
Kylie Giblett
{"title":"“法律不是正义的审判所”:法律、司法,法律在七月的文学和政治中纠缠不清","authors":"Kylie Giblett","doi":"10.1111/gequ.12400","DOIUrl":null,"url":null,"abstract":"<p>Juli Zeh has been described as “eine Schriftstellerin, Juristin und Gegenwartsseziererin,” and it is rare that a discussion of her literary oeuvre does not also reference her legal work (Zeh, “Warum”). Literature, law, and a critical stance toward many developments in German contemporary politics are three strands that have wound their way through Zeh's fiction and non-fiction work. Her political activism was recently on display in her response to the regulation and management of the Covid-19 pandemic in Germany, which she criticized both in the public sphere (Soboczynski) and in her novel <i>Über Menschen</i> (2021). This critique of political responses to an urgent and unexpected situation is characteristic of Zeh, who had earlier criticized state responses to the threat of terrorism in both her non-fiction work, such as <i>Angriff auf die Freiheit</i> (2009), and in her literary publications, including <i>Corpus Delicti</i> (2009). In her criticism of state responses to these challenges, Zeh has been particularly concerned to highlight two factors: the privileging of security over freedom and the use of appeals to an <i>Ausnahmezustand</i> to justify the imposition of restrictions on individual freedom. However, despite the almost ubiquitous references to her legal training and current work as an honorary judge of the constitutional court in Brandenburg in scholarly discussions of both her literary writing and her political stance, the influence of jurisprudence on her literature, and the connection between this and her political interventions, is something of an underexplored field. Academic contributions in this area to date have tended to concentrate on Zeh's reflection on and critique of legal procedure, but there is more work to be done on the impact of legal philosophy on her literary work and the direct line that may be drawn between this and her public advocacy.</p><p>Zeh's critique of political responses to urgent issues such as the pandemic or terrorism often involves at least an implicit critique of the law, in that what is being criticized is the state's use of legal regulation to respond to contemporary challenges. In the following discussion, I explore the development of two major legal themes in two of Zeh's most overtly legal novels, <i>Corpus Delicti</i> and <i>Spieltrieb</i> (2004), with a view to illuminating the way in which Zeh's fictional treatment of matters of legal philosophy sheds light on the jurisprudential factors underlying her political position on Germany's response to real-world crises such as terrorism and the pandemic. The first of these legal themes is the incongruity between law and justice. As the narrator-judge in <i>Spieltrieb</i> points out: “Das Recht ist kein Kreißsaal für die Gerechtigkeit und hat niemals behauptet, einer zu sein” (518). The second legal theme is the exposure of what both Walter Benjamin in his essay “Zur Kritik der Gewalt” (1921) and Jacques Derrida in his work of legal philosophy “Force of Law” (1990) have referred to as the foundational violence or force at the core of law's authority.</p><p><i>Corpus Delicti</i> is set in a dystopian dictatorship controlled by the <i>Methode</i>, a regime that both embodies and enforces a health-focused ideology. This scenario would at first blush seem to have little in common with <i>Spieltrieb</i>’s tale of sexually abusive games involving staff and students at a <i>Gymnasium</i> in Bonn. However, despite their differences, both novels foreground themes of law and justice. This is apparent in the framing of both novels as cases for judgment. <i>Corpus Delicti</i> is identified on its front cover not as “ein Roman” but as “ein Prozess,” and the insertion of the ultimate judgment against the protagonist Mia Holl before the commencement of the novel's plot line (9−10) identifies what follows as a type of extended judicial reasoning. <i>Spieltrieb</i> is similarly framed as a form of judgment, in this case, as a narrative of events put forward by the presiding judge to explain her judicially creative decision in the case of the students Ada and Alev and their teacher Smutek (7−10). Despite their significantly different backstories, the protagonists in both novels end up in courtrooms in which the judicial responses to their individual fact constellations raise far-reaching questions about the law/justice dichotomy and the baseless foundations of legal authority.</p><p>The explorations of these legal issues in both novels are prompted by instances of judicial crisis that bring their respective legal systems to a breaking point. In <i>Spieltrieb</i>, the circumstances of the case raise serious questions about the identity of the abused and abuser and, consequently, about the possibility of achieving a just result within the bounds of the existing law. In <i>Corpus Delicti</i>, the challenge to the judicial system comes about due to its slavish reliance on DNA evidence, which results in a judicial error giving rise to revolutionary uproar in the <i>Methode</i>’s health dictatorship. In both <i>Spieltrieb</i> and <i>Corpus Delicti</i>, the legal systems are thrown into crisis by what is known in the law as a “hard case.” A hard case involves a complex or extreme set of facts that make it difficult to achieve justice in the individual circumstances without stretching the limits of the existing law and complicating the subsequent application of the legal precedent set by the hard case to more conventional fact constellations. It is a legal maxim that hard cases make bad law but that they are good for jurisprudence. The fault lines that hard cases expose in a legal system prompt consideration, not only of the requirements of justice in the individual case but also of broader questions about the aims, nature, and sources of law. In <i>Spieltrieb</i> and <i>Corpus Delicti</i>, the judicial crises induced by these “hard cases” uncover just such questions for contemplation by the reader.