
E. Rajpert-De Meyts, R. Eliasson, F. H. Comhaire, N. E. Skakkebæk, R. M. Sharpe, J. Toppari
{"title":"再见国际男科杂志,欢迎男科!","authors":"E. Rajpert-De Meyts,&nbsp;R. Eliasson,&nbsp;F. H. Comhaire,&nbsp;N. E. Skakkebæk,&nbsp;R. M. Sharpe,&nbsp;J. Toppari","doi":"10.1111/j.1365-2605.2012.01304.x","DOIUrl":null,"url":null,"abstract":"<p>This issue of the <i>International Journal of Andrology</i> (<i>IJA</i>) is the last one. The reason for its disappearance is quite unprecedented: the two top journals in the field of andrology, <i>IJA</i> and its American counterpart, <i>Journal of Andrology</i> (<i>JA</i>) have decided to join forces rather than continue competing against each other. This historical move will undoubtedly strengthen the combined journal and the transatlantic collaboration between the two societies endorsing the two journals: the European Academy of Andrology (EAA) and the American Society of Andrology (ASA).</p><p>In this editorial, written jointly by the founder and long-term chairman of the <i>IJA</i> publication committee, and the current and former chief editors, we look back at the history of the journal and its achievements. A bit of bibliometric data are presented to reflect on the most discussed and cited topics during the journal’s existence. It is noteworthy that the current year, 2012, marks two anniversaries: 35 years of <i>IJA</i> and 20 years of EAA. Round anniversaries are a good excuse to look back but they are also a perfect opportunity for good wishes for the future.</p><p></p><p>The beginning of ‘organized andrology’ in Europe dates back to 1968 when I initiated the European Andrology Group, supported by Schering AG (Schirren &amp; Toyosi, 1970). Independently, in 1970, a few clinicians and scientists interested in the development of andrology, from Barcelona, Spain, and Buenos Aires, Argentina, created the Comité Internaçional de Andrologia (CIDA), with Antoni Puigvert (Barcelona) and Roberto Mancini (Buenos Aires) elected as Presidents. The two groups learned about each other’s activities in 1970 when Mancini and I met at a Nobel Symposium on ‘Control of human fertility’ in Stockholm, Sweden. In 1972, CIDA arranged a meeting in Barcelona and I was elected as the next president. During CIDA’s initial years, financial support for its activities and congresses was provided by the Fundaçio Puigvert, run by an administrative board (Drs A. Aakvaag, W. Bardin, D. de Kretser, R. Eliasson and Miss M. Marti). <i>Andrologia</i> was used as the official journal but it served also as the official publication for the German Society of Andrology. After the First International Congress of Andrology organized in Barcelona (1975), CIDA decided to create its own journal and the first volume of <i>IJA</i> was published in 1978.</p><p>At the Second International Congress of Andrology in Tel Aviv (1981), CIDA was – as planned long before – transformed into the International Society of Andrology (ISA) with Eberhard (Ebo) Nieschlag as president. However, at that stage, it was not possible to transfer <i>IJA</i> to ISA as two of its member societies already had their own journals. Fundaçio Puigvert accepted to keep CIDA as a silent organization with the mission to continue publishing <i>IJA</i>. A publication committee was formed, with me as chairman. Financially, <i>IJA</i> was running with a deficit and after a few years the publisher, Scriptor A/S cancelled the contract, and Blackwell Publishing in Oxford, UK, stepped in. However, <i>IJA</i> remained without any profit for several more years. In 1989, Fundaçion Puigvert withdrew from the journal and donated it to me, so I decided to find a new more permanent home for it. Negotiations with ASA opened a possibility but I was worried that <i>IJA</i> might disappear and therefore decided to find another option for the journal. On the flight back to Europe from that meeting with ASA in late 1991 I read about the European Academy of Anaesthesiology (Zorab &amp; Vickers, 1991) and became inspired to form a similar organization for andrology, and to make such an organization the new home for <i>IJA</i>. Professor Richard Sharpe was the first to be involved and the discussions resulted in a more focused approach. The ISA president, Ebo Nieschlag, was also supportive. At the 7th European Testis Workshop at Schloss Elmau in Bavaria, Germany (May 1992), an interim committee was formed. Soon after, the European Academy of Andrology (EAA) became a reality and the journal was donated to the new organization. Ebo Nieschlag was elected the first president of EAA, and I became treasurer and also chairman of the Publications Committee (and stayed in the latter function until 2008).</p><p>It is with great satisfaction I noticed that, in 2009, <i>IJA</i> had the highest <i>Impact Factor</i> of the andrology journals and that <i>IJA</i> up until now has been able to generate around €500 000 in revenues for the EAA. This is of course the result of the excellent work by all its Chief Editors, who have been intensively engaged in improvement of the journal’s scientific standard and by all those who have acted as Associate Editors on a voluntary basis. The professional work by Blackwell Publishing (and later Wiley-Blackwell) must also be gratefully recognized.</p><p>Now that ASA and EAA have agreed to form a joint journal, it is an agreement between equals and both partners are to be congratulated. I hope that <i>Andrology</i> will develop into a journal so attractive to researchers around the world that it can afford to accept only articles with very high quality. But even more, I hope for a positive attitude towards controversial articles and reviews. Progress in science is always the result of scientists, who dare – and are allowed (!) – to go against the paradigms and its defenders. I fancy the statement by Richard Feynman (Nobel laureate in 1965) that <i>Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts</i> (Feynman, 1969). ‘Experts’ only too often defend the valid paradigms. If <i>Andrology</i> can assign a few pages in each issue devoted to ‘divergent opinions’, it will not only stimulate discussion but also the development of andrology as a scientific field related to the male reproductive tract and not limit itself to male infertility.</p><p></p><p>The first Editor-in-Chief of <i>IJA</i> was Frank H. Comhaire of Ghent, Belgium (1978-1981). He was followed by Niels E. Skakkebæk, Copenhagen, Denmark (1981-1989), Mikko Niemi, Turku, Finland (1990-1993), Richard Sharpe, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK (1994-2001), Jorma Toppari, Turku, Finland (2001-2009) and finally Ewa Rajpert-De Meyts, Copenhagen, Denmark (2009-2012). Incidentally, all chief editors so far, were based in Northern European countries, but the supporting boards of the associate editors were composed of scientists and clinicians from the whole world.</p><p>One of the chief editors, Mikko Niemi, is sadly no longer with us. Many consider him the ‘father’ of andrology in Finland. He worked in Turku as a professor and chairman of the Department of Anatomy from 1965 to 1995. Mikko Niemi was also very interested in social and political issues and worked for a long time as the head of academic affairs in the ministry of education. Before being elected as the chief editor of <i>IJA</i> in 1989, he served as an associate editor in <i>IJA</i> from 1983. Mikko Niemi passed away in 1999 at the age of 69.</p><p>Below, all other chief editors reflect on their time with <i>IJA</i>, and voice a personal commentary on the past and future of the field of andrology.</p><p></p><p>In the very early days of the <i>IJA</i>, a few papers had been collected before the first issue. One of the most outstanding manuscripts submitted to the new journal reported the decline of testosterone concentration in blood of Norwegian soldiers who were submitted to an exhausting military exercise (Aakvaag <i>et al.</i>, 1978). At that time, I was a completely inexperienced editor, with neither technical support nor administrative assistance. Rapidly, the number of manuscripts being submitted increased, and it has been my policy to try to include as much of these as possible, performing whatever editorial improvements were needed. The journal contained progressively more pages, and an additional issue was even needed to incorporate all good papers. Similarly, supplements covering contemporary issues and developments were added. The focus of <i>IJA</i> was on clinical aspects, whereas the majority of papers published in the American counterpart, <i>Journal of Andrology</i> (<i>JA</i>) related to more basic, laboratory and animal research.</p><p>When I had completed my 4 year term of Editor-in-Chief, John Aitken considered the <i>IJA</i> to be ‘the best’ in the field of andrology. I think this is still the case, as can be appreciated from the high citation index. May the future of andrology and of the ‘merged’ journal be bright.</p><p></p><p>Why did we in the 1970s need andrology and still need it today as a medical discipline? Simply because endocrinology, physiology and pathophysiology of male reproduction are not covered by the traditional specialities within academia. On the other hand, other areas relating to the male reproductive system have always been well covered, e.g. urologists and oncologists have taken care of prostate diseases, and urologists together with sexologists have also covered penile and sexual problems in medicine. In my opinion, the specific areas that needed more attention were disorders of spermatogenesis, testicular endocrinology, endocrine and reproductive aspects of testicular cancer and the link between developmental gonadal disorders and adult testicular function. Also, research in male contraception had no ‘natural’ place in the medical world in the 1970s. Fortunately, we have succeeded to get andrology on the map in several ways. The activities have naturally been reflected in the pages of <i>IJA</i>. Some of the avenues ended up being not so successful, for example the use of gossypol as a male contraceptive (Waites <i>et al.</i>, 1998).</p><p>During the past 30–40 years it has become clear that we should not downgrade other sides of ‘male reproductive health’, which should probably be given higher attention than research in male contraception. Infertility due to poor semen quality and increasing trends in testicular cancer among young men are major reproductive problems that need our focus. Since the late 1980s, <i>IJA</i> has accommodated an increasing number of articles in this important andrological area, including articles on associations between genetics or environmental or lifestyle exposures and male reproductive health problems. A search in the database of the Institute of Scientific Information (ISI) suggests that many of these articles have had major impact, even outside andrological circles.</p><p></p><p>I am not a fan of looking back in time, as in science it is often ‘painful’ to read what we thought then as viewed through the eyes of ‘wisdom’ of today. Arguably, one merit of looking back in time is to get a perspective on progress – how has science marched on, and are there lessons to be learnt from the past that can benefit us today? In looking back to my time as Editor of <i>IJA</i>, the clearest perspective is the manner in which <i>IJA</i> has marched forwards. During my period as Editor, the discussions were always about ‘how could we encourage researchers to submit their frontline research to <i>IJA</i>, not just their second-line studies?’ In the past 5 years, there is no question that authors chose <i>IJA</i> for their frontline andrology research; it became pre-eminent in the field.</p><p>When Editor, another recurring topic was how to find a way of merging with the <i>JA</i>, as we recognized then (as is even more evident now) that andrology was too small a discipline to foster two or more mainstream journals. Finding the common ground and compromises to make this happen has now, finally, come about; but back then it looked intractable.