
Q2 Social Sciences
Lilian Klein
{"title":"欧盟并购评估何时应解决隐私问题?在欧盟并购控制条例下处理隐私问题的条件","authors":"Lilian Klein","doi":"10.1080/17441056.2023.2280330","DOIUrl":null,"url":null,"abstract":"ABSTRACTThe advent of digital companies has brought benefits to society. Nevertheless, the digital era poses significant risks to consumers’ privacy. The combination, through mergers, of enormous datasets could raise further privacy concerns. It has been much discussed whether and how consumer privacy concerns should be introduced within merger assessment. This paper approaches this issue from another perspective and reflects upon the circumstances under which the EU Merger Control Regulation (EUMR) has a role to address privacy issues. Accordingly, this paper clarifies the conditions that must be satisfied in order for privacy issues to fall within the EUMR’s ambit. First, privacy should be a parameter of competition on the market and second, there must be a causal link between the merger and privacy deterioration. Following this, the paper turns to critically analyse the Commission’s treatment of privacy issues in objectively selected mergers involving some of the most powerful digital companies.KEYWORDS: EU merger controlprivacydata protectioncausal linkdigital marketsGAMAM AcknowledgementsI would like to express my deepest gratitude to Professor Michael Harker and Dr Elias Deutscher for their invaluable and insightful comments and suggestions on previous versions of this paper.Disclosure statementNo potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).Notes1 Campbell v MGN Ltd [2004] UKHL 22 [12].2 Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union [2000] OJ 364/3 of 18 December 2000, Articles 7&8.3 Juliane Kokott and Christoph Sobotta, ‘The distinction between privacy and data protection in the jurisprudence of the CJEU and the ECHR’ [2013] International Data Privacy Law 222, 223.4 Autorité de la Concurrence & Bundeskartellamt, ‘Competition Law and Data’ [2016]. <http://www.autoritedelaconcurrence.fr/doc/reportcompetitionlawanddatafinal.pdf> at page 5.5 Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) [2016] OJ L 119/1 (GDPR).6 Andrew Murray, Information Technology Law (3rd edn, OUP 2016) 5–11 & 51–54.7 Helen Nissenbaum, Privacy in Context: Technology, Policy and the Integrity of Social Life (Stanford University Press 2010) 19.8 CMA, ‘The commercial use of consumer data’ Report on the CMA’s call for information CMA38 June 2015. <https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/435817/The_commercial_use_of_consumer_data.pdf> at page 5; Paul Bernal, Internet Privacy Rights: Rights to Protect Autonomy (1st edn, Cambridge University Press 2014) 55.9 CMA, ‘The commercial use of consumer data’ (n 8) para 3.56; OECD, ‘Data-Driven Innovation for Growth and Well-being: Interim Synthesis Report’ [2014]. <https://www.oecd.org/sti/inno/data-driven-innovation-interim-synthesis.pdf> at page 7.10 Federal Trade Commission, ‘Non-HSR Reported Acquisitions by Select Technology Platforms 2012–2019: An FTC Study’ [2021]. <https://www.ftc.gov/reports/non-hsr-reported-acquisitions-select-technology-platforms-2010-2019-ftc-study> at pages 1&3.11 See, e.g. argument in Google/Fitbit (Case COMP/M.9660) Commission Decision C(2020) 9105 final, para 452.12 Google/DoubleClick, FTC File No. 071-0170, Dissenting Statement of Commissioner Pamela Jones Harbour (2007). <https://www.ftc.gov/sites/default/files/documents/public_statements/statement-matter-google/doubleclick/071220harbour_0.pdf> at page 11.13 See, e.g. Maurice E Stucke and Allen P Grunes, Big Data and Competition Policy (1st edn, OUP 2016) 61.14 CMA, ‘Online platforms and digital advertising’ Market study final report July 2020. <https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5efc57ed3a6f4023d242ed56/Final_report_1_July_2020_pdf> at page 70.15 European Data Protection Supervisor, ‘Privacy and competitiveness in the age of big data: The interplay between data protection, competition law and consumer protection in the Digital Economy’ Preliminary Opinion of the European Data Protection Supervisor (March 2014). <https://edps.europa.eu/sites/edp/files/publication/14-03-26_competitition_law_big_data_en.pdf> page 11.16 Aline Blankertz, ‘How competition impacts data privacy’ [2020] Stiftung Neue Verantwortung [September 2020]. <https://www.stiftung-nv.de/sites/default/files/how_competition_impacts_data_privacy.pdf> at page 32.17 OECD, ‘Non Price Effects of Mergers-Note by Orla Lynskey’ [2018] DAF/COMP/WD(2018)70. <https://one.oecd.org/document/DAF/COMP/WD(2018)70/en/pdf> at page 3.18 Maurice E Stucke and Allen P Grunes, ‘Debunking the Myths Over Big Data and Antitrust’ [2015] CPI Antitrust Chronicle University of Tennessee Legal Studies Research Paper No. 276. <https://ssrn.com/abstract=2612562> at page 5.19 Council Regulation (EC) No 139/2004 of 20 January 2004 on the control of concentrations between undertakings [2004] OJ L 24/1 (EUMR).20 See, e.g. European Data Protection Supervisor, ‘Privacy and competitiveness in the age of big data’ (n 15) 26.21 See, e.g. Stucke and Grunes, Big Data and Competition Policy (n 13) 260.22 See, e.g. James C Cooper, ‘Antitrust and Privacy’ The Global Antitrust Institute Report on the Digital Economy [2020]. <https://gaidigitalreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/The-Global-Antitrust-Institute-Report-on-the-Digital-Economy_Final.pdf> at pages 1188, 1222.23 Case C-328/05 Asnef-Equifax v Asociación de Usuarios Servicios Bancarios (Ausbanc) [2006] ECR I-11125, para 63.24 Google/DoubleClick (Case COMP/M.4731) Commission Decision C(2008) 927 final, para 368.25 Facebook/WhatsApp (Case COMP/M.7217) Commission Decision C(2014) 7239 final, para 87.26 Eleonora Ocello, Cristina Sjödin and Anatoly Subocˇs, ‘What's Up with Merger Control in the Digital Sector? Lessons from the Facebook/WhatsApp EU merger case’ [2015] Competition Merger Brief Issue 1/2015 Article 1. <http://ec.europa.eu/competition/publications/cmb/2015/cmb2015_001_en.pdf> at page 7.27 ibid 6.28 Microsoft/LinkedIn (Case COMP/M.8124) Commission Decision C(2016) 8404 final, para 350.29 GDPR, article 1(1).30 Directive 2002/58/EC DIRECTIVE 2002/58/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 12 July 2002 concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector (Directive on privacy and electronic communications) [2002] L 201/37 (E-Privacy Directive).31 E-Privacy Directive, article 1(1).32 E-Privacy Directive, article 5(3).33 GDPR, article 4(1).34 GDPR, article 5.35 GDPR, articles 51(1)–(2).36 EUMR (n 19), para 5.37 Guidelines on the assessment of non-horizontal mergers under the Council Regulation on the control of concentrations between undertakings [2008] OJ C 265/6 para 10; Guidelines on the assessment of horizontal mergers under the Council Regulation on the control of concentrations between undertakings [2004] OJ C 31/5 para 8.38 Case C-12/03 P Commission v Tetra Laval ECLI:EU:C:2005:87 paras 42–43.39 Google/Fitbit (n 11) paras 411–412.40 ibid.41 Google/Fitbit (n 11) para 411.42 Meta (Formerly Facebook)/Kustomer (Case M.10262) Commission Decision C(2022) 409 final, paras 526–528.43 Microsoft/LinkedIn (n 28) para 176.44 ibid para 178.45 ibid para 177.46 Apple/Shazam (Case COMP/M.8788) Commission Decision C(2018) 5748 final, para 200.47 ibid paras 225&226.48 ibid para 231.49 ibid para 238.50 Case C-252/21 Meta Platforms and Others (General terms of use of a social network [2023] ECLI:EU:C:2023:537.51 ibid, para 48.52 ibid, para 49.53 Microsoft/LinkedIn (n 28) para 350.54 See, e.g. European Data Protection Supervisor, ‘Privacy and competitiveness in the age of big data’ (n 15) 26.55 See, e.g. Stucke and Grunes, Big Data and Competition Policy (n 13) 260.56 Cooper (n 22) 1188, 1192.57 ibid 1193.58 CMA, Merger Assessment Guidelines [2021] CMA129, para 2.5.59 Guidelines on the assessment of horizontal mergers (n 37) para 8; Guidelines on the Assessment of Non-Horizontal Mergers (n 37) para 10.60 ibid.61 OECD, ‘The Role and Measurement of Quality in Competition Analysis’ [2013] Policy Roundtables DAF/COMP(2013)17. <http://www.oecd.org/competition/Quality-in-competition-analysis-2013.pdf> at page 79.62 Microsoft Yahoo!/Search Business (Case COMP/M.5727) Commission Decision C(2010)1077, para 101; Microsoft/Skype (Case Comp/M.6281) Commission Decision C(2011)7279, para 8163 Patricia A Norberg, Daniel R Horne and David A Horne, ‘The Privacy Paradox: Personal Information Disclosure Intentions versus Behaviors’ [2007] The Journal of Consumer Affairs 100, 100–101.64 See, e.g. Alessandro Acquisti and Jens Grossklags, ‘Privacy and Rationality in Individual Decision Making’ [2005] IEEE Security and Privacy 24, 26&28.65 See, e.g. Pinar Akman, ‘A Web of Paradoxes: Empirical Evidence on Online Platform Users and Implications for Competition and Regulation in Digital Markets’ [2022] Virginia Law & Business Review 217, 269–270.66 CMA, ‘Online platforms and digital advertising’ (n 14) page 117.67 Joseph Farrell, ‘Can Privacy be Just Another Good’ [2012] J.ON TELECOMM & HIGH TECH L 251,259.68 CMA, ‘The commercial use of consumer data’ (n 8) para 4.41.69 ibid para 4.142.70 Akman (n 65) 268.71 OECD, ‘Considering non-price effects in merger control – Background note by the Secretariat’ [2018] DAF/COMP(2018)2. <https://one.oecd.org/document/DAF/COMP(2018)2/en/pdf> at page 31.72 OECD, ‘Non Price Effects of Mergers-Note by Orla Lynskey’(n 17) 8.73 EU Commission, ‘Factsheet on Merger Control Procedures’ [2013]. <https://competition-policy.ec.europa.eu/system/files/2021-02/merger_control_procedures_en.pdf> at page 2.74 ibid.75 Microsoft/LinkedIn (n 28) footnote 330 to para 350.76 ibid.77 ibid para 350.78 ibid.79 ibid.80 See generally OECD, ‘Emerging Privacy Enhancing Technologies’ (OECD Publishing Paris, 2023). <https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/docserver/bf121be4-en.pdf?expires=1692894367&id=id&accname=guest&checksum=078AE13AD06CA615706588344A40B108> page 15.81 Cases C-68/94 and C-30/95 France and Others v Commission EU:C:1998:148 paras 109–124.82 Guidelines on the assessment of horizontal mergers (n 37) para 2.83 Guidelines on the Assessment of Non-Horizontal Mergers (n 37) para 21;Commission v Tetra Laval (n 38) para 43.84 Case C-413/06 P Bertelsmann and Sony Corporation of America v Impala (Impala II), ECLI:EU:C:2008:392 paras 46&48&51.85 Case T-79/12 Cisco Systems and Messagenet v Commission, ECLI:EU:T:2013:635 para 46.86 C-376/20 P Commission v CK Telecoms UK Investments ECLI:EU:C:2023:561 para 88.87 