</p><p>Questions about the ability of the written law to deliver justice are at least as old as Sophocles's <i>Antigone</i> and are squarely raised in both <i>Corpus Delicti</i> and <i>Spieltrieb</i>. Indeed, <i>Spieltrieb</i> begins with a quote from Cicero on the subject: “summum ius, summa iniuria” (“the greatest law is the greatest injustice,” 5). This incongruity of law and justice is often seen as arising from the dilemmas involved in applying the law (which is of necessity general) to the individual circumstances of a particular case. As the judge remarks in <i>Spieltrieb</i>: “Wie soll eine geschriebene Regel, für unendlich viele Fallkonstellationen gedacht, angesichts der Einmaligkeit eines Geschehens eine gerechte Aussage treffen?” (518). The facts of the particular case in <i>Spieltrieb</i> widen the gap between law and justice in a way that forces the judge to tread the well-worn path of judicial creativity and reach outside the letter of the law to achieve a just result (555). In <i>Corpus Delicti</i> the lack of congruence between law and justice is similarly exposed when the court refuses to acknowledge the fallibility of the scientific evidence on which its justice system is based. When the rigid, scientifically based laws of the <i>Methode</i> are shown to be manifestly unjust in application to the individual case of Mia Holl's brother Moritz, the resulting uproar shakes the whole legal and political system to its core. The regime responds to this challenge to its legitimacy not with creative judicial approaches or serious debate about the foundations of its legal system but with propaganda. Like many totalitarian systems before it, the <i>Methode</i> in <i>Corpus Delicti</i> claims that reports of its fallibility are “fake news,” characterizes the disruptor Mia Holl as a terrorist, and condemns her in a show trial designed to reassert the supremacy of the state.</p><p>By exposing the incongruity of law and justice, the legal proceedings in <i>Corpus Delicti</i> and <i>Spieltrieb</i> debunk the idea that justice is the source of law. But if justice is not the law's ultimate “Kreißsaal,” then what is? In <i>Zur Kritik der Gewalt</i>, Benjamin identifies two types of violence that give law its authority: the violence that maintains the existing law (“die rechtserhaltende Gewalt”) and the violence that institutes the law in the first place (“die rechtsetzende Gewalt”) (39−40, 45). Derrida recognizes this distinction but thinks that there is a “differential contamination” between the two because each instance of “rechtserhaltende Gewalt” is a reiteration of the original “rechtsetzende Gewalt” (272). In the revolutionary instant, the law comes into being by means of a violence that is not yet but will become legal and legitimate. In other words, law itself at this point both is and is not (241−42, 269−70, 274).</p><p>Both <i>Spieltrieb</i> and <i>Corpus Delicti</i> embody these ideas and point toward violence as both law's maintainer and its baseless foundation. The novels highlight the role of violence in maintaining the law (“die rechtserhaltende Gewalt”) by showing the rapid resort to actual violence when the law is threatened by moments of crisis. When the case of Mia Holl in <i>Corpus Delicti</i> reveals the injustice involved in the strict application of the law, the <i>Methode</i> reacts with an enforcement of its law by violence. In scenes reminiscent of Abu Ghraib, Mia is tortured as the <i>Methode</i> tries to secure a confession in order to confirm the validity of its regime and its legal system (237). When torture fails to produce the desired results, the regime demonstrates its power by granting Mia a pardon (263). Although this appears to be a magnanimous move, withholding violence by granting grace is in fact a verification of the force standing behind the law. Only the person who controls violence can be in a position to carry out an act of grace. In <i>Corpus Delicti</i>, this act of negative violence denies Mia the opportunity for martyrdom and maintains the power of the law she sought to overthrow. Violence is also a feature in the resolution of the legal dilemma in <i>Spieltrieb</i> when Smutek severely beats Alev in order to bring the cycle of abuse to an end (512−15). By allowing Smutek to walk free, the legal system in <i>Spieltrieb</i> validates his administration of justice by violence.</p><p>In addition to this exploration of the role of violence in maintaining the law, <i>Corpus Delicti</i> and <i>Spieltrieb</i> also point to the role of force as the foundation of the law (“die rechtsetzende Gewalt”). Both novels do this by posing alternatives to the current legal regime, which has the potential to give rise to a revolutionary moment and could, if accompanied by the necessary originating violence, become the law. In <i>Spieltrieb</i>, the alternative system is posed by Alev's game theory. Ada describes this game theory system as one in which the laws are constantly being negotiated and renegotiated by the players (557). Although Ada and Alev's attempt at establishing a revolutionary new legal system is unsuccessful because the existing law maintains its monopoly on violence, the presiding judge recognizes that any legal system can be overturned in the revolutionary moment and replaced by a new regime legitimated at its genesis by force: “Ein neues System räumt die Relikte des alten vom Tisch, zieht den Figuren das vertraute Brett unter den Füßen weg und ersetzt es durch ein neues Brett, auf dem andere Regeln gelten” (564).</p><p>Similarly in <i>Corpus Delicti</i>, the existing regime of the <i>Methode</i> is challenged by an alternative legal and political framework embodied by the “Recht auf Krankheit” movement and by Mia's brother Moritz, who rejects the <i>Methode</i>’s privileging of health security over freedom with his provocative mantra: “Das Leben ist ein Angebot, das man auch ablehnen kann” (28). This alternative regime is strongly associated in the novel with religious imagery that is diametrically opposed to the corporeal world of the <i>Methode</i>. Moritz likes to describe as a “Kathedrale” the green space into which he escapes to indulge in what the <i>Methode</i> would see as unhealthy and subversive activities (60), and the <i>Methode</i> identifies people who think like Moritz as adherents of “ein reaktionärer Freiheitsglaube” (84). At the beginning of the novel, when her devotion to the ideology of the <i>Methode</i> is still unshaken, Mia rejects Moritz's appeal to the religious and everything it stands for (60−61). However, as her disillusionment with the <i>Methode</i> grows and she becomes the figurehead for social discontent, Mia herself becomes increasingly associated with religious imagery, when she is described as “ein Heiligenbild,” “eine Heilige,” “die Märtyrerin,” and “ein gekreuzigter Engel” (98, 190, 204). The scandal created by Mia's trial and the publication of her alternative manifesto (186−87) threatens to create a revolutionary moment by questioning the regime's legitimacy in a way that prompts the beginnings of a rebellious response in the <i>Methode</i>’s citizens (196). However, the revolution is crushed when the <i>Methode</i> successfully deploys “die Gesetze des Ausnahmezustands” (206), tearing away its own laws to expose the violence beneath them. The revolutionary instant arising from the alternative Mia and Moritz posed to the <i>Methode</i> does not succeed in engendering new law but remains a reminder of the ever-existing potential for force to provide the foundation of a new order.