繁荣和安全,使欧盟在这一领域的行动成为特别重要的优先事项。尽管欧盟努力成为全球网络外交的关键角色并不是什么新鲜事(欧盟理事会,2015;欧洲对外行动服务处,2016),我们已经能够观察到将这种修辞野心转化为新的政策举措和外交工具的加速。在实践中,这导致欧盟网络安全政策从共同市场和自由、安全和正义领域向CFSP的溢出效应越来越大。新的政策举措包括增加在多边机构的存在,欧盟签署的双边协议和旨在深化欧盟一体化的文书数量大幅增加(Renard, 2018)。在后者中,2017年欧盟网络外交工具箱尤其值得一提,因为它首次引入了针对恶意网络活动的联合外交回应(欧盟理事会,2017年)。该倡议特别涉及CFSP的一些目标,例如在第三国建立网络能力,引入欧盟主导的与非欧盟国家的政治和专题对话,以及在欧盟领土之外实施限制性措施。欧盟理事会(2022a)一再强调欧盟对外政策、实现其网络安全目标和加强欧盟数字主权的雄心之间联系的重要性。2023年,该领域的发展进一步深化和制度化了这一趋势,强调需要“在全球数字事务中制定更强大、更具战略性、连贯和有效的欧盟政策和行动,以确认欧盟的参与和领导”(欧盟理事会,2023年,第2页)。
Cybersecurity Trends in the European Union: Regulatory Mercantilism and the Digitalisation of Geopolitics
The European Union (EU)'s cybersecurity policy has, over the past two decades, undergone dramatic changes that have positioned it not only at the forefront of the EU's security policy landscape but also as one of the most influential policies across the EU policy spectrum (Carrapico and Farrand, 2020; Christou, 2015; Dunn Cavelty, 2013; Obendiek and Seidl, 2023). Over the years, the EU has become particularly aware of its increasing reliance on digital infrastructure and services, namely, how sectors such as transport, trade, finance, health, energy and education rely on accessing secure information and communication technology infrastructure. This dependency has been understood as highlighting the EU's vulnerability to the exponential growth in cyberthreats online (Carrapico and Farrand, 2021). Having developed mainly in a reactive fashion to these perceived vulnerabilities, the EU's cybersecurity strategy was officially introduced in 2013 as an umbrella for a set of pre-existing, albeit scattered, initiatives (European Commission and High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, 2013). Since then, it has transitioned from a set of foundational measures to a mature, comprehensive and strategic policy focused on resilience, co-operation and technological advancement. It is composed of four main sub-policy areas: cybercrime and law enforcement; critical information infrastructure protection; cyber-defence; and cyber-diplomacy. Although distinct in their focus, these areas all work together towards the protection of the EU's digital infrastructure and residents.
The evolution of the EU cybersecurity policy can be characterised as having three distinct phases: the first was the genesis phase (1985–2003), during which the different sub-fields of cybersecurity developed separately (in particular in the context of the former EU First and Third Pillars), and the EU gradually positioned itself as a co-ordinating actor capable of addressing cross-border cybersecurity threats. This phase saw the initial recognition of the need for a co-ordinated approach to cybersecurity within a European framework. The second was the institutionalisation phase (2004–2018), where the EU pushed towards a more consistent policy framework by advocating for coherence and dialogue between the different sub-fields. This push involved the introduction and expansion of the number of EU cybersecurity co-ordinating bodies and adopting resilience as a strategy to protect businesses, public bodies and citizens. The third phase can be classified as the regulatory phase (2019–present), which has been marked by a significant attempt by the EU to gain control of cybersecurity governance. This has been achieved through a discursive framing of cybersecurity as a matter of European sovereignty (Farrand and Carrapico, 2022), the translation of this discourse into a substantial body of legislation (Farrand and Carrapico, 2022; Heidebrecht, 2024), the continued expansion of the number of EU bodies involved in this field and the introduction of international leadership ambitions in this field (Carver, 2023). Overall, the history of EU cybersecurity policy is one of continuous expansion and systematisation, having emerged as ad hoc initiatives aimed at protecting the common market and, at a later stage, at furthering the EU Justice and Home Affairs agenda. Having outgrown these policy areas, EU cybersecurity is now also firmly present within the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and beyond, making it a truly transversal policy.