ibid para 87.88 ibid para 76.89 France and Others v Commission (n 81) paras 109–124.90 Guidelines on the assessment of horizontal mergers (n 37) footnote 110.91 ibid para 9.92 ibid.93 Damien Geradin and Ianis Girgenson, ‘The Counterfactual Analysis in EU Merger Control (2013) <https://ssrn.com/abstract=2357026> accessed 15 July 2023 at page 2; Guidelines on the assessment of horizontal mergers (n 37) para 9.94 Guidelines on the assessment of horizontal mergers (n 37) para 9.95 Geradin and Girgenson (n 93) 6.96 Guidelines on the assessment of horizontal mergers (n 37) para 9.97 ibid.98 ibid para 89; France and Others v Commission (n 81) para 110.99 Guidelines on the assessment of horizontal mergers (n 37) para 89.100 France and Others v Commission (n 81) para 115.101 BASF/Pantochim/Eurodiol (Comp/M.2314) Commission Decision of 11/07/2001, paras 142&143.102 Guidelines on the assessment of horizontal mergers (n 37) para 90.103 Microsoft/Yahoo!Search Business (n 62) paras 131–159.104 Microsoft Yahoo!/Search Business (n 62) para 101; Microsoft/Skype (n 62) para 81.105 European Data Protection Supervisor, ‘EDPS Opinion on coherent enforcement of fundamental rights in the age of big data’ (Opinion 8/2016). <https://edps.europa.eu/sites/edp/files/publication/16-09-23_bigdata_opinion_en.pdf> page 6.106 European Data Protection Supervisor, ‘Privacy and competitiveness in the age of big data’ (n 15) 10.107 Completed merger on the acquisition of Footasylum plc by JD Sports Fashion plc: Final report (6 May 2020). <https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5eb2bcc0d3bf7f5d456fde96/Final_report__NON_CONFI_---_version1_---_web_publication_06052020.pdf>.108 ibid paras 8.95, 8.98, 8.108–8.115&8.200–8.204.109 ibid.110 JD Sports Fashion PLC v Competition and Markets Authority [2020] CAT 24.111 ibid [77]&[89].112 ibid [99].113 ibid.114 Facebook/WhatsApp (n 25) para 87.115 ibid para 87.116 ibid para 169.117 ibid paras 102&106.118 ibid para 132.119 Stucke and Grunes, Big Data and Competition Policy (n 13) 75&133.120 Microsoft/LinkedIn (n 28) para 301.121 ibid para 338&343.122 ibid para 346.123 ibid para 350.124 ibid.125 Google/Fitbit (n 11) para 452.126 ibid.127 Google/Fitbit (n 11) footnote 300 of para 452.128 See, e.g. Stucke and Grunes, Big Data and Competition Policy (n 13) 61.129 France and Others v Commission (n 81) paras 109–124.","PeriodicalId":52118,"journal":{"name":"European Competition Journal","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.0000,"publicationDate":"2023-11-08","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":"0","resultStr":"{\"title\":\"When should EU merger assessment address privacy? The conditions for addressing privacy issues under the EU merger control regulation\",\"authors\":\"Lilian Klein\",\"doi\":\"10.1080/17441056.2023.2280330\",\"DOIUrl\":null,\"url\":null,\"abstract\":\"ABSTRACTThe advent of digital companies has brought benefits to society. Nevertheless, the digital era poses significant risks to consumers’ privacy. The combination, through mergers, of enormous datasets could raise further privacy concerns. It has been much discussed whether and how consumer privacy concerns should be introduced within merger assessment. This paper approaches this issue from another perspective and reflects upon the circumstances under which the EU Merger Control Regulation (EUMR) has a role to address privacy issues. Accordingly, this paper clarifies the conditions that must be satisfied in order for privacy issues to fall within the EUMR’s ambit. First, privacy should be a parameter of competition on the market and second, there must be a causal link between the merger and privacy deterioration. Following this, the paper turns to critically analyse the Commission’s treatment of privacy issues in objectively selected mergers involving some of the most powerful digital companies.KEYWORDS: EU merger controlprivacydata protectioncausal linkdigital marketsGAMAM AcknowledgementsI would like to express my deepest gratitude to Professor Michael Harker and Dr Elias Deutscher for their invaluable and insightful comments and suggestions on previous versions of this paper.Disclosure statementNo potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).Notes1 Campbell v MGN Ltd [2004] UKHL 22 [12].2 Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union [2000] OJ 364/3 of 18 December 2000, Articles 7&8.3 Juliane Kokott and Christoph Sobotta, ‘The distinction between privacy and data protection in the jurisprudence of the CJEU and the ECHR’ [2013] International Data Privacy Law 222, 223.4 Autorité de la Concurrence & Bundeskartellamt, ‘Competition Law and Data’ [2016]. <http://www.autoritedelaconcurrence.fr/doc/reportcompetitionlawanddatafinal.pdf> at page 5.5 Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) [2016] OJ L 119/1 (GDPR).6 Andrew Murray, Information Technology Law (3rd edn, OUP 2016) 5–11 & 51–54.7 Helen Nissenbaum, Privacy in Context: Technology, Policy and the Integrity of Social Life (Stanford University Press 2010) 19.8 CMA, ‘The commercial use of consumer data’ Report on the CMA’s call for information CMA38 June 2015. <https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/435817/The_commercial_use_of_consumer_data.pdf> at page 