</p><p>Like the crises that push law to its limits in both <i>Corpus Delicti</i> and <i>Spieltrieb</i>, real-world crises such as those posed by terrorism and the pandemic have generated strong governmental responses, such as border closures and restrictions on movement. These responses have been regulated by law. How might the analysis of Zeh's fictional treatment of jurisprudential issues inform our understanding of her stance in relation to Germany's legal and political actions in these times of crisis? By exploring the discrepancies between law and justice in her literature, Zeh makes us question the foundations on which our laws are based. This type of thinking informs her push for a careful consideration of the ramifications of making changes in the law. More importantly, her literary exposure of the violence at law's foundation helps us to understand the motivations for her political warnings against responding to a crisis with the declaration of an <i>Ausnahmezustand</i> and a privileging of security over freedom. It sheds light on the concern she expressed in an interview in <i>Die Zeit</i> that the German government's response to the pandemic used the force of law to impose restrictions and sanctions in a way that displayed a failure to trust the democratic system and risked desensitizing the public to further restrictions on freedom in the name of future <i>Ausnahmezustände</i>. As Zeh commented in the interview, “Wenn man von einem Ausnahmezustand ausgeht, bleibt für Wertediskussionen typischerweise keine Zeit. Sie werden sogar als unmoralisch empfunden” (Soboczynski). It is my hope that a deeper exploration of the influence of legal philosophy in Zeh's literary work will further illuminate the connections between her fiction and her ongoing public advocacy.</p>","PeriodicalId":54057,"journal":{"name":"GERMAN QUARTERLY","volume":"96 4","pages":"540-545"},"PeriodicalIF":0.2000,"publicationDate":"2023-10-22","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/gequ.12400","citationCount":"0","resultStr":"{\"title\":\"“Das Recht ist kein Kreißsaal für die Gerechtigkeit”: Law, justice, and legal violence in the literature and politics of Juli Zeh\",\"authors\":\"Kylie Giblett\",\"doi\":\"10.1111/gequ.12400\",\"DOIUrl\":null,\"url\":null,\"abstract\":\"<p>Juli Zeh has been described as “eine Schriftstellerin, Juristin und Gegenwartsseziererin,” and it is rare that a discussion of her literary oeuvre does not also reference her legal work (Zeh, “Warum”). Literature, law, and a critical stance toward many developments in German contemporary politics are three strands that have wound their way through Zeh's fiction and non-fiction work. Her political activism was recently on display in her response to the regulation and management of the Covid-19 pandemic in Germany, which she criticized both in the public sphere (Soboczynski) and in her novel <i>Über Menschen</i> (2021). This critique of political responses to an urgent and unexpected situation is characteristic of Zeh, who had earlier criticized state responses to the threat of terrorism in both her non-fiction work, such as <i>Angriff auf die Freiheit</i> (2009), and in her literary publications, including <i>Corpus Delicti</i> (2009). In her criticism of state responses to these challenges, Zeh has been particularly concerned to highlight two factors: the privileging of security over freedom and the use of appeals to an <i>Ausnahmezustand</i> to justify the imposition of restrictions on individual freedom. However, despite the almost ubiquitous references to her legal training and current work as an honorary judge of the constitutional court in Brandenburg in scholarly discussions of both her literary writing and her political stance, the influence of jurisprudence on her literature, and the connection between this and her political interventions, is something of an underexplored field. Academic contributions in this area to date have tended to concentrate on Zeh's reflection on and critique of legal procedure, but there is more work to be done on the impact of legal philosophy on her literary work and the direct line that may be drawn between this and her public advocacy.</p><p>Zeh's critique of political responses to urgent issues such as the pandemic or terrorism often involves at least an implicit critique of the law, in that what is being criticized is the state's use of legal regulation to respond to contemporary challenges. In the following discussion, I explore the development of two major legal themes in two of Zeh's most overtly legal novels, <i>Corpus Delicti</i> and <i>Spieltrieb</i> (2004), with a view to illuminating the way in which Zeh's fictional treatment of matters of legal philosophy sheds light on the jurisprudential factors underlying her political position on Germany's response to real-world crises such as terrorism and the pandemic. The first of these legal themes is the incongruity between law and justice. As the narrator-judge in <i>Spieltrieb</i> points out: “Das Recht ist kein Kreißsaal für die Gerechtigkeit und hat niemals behauptet, einer zu sein” (518). The second legal theme is the exposure of what both Walter Benjamin in his essay “Zur Kritik der Gewalt” (1921) and Jacques Derrida in his work of legal philosophy “Force of Law” (1990) have referred to as the foundational violence or force at the core of law's authority.