门静脉高压症会通过其病因和并发症对大脑造成影响,即肝性脑病(HE),这是一种常见的破坏性脑障碍,由肝功能不全和门静脉分流引起。发病机制包括高氨血症和全身炎症。症状表现为人格障碍和注意力减退。高氨血症为轻度或 I 至 IV 级(昏迷)。高氨血症的发作是偶发性的,而且经常反复发作。最初的治疗是针对诱发发作的事件,并排除非肝病原因。抗高血压的特效药是乳果糖。复发时,可加用利福昔明。抗高血压治疗对预防也很有效,但高血压的出现标志着肝脏疾病进入晚期,预后不佳。
A perfect source to consult for those in the fields of gastroenterology and hepatology, Clinics in Liver Disease provides answers to clinical questions, information on the latest diagnostic methods and treatments, and numerous clinical images. Published quarterly—in February, May, August, and November—each issue offers in-depth reviews that focus on the liver and biliary system.