Characteristics of relative tectonic activity in the Longchuan River Basin, central Yunnan: Evidence from digital elevation model-based geomorphological analysis
Episodes is the quarterly journal of the International Union of Geological Sciences, published in Seoul, Korea. In circulation since 1978, Episodes is an international and interdisciplinary open access and free, both to submit and download, publication journal that covers all geoscience disciplines, including economic geology, environmental geology, geochemistry, geoethics, geoheritage, geophysics, hydrogeology, mineralogy, paleontology, petroleum geology, petrology, sedimentology, stratigraphy, structural geology, remote sensing, planetary geology, and social science (metric and diversity in publications and citations in Earth Sciences). Episodes includes authoritative articles that reflect global research advances, evolving trends in geoscience disciplines and concise reports on the results of international meetings, conferences, and symposia. It is a high visibility journal, and is indexed in Science Citation Index (SCI), Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE; Web of Science), and Journal Citation Reports (JCR)/Science Edition, along with many other databases such as SCOPUS. Submitted manuscripts are peer-reviewed, and a first decision is provided to authors approximately within 30 days after submission.