</p><p><i>Corpus Delicti</i> is set in a dystopian dictatorship controlled by the <i>Methode</i>, a regime that both embodies and enforces a health-focused ideology. This scenario would at first blush seem to have little in common with <i>Spieltrieb</i>’s tale of sexually abusive games involving staff and students at a <i>Gymnasium</i> in Bonn. However, despite their differences, both novels foreground themes of law and justice. This is apparent in the framing of both novels as cases for judgment. <i>Corpus Delicti</i> is identified on its front cover not as “ein Roman” but as “ein Prozess,” and the insertion of the ultimate judgment against the protagonist Mia Holl before the commencement of the novel's plot line (9−10) identifies what follows as a type of extended judicial reasoning. <i>Spieltrieb</i> is similarly framed as a form of judgment, in this case, as a narrative of events put forward by the presiding judge to explain her judicially creative decision in the case of the students Ada and Alev and their teacher Smutek (7−10). Despite their significantly different backstories, the protagonists in both novels end up in courtrooms in which the judicial responses to their individual fact constellations raise far-reaching questions about the law/justice dichotomy and the baseless foundations of legal authority.</p><p>The explorations of these legal issues in both novels are prompted by instances of judicial crisis that bring their respective legal systems to a breaking point. In <i>Spieltrieb</i>, the circumstances of the case raise serious questions about the identity of the abused and abuser and, consequently, about the possibility of achieving a just result within the bounds of the existing law. In <i>Corpus Delicti</i>, the challenge to the judicial system comes about due to its slavish reliance on DNA evidence, which results in a judicial error giving rise to revolutionary uproar in the <i>Methode</i>’s health dictatorship. In both <i>Spieltrieb</i> and <i>Corpus Delicti</i>, the legal systems are thrown into crisis by what is known in the law as a “hard case.” A hard case involves a complex or extreme set of facts that make it difficult to achieve justice in the individual circumstances without stretching the limits of the existing law and complicating the subsequent application of the legal precedent set by the hard case to more conventional fact constellations. It is a legal maxim that hard cases make bad law but that they are good for jurisprudence. The fault lines that hard cases expose in a legal system prompt consideration, not only of the requirements of justice in the individual case but also of broader questions about the aims, nature, and sources of law. In <i>Spieltrieb</i> and <i>Corpus Delicti</i>, the judicial crises induced by these “hard cases” uncover just such questions for contemplation by the reader.</p><p>Questions about the ability of the written law to deliver justice are at least as old as Sophocles's <i>Antigone</i> and are squarely raised in both <i>Corpus Delicti</i> and <i>Spieltrieb</i>. Indeed, <i>Spieltrieb</i> begins with a quote from Cicero on the subject: “summum ius, summa iniuria” (“the greatest law is the greatest injustice,” 5). This incongruity of law and justice is often seen as arising from the dilemmas involved in applying the law (which is of necessity general) to the individual circumstances of a particular case. As the judge remarks in <i>Spieltrieb</i>: “Wie soll eine geschriebene Regel, für unendlich viele Fallkonstellationen gedacht, angesichts der Einmaligkeit eines Geschehens eine gerechte Aussage treffen?” (518). The facts of the particular case in <i>Spieltrieb</i> widen the gap between law and justice in a way that forces the judge to tread the well-worn path of judicial creativity and reach outside the letter of the law to achieve a just result (555). In <i>Corpus Delicti</i> the lack of congruence between law and justice is similarly exposed when the court refuses to acknowledge the fallibility of the scientific evidence on which its justice system is based. When the rigid, scientifically based laws of the <i>Methode</i> are shown to be manifestly unjust in application to the individual case of Mia Holl's brother Moritz, the resulting uproar shakes the whole legal and political system to its core. The regime responds to this challenge to its legitimacy not with creative judicial approaches or serious debate about the foundations of its legal system but with propaganda. Like many totalitarian systems before it, the <i>Methode</i> in <i>Corpus Delicti</i> claims that reports of its fallibility are “fake news,” characterizes the disruptor Mia Holl as a terrorist, and condemns her in a show trial designed to reassert the supremacy of the state.</p><p>By exposing the incongruity of law and justice, the legal proceedings in <i>Corpus Delicti</i> and <i>Spieltrieb</i> debunk the idea that justice is the source of law. But if justice is not the law's ultimate “Kreißsaal,” then what is? In <i>Zur Kritik der Gewalt</i>, Benjamin identifies two types of violence that give law its authority: the violence that maintains the existing law (“die rechtserhaltende Gewalt”) and the violence that institutes the law in the first place (“die rechtsetzende Gewalt”) (39−40, 45). Derrida recognizes this distinction but thinks that there is a “differential contamination” between the two because each instance of “rechtserhaltende Gewalt” is a reiteration of the original “rechtsetzende Gewalt” (272). In the revolutionary instant, the law comes into being by means of a violence that is not yet but will become legal and legitimate. In other words, law itself at this point both is and is not (241−42, 269−70, 274).</p><p>Both <i>Spieltrieb</i> and <i>Corpus Delicti</i> embody these ideas and point toward violence as both law's maintainer and its baseless foundation. The novels highlight the role of violence in maintaining the law (“die rechtserhaltende Gewalt”) by showing the rapid resort to actual violence when the law is threatened by moments of crisis. When the case of Mia Holl in <i>Corpus Delicti</i> reveals the injustice involved in the strict application of the law, the <i>Methode</i> reacts with an enforcement of its law by violence. In scenes reminiscent of Abu Ghraib, Mia is tortured as the <i>Methode</i> tries to secure a confession in order to confirm the validity of its regime and its legal system (237). When torture fails to produce the desired results, the regime demonstrates its power by granting Mia a pardon (263). Although this appears to be a magnanimous move, withholding violence by granting grace is in fact a verification of the force standing behind the law. Only the person who controls violence can be in a position to carry out an act of grace. In <i>Corpus Delicti</i>, this act of negative violence denies Mia the opportunity for martyrdom and maintains the power of the law she sought to overthrow. Violence is also a feature in the resolution of the legal dilemma in <i>Spieltrieb</i> when Smutek severely beats Alev in order to bring the cycle of abuse to an end (512−15). By allowing Smutek to walk free, the legal system in <i>Spieltrieb</i> validates his administration of justice by violence.