</p><p>My strongest memories from my time as Editor though relate to what was happening to andrology itself – its meaning and importance in the scientific world and to the public. This was when there was huge media and public interest in the role of ‘environmental oestrogens in male reproductive disorders’. This forced andrology onto centre stage in a way that was unprecedented. I played a role in this, though perhaps unwittingly (Sharpe, 2003). Since then, time has shown that, at least for human males, environmental oestrogens are probably not a threat – at least not as far as the foetal testis and its all-important steroidogenic function are concerned (watch this space!). However, the biggest lesson learned from looking back as a past Editor is it shows with clarity the merit of perseverance, not least the eventual merger of the two mainstream andrology journals. Progress in andrology, as in all aspects of science, starts with good ideas which should then encourage the research that tests and hones those ideas. <i>IJA</i> has been a champion of this approach and I trust that <i>Andrology</i> will continue to foster this attitude (as also voiced above by Rune Eliasson). I consider myself lucky to have been a part of this process.</p><p></p><p>I was lucky to edit <i>IJA</i> during the time when all scientific journals moved from old paper-fax-mail handling of the manuscripts to electronic communication. That made the editor’s work much easier and above all much faster than before. In old times, the manuscripts were sent to reviewers in the hope that they would accept to evaluate them, and if they did not want to do that, they were requested to return the manuscript back to the editorial office. This was a very inefficient and slow process. With the new techniques we could start to enquire whether the reviewer candidates were willing to serve the journal in due time. We consider this now self-evident, but it was not possible in practice before the 2000s. Leena Karlsson served as the editorial assistant for my whole editorship and she really kept the journal moving by taking care of every single manuscript effectively.</p><p>Whilst all this was technical, substance issues also developed fast during my time. We started to publish some special issues on topical themes, and particularly the first issue Environment, Reproductive Health &amp; Fertility (edited by Jørgensen <i>et al.</i>, 2006) was a big hit collecting an enormous number of citations, which helped the journal to increase its impact factor to become the top andrology journal. This prompted a positive spiral that helped to increase the number of submissions more than threefold in a few years. This of course gave the opportunity to get more of the best andrological papers into the journal. We all know that the impact factor alone does not make a good journal, but at the same time, it does tell something about the journal’s reputation, and excellent journals tend to have higher impact factors than mediocre ones.</p><p>When I started as a Chief Editor we had discussions with ASA about a possible journal merger, but the time was not yet right for the joint venture. During my last years, those discussions were started again, and I was supporting the idea of strengthening andrology by forming one good journal that would be supported both by ASA and EAA. I participated in discussions, for example with Marvin Meistrich and Bernard Robaire to find a common basis for this major move. Now I am very happy to see the birth of the joint journal that will be for sure the beacon of andrology for years to come. I am sure that <i>Andrology</i> will prosper and thereby the discipline of andrology will prosper.</p><p>The relative impact of <i>IJA</i>, and other andrology journals, has always been modest, due to the small size of this field of medical science. However, the increase in citations to the articles published in <i>IJA</i> has been steady over the years. Interestingly, despite the fact that the most cited papers were published in the late 1980s and 1990s, the number of citations has been increasing much more rapidly since 2006 (Fig. 1), likely reflecting not only the worldwide trend for an ever growing number of journals, publications and references but also the growing impact of andrology.</p><p>The ISI impact factor of <i>IJA</i>– after languishing for many years around 1.5–1.9 – has rapidly increased since 2006, and stabilized around a very respectable 3.6–4.0 (Fig. 2), placing the journal firmly at the top of the list of andrology journals. The analysis of the cumulative number of citations to papers published in <i>IJA</i> from the beginning of the journal’s existence paints an interesting picture of the topics that have endured over the years. Predictably, three review articles are among the top five papers, but these reviews remain relevant and highly cited.</p><p>The top paper (by a large margin, with nearly 500 citations) proposed a hypothesis that different histological forms of testicular cancer of young adults are derived from a common precursor cell, which is likely derived from foetal germ cells (Skakkebæk <i>et al.</i>, 1987). Although we still do not know what has caused the increase in the incidence of testicular cancer, the hypothesis concerning the initiation of this disease in foetal life remains valid 25 years after the publication. The second most cited paper (almost 200 citations) is a review on reactive oxygen species (ROS) in human spermatozoa (Griveau &amp; Le Lannou, 1997) written 15 years ago, but still gathering a good number of references (cited 20 times in 2011). High interest in ROS and oxidative stress and their effect on sperm quality and function, which begun in the early 1990s, and has continued until now, is reflected by the presence of three original studies on this topic among the top 10 highly cited papers, the oldest one occupying fourth position (Aitken &amp; West, 1990; de Lamirande &amp; Gagnon, 1993; Zini <i>et al.</i>, 1993). The third top paper comprises the guidelines for molecular analysis of the Y-chromosome (Simoni <i>et al.</i>, 2004), which has proved very useful and has undoubtedly contributed to the improved standard of Y-chromosome analysis in andrology laboratories around the world. In fifth position for the best-cited <i>IJA</i> papers of all time is a review discussing the issue mentioned above by Richard Sharpe, as to whether or not oestrogens are endocrine disruptors in the male reproductive tract (Sharpe <i>et al.</i> 2003). This review also continues to be read and is frequently cited. Among the top 10 papers, there is also a review on developmental endocrine-disrupting effects of phthalates in the rat model (Foster, 2006), which led to an intense research on the possible harmful effect of these chemicals in humans. Although the evidence from human studies has not yet been clear-cut or conclusive, the large number of references to this <i>IJA</i> review article mirrors the public interest and the importance of this topic for reproductive physiopathology.</p><p></p><p>In 1995, during the term of Richard Sharpe as Editor-in-Chief, the editorial board begun bestowing annual prizes for the best articles published in <i>IJA</i> in a given year. The awards (for the best paper and the runner-up) were sponsored generously by Hamilton Thorne Research Ltd for several years, and subsequently by the EAA. The last annual award for the best publication was given in 2005.</p><p>After a hiatus of a few years, EAA has decided to renew the prize in a new format: a biennial <i>IJA</i> Award and Lecture, given to a scientist with an outstanding publication record in the journal during the immediately preceding years. The first recipient of the new <i>IJA</i> award was R. John Aitken (University of Newcastle, Callaghan, Australia), who presented the award lecture at the 6th European Congress of Andrology, held in Athens, Greece, in autumn 2010.</p><p>The next (and the last) laureate of the <i>IJA</i> award has been selected by the <i>IJA</i>’s Editorial Board and the Executive Council of EAA among the authors of papers published in <i>IJA</i> within 2010–2011 (may appear in final print in 2012). The award is usually announced to the readers of <i>IJA post factum</i>, but exceptionally this time we chose to do it before the official ceremony, in the last issue of <i>IJA</i>.</p><p>It is our pleasure to announce that the worthy laureate is Professor Mario Maggi (Sexual Medicine &amp; Andrology Unit, Department of Clinical Physiopathology, University of Florence, Italy), who will present an award lecture on 29 November 2012, at the 7th European Congress of Andrology in Berlin, Germany. The award is given based on the unprecedented seven papers accepted by <i>IJA</i> within 2010–2011 from this group, with Mario Maggi as the senior author (Corona <i>et al.</i>, 2010, 2011a,b,c; Fibbi <i>et al.</i>, 2010; Lotti <i>et al.</i>, 2011; Fisher <i>et al.</i>, 2012). In addition, Mario Maggi was a co-author of four other papers published in <i>IJA</i> in the preceding year.</p><p>Mario Maggi is a towering figure in andrology, endocrinology and sexual medicine. He is currently leading a very active clinical department and research group in Florence. He is the author of more than 310 scientific papers and book chapters, and is a popular speaker at both national and international meetings. Mario Maggi is a member of editorial boards of several journals and serves on numerous committees, including the Executive Council of the EAA. We congratulate Mario and wish him success with his future projects.</p><p></p><p>I took over as chief editor of <i>IJA</i> from Jorma Toppari in 2009 and have ‘inherited’ a journal with a great standing, with the highest ever impact factor, a robust pipeline of papers and a steady stream of new submissions of increasingly high quality. So it was with mixed feelings when about a year later, I learned about the plan to join <i>IJA</i> and <i>JA</i> to form a new journal. I was sorry to see <i>IJA</i> disappear when it had reached a clear top position among the andrology journals. In the first round of voting I was, in fact, among the ‘naysayers’. However, after participating in several discussions with Ilpo Huhtaniemi and the EAA Council as well as with a few American colleagues, I began to appreciate the vision behind this endeavour, which is presented in detail in a recent editorial written by the two men, whose perseverance finally made this happen (Meistrich &amp; Huhtaniemi, 2012). Furthermore, while learning more about the publishing world and seeing the aggressive spamming campaigns of numerous for-profit publishers constantly coming up with new periodicals, I realized that we need the opposite – fewer excellent journals striving for scientific quality rather than a plethora of pseudo-scientific journals that nobody reads. So when I was offered to become a co-Chief Editor of <i>Andrology</i>, together with Douglas Carrell appointed by ASA, I accepted enthusiastically. After several months of work by the merger committee, with great support from Allen Stevens, the journal editorial director and his team at Wiley Blackwell as well as our editorial assistant Andy Beare, <i>Andrology</i> was born and opened for submissions on 1 April 2012. Dr Carrell and I have an excellent collaboration, which is easy in the era of instant electronic communication, despite the long geographical distance. We have been receiving an increasing number of manuscripts and the first issue of <i>Andrology</i> will appear in print a month earlier than planned, to allow distribution at the upcoming European Congress of Andrology and EAU Urology Section of Andrological Urology (ESAU) in Berlin (November/December 2012).</p><p>We are all proud of the achievements of IJA and take this opportunity to thank scores of editors and referees, whose hard work and dedication was instrumental in the journal’s success. We believe that <i>Andrology</i> will be even more successful. But its future depends on continuing support from the andrology community, so we ask you to send your best work to <i>Andrology</i>.</p>","PeriodicalId":13890,"journal":{"name":"International journal of andrology","volume":"35 6","pages":"769-774"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0000,"publicationDate":"2012-11-21","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://sci-hub-pdf.com/10.1111/j.1365-2605.2012.01304.x","citationCount":"0","resultStr":"{\"title\":\"Goodbye International Journal of Andrology, welcome Andrology!