The present article analyses the 2023 developments in EU cybersecurity, placing them in their broader geopolitical and policy contexts. In the geopolitical context, the Commission perceives the EU as vulnerable to new threats, and their technological dimension, in a world that is increasingly polarised and unstable. In terms of policy, this has translated into the pursuit of regulatory controls aimed at creating a unified approach to cybersecurity in the Union, characterised by increased oversight and hierarchical EU governance, along with actions aimed at exporting its cybersecurity norms as international standards through cyber-diplomacy initiatives. The article proposes that developments in this field can be understood through the lens of regulatory mercantilism (Farrand and Carrapico, 2022). This framework highlights that there has been a unification of sovereignty, security and economy discourses, in which the EU frames its own vulnerabilities to external threats as necessitating increased regulatory control and exports of its own norms and values as international standards (Farrand, 2023). Regulatory mercantilism is characterised by a rhetorical performativity (Couture and Toupin, 2019) that ‘contrasts the geopolitical, security and economic challenges that the EU is facing in the twenty-first century with the vision it has for its future as an integration project’ (Bellanova et al., 2022, p. 348). In this sense, regulatory mercantilism identifies policy formation as a means of state-building in response to geopolitical concerns, which this article aims to unpack. It does so by taking the three characteristics of regulatory mercantilism and applying them to the 2023 developments in cybersecurity policy. The first section highlights the EU's growing sense of geopolitical insecurity and vulnerability as a driver of policy; the second explores those policies in more depth, identifying the increased regulatory control the EU is seeking to exert in this policy domain; and the third reflects on the attempts at norm exporting through cyber-diplomacy.
The EU's 2023 actions in the field of cybersecurity are best understood in relation to the broader policy agenda and initiatives of the EU. With the formation of the von der Leyen Commission, a discourse of ‘digital sovereignty’ became central to the EU's actions in technology governance (Bellanova et al., 2022). The EU's digital sovereignty discourse expresses a desire for increased control as a response to a perceived sense of vulnerability to external threats posed by both non-EU states and private sector actors that may not align themselves with EU values or interests (Carrapico and Farrand, 2020). Shaping Europe's Digital Future, the Commission's policy agenda concerned with the ‘digital pillar’ of its 2019–2024 work programme framed this sovereignty ambition in terms of developing EU capabilities and reducing external dependencies (European Commission, 2020b, p. 3). It is closely linked to the concept of strategic autonomy (Broeders et al., 2023). The State of the Union 2023 underscores that this European sovereignty is ‘an economic and national security imperative to preserve a European edge on critical and emerging technologies’ (von der Leyen, 2023, p. 7), reinforcing this notion that EU security is determined by its ability to act independently of external constraints or pressures. These constraints include, namely, a lack of control over externally held or operated infrastructures, services and content providers (Madiega, 2020) with implications for the EU's capacity to protect citizens' data and security (Celeste, 2021; see also Chander and Sun, 2023); a dependence upon critical natural resources possessed or processed by other states required for producing technologies needed for cybersecurity purposes (DeCarlo and Goodman, 2022); and a perceived vulnerability to increased cyberthreats, whether in the form of disinformation, ransomware attacks, denial of service attacks or data breaches (Moerel and Timmers, 2021).