</p><p>In addition to this exploration of the role of violence in maintaining the law, <i>Corpus Delicti</i> and <i>Spieltrieb</i> also point to the role of force as the foundation of the law (“die rechtsetzende Gewalt”). Both novels do this by posing alternatives to the current legal regime, which has the potential to give rise to a revolutionary moment and could, if accompanied by the necessary originating violence, become the law. In <i>Spieltrieb</i>, the alternative system is posed by Alev's game theory. Ada describes this game theory system as one in which the laws are constantly being negotiated and renegotiated by the players (557). Although Ada and Alev's attempt at establishing a revolutionary new legal system is unsuccessful because the existing law maintains its monopoly on violence, the presiding judge recognizes that any legal system can be overturned in the revolutionary moment and replaced by a new regime legitimated at its genesis by force: “Ein neues System räumt die Relikte des alten vom Tisch, zieht den Figuren das vertraute Brett unter den Füßen weg und ersetzt es durch ein neues Brett, auf dem andere Regeln gelten” (564).</p><p>Similarly in <i>Corpus Delicti</i>, the existing regime of the <i>Methode</i> is challenged by an alternative legal and political framework embodied by the “Recht auf Krankheit” movement and by Mia's brother Moritz, who rejects the <i>Methode</i>’s privileging of health security over freedom with his provocative mantra: “Das Leben ist ein Angebot, das man auch ablehnen kann” (28). This alternative regime is strongly associated in the novel with religious imagery that is diametrically opposed to the corporeal world of the <i>Methode</i>. Moritz likes to describe as a “Kathedrale” the green space into which he escapes to indulge in what the <i>Methode</i> would see as unhealthy and subversive activities (60), and the <i>Methode</i> identifies people who think like Moritz as adherents of “ein reaktionärer Freiheitsglaube” (84). At the beginning of the novel, when her devotion to the ideology of the <i>Methode</i> is still unshaken, Mia rejects Moritz's appeal to the religious and everything it stands for (60−61). However, as her disillusionment with the <i>Methode</i> grows and she becomes the figurehead for social discontent, Mia herself becomes increasingly associated with religious imagery, when she is described as “ein Heiligenbild,” “eine Heilige,” “die Märtyrerin,” and “ein gekreuzigter Engel” (98, 190, 204). The scandal created by Mia's trial and the publication of her alternative manifesto (186−87) threatens to create a revolutionary moment by questioning the regime's legitimacy in a way that prompts the beginnings of a rebellious response in the <i>Methode</i>’s citizens (196). However, the revolution is crushed when the <i>Methode</i> successfully deploys “die Gesetze des Ausnahmezustands” (206), tearing away its own laws to expose the violence beneath them. The revolutionary instant arising from the alternative Mia and Moritz posed to the <i>Methode</i> does not succeed in engendering new law but remains a reminder of the ever-existing potential for force to provide the foundation of a new order.</p><p>Like the crises that push law to its limits in both <i>Corpus Delicti</i> and <i>Spieltrieb</i>, real-world crises such as those posed by terrorism and the pandemic have generated strong governmental responses, such as border closures and restrictions on movement. These responses have been regulated by law. How might the analysis of Zeh's fictional treatment of jurisprudential issues inform our understanding of her stance in relation to Germany's legal and political actions in these times of crisis? By exploring the discrepancies between law and justice in her literature, Zeh makes us question the foundations on which our laws are based. This type of thinking informs her push for a careful consideration of the ramifications of making changes in the law. More importantly, her literary exposure of the violence at law's foundation helps us to understand the motivations for her political warnings against responding to a crisis with the declaration of an <i>Ausnahmezustand</i> and a privileging of security over freedom. It sheds light on the concern she expressed in an interview in <i>Die Zeit</i> that the German government's response to the pandemic used the force of law to impose restrictions and sanctions in a way that displayed a failure to trust the democratic system and risked desensitizing the public to further restrictions on freedom in the name of future <i>Ausnahmezustände</i>. As Zeh commented in the interview, “Wenn man von einem Ausnahmezustand ausgeht, bleibt für Wertediskussionen typischerweise keine Zeit. Sie werden sogar als unmoralisch empfunden” (Soboczynski). 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引用次数: 0


朱莉·泽被描述为“eine Schriftstellerin, Juristin and Gegenwartsseziererin”,对她的文学作品的讨论很少不涉及她的法律作品(泽,“Warum”)。文学、法律和对德国当代政治发展的批判立场是贯穿于泽赫小说和非小说作品的三条主线。她的政治激进主义最近体现在她对德国Covid-19大流行的监管和管理的回应中,她在公共领域(Soboczynski)和她的小说Über Menschen(2021)中都对其进行了批评。这种对紧急和意外情况的政治反应的批评是Zeh的特点,她早些时候在她的非小说作品中批评了国家对恐怖主义威胁的反应,如《愤怒的自由》(2009),以及她的文学出版物,包括《Corpus Delicti》(2009)。在她对国家应对这些挑战的批评中,Zeh特别关注两个因素:将安全置于自由之上的特权,以及利用对Ausnahmezustand的呼吁来证明对个人自由施加限制的合理性。然而,尽管在关于她的文学作品和政治立场的学术讨论中,几乎无处不在地提到她的法律培训和目前作为勃兰登堡宪法法院荣誉法官的工作,但法学对她的文学的影响,以及这与她的政治干预之间的联系,是一个未被充分探索的领域。迄今为止,这一领域的学术贡献倾向于集中在泽赫对法律程序的反思和批评上,但关于法律哲学对她的文学作品的影响,以及这与她的公共倡导之间可能存在的直接联系,还有更多的工作要做。Zeh对诸如流行病或恐怖主义等紧急问题的政治反应的批评通常至少隐含着对法律的批评,因为被批评的是国家利用法律监管来应对当代挑战的做法。在接下来的讨论中,我将探讨泽赫最公开的两部法律小说——《法典》(Corpus Delicti)和《Spieltrieb》(2004)中两个主要法律主题的发展,以期阐明泽赫对法律哲学问题的虚构处理方式,揭示了她在德国应对现实世界危机(如恐怖主义和流行病)时的政治立场背后的法理因素。这些法律主题中的第一个是法律与正义之间的不协调。正如《Spieltrieb》中的叙述者-法官所指出的那样:“Das Recht ist kein Kreißsaal f<e:1> r die Gerechtigkeit und hat niemals behauptet, einer zu sein”(518)。第二个法律主题是对瓦尔特·本雅明(Walter Benjamin)在他的文章《法律的力量》(1921)和雅克·德里达(Jacques Derrida)在他的法律哲学著作《法律的力量》(1990)中提到的作为法律权威核心的基本暴力或力量的揭露。《Corpus Delicti》的故事背景是一个反乌托邦的独裁政权,由Methode控制,这是一个体现和执行以健康为中心的意识形态的政权。乍一看,这个场景似乎与Spieltrieb在波恩体育馆涉及员工和学生的性虐待游戏的故事没有什么共同之处。然而,尽管两者存在差异,两部小说都突出了法律与正义的主题。这一点在两部小说作为审判案例的框架中表现得很明显。《Corpus Delicti》在封面上的标识不是“ein Roman”,而是“ein Prozess”,在小说情节线(9 - 10)开始之前插入对主人公米娅·霍尔(Mia Holl)的最终判决,将接下来的内容标识为一种扩展的司法推理。在这种情况下,Spieltrieb同样被视为一种判决形式,作为主审法官提出的事件叙述,以解释她在学生Ada和Alev以及他们的老师Smutek一案中的司法创造性决定(7−10)。尽管他们的背景故事有很大的不同,但两部小说中的主人公最终都出现在法庭上,在法庭上,司法对他们个人事实星座的反应引发了关于法律/正义二分法和法律权威毫无根据的基础的深远问题。两部小说对这些法律问题的探索都是由司法危机的实例推动的,这些实例使各自的法律制度处于崩溃的边缘。在Spieltrieb案中,案件的情况对受虐待者和施虐者的身份提出了严重的问题,从而对在现行法律范围内取得公正结果的可能性提出了严重的问题。