\",\"authors\":\"E. Rajpert-De Meyts,&nbsp;R. Eliasson,&nbsp;F. H. Comhaire,&nbsp;N. E. Skakkebæk,&nbsp;R. M. Sharpe,&nbsp;J. Toppari\",\"doi\":\"10.1111/j.1365-2605.2012.01304.x\",\"DOIUrl\":null,\"url\":null,\"abstract\":\"<p>This issue of the <i>International Journal of Andrology</i> (<i>IJA</i>) is the last one. The reason for its disappearance is quite unprecedented: the two top journals in the field of andrology, <i>IJA</i> and its American counterpart, <i>Journal of Andrology</i> (<i>JA</i>) have decided to join forces rather than continue competing against each other. This historical move will undoubtedly strengthen the combined journal and the transatlantic collaboration between the two societies endorsing the two journals: the European Academy of Andrology (EAA) and the American Society of Andrology (ASA).</p><p>In this editorial, written jointly by the founder and long-term chairman of the <i>IJA</i> publication committee, and the current and former chief editors, we look back at the history of the journal and its achievements. A bit of bibliometric data are presented to reflect on the most discussed and cited topics during the journal’s existence. It is noteworthy that the current year, 2012, marks two anniversaries: 35 years of <i>IJA</i> and 20 years of EAA. Round anniversaries are a good excuse to look back but they are also a perfect opportunity for good wishes for the future.</p><p></p><p>The beginning of ‘organized andrology’ in Europe dates back to 1968 when I initiated the European Andrology Group, supported by Schering AG (Schirren &amp; Toyosi, 1970). Independently, in 1970, a few clinicians and scientists interested in the development of andrology, from Barcelona, Spain, and Buenos Aires, Argentina, created the Comité Internaçional de Andrologia (CIDA), with Antoni Puigvert (Barcelona) and Roberto Mancini (Buenos Aires) elected as Presidents. The two groups learned about each other’s activities in 1970 when Mancini and I met at a Nobel Symposium on ‘Control of human fertility’ in Stockholm, Sweden. In 1972, CIDA arranged a meeting in Barcelona and I was elected as the next president. During CIDA’s initial years, financial support for its activities and congresses was provided by the Fundaçio Puigvert, run by an administrative board (Drs A. Aakvaag, W. Bardin, D. de Kretser, R. Eliasson and Miss M. Marti). <i>Andrologia</i> was used as the official journal but it served also as the official publication for the German Society of Andrology. After the First International Congress of Andrology organized in Barcelona (1975), CIDA decided to create its own journal and the first volume of <i>IJA</i> was published in 1978.</p><p>At the Second International Congress of Andrology in Tel Aviv (1981), CIDA was – as planned long before – transformed into the International Society of Andrology (ISA) with Eberhard (Ebo) Nieschlag as president. However, at that stage, it was not possible to transfer <i>IJA</i> to ISA as two of its member societies already had their own journals. Fundaçio Puigvert accepted to keep CIDA as a silent organization with the mission to continue publishing <i>IJA</i>. A publication committee was formed, with me as chairman. Financially, <i>IJA</i> was running with a deficit and after a few years the publisher, Scriptor A/S cancelled the contract, and Blackwell Publishing in Oxford, UK, stepped in. However, <i>IJA</i> remained without any profit for several more years. In 1989, Fundaçion Puigvert withdrew from the journal and donated it to me, so I decided to find a new more permanent home for it. Negotiations with ASA opened a possibility but I was worried that <i>IJA</i> might disappear and therefore decided to find another option for the journal. On the flight back to Europe from that meeting with ASA in late 1991 I read about the European Academy of Anaesthesiology (Zorab &amp; Vickers, 1991) and became inspired to form a similar organization for andrology, and to make such an organization the new home for <i>IJA</i>. Professor Richard Sharpe was the first to be involved and the discussions resulted in a more focused approach. The ISA president, Ebo Nieschlag, was also supportive. At the 7th European Testis Workshop at Schloss Elmau in Bavaria, Germany (May 1992), an interim committee was formed. Soon after, the European Academy of Andrology (EAA) became a reality and the journal was donated to the new organization. Ebo Nieschlag was elected the first president of EAA, and I became treasurer and also chairman of the Publications Committee (and stayed in the latter function until 2008).</p><p>It is with great satisfaction I noticed that, in 2009, <i>IJA</i> had the highest <i>Impact Factor</i> of the andrology journals and that <i>IJA</i> up until now has been able to generate around €500 000 in revenues for the EAA. This is of course the result of the excellent work by all its Chief Editors, who have been intensively engaged in improvement of the journal’s scientific standard and by all those who have acted as Associate Editors on a voluntary basis. The professional work by Blackwell Publishing (and later Wiley-Blackwell) must also be gratefully recognized.</p><p>Now that ASA and EAA have agreed to form a joint journal, it is an agreement between equals and both partners are to be congratulated. I hope that <i>Andrology</i> will develop into a journal so attractive to researchers around the world that it can afford to accept only articles with very high quality. But even more, I hope for a positive attitude towards controversial articles and reviews. Progress in science is always the result of scientists, who dare – and are allowed (!) – to go against the paradigms and its defenders. I fancy the statement by Richard Feynman (Nobel laureate in 1965) that <i>Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts</i> (Feynman, 1969). ‘Experts’ only too often defend the valid paradigms. If <i>Andrology</i> can assign a few pages in each issue devoted to ‘divergent opinions’, it will not only stimulate discussion but also the development of andrology as a scientific field related to the male reproductive tract and not limit itself to male infertility.</p><p></p><p>The first Editor-in-Chief of <i>IJA</i> was Frank H. Comhaire of Ghent, Belgium (1978-1981). He was followed by Niels E. Skakkebæk, Copenhagen, Denmark (1981-1989), Mikko Niemi, Turku, Finland (1990-1993), Richard Sharpe, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK (1994-2001), Jorma Toppari, Turku, Finland (2001-2009) and finally Ewa Rajpert-De Meyts, Copenhagen, Denmark (2009-2012). Incidentally, all chief editors so far, were based in Northern European countries, but the supporting boards of the associate editors were composed of scientists and clinicians from the whole world.</p><p>One of the chief editors, Mikko Niemi, is sadly no longer with us. Many consider him the ‘father’ of andrology in Finland. He worked in Turku as a professor and chairman of the Department of Anatomy from 1965 to 1995. Mikko Niemi was also very interested in social and political issues and worked for a long time as the head of academic affairs in the ministry of education. Before being elected as the chief editor of <i>IJA</i> in 1989, he served as an associate editor in <i>IJA</i> from 1983. Mikko Niemi passed away in 1999 at the age of 69.</p><p>Below, all other chief editors reflect on their time with <i>IJA</i>, and voice a personal commentary on the past and future of the field of andrology.</p><p></p><p>In the very early days of the <i>IJA</i>, a few papers had been collected before the first issue. One of the most outstanding manuscripts submitted to the new journal reported the decline of testosterone concentration in blood of Norwegian soldiers who were submitted to an exhausting military exercise (Aakvaag <i>et al.</i>, 1978). At that time, I was a completely inexperienced editor, with neither technical support nor administrative assistance. Rapidly, the number of manuscripts being submitted increased, and it has been my policy to try to include as much of these as possible, performing whatever editorial improvements were needed. The journal contained progressively more pages, and an additional issue was even needed to incorporate all good papers. Similarly, supplements covering contemporary issues and developments were added. The focus of <i>IJA</i> was on clinical aspects, whereas the majority of papers published in the American counterpart, <i>Journal of Andrology</i> (<i>JA</i>) related to more basic, laboratory and animal research.</p><p>When I had completed my 4 year term of Editor-in-Chief, John Aitken considered the <i>IJA</i> to be ‘the best’ in the field of andrology. I think this is still the case, as can be appreciated from the high citation index. May the future of andrology and of the ‘merged’ journal be bright.</p><p></p><p>Why did we in the 1970s need andrology and still need it today as a medical discipline? Simply because endocrinology, physiology and pathophysiology of male reproduction are not covered by the traditional specialities within academia. On the other hand, other areas relating to the male reproductive system have always been well covered, e.g. urologists and oncologists have taken care of prostate diseases, and urologists together with sexologists have also covered penile and sexual problems in medicine. In my opinion, the specific areas that needed more attention were disorders of spermatogenesis, testicular endocrinology, endocrine and reproductive aspects of testicular cancer and the link between developmental gonadal disorders and adult testicular function. Also, research in male contraception had no ‘natural’ place in the medical world in the 1970s. Fortunately, we have succeeded to get andrology on the map in several ways. The activities have naturally been reflected in the pages of <i>IJA</i>. Some of the avenues ended up being not so successful, for example the use of gossypol as a male contraceptive (Waites <i>et al.</i>, 1998).</p><p>During the past 30–40 years it has become clear that we should not downgrade other sides of ‘male reproductive health’, which should probably be given higher attention than research in male contraception. Infertility due to poor semen quality and increasing trends in testicular cancer among young men are major reproductive problems that need our focus. Since the late 1980s, <i>IJA</i> has accommodated an increasing number of articles in this important andrological area, including articles on associations between genetics or environmental or lifestyle exposures and male reproductive health problems. A search in the database of the Institute of Scientific Information (ISI) suggests that many of these articles have had major impact, even outside andrological circles.</p><p></p><p>I am not a fan of looking back in time, as in science it is often ‘painful’ to read what we thought then as viewed through the eyes of ‘wisdom’ of today. Arguably, one merit of looking back in time is to get a perspective on progress – how has science marched on, and are there lessons to be learnt from the past that can benefit us today? In looking back to my time as Editor of <i>IJA</i>, the clearest perspective is the manner in which <i>IJA</i> has marched forwards. During my period as Editor, the discussions were always about ‘how could we encourage researchers to submit their frontline research to <i>IJA</i>, not just their second-line studies?’ In the past 5 years, there is no question that authors chose <i>IJA</i> for their frontline andrology research; it became pre-eminent in the field.</p><p>When Editor, another recurring topic was how to find a way of merging with the <i>JA</i>, as we recognized then (as is even more evident now) that andrology was too small a discipline to foster two or more mainstream journals. Finding the common ground and compromises to make this happen has now, finally, come about; but back then it looked intractable.</p><p>My strongest memories from my time as Editor though relate to what was happening to andrology itself – its meaning and importance in the scientific world and to the public. This was when there was huge media and public interest in the role of ‘environmental oestrogens in male reproductive disorders’. This forced andrology onto centre stage in a way that was unprecedented. I played a role in this, though perhaps unwittingly (Sharpe, 2003). Since then, time has shown that, at least for human males, environmental oestrogens are probably not a threat – at least not as far as the foetal testis and its all-important steroidogenic function are concerned (watch this space!). However, the biggest lesson learned from looking back as a past Editor is it shows with clarity the merit of perseverance, not least the eventual merger of the two mainstream andrology journals. Progress in andrology, as in all aspects of science, starts with good ideas which should then encourage the research that tests and hones those ideas. <i>IJA</i> has been a champion of this approach and I trust that <i>Andrology</i> will continue to foster this attitude (as also voiced above by Rune Eliasson). I consider myself lucky to have been a part of this process.