These identified digital vulnerabilities are closely related to the EU's broader sense of its own geopolitical vulnerabilities. This has often been implied in concerns expressed over challenges to the liberal international order as a rejection of globalisation (Braw, 2024), with increased disregard for international organisations and norms (Stephan, 2023) and a return to ‘great power’ politics between larger states (Weiß, 2023). In the context of these geopolitical changes, there has been a blurring of ‘cyber’ and ‘material’ security, with the EU discussing concerns over ‘hybrid’ threats in 2016 (European Commission and High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, 2016), with cybersecurity being one means by which hostile actors could destabilise the EU, whether through spreading disinformation or attacking critical information infrastructures (European Commission and High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, 2016, p. 10). This 2016 document was followed up in 2018 by a Communication on increasing resilience and bolstering capacities to address hybrid threats, where it was stated that ‘cybersecurity is critical to both our prosperity and security. As our daily lives and economies become increasingly dependent on digital technologies, we become more and more exposed’ (European Commission and High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, 2018, p. 7).
In 2023, the Russian war on Ukraine served to highlight the EU's perceived cyber-vulnerability resulting from broader geopolitical instability, with CERT-EU
2 monitoring the potential for Russia's actions to expand into cyber-operations against the EU's institutions. One of CERT-EU February 2023 report's key findings was that ‘cyber operations associated with Russia's war on Ukraine have not been confined to the belligerents. Since Russia's invasion, allies of Ukraine, such as EU countries, have faced several types of cyberattacks’ (CERT-EU, 2023, p. 3). New technologies are also classified as threats, with generative artificial intelligence (AI) featuring in both the State of the Union 2023 and a report produced by CERT-EU. In the State of the Union, it is explicitly framed as a security threat, with von der Leyen citing experts claiming that preventing human extinction by AI should be prioritised in the same way as preventing nuclear war, stating that AI ‘is a general technology that is accessible, powerful and adaptable for a vast range of uses – both civilian and military. And it is moving faster than even its developers anticipated. So we have a narrowing window of opportunity to guide this new technology’ (von der Leyen, 2023, p. 9). Similarly, CERT-EU stated that whilst generative AI could have potential cyber-defensive capabilities, they have significant concerns regarding its potential for cyber-offence, with uses including sophisticated social engineering attacks, more effective forms of phishing and automation of the identification of cybersecurity vulnerabilities allowing for the uncovering of previously unknown attack vectors (CERT-EU, 2023, p. 4). Given the concerns regarding the security implications of increased AI use, the European Commission has made clear the desire to regulate the use of the technology internally, through mechanisms such as the AI Act,
3 as well as seeking to guide the development of rules at the international level, both through the AI Act serving as a blueprint for the rest of the world and through guiding innovation and the implementation of minimum standards for safe and ethical use (von der Leyen, 2023, pp. 9–10).
2023 was a particularly active year for the EU's regulatory efforts in cybersecurity. Whilst admittedly agreed upon at the end of 2022, the directive on measures for a high common level of cybersecurity across the Union (Directive 2022/2555), also known as the NIS2 Directive, entered into force in January 2023. This directive repealed the original NIS Directive and is indicative of a form of regulatory cybersecurity ‘state making’ on the part of the EU. In its public facing FAQ document, the Commission explained its decision to repeal the original directive and create new legislation on the basis that it was responding to an expanded threat landscape and needed to address ‘an insufficient level of cyber resilience of businesses operating in the EU; inconsistent resilience across Member States and sectors; insufficient common understanding of the main threats and challenges across Member States; [and a] lack of joint crisis response’ (European Commission, 2023a). The proposal for the directive made clear the desire for increased control in this field, stating that the proposal was part of a package aimed at ‘strengthening the Union's strategic autonomy to improve its resilience and collective response’ (European Commission, 2020a, p. 1). Interestingly, in the final text of the directive, the link to vulnerability as a basis for intervention is found in recital 37, where it is stated that ‘intensified cyberattacks during the COVID-19 pandemic have shown the vulnerability of increasingly interdependent societies’ (Directive 2022/2555). As well as updating the pre-existing requirements under NIS1 (Directive 2016/1148), NIS2 provides for stronger oversight and enforcement in order to guarantee resilience from cyberattacks (Vandezande, 2024). Article 12 provides for co-ordinated vulnerability disclosure between member states (MSs), as well as the creation of a vulnerability database that will be maintained by European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA). Article 13 mandates co-operation at the national level between MSs, and Article 14 establishes a co-operation group ‘to support and facilitate strategic cooperation and the exchange of information among Member States’, the membership of which includes representatives of the MSs, the Commission and ENISA, with the European External Action Service acting as an observer.