在《法典》中,对司法系统的挑战来自于它对DNA证据的盲目依赖,这导致了司法错误,在方法学的卫生独裁统治中引发了革命性的骚动。 在《Spieltrieb》和《Corpus Delicti》中,法律体系都因法律上所谓的“硬案件”而陷入危机。一个棘手的案件涉及一组复杂或极端的事实,这些事实使得在不超出现有法律限制的情况下难以在个别情况下实现正义,并使该棘手案件所确立的法律先例的后续适用复杂化。这是一条法律格言:棘手的案件形成糟糕的法律,但它们对法学有益。重案所揭示的法律体系中的断层线,不仅促使人们对个别案件的正义要求进行思考,而且还促使人们对法律的目的、性质和渊源等更广泛的问题进行思考。在《Spieltrieb》和《Corpus Delicti》中,这些“难案”引发的司法危机恰恰揭示了这些值得读者深思的问题。关于成文法伸张正义的能力的问题至少和索福克勒斯的《安提戈涅》一样古老,在《法典》和《spieltriieb》中都被明确提出。事实上,斯皮尔特里布一开始就引用了西塞罗关于这个问题的一句话:“最伟大的法律就是最大的不公正”(summum ius, summa iniuria, 5)。法律和正义的这种不协调通常被认为是由于将法律(必然是一般性的)应用于特定案件的个别情况所涉及的困境而产生的。正如法官在《Spieltrieb》中所说的那样:“我们在哪里?我们在哪里?我们在哪里?””(518)。Spieltrieb案件的具体事实扩大了法律与司法之间的差距,迫使法官走上司法创新的老路,超越法律条文以实现公正的结果(555)。在《法律法典》中,当法院拒绝承认其司法系统所依据的科学证据的不可靠性时,法律与正义之间缺乏一致性也同样暴露出来。当以科学为基础的严格的法学在米娅·霍尔的兄弟莫里茨的个案中被证明是明显不公正时,由此产生的骚动撼动了整个法律和政治体系的核心。面对这种对其合法性的挑战,该政权的回应不是创造性的司法手段,也不是对其法律体系基础的严肃辩论,而是宣传。像之前的许多极权主义制度一样,“公义之法”声称,关于其不可靠的报道是“假新闻”,将破坏者米娅·霍尔(Mia Holl)定性为恐怖分子,并在一场旨在重申国家至高无上地位的公审中谴责她。《法典》和《Spieltrieb》的诉讼揭露了法律与正义的不协调,揭穿了正义是法律之源的观念。但如果正义不是法律的终极“Kreißsaal”,那么什么才是呢?在《批判论》中,本雅明指出了赋予法律权威的两种暴力:维持现有法律的暴力(“die rechtserhaltende Gewalt”)和最初制定法律的暴力(“die rechtsetzende Gewalt”)(39 - 40,45)。德里达认识到这一区别,但认为两者之间存在“差异污染”,因为“rechtserhaltende Gewalt”的每个实例都是对原始“rechtsetzende Gewalt”的重复(272)。在革命的瞬间,法律是通过一种暴力而产生的,这种暴力现在还没有,但将来会变得合法和正当。换句话说,法律本身在这一点上既存在又不存在(241−42,269−70,274)。《Spieltrieb》和《Corpus Delicti》都体现了这些观点,并指出暴力既是法律的维护者,又是毫无根据的基础。这些小说强调了暴力在维护法律方面的作用(“die rechtserhaltende Gewalt”),通过展示当法律受到危机时刻威胁时迅速诉诸实际暴力。当Mia Holl在Corpus Delicti中的案件揭示了严格适用法律所涉及的不公正时,方法的反应是通过暴力强制执行其法律。在让人想起阿布格莱布监狱的场景中,米娅被严刑拷打,因为方法党试图让米娅招供,以确认其政权和法律体系的有效性(237)。当酷刑未能产生预期的结果时,该政权通过赦免米娅来展示其权力(263)。虽然这看起来是一个宽宏大量的举动,但通过给予恩典来遏制暴力实际上是对法律背后力量的验证。只有控制暴力的人才有能力实施善行。在《Corpus Delicti》中,这种消极的暴力行为剥夺了米娅殉道的机会,并维持了她试图推翻的法律的力量。 在《Spieltrieb》和《Corpus Delicti》中,法律体系都因法律上所谓的“硬案件”而陷入危机。一个棘手的案件涉及一组复杂或极端的事实,这些事实使得在不超出现有法律限制的情况下难以在个别情况下实现正义,并使该棘手案件所确立的法律先例的后续适用复杂化。这是一条法律格言:棘手的案件形成糟糕的法律,但它们对法学有益。重案所揭示的法律体系中的断层线,不仅促使人们对个别案件的正义要求进行思考,而且还促使人们对法律的目的、性质和渊源等更广泛的问题进行思考。在《Spieltrieb》和《Corpus Delicti》中,这些“难案”引发的司法危机恰恰揭示了这些值得读者深思的问题。关于成文法伸张正义的能力的问题至少和索福克勒斯的《安提戈涅》一样古老,在《法典》和《spieltriieb》中都被明确提出。事实上,斯皮尔特里布一开始就引用了西塞罗关于这个问题的一句话:“最伟大的法律就是最大的不公正”(summum ius, summa iniuria, 5)。法律和正义的这种不协调通常被认为是由于将法律(必然是一般性的)应用于特定案件的个别情况所涉及的困境而产生的。正如法官在《Spieltrieb》中所说的那样:“我们在哪里?我们在哪里?我们在哪里?””(518)。Spieltrieb案件的具体事实扩大了法律与司法之间的差距,迫使法官走上司法创新的老路,超越法律条文以实现公正的结果(555)。在《法律法典》中,当法院拒绝承认其司法系统所依据的科学证据的不可靠性时,法律与正义之间缺乏一致性也同样暴露出来。当以科学为基础的严格的法学在米娅·霍尔的兄弟莫里茨的个案中被证明是明显不公正时,由此产生的骚动撼动了整个法律和政治体系的核心。面对这种对其合法性的挑战,该政权的回应不是创造性的司法手段,也不是对其法律体系基础的严肃辩论,而是宣传。像之前的许多极权主义制度一样,“公义之法”声称,关于其不可靠的报道是“假新闻”,将破坏者米娅·霍尔(Mia Holl)定性为恐怖分子,并在一场旨在重申国家至高无上地位的公审中谴责她。《法典》和《Spieltrieb》的诉讼揭露了法律与正义的不协调,揭穿了正义是法律之源的观念。但如果正义不是法律的终极“Kreißsaal”,那么什么才是呢?在《批判论》中,本雅明指出了赋予法律权威的两种暴力:维持现有法律的暴力(“die rechtserhaltende Gewalt”)和最初制定法律的暴力(“die rechtsetzende Gewalt”)(39 - 40,45)。德里达认识到这一区别,但认为两者之间存在“差异污染”,因为“rechtserhaltende Gewalt”的每个实例都是对原始“rechtsetzende Gewalt”的重复(272)。在革命的瞬间,法律是通过一种暴力而产生的,这种暴力现在还没有,但将来会变得合法和正当。换句话说,法律本身在这一点上既存在又不存在(241−42,269−70,274)。《Spieltrieb》和《Corpus Delicti》都体现了这些观点,并指出暴力既是法律的维护者,又是毫无根据的基础。这些小说强调了暴力在维护法律方面的作用(“die rechtserhaltende Gewalt”),通过展示当法律受到危机时刻威胁时迅速诉诸实际暴力。当Mia Holl在Corpus Delicti中的案件揭示了严格适用法律所涉及的不公正时,方法的反应是通过暴力强制执行其法律。在让人想起阿布格莱布监狱的场景中,米娅被严刑拷打,因为方法党试图让米娅招供,以确认其政权和法律体系的有效性(237)。当酷刑未能产生预期的结果时,该政权通过赦免米娅来展示其权力(263)。虽然这看起来是一个宽宏大量的举动,但通过给予恩典来遏制暴力实际上是对法律背后力量的验证。只有控制暴力的人才有能力实施善行。在《Corpus Delicti》中,这种消极的暴力行为剥夺了米娅殉道的机会,并维持了她试图推翻的法律的力量。 在Spieltrieb中,为了结束虐待的循环,Smutek严厉殴打Alev,暴力也是解决法律困境的一个特点(512−15)。通过允许斯穆泰克自由行走,斯皮尔特里布的法律体系认可了他的暴力司法。除了探讨暴力在维护法律方面的作用外,Corpus Delicti和Spieltrieb还指出了武力作为法律基础的作用(“die rechtsetzende Gewalt”)。这两部小说都是通过提出对现行法律制度的替代方案来做到这一点的,现行法律制度有可能引发革命时刻,如果伴随着必要的原始暴力,可能会成为法律。在Spieltrieb中,替代系统是由Alev的博弈论提出的。Ada将这种博弈论系统描述为玩家不断协商和重新协商法律的系统(557)。虽然Ada和Alev试图建立一个革命性的新法律体系的尝试没有成功,因为现有的法律保持了对暴力的垄断,但主审法官认识到,在革命时刻,任何法律体系都可以被推翻,取而代之的是一个从起源上就通过武力合法化的新政权:“Ein neues System räumt die Relikte des alten vom Tisch, zieht den Figuren das vertraute Brett, zieht den Figuren as vertraute Brett, auf dem andere Regeln gelten”(564)。同样,在《法典》中,方法的现有制度受到了另一种法律和政治框架的挑战,这一框架体现在“重新开始”运动和米娅的兄弟莫里茨身上,莫里茨拒绝了方法将健康安全置于自由之上的特权,他的挑衅口号是:“Das Leben ist ein Angebot, Das man auch ablehnen kann”(28)。这种替代性的政体在小说中与宗教意象密切相关,与方法论的物质世界截然相反。莫里茨喜欢把绿色空间描述为“大教堂”,在那里,他可以逃避并沉迷于被方法论视为不健康和颠覆性的活动(60),而方法论则将像莫里茨一样思考的人视为“ein reaktionärer Freiheitsglaube”(84)的信徒。在小说的开头,当她对方法论意识形态的忠诚仍然坚定不移时,米娅拒绝了莫里茨对宗教及其所代表的一切的呼吁(60 - 61)。然而,随着她对方法论的幻想破灭,她成为社会不满的象征,米娅自己也越来越多地与宗教意象联系在一起,当她被描述为“ein Heiligenbild”,“eine Heilige”,“die Märtyrerin”和“ein gekreuzigter Engel”(98,190,204)。米娅的审判和她的替代宣言(186 - 87)的出版所引发的丑闻有可能创造一个革命的时刻,通过质疑政权的合法性,在某种程度上促使国民开始反抗(196)。然而,当方法党成功地部署“die Gesetze des ausnahmezu挺身而出”(206)时,革命被粉碎了,它撕毁了自己的法律,暴露了它们之下的暴力。米娅和莫里茨提出的替代方法所产生的革命瞬间并没有成功地产生新的法律,但仍然提醒人们,武力永远存在着为新秩序提供基础的潜力。就像在Corpus Delicti和Spieltrieb将法律推向极限的危机一样,现实世界的危机,如恐怖主义和大流行病造成的危机,也促使政府采取了强有力的应对措施,如关闭边境和限制行动。这些反应已受到法律的规范。对泽赫对法理学问题的虚构处理的分析,可能会如何帮助我们理解她在这些危机时期与德国法律和政治行动有关的立场?通过在她的文学作品中探索法律与正义之间的差异,泽赫让我们质疑我们的法律所依据的基础。这种想法促使她对修改法律的后果进行仔细考虑。更重要的是,她在文学上揭露了法律基础上的暴力,这有助于我们理解她在政治上发出警告的动机,即反对以宣告Ausnahmezustand和把安全置于自由之上的方式来应对危机。这阐明了她在接受《时代周刊》采访时表达的关切,即德国政府对疫情的反应利用法律力量施加限制和制裁,显示出对民主制度的不信任,并有可能使公众对以未来Ausnahmezustände的名义进一步限制自由失去敏感。正如Zeh在采访中所评论的那样,“Wenn man von einem Ausnahmezustand ausget, bleibt r Wertediskussionen typischerweise keine Zeit”。这是一种不道德的行为”(索博琴斯基)。 我希望对法律哲学在Zeh文学作品中的影响进行更深入的探索,将进一步阐明她的小说与她正在进行的公共倡导之间的联系。 我希望对法律哲学在Zeh文学作品中的影响进行更深入的探索,将进一步阐明她的小说与她正在进行的公共倡导之间的联系。开放获取出版由悉尼大学促进,作为Wiley -悉尼大学协议的一部分,通过澳大利亚大学图书馆员理事会。
“Das Recht ist kein Kreißsaal für die Gerechtigkeit”: Law, justice, and legal violence in the literature and politics of Juli Zeh

Juli Zeh has been described as “eine Schriftstellerin, Juristin und Gegenwartsseziererin,” and it is rare that a discussion of her literary oeuvre does not also reference her legal work (Zeh, “Warum”). Literature, law, and a critical stance toward many developments in German contemporary politics are three strands that have wound their way through Zeh's fiction and non-fiction work. Her political activism was recently on display in her response to the regulation and management of the Covid-19 pandemic in Germany, which she criticized both in the public sphere (Soboczynski) and in her novel Über Menschen (2021). This critique of political responses to an urgent and unexpected situation is characteristic of Zeh, who had earlier criticized state responses to the threat of terrorism in both her non-fiction work, such as Angriff auf die Freiheit (2009), and in her literary publications, including Corpus Delicti (2009). In her criticism of state responses to these challenges, Zeh has been particularly concerned to highlight two factors: the privileging of security over freedom and the use of appeals to an Ausnahmezustand to justify the imposition of restrictions on individual freedom. However, despite the almost ubiquitous references to her legal training and current work as an honorary judge of the constitutional court in Brandenburg in scholarly discussions of both her literary writing and her political stance, the influence of jurisprudence on her literature, and the connection between this and her political interventions, is something of an underexplored field. Academic contributions in this area to date have tended to concentrate on Zeh's reflection on and critique of legal procedure, but there is more work to be done on the impact of legal philosophy on her literary work and the direct line that may be drawn between this and her public advocacy.