5; Paul Bernal, Internet Privacy Rights: Rights to Protect Autonomy (1st edn, Cambridge University Press 2014) 55.9 CMA, ‘The commercial use of consumer data’ (n 8) para 3.56; OECD, ‘Data-Driven Innovation for Growth and Well-being: Interim Synthesis Report’ [2014]. <https://www.oecd.org/sti/inno/data-driven-innovation-interim-synthesis.pdf> at page 7.10 Federal Trade Commission, ‘Non-HSR Reported Acquisitions by Select Technology Platforms 2012–2019: An FTC Study’ [2021]. <https://www.ftc.gov/reports/non-hsr-reported-acquisitions-select-technology-platforms-2010-2019-ftc-study> at pages 1&3.11 See, e.g. argument in Google/Fitbit (Case COMP/M.9660) Commission Decision C(2020) 9105 final, para 452.12 Google/DoubleClick, FTC File No. 071-0170, Dissenting Statement of Commissioner Pamela Jones Harbour (2007). <https://www.ftc.gov/sites/default/files/documents/public_statements/statement-matter-google/doubleclick/071220harbour_0.pdf> at page 11.13 See, e.g. Maurice E Stucke and Allen P Grunes, Big Data and Competition Policy (1st edn, OUP 2016) 61.14 CMA, ‘Online platforms and digital advertising’ Market study final report July 2020. <https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5efc57ed3a6f4023d242ed56/Final_report_1_July_2020_pdf> at page 70.15 European Data Protection Supervisor, ‘Privacy and competitiveness in the age of big data: The interplay between data protection, competition law and consumer protection in the Digital Economy’ Preliminary Opinion of the European Data Protection Supervisor (March 2014). <https://edps.europa.eu/sites/edp/files/publication/14-03-26_competitition_law_big_data_en.pdf> page 11.16 Aline Blankertz, ‘How competition impacts data privacy’ [2020] Stiftung Neue Verantwortung [September 2020]. <https://www.stiftung-nv.de/sites/default/files/how_competition_impacts_data_privacy.pdf> at page 32.17 OECD, ‘Non Price Effects of Mergers-Note by Orla Lynskey’ [2018] DAF/COMP/WD(2018)70. <https://one.oecd.org/document/DAF/COMP/WD(2018)70/en/pdf> at page 3.18 Maurice E Stucke and Allen P Grunes, ‘Debunking the Myths Over Big Data and Antitrust’ [2015] CPI Antitrust Chronicle University of Tennessee Legal Studies Research Paper No. 276. <https://ssrn.com/abstract=2612562> at page 5.19 Council Regulation (EC) No 139/2004 of 20 January 2004 on the control of concentrations between undertakings [2004] OJ L 24/1 (EUMR).20 See, e.g. European Data Protection Supervisor, ‘Privacy and competitiveness in the age of big data’ (n 15) 26.21 See, e.g. Stucke and Grunes, Big Data and Competition Policy (n 13) 260.22 See, e.g. James C Cooper, ‘Antitrust and Privacy’ The Global Antitrust Institute Report on the Digital Economy [2020]. <https://gaidigitalreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/The-Global-Antitrust-Institute-Report-on-the-Digital-Economy_Final.pdf> at pages 1188, 1222.23 Case C-328/05 Asnef-Equifax v Asociación de Usuarios Servicios Bancarios (Ausbanc) [2006] ECR I-11125, para 63.24 Google/DoubleClick (Case COMP/M.4731) Commission Decision C(2008) 927 final, para 368.25 Facebook/WhatsApp (Case COMP/M.7217) Commission Decision C(2014) 7239 final, para 87.26 Eleonora Ocello, Cristina Sjödin and Anatoly Subocˇs, ‘What's Up with Merger Control in the Digital Sector? Lessons from the Facebook/WhatsApp EU merger case’ [2015] Competition Merger Brief Issue 1/2015 Article 1. <http://ec.europa.eu/competition/publications/cmb/2015/cmb2015_001_en.pdf> at page 7.27 ibid 6.28 Microsoft/LinkedIn (Case COMP/M.8124) Commission Decision C(2016) 8404 final, para 350.29 GDPR, article 1(1).30 Directive 2002/58/EC DIRECTIVE 2002/58/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 12 July 2002 concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector (Directive on privacy and electronic communications) [2002] L 201/37 (E-Privacy Directive).31 E-Privacy Directive, article 1(1).32 E-Privacy Directive, article 5(3).33 GDPR, article 4(1).34 GDPR, article 5.35 GDPR, articles 51(1)–(2).36 EUMR (n 19), para 5.37 Guidelines on the assessment of non-horizontal mergers under the Council Regulation on the control of concentrations between undertakings [2008] OJ C 265/6 para 10; Guidelines on the assessment of horizontal mergers under the Council Regulation on the control of concentrations between undertakings [2004] OJ C 31/5 para 8.38 Case C-12/03 P Commission v Tetra Laval ECLI:EU:C:2005:87 paras 42–43.39 Google/Fitbit (n 11) paras 411–412.40 ibid.41 Google/Fitbit (n 11) para 411.42 Meta (Formerly Facebook)/Kustomer (Case M.10262) Commission Decision C(2022) 409 final, paras 526–528.43 Microsoft/LinkedIn (n 28) para 176.44 ibid para 178.45 ibid para 177.46 Apple/Shazam (Case COMP/M.8788) Commission Decision C(2018) 5748 final, para 200.47 ibid paras 225&226.48 ibid para 231.49 ibid para 238.50 Case C-252/21 Meta Platforms and Others (General terms of use of a social network [2023] ECLI:EU:C:2023:537.51 ibid, para 48.52 ibid, para 49.53 Microsoft/LinkedIn (n 28) para 350.54 See, e.g. European Data Protection Supervisor, ‘Privacy and competitiveness in the age of big data’ (n 15) 26.55 See, e.g. Stucke and Grunes, Big Data and Competition Policy (n 13) 260.56 Cooper (n 22) 1188, 1192.57 ibid 1193.58 CMA, Merger Assessment Guidelines [2021] CMA129, para 2.5.59 Guidelines on the assessment of horizontal mergers (n 37) para 8; Guidelines on the Assessment of Non-Horizontal Mergers (n 37) para 10.60 ibid.61 OECD, ‘The Role and Measurement of Quality in Competition Analysis’ [2013] Policy Roundtables DAF/COMP(2013)17. <http://www.oecd.org/competition/Quality-in-competition-analysis-2013.pdf> at page 79.62 Microsoft Yahoo!