2023 also saw a deepening of cybersecurity regulation in line with a regulatory mercantilist frame of heightened oversight and regulatory hierarchy, going from beyond the narrower confines of setting private sector obligations to the establishment of an all-encompassing cybersecurity framework. First, the Commission proposed modifications to the Cybersecurity Act, which had been adopted in 2019 (Regulation 2019/881) to expand its certification schemes to include managed security services. The Commission proposed this as means of raising the overall level of cybersecurity in the Union, which would facilitate the emergence of trusted cybersecurity service providers as a priority for the ‘industrial policy of the Union in the cybersecurity field’ (European Commission, 2023e, p. 1). The establishment of a European certification system based on European standards was central to the rationale of the Cybersecurity Act (Kohler, 2020), with the expansion of this regime to cover additional sector actors representing a deepening of this regulatory approach. The proposal, which has had its first European Parliament reading and is awaiting the Council's first reading position, states that its purpose is to support the EU Cyber Solidarity Act, which was also published in April 2023 (European Commission, 2023e, p. 2). Interestingly, the main legal basis for the act is Article 173 TFEU, which concerns the creation of the necessary conditions for the competitiveness of the EU's industry, which aligns with the underlying regulatory mercantilist position.
The proposal for the Cyber Solidarity Act makes explicit the link to the digital sovereignty agenda, highlighting the threat posed by external actors with references to Russian aggression and cyberattacks, as well as from other state and non-state actors (European Commission, 2023f, p. 1), strengthening solidarity through better detection of, preparation for, and responses to cybersecurity threats (European Commission, 2023f, p. 2). We see another form of cybersecurity industrial policy being devised within this framework – the means by which these objectives are to be achieved are through the ‘deployment of pan-European infrastructure’ in the form of security operations centres, named the EU Cyber Shield; the creation of an emergency response mechanism to support MSs in preparing for and responding to cyberattacks, as well as recovering from them; and the establishment of the European cybersecurity incident review mechanism, intended to allow for the review and assessment of significant incidents, with the cybershield and emergency response mechanism being directly funded by the Digital Europe Programme (European Commission, 2023f, p. 3). Article 1 of the proposed Cyber Solidarity Act explicitly includes in its objectives reinforcing ‘the competitive position of industry and services in the Union cross the digital economy and contribut[ing] to the Union's technological sovereignty in the area of cybersecurity’ (European Commission, 2023f, p. 22), reinforcing the regulatory mercantilist position adopted by the Commission in this field. As of May 2024, the act has secured political agreement between the Parliament and Council and is now awaiting formal approval subject to the Council's first reading (European Commission, 2024).
Two other measures directly focused on cybersecurity also made significant progress in 2023. The EU Cyber Resilience Act, first proposed in September 2022 (European Commission, 2022), received political agreement in December 2023, was voted favourably by the European Parliament in March 2024 and is now awaiting the Council's first reading (European Parliament, 2024). The purpose of the Cyber Resilience Act, which has Article 114 TFEU as its legal basis, is to ensure that hardware and software products made available in the EU are rendered cybersecure, through measures aimed at guaranteeing cybersecurity through a product's entire life cycle, as well as ensuring that consumers are given sufficient information concerning the security of products, permitting informed choices (European Commission, 2022, p. 2). The act is framed as supporting the Shaping Europe's Digital Future agenda, allowing the EU to ‘reap all the benefits of the digital age and to strengthen its industry and innovation capacity, within safe and ethical boundaries’ (European Commission, 2022, p. 3). This regulation will give the Commission considerable powers, under the heading of market surveillance and enforcement, including deeming products as non-compliant with the regulation and as presenting a significant cybersecurity risk based on an ENISA assessment. The Commission will then be able to adopt implementing acts applying Union-level restrictions, up to and including withdrawal from the market under Article 45 (European Commission, 2022, p. 59). Interestingly, concerns regarding AI are reflected in the Regulation, with products containing elements classified as high-risk AI systems under the proposed AI Act deemed as falling under the scope of the Cyber Resilience Act under Article 8.