Zeh's critique of political responses to urgent issues such as the pandemic or terrorism often involves at least an implicit critique of the law, in that what is being criticized is the state's use of legal regulation to respond to contemporary challenges. In the following discussion, I explore the development of two major legal themes in two of Zeh's most overtly legal novels, Corpus Delicti and Spieltrieb (2004), with a view to illuminating the way in which Zeh's fictional treatment of matters of legal philosophy sheds light on the jurisprudential factors underlying her political position on Germany's response to real-world crises such as terrorism and the pandemic. The first of these legal themes is the incongruity between law and justice. As the narrator-judge in Spieltrieb points out: “Das Recht ist kein Kreißsaal für die Gerechtigkeit und hat niemals behauptet, einer zu sein” (518). The second legal theme is the exposure of what both Walter Benjamin in his essay “Zur Kritik der Gewalt” (1921) and Jacques Derrida in his work of legal philosophy “Force of Law” (1990) have referred to as the foundational violence or force at the core of law's authority.

Corpus Delicti is set in a dystopian dictatorship controlled by the Methode, a regime that both embodies and enforces a health-focused ideology. This scenario would at first blush seem to have little in common with Spieltrieb’s tale of sexually abusive games involving staff and students at a Gymnasium in Bonn. However, despite their differences, both novels foreground themes of law and justice. This is apparent in the framing of both novels as cases for judgment. Corpus Delicti is identified on its front cover not as “ein Roman” but as “ein Prozess,” and the insertion of the ultimate judgment against the protagonist Mia Holl before the commencement of the novel's plot line (9−10) identifies what follows as a type of extended judicial reasoning. Spieltrieb is similarly framed as a form of judgment, in this case, as a narrative of events put forward by the presiding judge to explain her judicially creative decision in the case of the students Ada and Alev and their teacher Smutek (7−10). Despite their significantly different backstories, the protagonists in both novels end up in courtrooms in which the judicial responses to their individual fact constellations raise far-reaching questions about the law/justice dichotomy and the baseless foundations of legal authority.

The explorations of these legal issues in both novels are prompted by instances of judicial crisis that bring their respective legal systems to a breaking point. In Spieltrieb, the circumstances of the case raise serious questions about the identity of the abused and abuser and, consequently, about the possibility of achieving a just result within the bounds of the existing law. In Corpus Delicti, the challenge to the judicial system comes about due to its slavish reliance on DNA evidence, which results in a judicial error giving rise to revolutionary uproar in the Methode’s health dictatorship. In both Spieltrieb and Corpus Delicti, the legal systems are thrown into crisis by what is known in the law as a “hard case.” A hard case involves a complex or extreme set of facts that make it difficult to achieve justice in the individual circumstances without stretching the limits of the existing law and complicating the subsequent application of the legal precedent set by the hard case to more conventional fact constellations. It is a legal maxim that hard cases make bad law but that they are good for jurisprudence. The fault lines that hard cases expose in a legal system prompt consideration, not only of the requirements of justice in the individual case but also of broader questions about the aims, nature, and sources of law. In Spieltrieb and Corpus Delicti, the judicial crises induced by these “hard cases” uncover just such questions for contemplation by the reader.

Questions about the ability of the written law to deliver justice are at least as old as Sophocles's Antigone and are squarely raised in both Corpus Delicti and Spieltrieb. Indeed, Spieltrieb begins with a quote from Cicero on the subject: “summum ius, summa iniuria” (“the greatest law is the greatest injustice,” 5). This incongruity of law and justice is often seen as arising from the dilemmas involved in applying the law (which is of necessity general) to the individual circumstances of a particular case. As the judge remarks in Spieltrieb: “Wie soll eine geschriebene Regel, für unendlich viele Fallkonstellationen gedacht, angesichts der Einmaligkeit eines Geschehens eine gerechte Aussage treffen?” (518). The facts of the particular case in Spieltrieb widen the gap between law and justice in a way that forces the judge to tread the well-worn path of judicial creativity and reach outside the letter of the law to achieve a just result (555). In Corpus Delicti the lack of congruence between law and justice is similarly exposed when the court refuses to acknowledge the fallibility of the scientific evidence on which its justice system is based. When the rigid, scientifically based laws of the Methode are shown to be manifestly unjust in application to the individual case of Mia Holl's brother Moritz, the resulting uproar shakes the whole legal and political system to its core. The regime responds to this challenge to its legitimacy not with creative judicial approaches or serious debate about the foundations of its legal system but with propaganda. Like many totalitarian systems before it, the Methode in Corpus Delicti claims that reports of its fallibility are “fake news,” characterizes the disruptor Mia Holl as a terrorist, and condemns her in a show trial designed to reassert the supremacy of the state.