/Search Business (Case COMP/M.5727) Commission Decision C(2010)1077, para 101; Microsoft/Skype (Case Comp/M.6281) Commission Decision C(2011)7279, para 8163 Patricia A Norberg, Daniel R Horne and David A Horne, ‘The Privacy Paradox: Personal Information Disclosure Intentions versus Behaviors’ [2007] The Journal of Consumer Affairs 100, 100–101.64 See, e.g. Alessandro Acquisti and Jens Grossklags, ‘Privacy and Rationality in Individual Decision Making’ [2005] IEEE Security and Privacy 24, 26&28.65 See, e.g. Pinar Akman, ‘A Web of Paradoxes: Empirical Evidence on Online Platform Users and Implications for Competition and Regulation in Digital Markets’ [2022] Virginia Law & Business Review 217, 269–270.66 CMA, ‘Online platforms and digital advertising’ (n 14) page 117.67 Joseph Farrell, ‘Can Privacy be Just Another Good’ [2012] J.ON TELECOMM & HIGH TECH L 251,259.68 CMA, ‘The commercial use of consumer data’ (n 8) para 4.41.69 ibid para 4.142.70 Akman (n 65) 268.71 OECD, ‘Considering non-price effects in merger control – Background note by the Secretariat’ [2018] DAF/COMP(2018)2. <https://one.oecd.org/document/DAF/COMP(2018)2/en/pdf> at page 31.72 OECD, ‘Non Price Effects of Mergers-Note by Orla Lynskey’(n 17) 8.73 EU Commission, ‘Factsheet on Merger Control Procedures’ [2013]. <https://competition-policy.ec.europa.eu/system/files/2021-02/merger_control_procedures_en.pdf> at page 2.74 ibid.75 Microsoft/LinkedIn (n 28) footnote 330 to para 350.76 ibid.77 ibid para 350.78 ibid.79 ibid.80 See generally OECD, ‘Emerging Privacy Enhancing Technologies’ (OECD Publishing Paris, 2023). <https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/docserver/bf121be4-en.pdf?expires=1692894367&id=id&accname=guest&checksum=078AE13AD06CA615706588344A40B108> page 15.81 Cases C-68/94 and C-30/95 France and Others v Commission EU:C:1998:148 paras 109–124.82 Guidelines on the assessment of horizontal mergers (n 37) para 2.83 Guidelines on the Assessment of Non-Horizontal Mergers (n 37) para 21;Commission v Tetra Laval (n 38) para 43.84 Case C-413/06 P Bertelsmann and Sony Corporation of America v Impala (Impala II), ECLI:EU:C:2008:392 paras 46&48&51.85 Case T-79/12 Cisco Systems and Messagenet v Commission, ECLI:EU:T:2013:635 para 46.86 C-376/20 P Commission v CK Telecoms UK Investments ECLI:EU:C:2023:561 para 88.87 ibid para 87.88 ibid para 76.89 France and Others v Commission (n 81) paras 109–124.90 Guidelines on the assessment of horizontal mergers (n 37) footnote 110.91 ibid para 9.92 ibid.93 Damien Geradin and Ianis Girgenson, ‘The Counterfactual Analysis in EU Merger Control (2013) <https://ssrn.com/abstract=2357026> accessed 15 July 2023 at page 2; Guidelines on the assessment of horizontal mergers (n 37) para 9.94 Guidelines on the assessment of horizontal mergers (n 37) para 9.95 Geradin and Girgenson (n 93) 6.96 Guidelines on the assessment of horizontal mergers (n 37) para 9.97 ibid.98 ibid para 89; France and Others v Commission (n 81) para 110.99 Guidelines on the assessment of horizontal mergers (n 37) para 89.100 France and Others v Commission (n 81) para 115.101 BASF/Pantochim/Eurodiol (Comp/M.2314) Commission Decision of 11/07/2001, paras 142&143.102 Guidelines on the assessment of horizontal mergers (n 37) para 90.103 Microsoft/Yahoo!Search Business (n 62) paras 131–159.104 Microsoft Yahoo!/Search Business (n 62) para 101; Microsoft/Skype (n 62) para 81.105 European Data Protection Supervisor, ‘EDPS Opinion on coherent enforcement of fundamental rights in the age of big data’ (Opinion 8/2016). <https://edps.europa.eu/sites/edp/files/publication/16-09-23_bigdata_opinion_en.pdf> page 6.106 European Data Protection Supervisor, ‘Privacy and competitiveness in the age of big data’ (n 15) 10.107 Completed merger on the acquisition of Footasylum plc by JD Sports Fashion plc: Final report (6 May 2020). <https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5eb2bcc0d3bf7f5d456fde96/Final_report__NON_CONFI_---_version1_---_web_publication_06052020.pdf>.108 ibid paras 8.95, 8.98, 8.108–8.115&8.200–8.204.109 ibid.110 JD Sports Fashion PLC v Competition and Markets Authority [2020] CAT 24.111 ibid [77]&[89].112 ibid [99].113 ibid.114 Facebook/WhatsApp (n 25) para 87.115 ibid para 87.116 ibid para 169.117 ibid paras 102&106.118 ibid para 132.119 Stucke and Grunes, Big Data and Competition Policy (n 13) 75&133.120 Microsoft/LinkedIn (n 28) para 301.121 ibid para 338&343.122 ibid para 346.123 ibid para 350.124 ibid.125 Google/Fitbit (n 11) para 452.126 ibid.127 Google/Fitbit (n 11) footnote 300 of para 452.128 See, e.g. Stucke and Grunes, Big Data and Competition Policy (n 13) 61.129 France and Others v Commission (n 81) paras 109–124.