</p><p></p><p>I was lucky to edit <i>IJA</i> during the time when all scientific journals moved from old paper-fax-mail handling of the manuscripts to electronic communication. That made the editor’s work much easier and above all much faster than before. In old times, the manuscripts were sent to reviewers in the hope that they would accept to evaluate them, and if they did not want to do that, they were requested to return the manuscript back to the editorial office. This was a very inefficient and slow process. With the new techniques we could start to enquire whether the reviewer candidates were willing to serve the journal in due time. We consider this now self-evident, but it was not possible in practice before the 2000s. Leena Karlsson served as the editorial assistant for my whole editorship and she really kept the journal moving by taking care of every single manuscript effectively.</p><p>Whilst all this was technical, substance issues also developed fast during my time. We started to publish some special issues on topical themes, and particularly the first issue Environment, Reproductive Health &amp; Fertility (edited by Jørgensen <i>et al.</i>, 2006) was a big hit collecting an enormous number of citations, which helped the journal to increase its impact factor to become the top andrology journal. This prompted a positive spiral that helped to increase the number of submissions more than threefold in a few years. This of course gave the opportunity to get more of the best andrological papers into the journal. We all know that the impact factor alone does not make a good journal, but at the same time, it does tell something about the journal’s reputation, and excellent journals tend to have higher impact factors than mediocre ones.</p><p>When I started as a Chief Editor we had discussions with ASA about a possible journal merger, but the time was not yet right for the joint venture. During my last years, those discussions were started again, and I was supporting the idea of strengthening andrology by forming one good journal that would be supported both by ASA and EAA. I participated in discussions, for example with Marvin Meistrich and Bernard Robaire to find a common basis for this major move. Now I am very happy to see the birth of the joint journal that will be for sure the beacon of andrology for years to come. I am sure that <i>Andrology</i> will prosper and thereby the discipline of andrology will prosper.</p><p>The relative impact of <i>IJA</i>, and other andrology journals, has always been modest, due to the small size of this field of medical science. However, the increase in citations to the articles published in <i>IJA</i> has been steady over the years. Interestingly, despite the fact that the most cited papers were published in the late 1980s and 1990s, the number of citations has been increasing much more rapidly since 2006 (Fig. 1), likely reflecting not only the worldwide trend for an ever growing number of journals, publications and references but also the growing impact of andrology.</p><p>The ISI impact factor of <i>IJA</i>– after languishing for many years around 1.5–1.9 – has rapidly increased since 2006, and stabilized around a very respectable 3.6–4.0 (Fig. 2), placing the journal firmly at the top of the list of andrology journals. The analysis of the cumulative number of citations to papers published in <i>IJA</i> from the beginning of the journal’s existence paints an interesting picture of the topics that have endured over the years. Predictably, three review articles are among the top five papers, but these reviews remain relevant and highly cited.</p><p>The top paper (by a large margin, with nearly 500 citations) proposed a hypothesis that different histological forms of testicular cancer of young adults are derived from a common precursor cell, which is likely derived from foetal germ cells (Skakkebæk <i>et al.</i>, 1987). Although we still do not know what has caused the increase in the incidence of testicular cancer, the hypothesis concerning the initiation of this disease in foetal life remains valid 25 years after the publication. The second most cited paper (almost 200 citations) is a review on reactive oxygen species (ROS) in human spermatozoa (Griveau &amp; Le Lannou, 1997) written 15 years ago, but still gathering a good number of references (cited 20 times in 2011). High interest in ROS and oxidative stress and their effect on sperm quality and function, which begun in the early 1990s, and has continued until now, is reflected by the presence of three original studies on this topic among the top 10 highly cited papers, the oldest one occupying fourth position (Aitken &amp; West, 1990; de Lamirande &amp; Gagnon, 1993; Zini <i>et al.</i>, 1993). The third top paper comprises the guidelines for molecular analysis of the Y-chromosome (Simoni <i>et al.</i>, 2004), which has proved very useful and has undoubtedly contributed to the improved standard of Y-chromosome analysis in andrology laboratories around the world. In fifth position for the best-cited <i>IJA</i> papers of all time is a review discussing the issue mentioned above by Richard Sharpe, as to whether or not oestrogens are endocrine disruptors in the male reproductive tract (Sharpe <i>et al.</i> 2003). This review also continues to be read and is frequently cited. Among the top 10 papers, there is also a review on developmental endocrine-disrupting effects of phthalates in the rat model (Foster, 2006), which led to an intense research on the possible harmful effect of these chemicals in humans. Although the evidence from human studies has not yet been clear-cut or conclusive, the large number of references to this <i>IJA</i> review article mirrors the public interest and the importance of this topic for reproductive physiopathology.</p><p></p><p>In 1995, during the term of Richard Sharpe as Editor-in-Chief, the editorial board begun bestowing annual prizes for the best articles published in <i>IJA</i> in a given year. The awards (for the best paper and the runner-up) were sponsored generously by Hamilton Thorne Research Ltd for several years, and subsequently by the EAA. The last annual award for the best publication was given in 2005.</p><p>After a hiatus of a few years, EAA has decided to renew the prize in a new format: a biennial <i>IJA</i> Award and Lecture, given to a scientist with an outstanding publication record in the journal during the immediately preceding years. The first recipient of the new <i>IJA</i> award was R. John Aitken (University of Newcastle, Callaghan, Australia), who presented the award lecture at the 6th European Congress of Andrology, held in Athens, Greece, in autumn 2010.</p><p>The next (and the last) laureate of the <i>IJA</i> award has been selected by the <i>IJA</i>’s Editorial Board and the Executive Council of EAA among the authors of papers published in <i>IJA</i> within 2010–2011 (may appear in final print in 2012). The award is usually announced to the readers of <i>IJA post factum</i>, but exceptionally this time we chose to do it before the official ceremony, in the last issue of <i>IJA</i>.</p><p>It is our pleasure to announce that the worthy laureate is Professor Mario Maggi (Sexual Medicine &amp; Andrology Unit, Department of Clinical Physiopathology, University of Florence, Italy), who will present an award lecture on 29 November 2012, at the 7th European Congress of Andrology in Berlin, Germany. The award is given based on the unprecedented seven papers accepted by <i>IJA</i> within 2010–2011 from this group, with Mario Maggi as the senior author (Corona <i>et al.</i>, 2010, 2011a,b,c; Fibbi <i>et al.</i>, 2010; Lotti <i>et al.</i>, 2011; Fisher <i>et al.</i>, 2012). In addition, Mario Maggi was a co-author of four other papers published in <i>IJA</i> in the preceding year.</p><p>Mario Maggi is a towering figure in andrology, endocrinology and sexual medicine. He is currently leading a very active clinical department and research group in Florence. He is the author of more than 310 scientific papers and book chapters, and is a popular speaker at both national and international meetings. Mario Maggi is a member of editorial boards of several journals and serves on numerous committees, including the Executive Council of the EAA. We congratulate Mario and wish him success with his future projects.</p><p></p><p>I took over as chief editor of <i>IJA</i> from Jorma Toppari in 2009 and have ‘inherited’ a journal with a great standing, with the highest ever impact factor, a robust pipeline of papers and a steady stream of new submissions of increasingly high quality. So it was with mixed feelings when about a year later, I learned about the plan to join <i>IJA</i> and <i>JA</i> to form a new journal. I was sorry to see <i>IJA</i> disappear when it had reached a clear top position among the andrology journals. In the first round of voting I was, in fact, among the ‘naysayers’. However, after participating in several discussions with Ilpo Huhtaniemi and the EAA Council as well as with a few American colleagues, I began to appreciate the vision behind this endeavour, which is presented in detail in a recent editorial written by the two men, whose perseverance finally made this happen (Meistrich &amp; Huhtaniemi, 2012). Furthermore, while learning more about the publishing world and seeing the aggressive spamming campaigns of numerous for-profit publishers constantly coming up with new periodicals, I realized that we need the opposite – fewer excellent journals striving for scientific quality rather than a plethora of pseudo-scientific journals that nobody reads. So when I was offered to become a co-Chief Editor of <i>Andrology</i>, together with Douglas Carrell appointed by ASA, I accepted enthusiastically. After several months of work by the merger committee, with great support from Allen Stevens, the journal editorial director and his team at Wiley Blackwell as well as our editorial assistant Andy Beare, <i>Andrology</i> was born and opened for submissions on 1 April 2012. Dr Carrell and I have an excellent collaboration, which is easy in the era of instant electronic communication, despite the long geographical distance. We have been receiving an increasing number of manuscripts and the first issue of <i>Andrology</i> will appear in print a month earlier than planned, to allow distribution at the upcoming European Congress of Andrology and EAU Urology Section of Andrological Urology (ESAU) in Berlin (November/December 2012).</p><p>We are all proud of the achievements of IJA and take this opportunity to thank scores of editors and referees, whose hard work and dedication was instrumental in the journal’s success. We believe that <i>Andrology</i> will be even more successful. But its future depends on continuing support from the andrology community, so we ask you to send your best work to <i>Andrology</i>.</p>\",\"PeriodicalId\":13890,\"journal\":{\"name\":\"International journal of andrology\",\"volume\":\"35 6\",\"pages\":\"769-774\"},\"PeriodicalIF\":0.0000,\"publicationDate\":\"2012-11-21\",\"publicationTypes\":\"Journal Article\",\"fieldsOfStudy\":null,\"isOpenAccess\":false,\"openAccessPdf\":\"https://sci-hub-pdf.com/10.1111/j.1365-2605.2012.01304.x\",\"citationCount\":\"0\",\"resultStr\":null,\"platform\":\"Semanticscholar\",\"paperid\":null,\"PeriodicalName\":\"International journal of andrology\",\"FirstCategoryId\":\"1085\",\"ListUrlMain\":\"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1365-2605.2012.01304.x\",\"RegionNum\":0,\"RegionCategory\":null,\"ArticlePicture\":[],\"TitleCN\":null,\"AbstractTextCN\":null,\"PMCID\":null,\"EPubDate\":\"\",\"PubModel\":\"\",\"JCR\":\"\",\"JCRName\":\"\",\"Score\":null,\"Total\":0}","platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":null,"PeriodicalName":"International journal of andrology","FirstCategoryId":"1085","ListUrlMain":"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1365-2605.2012.01304.x","RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":null,"ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":null,"EPubDate":"","PubModel":"","JCR":"","JCRName":"","Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0