By exposing the incongruity of law and justice, the legal proceedings in Corpus Delicti and Spieltrieb debunk the idea that justice is the source of law. But if justice is not the law's ultimate “Kreißsaal,” then what is? In Zur Kritik der Gewalt, Benjamin identifies two types of violence that give law its authority: the violence that maintains the existing law (“die rechtserhaltende Gewalt”) and the violence that institutes the law in the first place (“die rechtsetzende Gewalt”) (39−40, 45). Derrida recognizes this distinction but thinks that there is a “differential contamination” between the two because each instance of “rechtserhaltende Gewalt” is a reiteration of the original “rechtsetzende Gewalt” (272). In the revolutionary instant, the law comes into being by means of a violence that is not yet but will become legal and legitimate. In other words, law itself at this point both is and is not (241−42, 269−70, 274).

Both Spieltrieb and Corpus Delicti embody these ideas and point toward violence as both law's maintainer and its baseless foundation. The novels highlight the role of violence in maintaining the law (“die rechtserhaltende Gewalt”) by showing the rapid resort to actual violence when the law is threatened by moments of crisis. When the case of Mia Holl in Corpus Delicti reveals the injustice involved in the strict application of the law, the Methode reacts with an enforcement of its law by violence. In scenes reminiscent of Abu Ghraib, Mia is tortured as the Methode tries to secure a confession in order to confirm the validity of its regime and its legal system (237). When torture fails to produce the desired results, the regime demonstrates its power by granting Mia a pardon (263). Although this appears to be a magnanimous move, withholding violence by granting grace is in fact a verification of the force standing behind the law. Only the person who controls violence can be in a position to carry out an act of grace. In Corpus Delicti, this act of negative violence denies Mia the opportunity for martyrdom and maintains the power of the law she sought to overthrow. Violence is also a feature in the resolution of the legal dilemma in Spieltrieb when Smutek severely beats Alev in order to bring the cycle of abuse to an end (512−15). By allowing Smutek to walk free, the legal system in Spieltrieb validates his administration of justice by violence.

In addition to this exploration of the role of violence in maintaining the law, Corpus Delicti and Spieltrieb also point to the role of force as the foundation of the law (“die rechtsetzende Gewalt”). Both novels do this by posing alternatives to the current legal regime, which has the potential to give rise to a revolutionary moment and could, if accompanied by the necessary originating violence, become the law. In Spieltrieb, the alternative system is posed by Alev's game theory. Ada describes this game theory system as one in which the laws are constantly being negotiated and renegotiated by the players (557). Although Ada and Alev's attempt at establishing a revolutionary new legal system is unsuccessful because the existing law maintains its monopoly on violence, the presiding judge recognizes that any legal system can be overturned in the revolutionary moment and replaced by a new regime legitimated at its genesis by force: “Ein neues System räumt die Relikte des alten vom Tisch, zieht den Figuren das vertraute Brett unter den Füßen weg und ersetzt es durch ein neues Brett, auf dem andere Regeln gelten” (564).

Similarly in Corpus Delicti, the existing regime of the Methode is challenged by an alternative legal and political framework embodied by the “Recht auf Krankheit” movement and by Mia's brother Moritz, who rejects the Methode’s privileging of health security over freedom with his provocative mantra: “Das Leben ist ein Angebot, das man auch ablehnen kann” (28). This alternative regime is strongly associated in the novel with religious imagery that is diametrically opposed to the corporeal world of the Methode. Moritz likes to describe as a “Kathedrale” the green space into which he escapes to indulge in what the Methode would see as unhealthy and subversive activities (60), and the Methode identifies people who think like Moritz as adherents of “ein reaktionärer Freiheitsglaube” (84). At the beginning of the novel, when her devotion to the ideology of the Methode is still unshaken, Mia rejects Moritz's appeal to the religious and everything it stands for (60−61). However, as her disillusionment with the Methode grows and she becomes the figurehead for social discontent, Mia herself becomes increasingly associated with religious imagery, when she is described as “ein Heiligenbild,” “eine Heilige,” “die Märtyrerin,” and “ein gekreuzigter Engel” (98, 190, 204). The scandal created by Mia's trial and the publication of her alternative manifesto (186−87) threatens to create a revolutionary moment by questioning the regime's legitimacy in a way that prompts the beginnings of a rebellious response in the Methode’s citizens (196). However, the revolution is crushed when the Methode successfully deploys “die Gesetze des Ausnahmezustands” (206), tearing away its own laws to expose the violence beneath them. The revolutionary instant arising from the alternative Mia and Moritz posed to the Methode does not succeed in engendering new law but remains a reminder of the ever-existing potential for force to provide the foundation of a new order.

Like the crises that push law to its limits in both Corpus Delicti and Spieltrieb, real-world crises such as those posed by terrorism and the pandemic have generated strong governmental responses, such as border closures and restrictions on movement. These responses have been regulated by law. How might the analysis of Zeh's fictional treatment of jurisprudential issues inform our understanding of her stance in relation to Germany's legal and political actions in these times of crisis? By exploring the discrepancies between law and justice in her literature, Zeh makes us question the foundations on which our laws are based. This type of thinking informs her push for a careful consideration of the ramifications of making changes in the law. More importantly, her literary exposure of the violence at law's foundation helps us to understand the motivations for her political warnings against responding to a crisis with the declaration of an Ausnahmezustand and a privileging of security over freedom. It sheds light on the concern she expressed in an interview in Die Zeit that the German government's response to the pandemic used the force of law to impose restrictions and sanctions in a way that displayed a failure to trust the democratic system and risked desensitizing the public to further restrictions on freedom in the name of future Ausnahmezustände. As Zeh commented in the interview, “Wenn man von einem Ausnahmezustand ausgeht, bleibt für Wertediskussionen typischerweise keine Zeit. Sie werden sogar als unmoralisch empfunden” (Soboczynski). It is my hope that a deeper exploration of the influence of legal philosophy in Zeh's literary work will further illuminate the connections between her fiction and her ongoing public advocacy.

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期刊介绍: The German Quarterly serves as a forum for all sorts of scholarly debates - topical, ideological, methodological, theoretical, of both the established and the experimental variety, as well as debates on recent developments in the profession. We particularly encourage essays employing new theoretical or methodological approaches, essays on recent developments in the field, and essays on subjects that have recently been underrepresented in The German Quarterly, such as studies on pre-modern subjects.
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