In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:
Wasserman Prize
With gratitude to the Wasserman Prize committee (Marc Dollinger, Melissa Klapper, and Eric Goldstein), The American Jewish Historical Society is pleased to announce this year's winner of the Wasserman Prize, awarded for the best article published in the 2021 volume of American Jewish History:
Britt P. Tevis, "Trends in the Study of Antisemitism in United States History," American Jewish History 105, nos. 1/2, 2021.
After praising the stellar quality of the entire 2021 volume, the committee had this to say: Rather than just cataloging or even assessing, Britt Tevis uses this state of the field essay to advance the field. She underlines the importance of acknowledging persistent, serious antisemitism in American history as seen through numerous social, legal, and cultural institutions while also pointing the way forward for contextualizing adjacent debates about privilege, power, and whiteness. [End Page 111]
American Jewish History is the official publication of the American Jewish Historical Society, the oldest national ethnic historical organization in the United States. The most widely recognized journal in its field, AJH focuses on every aspect ofthe American Jewish experience. Founded in 1892 as Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society, AJH has been the journal of record in American Jewish history for over a century, bringing readers all the richness and complexity of Jewish life in America through carefully researched, thoroughly accessible articles.