这一期的《国际男科杂志》(IJA)是最后一期。它消失的原因是前所未有的:在男科领域的两个顶级期刊,IJA和它的美国同行,Journal of andrology (JA)决定联合起来,而不是继续相互竞争。毫无疑问,这一历史性的举动将加强合并后的期刊,以及支持这两份期刊的两个协会之间的跨大西洋合作:欧洲男科学会(EAA)和美国男科学会(ASA)。在这篇由IJA出版委员会的创始人和长期主席以及现任和前任主编共同撰写的社论中,我们回顾了该期刊的历史及其成就。本文提供了一些文献计量数据,以反映该期刊存在期间讨论和引用最多的主题。值得注意的是,2012年是两个纪念日:IJA成立35周年和EAA成立20周年。周年纪念日是回顾过去的好借口,也是对未来美好祝愿的好机会。在欧洲,“有组织的男科学”的开始要追溯到1968年,当时我在先灵集团(Schirren &Toyosi, 1970)。1970年,来自西班牙巴塞罗那和阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯的几位对男科发展感兴趣的临床医生和科学家独立地创建了国际男科委员会(CIDA),安东尼·普伊格维特(巴塞罗那)和罗伯托·曼奇尼(布宜诺斯艾利斯)当选为主席。1970年,我和曼奇尼在瑞典斯德哥尔摩举行的“人类生育控制”诺贝尔研讨会上相遇,这两个小组了解了彼此的活动。1972年,CIDA在巴塞罗那安排了一次会议,我被选为下一任主席。在CIDA成立的最初几年中,由行政委员会(A. Aakvaag博士、W. Bardin博士、D. de Kretser博士、R. Eliasson博士和M. Marti小姐)管理的funda<s:1> Puigvert基金会为其活动和大会提供财政支持。《男科学》被用作官方期刊,同时也是德国男科学会的官方出版物。1975年在巴塞罗那举办的第一届国际男科大会之后,CIDA决定创建自己的期刊,并于1978年出版了IJA的第一卷。1981年,在特拉维夫举行的第二届国际男科大会上,CIDA按照很久以前的计划,由埃伯哈德·尼施拉格(Eberhard Nieschlag)担任主席,转变为国际男科学会(ISA)。但是,在那个阶段,不可能将国际书协转交给国际书协,因为它的两个成员学会已经有了自己的期刊。基金会接受了CIDA作为一个沉默的组织继续出版IJA的使命。成立了一个出版委员会,由我担任主席。在财政上,IJA出现了赤字,几年后,出版商Scriptor a /S取消了合同,英国牛津的Blackwell Publishing介入。然而,IJA在接下来的几年里一直没有盈利。1989年,基金会(fundaalsion Puigvert)退出了这本杂志,并把它捐赠给了我,所以我决定为它找一个更永久的新家。与ASA的谈判开启了一种可能性,但我担心IJA可能会消失,因此决定为期刊寻找另一种选择。1991年底,在结束与ASA的会议返回欧洲的飞机上,我读到了关于欧洲麻醉学学会(Zorab &Vickers, 1991),并受到启发成立了一个类似的男科组织,并使这样一个组织成为IJA的新家。理查德·夏普(Richard Sharpe)教授是第一个参与其中的人,讨论产生了更集中的方法。ISA主席Ebo Nieschlag也表示支持。1992年5月,在德国巴伐利亚州埃尔茂城堡举行的第七届欧洲睾丸研讨会上,成立了一个临时委员会。不久之后,欧洲男科学会(EAA)成立了,该杂志被捐赠给了这个新组织。Ebo Nieschlag被选为EAA的第一任总裁,我成为财务主管和出版委员会主席(直到2008年)。我非常满意地注意到,在2009年,IJA在男科期刊中具有最高的影响因子,并且到目前为止,IJA已经能够为EAA创造大约50万欧元的收入。这当然是所有主编的出色工作的结果,他们一直致力于提高期刊的科学标准,以及所有自愿担任副编辑的人。Blackwell Publishing(以及后来的Wiley-Blackwell)的专业工作也必须得到感激的认可。既然ASA和EAA已经同意创办一份联合期刊,这是一个平等的协议,双方都值得祝贺。 我希望《男科学》能够发展成为一份对全世界的研究人员都有吸引力的杂志,它可以只接受高质量的文章。但更重要的是,我希望对有争议的文章和评论持积极的态度。科学的进步总是科学家的成果,他们敢于——并且被允许(!)——反对范式及其捍卫者。我喜欢理查德·费曼(Richard Feynman, 1965年诺贝尔奖得主)的说法,即科学是对专家无知的信仰(Feynman, 1969)。“专家”只是过于频繁地为有效的范例辩护。如果《男科》杂志能在每期杂志上用几页篇幅专门讨论“不同的观点”,这不仅会激发讨论,还会促进男科作为一门与男性生殖道相关的科学领域的发展,而不仅仅局限于男性不育。IJA的首任主编是来自比利时根特的Frank H. Comhaire(1978-1981)。紧随其后的是丹麦哥本哈根的尼尔斯·e·斯卡凯布·埃尔克(1981-1989)、芬兰图尔库的米科·涅米(1990-1993)、英国苏格兰爱丁堡的理查德·夏普(1994-2001)、芬兰图尔库的乔玛·托帕里(2001-2009)和丹麦哥本哈根的埃瓦·拉杰佩特-德·梅茨(2009-2012)。顺便说一句,到目前为止,所有的主编都来自北欧国家,但副主编的支持委员会由来自世界各地的科学家和临床医生组成。其中一位主编米科·涅米(Mikko Niemi)不幸已不在人世。许多人认为他是芬兰男科学之父。1965年至1995年,他在图尔库担任解剖学教授和系主任。Mikko Niemi也对社会和政治问题非常感兴趣,并在教育部担任了很长时间的学术事务负责人。在1989年被选为IJA主编之前,他从1983年开始担任IJA副主编。Mikko Niemi于1999年去世,享年69岁。下面,所有其他主编都回顾了他们在IJA的时光,并对男科领域的过去和未来发表了个人评论。在日本书协成立之初,在第一期之前就收集了一些论文。提交给新杂志的最杰出的手稿之一报道了挪威士兵在筋疲力尽的军事演习中血液中睾酮浓度的下降(Aakvaag等人,1978年)。当时,我是一个完全没有经验的编辑,既没有技术支持,也没有行政协助。很快,提交的手稿数量增加了,我的政策是尽可能多地收录这些手稿,并对编辑进行必要的改进。杂志的页数逐渐增加,甚至还需要增刊来收录所有优秀的论文。同样,还增加了涉及当代问题和事态发展的补编。IJA的重点是临床方面,而美国同行Journal of Andrology (JA)发表的大多数论文涉及更多的基础、实验室和动物研究。当我完成4年的主编任期时,约翰·艾特肯认为IJA是男科领域“最好的”。我认为现在情况依然如此,从高引用指数就可以看出这一点。愿男科学和“合并”期刊的未来一片光明。为什么我们在20世纪70年代需要男科学,而今天仍然需要它作为一门医学学科?因为男性生殖的内分泌学、生理学和病理生理学不属于学术界的传统专业。另一方面,与男性生殖系统有关的其他领域一直被很好地覆盖,例如泌尿科医生和肿瘤学家已经照顾前列腺疾病,泌尿科医生和性学家一起也涵盖了医学中的阴茎和性问题。在我看来,需要更多关注的具体领域是精子发生障碍、睾丸内分泌学、睾丸癌的内分泌和生殖方面以及性腺发育障碍与成人睾丸功能之间的联系。此外,在20世纪70年代,男性避孕的研究在医学界没有“自然”的地位。幸运的是,我们已经成功地在几个方面让男科学在地图上出现。这些活动自然反映在《日本联合公报》的页面上。一些途径最终不太成功,例如使用棉酚作为男性避孕药(Waites et al., 1998)。在过去的30-40年里,很明显,我们不应该贬低“男性生殖健康”的其他方面,这些方面可能应该比男性避孕研究得到更高的重视。在年轻男性中,由于精液质量差导致的不孕症和睾丸癌的增加趋势是需要我们关注的主要生殖问题。 自1980年代末以来,《日本综合期刊》在这一重要的男科领域刊登了越来越多的文章,包括关于遗传或环境或生活方式暴露与男性生殖健康问题之间关系的文章。在科学信息研究所(ISI)的数据库中进行的一项搜索表明,这些文章中的许多已经产生了重大影响,甚至在男性学界之外。我不喜欢回顾过去,因为在科学上,用今天“智慧”的眼光来解读我们当时的想法往往是“痛苦的”。可以说,回顾过去的一个优点是获得对进步的看法——科学是如何前进的,是否有可以从过去吸取的教训可以使我们今天受益?回顾我作为IJA编辑的时光,最清晰的观点是IJA前进的方式。在我担任编辑期间,讨论总是关于“我们如何鼓励研究人员向IJA提交他们的一线研究,而不仅仅是他们的二线研究?”“在过去的5年里,毫无疑问,作者选择IJA作为他们的一线男科研究;它在这个领域变得出类拔萃。当编辑时,另一个反复出现的话题是如何找到与JA合并的方法,因为我们当时认识到(现在甚至更明显)男科是一个太小的学科,不能培养两个或更多的主流期刊。