Finally, 2023 saw the formal approval of the EU Institutional Cybersecurity Regulation (Regulation 2023/2841), which was published in the Official Journal in December 2023 and entered into force in January 2024. This regulation obliges all Union entities to have their own internal cybersecurity risk-management, governance and control frameworks under Article 6, the adoption of risk-management measures under Article 8 and to have established a cybersecurity plan by January 2026 under Article 9. Article 10 establishes the Interinstitutional Cybersecurity Board, comprising a representative of each of the Union's entities, which is tasked with monitoring and oversight of compliance with the regulation under Article 11. These combined measures indicate a comprehensive deepening of the EU's cybersecurity regulatory efforts, in which the Commission has fostered a cybersecurity industrial policy, heightening oversight within a regulatory mercantilist framework. As stated by Flonk, Jachtenfuchs and Obendiek, ‘even if the EU does not strongly promote the term “digital sovereignty” directly, the volume, bindingness and orientation of its policy output are indicative of a change towards a stronger assertion of its domestic sovereignty’ (Flonk et al., 2024, p. 23).
MSs have welcomed these different measures, which they believe to be necessary, at EU level, in order to foster a stronger common level of cybersecurity across the Union. The speed at which the proposals have received political agreement and have progressed through the legislative process, most being adopted following first reading, is indicative of the high level of consensus in this field. MSs have, however, highlighted the need to ensure coherence within this very rapidly expanding policy area and queried the effectiveness of the voluntary nature of some of the proposals (Council of the European Union, 2022b). These are, without doubt, issues that will re-emerge as the field continues to expand.
As mentioned in the introduction, the third element of the EU's regulatory mercantilist approach to cybersecurity consists in the attempt to export its norms and values beyond its borders with the aim to promote its vision of cybersecurity, and ultimately protect itself from cyberthreats. This ambition is particularly visible in the EU cyber-strategy, which identified international leadership as one of the main priority areas of EU external action (European Commission and High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, 2020). The EU hopes to achieve this leadership through seeking to define and shape international cybersecurity norms and standards, which it is disseminating through its cyber-diplomacy instruments (Latici, 2020). The EU perceives itself as a natural leader in this field and as being uniquely placed to define and promote such standards based on its founding democratic values, respect for the rule of law and fundamental rights. Moreover, it argues that international standards are often being used by non-EU countries to advance ‘their political and ideological’ visions (European Commission and High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, 2020, p. 20), which are detrimental to EU growth, prosperity and security, making EU action in this field a particularly important priority.
Although EU efforts to become a key cyber-diplomacy global actor are not new (Council of the European Union, 2015; European External Action Service, 2016), we have been able to observe an acceleration in translating this rhetorical ambition into new policy initiatives and diplomatic tools. In practice, this has led to an increased spillover of EU cybersecurity policy from the common market and the area of freedom, security and justice to the CFSP. The new policy initiatives include an increased presence in multilateral bodies, a considerable growth in the number of bilateral agreements the EU has signed and instruments aimed at deepening EU integration (Renard, 2018). Amongst the latter, the 2017 EU cyber-diplomacy toolbox is particularly worthy of mention, as it introduces, for the first time, a joint diplomatic response to malicious cyber-activities (Council of the European Union, 2017). This initiative involves, in particular, a number of CFSP objectives, such as cyber-capability building in third countries, the introduction of EU-led political and thematic dialogues with non-EU countries and the imposing of restrictive measures beyond the EU territory. The Council of the European Union (2022a) has repeatedly stressed the importance of the link between EU external policies, the achievement of its cybersecurity objectives and the ambition to strengthen EU digital sovereignty.