\",\"PeriodicalId\":52118,\"journal\":{\"name\":\"European Competition Journal\",\"volume\":null,\"pages\":null},\"PeriodicalIF\":0.0000,\"publicationDate\":\"2023-11-08\",\"publicationTypes\":\"Journal Article\",\"fieldsOfStudy\":null,\"isOpenAccess\":false,\"openAccessPdf\":\"\",\"citationCount\":\"0\",\"resultStr\":null,\"platform\":\"Semanticscholar\",\"paperid\":null,\"PeriodicalName\":\"European Competition Journal\",\"FirstCategoryId\":\"1085\",\"ListUrlMain\":\"https://doi.org/10.1080/17441056.2023.2280330\",\"RegionNum\":0,\"RegionCategory\":null,\"ArticlePicture\":[],\"TitleCN\":null,\"AbstractTextCN\":null,\"PMCID\":null,\"EPubDate\":\"\",\"PubModel\":\"\",\"JCR\":\"Q2\",\"JCRName\":\"Social Sciences\",\"Score\":null,\"Total\":0}","platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":null,"PeriodicalName":"European Competition Journal","FirstCategoryId":"1085","ListUrlMain":"https://doi.org/10.1080/17441056.2023.2280330","RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":null,"ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":null,"EPubDate":"","PubModel":"","JCR":"Q2","JCRName":"Social Sciences","Score":null,"Total":0}
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28 Microsoft/LinkedIn (Case COMP/M.8124)欧盟委员会决定C(2016) 8404 final, GDPR第1(1)条第350.29段2002年7月12日欧洲议会和理事会指令2002/58/EC,关于电子通信领域的个人数据处理和隐私保护(隐私和电子通信指令)[2002]L 201/37(电子隐私指令)电子隐私指令,第1(1)条电子隐私指令,第5(3)条GDPR第4(1)条GDPR第5.35条GDPR第51(1)-(2).36条根据《经营者间集中控制理事会条例》评估非横向合并的指南[2008]OJ C 265/6第10段;根据经营者之间集中控制的理事会条例评估横向合并的指南[2004]OJ C 31/5第8.38段ec:EU:C:2005:87第42-43.39段Google/Fitbit (n 11)第411-412.40段同上。41 Google/Fitbit (n 11)第411.42段Meta(原Facebook)/Kustomer (Case M.10262)委员会决定C(2022) 409 final,Apple/Shazam (Case COMP/M.8788)委员会决定C(2018) 5748 final,第200.47段同上第225段和226.48段同上第231.49段同上第238.50段案例C-252/21元平台和其他(社交网络的一般使用条款[2023]ECLI:EU:C: 20123:537.51同上,第48.52段同上,第49.53段微软/LinkedIn (n 28)第350.54段参见,例如欧洲数据保护监管机构,“大数据时代的隐私和竞争力”(n 15) 26.55参见,例如,Stucke和Grunes,大数据和竞争政策(n 13) 260.56 Cooper (n 22) 1188, 1192.57同上1193.58 CMA,并购评估指南[2021]CMA129,第2.5.59段横向并购评估指南(n 37)第8段;非横向并购评估指南(n 37)第10.60段,同上。61 OECD,“竞争分析中质量的作用和衡量”[2013]政策圆桌会议DAF/COMP(2013)17。在79.62页微软雅虎!/搜索业务(案件COMP/M.5727)委员会决定C(2010)1077,第101段;Microsoft/Skype (Case Comp/M.6281) Commission Decision C(2011)7279, para 8163 Patricia A Norberg, Daniel R Horne和David A Horne,“隐私悖论:个人信息披露意图与行为”[2007],《消费者事务杂志》100,100 - 101.64 See, e.g. Alessandro Acquisti和Jens grosskags,“个人决策中的隐私和合理性”[2005]IEEE安全和隐私24,26&28.65 See, e.g. Pinar Akman,“悖论网络”:J.ON TELECOMM & HIGH TECH L . 251,259.68 CMA,“消费者数据的商业使用”(n 8) para 4.41.69 ibid para 4.142.70 Akman (n 65) 268.71 OECD,“网络平台与数字广告”(n 14)第117.67页。“考虑并购控制中的非价格影响——秘书处的背景说明”[2018]DAF/COMP(2018)见第31.72页OECD,“并购的非价格效应——Orla Lynskey注释”(第17页)。8.73欧盟委员会,“并购控制程序概况”[2013]。见第2.74页,同上。75微软/LinkedIn (n 28),脚注330至第350.76段,同上。77同上。第350.78段,同上。79同上。80一般参见OECD,“新兴隐私增强技术”(OECD出版社,巴黎,2023)。第15.81页案例C-68/94和C-30/95法国和其他公司诉欧盟委员会:C:1998:148第109-124.82段横向合并评估指南(第37段)第21段;委员会诉利乐拉瓦尔(第38段)第43.84段案例C-413/06 P贝塔斯曼和美国索尼公司诉Impala (Impala II), ECLI:EU:C:2008:392段第46&48&51.85段案例T-79/12思科系统和Messagenet诉委员会ECLI:EU:C: 2013: 561第88.87段同上第87.88段同上第76.89段法国和其他诉委员会(第81段)第109-124.90段横向合并评估指南(第37段)脚注110.91同上第9.92段同上93 Damien Geradin和Ianis Girgenson,《欧盟合并控制中的反事实分析(2013)》,2023年7月15日,第2页;横向合并评估指南(第37页)第9.95段Geradin和Girgenson(第93页)6.96横向合并评估指南(第37页)第9.97段同上。98同上第89段;法国和其他公司诉委员会(n 81)第115.101段巴斯夫/潘托奇姆/Eurodiol (Comp/M.2314)委员会2001年11月7日决定,第142和143段。 102横向合并评估指引(n 37)第90.103段微软/雅虎!搜索业务(n 62)第131-159.104段微软雅虎!/查册业务(n 62)第101段;微软/Skype (n 62)第81.105段欧洲数据保护主管,“EDPS关于大数据时代基本权利连贯执行的意见”(第8/2016号意见)。第6.106页欧洲数据保护主管,“大数据时代的隐私和竞争力”(n 15) 10.107 JD Sports Fashion plc收购Footasylum plc完成合并:最终报告(2020年5月6日). .108同上第8.95,8.98,8.108 - 8.115和8.200 - 8.204.109同上。110 JD Sports Fashion plc诉竞争和市场管理局[2020]CAT 24.111同上[77]和[89]。112同上[99]。113同上,114 Facebook/WhatsApp(同上,第25段),第87.115段,同上,第87.116段,同上,第102段和第106.118段,同上,第132.119 Stucke和Grunes,大数据和竞争政策(同上,第13段),75和133.120微软/LinkedIn(同上,第28段),第301.121段,同上,第338段和第343.122段,同上,第346.123段,同上,第350.124段,同上,125谷歌/Fitbit(同上,第11段),第452.126段,同上,127谷歌/Fitbit(同上,第11段),第452.128段,脚注300,参见,例如Stucke和Grunes,大数据和竞争政策(n 13) 61.129法国和其他国家诉欧盟委员会(n 81)第109-124段。
When should EU merger assessment address privacy? The conditions for addressing privacy issues under the EU merger control regulation
ABSTRACTThe advent of digital companies has brought benefits to society. Nevertheless, the digital era poses significant risks to consumers’ privacy. The combination, through mergers, of enormous datasets could raise further privacy concerns. It has been much discussed whether and how consumer privacy concerns should be introduced within merger assessment. This paper approaches this issue from another perspective and reflects upon the circumstances under which the EU Merger Control Regulation (EUMR) has a role to address privacy issues. Accordingly, this paper clarifies the conditions that must be satisfied in order for privacy issues to fall within the EUMR’s ambit. First, privacy should be a parameter of competition on the market and second, there must be a causal link between the merger and privacy deterioration. Following this, the paper turns to critically analyse the Commission’s treatment of privacy issues in objectively selected mergers involving some of the most powerful digital companies.KEYWORDS: EU merger controlprivacydata protectioncausal linkdigital marketsGAMAM AcknowledgementsI would like to express my deepest gratitude to Professor Michael Harker and Dr Elias Deutscher for their invaluable