为实现这一目标找到共同点和妥协现在终于出现了;但在当时,这个问题看起来很棘手。在我担任编辑期间,我最深刻的记忆与男科学本身发生的事情有关——它在科学界和公众中的意义和重要性。当时有大量的媒体和公众对“环境雌激素在男性生殖障碍中的作用”感兴趣。这使得男科学以一种前所未有的方式登上了舞台的中心。我在其中扮演了一个角色,尽管可能是无意的(Sharpe, 2003)。从那以后,时间证明,至少对人类男性来说,环境雌激素可能不是一种威胁——至少就胎儿睾丸及其至关重要的类固醇生成功能而言不是。然而,作为一名过去的编辑,回顾过去最大的教训是,它清楚地表明了坚持不懈的优点,尤其是两家主流男科期刊的最终合并。男科的进步,就像科学的所有方面一样,始于好的想法,然后应该鼓励对这些想法进行检验和完善的研究。IJA一直是这种方法的拥护者,我相信Andrology将继续培养这种态度(正如上文Rune Eliasson所说)。我觉得自己很幸运能成为这个过程的一部分。我很幸运能在所有科学期刊从旧的纸质-传真-邮件处理手稿转向电子通讯的时候编辑IJA。这使得编辑的工作比以前容易得多,最重要的是快得多。在过去,把稿件寄给审稿人是希望他们能接受评阅,如果他们不愿意,他们就被要求把稿件退回编辑部。这是一个非常低效和缓慢的过程。有了新的技术,我们可以开始询问审稿人候选人是否愿意在适当的时候为期刊服务。我们现在认为这是不言而喻的,但在本世纪头十年之前,这在实践中是不可能的。Leena Karlsson在我的整个编辑过程中担任编辑助理,她通过有效地处理每一份手稿,使杂志得以发展。虽然所有这些都是技术问题,但在我任职期间,实质问题也发展得很快。我们开始出版一些专题特刊,特别是第一期《环境、生殖健康和;《生育》(Jørgensen et al., 2006)获得了巨大的点击率,帮助该期刊提高了影响因子,成为了男科领域的顶级期刊。这促成了一个积极的循环,帮助提交的数量在几年内增加了三倍多。当然,这给了更多最好的男科论文进入杂志的机会。我们都知道,影响因子本身并不能造就一份好的期刊,但与此同时,它确实反映了期刊的声誉,优秀的期刊往往比平庸的期刊具有更高的影响因子。当我开始担任总编辑时,我们曾与ASA讨论过合并期刊的可能性,但合资的时机还不成熟。在我生命的最后几年里,这些讨论再次开始,我支持通过创办一本由ASA和EAA共同支持的优秀期刊来加强男科的想法。例如,我参与了与Marvin mestrich和Bernard Robaire的讨论,以寻找这一重大举措的共同基础。 现在我很高兴看到联合期刊的诞生,它肯定会在未来几年成为男科的灯塔。我确信男科会繁荣,因此男科学科也会繁荣。由于这一医学科学领域的规模较小,IJA和其他男科期刊的相对影响一直不大。然而,在IJA上发表的文章的引用数多年来一直稳定增长。有趣的是,尽管被引用次数最多的论文发表于20世纪80年代末和90年代,但自2006年以来,被引用次数的增长速度要快得多(图1),这可能不仅反映了期刊、出版物和参考文献数量不断增长的全球趋势,也反映了男科学日益增长的影响。IJA的ISI影响因子在1.5-1.9左右徘徊多年后,自2006年以来迅速增加,并稳定在非常可观的3.6-4.0左右(图2),使该杂志稳居男科期刊榜首。对《IJA》自创刊以来发表的论文的累计引用数的分析,描绘了一幅多年来经久不衰的有趣图景。可以预见的是,排名前五的论文中有三篇综述文章,但这些综述仍然具有相关性和高引用率。第一篇论文(大量引用近500次)提出了一个假设,即年轻人睾丸癌的不同组织学形式来源于一个共同的前体细胞,而前体细胞很可能来源于胎儿生殖细胞(Skakkebæk etal ., 1987)。虽然我们仍然不知道是什么导致了睾丸癌发病率的增加,但关于这种疾病在胎儿期开始的假设在发表25年后仍然有效。排名第二的论文(近200次引用)是一篇关于人类精子中的活性氧(ROS)的综述(Griveau &Le Lannou, 1997)写于15年前,但仍然收集了大量的参考文献(2011年被引用了20次)。对ROS和氧化应激及其对精子质量和功能的影响的高度关注始于20世纪90年代初,一直持续到现在,在前10位高被引论文中有3篇关于该主题的原创研究,最古老的一篇占据了第4位(Aitken &西,1990;德·拉米兰德&;盖格农,1993;Zini et al., 1993)。排名第三的论文包括y染色体分子分析指南(Simoni et al., 2004),该指南已被证明非常有用,无疑有助于提高世界各地男科实验室y染色体分析的标准。在IJA有史以来被引用最多的论文中,排名第五的是一篇综述,讨论了Richard Sharpe上面提到的问题,即雌激素是否是男性生殖道中的内分泌干扰物(Sharpe et al. 2003)。这篇评论也继续被阅读并经常被引用。在排名前十的论文中,还有一篇关于邻苯二甲酸盐在大鼠模型中的发育内分泌干扰作用的综述(Foster, 2006),这导致了对这些化学物质对人类可能有害影响的激烈研究。尽管来自人类研究的证据尚未明确或结论性,但这篇IJA综述文章的大量引用反映了公众的兴趣和这一主题对生殖生理病理学的重要性。1995年,在理查德·夏普(Richard Sharpe)担任主编期间,编委会开始为某一年在IJA发表的最佳文章颁发年度奖。该奖项(最佳论文和亚军)由汉密尔顿索恩研究有限公司慷慨赞助了几年,随后由EAA赞助。上一次颁发年度最佳出版物奖是在2005年。在中断了几年之后,EAA决定以一种新的形式更新该奖项:两年一次的IJA奖和讲座,授予在前几年在该杂志上有杰出发表记录的科学家。新IJA奖的第一位获奖者是R. John Aitken(澳大利亚卡拉汉纽卡斯尔大学),他于2010年秋季在希腊雅典举行的第六届欧洲男科大会上发表了获奖演讲。下一位(也是最后一位)获奖者由IJA编辑委员会和EAA执行委员会从2010-2011年在IJA发表的论文作者中选出(可能在2012年最终出版)。这个奖项通常是在IJA的事后向读者宣布的,但这次我们例外地选择在正式仪式之前,在IJA的最后一期上宣布。 我们很高兴地宣布,当之无愧的获奖者是马里奥·马吉教授(性医学)。他将于2012年11月29日在德国柏林举行的第七届欧洲男科大会上发表获奖演讲。该奖项是基于IJA在2010 - 2011年间史无前例地接受了来自该小组的七篇论文,其中Mario Maggi为高级作者(Corona et al., 2010, 2011 1a,b,c;Fibbi et al., 2010;Lotti et al., 2011;Fisher et al., 2012)。此外,Mario Maggi是前一年在IJA上发表的另外四篇论文的合著者。马里奥·马吉是男科、内分泌学和性医学领域的杰出人物。他目前在佛罗伦萨领导一个非常活跃的临床部门和研究小组。他是310多篇科学论文和书籍章节的作者,并且是国内和国际会议上受欢迎的演讲者。Mario Maggi是几家期刊的编辑委员会成员,并在许多委员会任职,包括EAA的执行委员会。我们祝贺马里奥,并祝愿他在未来的项目中取得成功。2009年,我从Jorma Toppari手中接过《IJA》的主编一职,“继承”了这份声誉卓著、影响因子最高、论文源源不断、新投稿质量越来越高的期刊。因此,大约一年后,当我得知加入IJA和JA组建新期刊的计划时,我的心情很复杂。我很遗憾看到《IJA》在雄踞男科期刊之首的时候消失了。事实上,在第一轮投票中,我是“反对者”之一。然而,在与Ilpo Huhtaniemi和EAA理事会以及一些美国同事进行了几次讨论之后,我开始欣赏这一努力背后的愿景,这在两人最近撰写的一篇社论中有详细介绍,他们的坚持最终使这一目标成为现实(mestrich &Huhtaniemi, 2012)。此外,当我对出版界有了更多的了解,看到许多以营利为目的的出版商不断推出新的期刊,我意识到我们需要的是相反的东西——更少的追求科学质量的优秀期刊,而不是过多的没有人读的伪科学期刊。因此,当ASA任命道格拉斯·卡雷尔和我一起担任《男科学》的联合主编时,我热情地接受了。经过合并委员会几个月的工作,在期刊编辑主任Allen Stevens和他在Wiley Blackwell的团队以及我们的编辑助理Andy Beare的大力支持下,《男科学》诞生了,并于2012年4月1日开放投稿。卡雷尔博士和我有一个很好的合作,这在即时电子通信的时代是很容易的,尽管地理距离很远。我们收到了越来越多的手稿,第一期《男科》将比原计划提前一个月出版,以便在即将于2012年11月/ 12月在柏林举行的欧洲男科和欧亚泌尿科(ESAU)会议上发行。我们都为IJA取得的成就感到自豪,并借此机会感谢数十位编辑和审稿人,他们的辛勤工作和奉献精神对期刊的成功至关重要。我们相信男科会更成功。但是它的未来取决于男科社区的持续支持,所以我们要求你把你最好的作品寄给男科。