2023 developments in this field further deepened and institutionalised this trend by emphasising the need for ‘a stronger, more strategic, coherent and effective EU policy and action in global digital affairs to confirm EU engagement and leadership’ (Council of the European Union, 2023, p. 2). More specifically, 2023 saw the EU continue to invest in four main routes to cybersecurity norm exporting: (1) increasing the coherence between cybersecurity policy and other externally facing digital policies, based on the idea that cybersecurity functions as an enabler of advancement in these other policy areas (which include, for instance, the digital promotion of human rights); (2) showing a more united front in international multilateral fora where cybersecurity standards are discussed, such as the International Telecommunication Union and the International Organisation for Standardisation, to ensure greater influence over decisions; (3) increasing the EU's presence in other multilateral organisations where internet governance is being discussed, namely, the United Nations, the World Trade Organisation and the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers; and (4) continuing to expand and reinforce the existing network of bilateral and regional partnerships. 2023 saw the launch of the EU-Canada and the EU-Singapore digital partnerships, which prioritise cybersecurity, digital transformation and skills in EU priority areas such as semiconductors, quantum technologies and AI (European Commission, 2023b). Where regional partnerships are concerned, 2023 witnessed the birth of the EU-Latin America and Caribbean Digital Alliance, which focus on capacity building, connectivity, innovation and digitalisation in the region (European Commission, 2023c, 2023d). Finally, this year also saw the proposal to develop structured dialogues directly with the private sector (Council of the European Union, 2023). Although we have observed a considerable effort on the side of the EU to expand its capacity to export cybersecurity norms beyond its borders and to speak with one voice on the international stage, there is for the moment insufficient evidence to ascertain whether this approach is shaping third countries' stance on the topic.
2023 was not a year of grand pronouncements or radical policy shifts in the field of cybersecurity in the EU. Instead, it is a year in which the foundations that have been laid in previous years have been used to further construct a comprehensive EU cybersecurity policy agenda, which can be regarded as being represented by regulatory deepening and active attempts at norm exporting. In line with the explanatory theoretical framework presented in this article, this deepening has been underscored by an explicit securities and vulnerabilities discourse, in which action is required in order to ensure that the EU is able to mitigate against the threats posed to it by external actors and situations over which it feels it has limited control. This perception of limited control has also led the EU to develop a global norm exporting ambition, in line with regulatory mercantilism. As a response to external threats, the EU is seeking to use its regulatory capacity to develop robust standards for cybersecurity internally, which can then be exported to other states and to the international arena in the form of best standards and practices, based on self-described European values, as a means of cementing the EU's position as a global leader, promoting itself as a rule maker rather and in so doing, reducing its vulnerabilities. Through the lens of regulatory mercantilism, we see a blurring of economic and security goals, as well as cybersecurity and material security concerns, centred on the concepts of digital sovereignty and strategic autonomy. In this, EU cybersecurity policy cannot be considered niche or of interest to technical experts only – instead, it serves as a central pillar of the initiatives pursued by the EU in its desire to provide leadership to a world it perceives as presenting myriad complex threats to its continuing stability and security. Finally, given the current evolution of EU cybersecurity, we expect academic research to reflect the exponential expansion of this policy area. In particular, further research is needed to understand how this policy field is being governed, by whom and what impact the digital sovereignty discourse has had (or not) on its advancement. Furthermore, it is important to investigate the implications of the recent surge in EU regulatory cybersecurity measures, not only for the EU as an international leader in cybersecurity but also for its wider search for a more influential position on the world stage. New research in this field will, therefore, need to further examine EU cyber-diplomacy efforts and their implementation, in the context of both multilateral organisations and bilateral relations. From a legal perspective, future research may wish to consider the diverse array of legal bases used for furthering cybersecurity measures, assessing their internal coherence and fit.