and insightful comments and suggestions on previous versions of this paper.Disclosure statementNo potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).Notes1 Campbell v MGN Ltd [2004] UKHL 22 [12].2 Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union [2000] OJ 364/3 of 18 December 2000, Articles 7&8.3 Juliane Kokott and Christoph Sobotta, ‘The distinction between privacy and data protection in the jurisprudence of the CJEU and the ECHR’ [2013] International Data Privacy Law 222, 223.4 Autorité de la Concurrence & Bundeskartellamt, ‘Competition Law and Data’ [2016]. at page 5.5 Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) [2016] OJ L 119/1 (GDPR).6 Andrew Murray, Information Technology Law (3rd edn, OUP 2016) 5–11 & 51–54.7 Helen Nissenbaum, Privacy in Context: Technology, Policy and the Integrity of Social Life (Stanford University Press 2010) 19.8 CMA, ‘The commercial use of consumer data’ Report on the CMA’s call for information CMA38 June 2015. at page 5; Paul Bernal, Internet Privacy Rights: Rights to Protect Autonomy (1st edn, Cambridge University Press 2014) 55.9 CMA, ‘The commercial use of consumer data’ (n 8) para 3.56; OECD, ‘Data-Driven Innovation for Growth and Well-being: Interim Synthesis Report’ [2014]. at page 7.10 Federal Trade Commission, ‘Non-HSR Reported Acquisitions by Select Technology Platforms 2012–2019: An FTC Study’ [2021]. at pages 1&3.11 See, e.g. argument in Google/Fitbit (Case COMP/M.9660) Commission Decision C(2020) 9105 final, para 452.12 Google/DoubleClick, FTC File No. 071-0170, Dissenting Statement of Commissioner Pamela Jones Harbour (2007). at page 11.13 See, e.g. Maurice E Stucke and Allen P Grunes, Big Data and Competition Policy (1st edn, OUP 2016) 61.14 CMA, ‘Online platforms and digital advertising’ Market study final report July 2020. at page 70.15 European Data Protection Supervisor, ‘Privacy and competitiveness in the age of big data: The interplay between data protection, competition law and consumer protection in the Digital Economy’ Preliminary Opinion of the European Data Protection Supervisor (March 2014). page 11.16 Aline Blankertz, ‘How competition impacts data privacy’ [2020] Stiftung Neue Verantwortung [September 2020]. at page 32.17 OECD, ‘Non Price Effects of Mergers-Note by Orla Lynskey’ [2018] DAF/COMP/WD(2018)70. at page 3.18 Maurice E Stucke and Allen P Grunes, ‘Debunking the Myths Over Big Data and Antitrust’ [2015] CPI Antitrust Chronicle University of Tennessee Legal Studies Research Paper No. 276. at page 5.19 Council Regulation (EC) No 139/2004 of 20 January 2004 on the control of concentrations between undertakings [2004] OJ L 24/1 (EUMR).20 See, e.g. European Data Protection Supervisor, ‘Privacy and competitiveness in the age of big data’ (n 15) 26.21 See, e.g. Stucke and Grunes, Big Data and Competition Policy (n 13) 260.22 See, e.g. James C Cooper, ‘Antitrust and Privacy’ The Global Antitrust Institute Report on the Digital Economy [2020]. at pages 1188, 1222.23 Case C-328/05 Asnef-Equifax v Asociación de Usuarios Servicios Bancarios (Ausbanc) [2006] ECR I-11125, para 63.24 Google/DoubleClick (Case COMP/M.4731) Commission Decision C(2008) 927 final, para 368.25 Facebook/WhatsApp (Case COMP/M.7217) Commission Decision C(2014) 7239 final, para 87.26 Eleonora Ocello, Cristina Sjödin and Anatoly Subocˇs, ‘What's Up with Merger Control in the Digital Sector? Lessons from the Facebook/WhatsApp EU merger case’ [2015] Competition Merger Brief Issue 1/2015 Article 1. at page 7.27 ibid 6.28 Microsoft/LinkedIn (Case COMP/M.8124) Commission Decision C(2016) 8404 final, para 350.29 GDPR, article 1(1).30 Directive 2002/58/EC DIRECTIVE 2002/58/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 12 July 2002 concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector (Directive on privacy and electronic communications) [2002] L 201/37 (E-Privacy Directive).31 E-Privacy Directive, article 1(1).32 E-Privacy Directive, article 5(3).33 GDPR, article 4(1).34 GDPR, article 5.35 GDPR, articles 51(1)–(2).36 EUMR (n 19), para 5.37 Guidelines on the assessment of non-horizontal mergers under the Council Regulation on the control of concentrations between undertakings [2008] OJ C 265/6 para 10; Guidelines on the assessment of horizontal mergers under the Council Regulation on the control of concentrations between undertakings [2004] OJ C 31/5 para 8.38 Case C-12/03 P Commission v Tetra Laval ECLI:EU:C:2005:87 paras 42–43.39 Google/Fitbit (n 11) paras 411–412.40 ibid.41 Google/Fitbit (n 11) para 411.42 Meta (Formerly Facebook)/Kustomer (Case M.10262) Commission Decision C(2022) 409 final, paras 526–528.43 Microsoft/LinkedIn (n 28) para 176.44 ibid para 178.45 ibid para 177.46 Apple/Shazam (Case COMP/M.8788) Commission Decision C(2018) 5748 final, para 200.47 ibid paras 225&226.48 ibid para 231.49 ibid para 238.50 Case C-252/21 Meta Platforms and Others (General terms of use of a social network [2023] ECLI:EU:C:2023:537.51 ibid, para 48.52 ibid, para 49.53 Microsoft/LinkedIn (n 28) para 350.54 See, e.g. European Data Protection Supervisor, ‘Privacy and competitiveness in the age of big data’ (n 15) 26.55 See, e.g. Stucke and Grunes, Big Data and Competition Policy (n 13) 260.56 Cooper (n 22) 1188, 1192.57 ibid 1193.58 CMA, Merger Assessment Guidelines [2021] CMA129, para 2.5.59 Guidelines on the assessment of horizontal mergers (n 37) para 8; Guidelines on the Assessment of Non-Horizontal Mergers (n 37) para 10.60 ibid.61 OECD, ‘The Role and Measurement of Quality in Competition Analysis’ [2013] Policy Roundtables DAF/COMP(2013)17. at page 79.62 Microsoft Yahoo!