Goodbye International Journal of Andrology, welcome Andrology!

Goodbye International Journal of Andrology, welcome Andrology!

This issue of the International Journal of Andrology (IJA) is the last one. The reason for its disappearance is quite unprecedented: the two top journals in the field of andrology, IJA and its American counterpart, Journal of Andrology (JA) have decided to join forces rather than continue competing against each other. This historical move will undoubtedly strengthen the combined journal and the transatlantic collaboration between the two societies endorsing the two journals: the European Academy of Andrology (EAA) and the American Society of Andrology (ASA).

In this editorial, written jointly by the founder and long-term chairman of the IJA publication committee, and the current and former chief editors, we look back at the history of the journal and its achievements. A bit of bibliometric data are presented to reflect on the most discussed and cited topics during the journal’s existence. It is noteworthy that the current year, 2012, marks two anniversaries: 35 years of IJA and 20 years of EAA. Round anniversaries are a good excuse to look back but they are also a perfect opportunity for good wishes for the future.

The beginning of ‘organized andrology’ in Europe dates back to 1968 when I initiated the European Andrology Group, supported by Schering AG (Schirren & Toyosi, 1970). Independently, in 1970, a few clinicians and scientists interested in the development of andrology, from Barcelona, Spain, and Buenos Aires, Argentina, created the Comité Internaçional de Andrologia (CIDA), with Antoni Puigvert (Barcelona) and Roberto Mancini (Buenos Aires) elected as Presidents. The two groups learned about each other’s activities in 1970 when Mancini and I met at a Nobel Symposium on ‘Control of human fertility’ in Stockholm, Sweden. In 1972, CIDA arranged a meeting in Barcelona and I was elected as the next president. During CIDA’s initial years, financial support for its activities and congresses was provided by the Fundaçio Puigvert, run by an administrative board (Drs A. Aakvaag, W. Bardin, D. de Kretser, R. Eliasson and Miss M. Marti). Andrologia was used as the official journal but it served also as the official publication for the German Society of Andrology. After the First International Congress of Andrology organized in Barcelona (1975), CIDA decided to create its own journal and the first volume of IJA was published in 1978.