/Search Business (Case COMP/M.5727) Commission Decision C(2010)1077, para 101; Microsoft/Skype (Case Comp/M.6281) Commission Decision C(2011)7279, para 8163 Patricia A Norberg, Daniel R Horne and David A Horne, ‘The Privacy Paradox: Personal Information Disclosure Intentions versus Behaviors’ [2007] The Journal of Consumer Affairs 100, 100–101.64 See, e.g. Alessandro Acquisti and Jens Grossklags, ‘Privacy and Rationality in Individual Decision Making’ [2005] IEEE Security and Privacy 24, 26&28.65 See, e.g. Pinar Akman, ‘A Web of Paradoxes: Empirical Evidence on Online Platform Users and Implications for Competition and Regulation in Digital Markets’ [2022] Virginia Law & Business Review 217, 269–270.66 CMA, ‘Online platforms and digital advertising’ (n 14) page 117.67 Joseph Farrell, ‘Can Privacy be Just Another Good’ [2012] J.ON TELECOMM & HIGH TECH L 251,259.68 CMA, ‘The commercial use of consumer data’ (n 8) para 4.41.69 ibid para 4.142.70 Akman (n 65) 268.71 OECD, ‘Considering non-price effects in merger control – Background note by the Secretariat’ [2018] DAF/COMP(2018)2. at page 31.72 OECD, ‘Non Price Effects of Mergers-Note by Orla Lynskey’(n 17) 8.73 EU Commission, ‘Factsheet on Merger Control Procedures’ [2013]. at page 2.74 ibid.75 Microsoft/LinkedIn (n 28) footnote 330 to para 350.76 ibid.77 ibid para 350.78 ibid.79 ibid.80 See generally OECD, ‘Emerging Privacy Enhancing Technologies’ (OECD Publishing Paris, 2023). page 15.81 Cases C-68/94 and C-30/95 France and Others v Commission EU:C:1998:148 paras 109–124.82 Guidelines on the assessment of horizontal mergers (n 37) para 2.83 Guidelines on the Assessment of Non-Horizontal Mergers (n 37) para 21;Commission v Tetra Laval (n 38) para 43.84 Case C-413/06 P Bertelsmann and Sony Corporation of America v Impala (Impala II), ECLI:EU:C:2008:392 paras 46&48&51.85 Case T-79/12 Cisco Systems and Messagenet v Commission, ECLI:EU:T:2013:635 para 46.86 C-376/20 P Commission v CK Telecoms UK Investments ECLI:EU:C:2023:561 para 88.87 ibid para 87.88 ibid para 76.89 France and Others v Commission (n 81) paras 109–124.90 Guidelines on the assessment of horizontal mergers (n 37) footnote 110.91 ibid para 9.92 ibid.93 Damien Geradin and Ianis Girgenson, ‘The Counterfactual Analysis in EU Merger Control (2013) accessed 15 July 2023 at page 2; Guidelines on the assessment of horizontal mergers (n 37) para 9.94 Guidelines on the assessment of horizontal mergers (n 37) para 9.95 Geradin and Girgenson (n 93) 6.96 Guidelines on the assessment of horizontal mergers (n 37) para 9.97 ibid.98 ibid para 89; France and Others v Commission (n 81) para 110.99 Guidelines on the assessment of horizontal mergers (n 37) para 89.100 France and Others v Commission (n 81) para 115.101 BASF/Pantochim/Eurodiol (Comp/M.2314) Commission Decision of 11/07/2001, paras 142&143.102 Guidelines on the assessment of horizontal mergers (n 37) para 90.103 Microsoft/Yahoo!Search Business (n 62) paras 131–159.104 Microsoft Yahoo!/Search Business (n 62) para 101; Microsoft/Skype (n 62) para 81.105 European Data Protection Supervisor, ‘EDPS Opinion on coherent enforcement of fundamental rights in the age of big data’ (Opinion 8/2016). page 6.106 European Data Protection Supervisor, ‘Privacy and competitiveness in the age of big data’ (n 15) 10.107 Completed merger on the acquisition of Footasylum plc by JD Sports Fashion plc: Final report (6 May 2020). .108 ibid paras 8.95, 8.98, 8.108–8.115&8.200–8.204.109 ibid.110 JD Sports Fashion PLC v Competition and Markets Authority [2020] CAT 24.111 ibid [77]&[89].112 ibid [99].113 ibid.114 Facebook/WhatsApp (n 25) para 87.115 ibid para 87.116 ibid para 169.117 ibid paras 102&106.118 ibid para 132.119 Stucke and Grunes, Big Data and Competition Policy (n 13) 75&133.120 Microsoft/LinkedIn (n 28) para 301.121 ibid para 338&343.122 ibid para 346.123 ibid para 350.124 ibid.125 Google/Fitbit (n 11) para 452.126 ibid.127 Google/Fitbit (n 11) footnote 300 of para 452.128 See, e.g. Stucke and Grunes, Big Data and Competition Policy (n 13) 61.129 France and Others v Commission (n 81) paras 109–124.
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European Competition Journal
European Competition Journal Social Sciences-Law
期刊介绍: The European Competition Journal publishes outstanding scholarly articles relating to European competition law and economics. Its mission is to help foster learning and debate about how European competition law and policy can continue to develop in an economically rational way. Articles published in the Journal are subject to rigorous peer review by leading experts from around Europe. Topics include: -Vertical and Conglomerate Mergers -Enlargement of the Union - the ramifications for Competition Policy -Unilateral and Coordinated Effects in Merger Control -Modernisation of European Competition law -Cartels and Leniency.
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