At the Second International Congress of Andrology in Tel Aviv (1981), CIDA was – as planned long before – transformed into the International Society of Andrology (ISA) with Eberhard (Ebo) Nieschlag as president. However, at that stage, it was not possible to transfer IJA to ISA as two of its member societies already had their own journals. Fundaçio Puigvert accepted to keep CIDA as a silent organization with the mission to continue publishing IJA. A publication committee was formed, with me as chairman. Financially, IJA was running with a deficit and after a few years the publisher, Scriptor A/S cancelled the contract, and Blackwell Publishing in Oxford, UK, stepped in. However, IJA remained without any profit for several more years. In 1989, Fundaçion Puigvert withdrew from the journal and donated it to me, so I decided to find a new more permanent home for it. Negotiations with ASA opened a possibility but I was worried that IJA might disappear and therefore decided to find another option for the journal. On the flight back to Europe from that meeting with ASA in late 1991 I read about the European Academy of Anaesthesiology (Zorab & Vickers, 1991) and became inspired to form a similar organization for andrology, and to make such an organization the new home for IJA. Professor Richard Sharpe was the first to be involved and the discussions resulted in a more focused approach. The ISA president, Ebo Nieschlag, was also supportive. At the 7th European Testis Workshop at Schloss Elmau in Bavaria, Germany (May 1992), an interim committee was formed. Soon after, the European Academy of Andrology (EAA) became a reality and the journal was donated to the new organization. Ebo Nieschlag was elected the first president of EAA, and I became treasurer and also chairman of the Publications Committee (and stayed in the latter function until 2008).

It is with great satisfaction I noticed that, in 2009, IJA had the highest Impact Factor of the andrology journals and that IJA up until now has been able to generate around €500 000 in revenues for the EAA. This is of course the result of the excellent work by all its Chief Editors, who have been intensively engaged in improvement of the journal’s scientific standard and by all those who have acted as Associate Editors on a voluntary basis. The professional work by Blackwell Publishing (and later Wiley-Blackwell) must also be gratefully recognized.

Now that ASA and EAA have agreed to form a joint journal, it is an agreement between equals and both partners are to be congratulated. I hope that Andrology will develop into a journal so attractive to researchers around the world that it can afford to accept only articles with very high quality. But even more, I hope for a positive attitude towards controversial articles and reviews. Progress in science is always the result of scientists, who dare – and are allowed (!) – to go against the paradigms and its defenders. I fancy the statement by Richard Feynman (Nobel laureate in 1965) that Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts (Feynman, 1969). ‘Experts’ only too often defend the valid paradigms. If Andrology can assign a few pages in each issue devoted to ‘divergent opinions’, it will not only stimulate discussion but also the development of andrology as a scientific field related to the male reproductive tract and not limit itself to male infertility.

The first Editor-in-Chief of IJA was Frank H. Comhaire of Ghent, Belgium (1978-1981). He was followed by Niels E. Skakkebæk, Copenhagen, Denmark (1981-1989), Mikko Niemi, Turku, Finland (1990-1993), Richard Sharpe, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK (1994-2001), Jorma Toppari, Turku, Finland (2001-2009) and finally Ewa Rajpert-De Meyts, Copenhagen, Denmark (2009-2012). Incidentally, all chief editors so far, were based in Northern European countries, but the supporting boards of the associate editors were composed of scientists and clinicians from the whole world.

One of the chief editors, Mikko Niemi, is sadly no longer with us. Many consider him the ‘father’ of andrology in Finland. He worked in Turku as a professor and chairman of the Department of Anatomy from 1965 to 1995. Mikko Niemi was also very interested in social and political issues and worked for a long time as the head of academic affairs in the ministry of education. Before being elected as the chief editor of IJA in 1989, he served as an associate editor in IJA from 1983. Mikko Niemi passed away in 1999 at the age of 69.

Below, all other chief editors reflect on their time with IJA, and voice a personal commentary on the past and future of the field of andrology.

In the very early days of the IJA, a few papers had been collected before the first issue. One of the most outstanding manuscripts submitted to the new journal reported the decline of testosterone concentration in blood of Norwegian soldiers who were submitted to an exhausting military exercise (Aakvaag et al., 1978). At that time, I was a completely inexperienced editor, with neither technical support nor administrative assistance. Rapidly, the number of manuscripts being submitted increased, and it has been my policy to try to include as much of these as possible, performing whatever editorial improvements were needed. The journal contained progressively more pages, and an additional issue was even needed to incorporate all good papers. Similarly, supplements covering contemporary issues and developments were added. The focus of IJA was on clinical aspects, whereas the majority of papers published in the American counterpart, Journal of Andrology (JA) related to more basic, laboratory and animal research.

When I had completed my 4 year term of Editor-in-Chief, John Aitken considered the IJA to be ‘the best’ in the field of andrology. I think this is still the case, as can be appreciated from the high citation index. May the future of andrology and of the ‘merged’ journal be bright.

Why did we in the 1970s need andrology and still need it today as a medical discipline? Simply because endocrinology, physiology and pathophysiology of male reproduction are not covered by the traditional specialities within academia. On the other hand, other areas relating to the male reproductive system have always been well covered, e.g. urologists and oncologists have taken care of prostate diseases, and urologists together with sexologists have also covered penile and sexual problems in medicine. In my opinion, the specific areas that needed more attention were disorders of spermatogenesis, testicular endocrinology, endocrine and reproductive aspects of testicular cancer and the link between developmental gonadal disorders and adult testicular function. Also, research in male contraception had no ‘natural’ place in the medical world in the 1970s. Fortunately, we have succeeded to get andrology on the map in several ways. The activities have naturally been reflected in the pages of IJA. Some of the avenues ended up being not so successful, for example the use of gossypol as a male contraceptive (Waites et al., 1998).

During the past 30–40 years it has become clear that we should not downgrade other sides of ‘male reproductive health’, which should probably be given higher attention than research in male contraception. Infertility due to poor semen quality and increasing trends in testicular cancer among young men are major reproductive problems that need our focus. Since the late 1980s, IJA has accommodated an increasing number of articles in this important andrological area, including articles on associations between genetics or environmental or lifestyle exposures and male reproductive health problems. A search in the database of the Institute of Scientific Information (ISI) suggests that many of these articles have had major impact, even outside andrological circles.

I am not a fan of looking back in time, as in science it is often ‘painful’ to read what we thought then as viewed through the eyes of ‘wisdom’ of today. Arguably, one merit of looking back in time is to get a perspective on progress – how has science marched on, and are there lessons to be learnt from the past that can benefit us today? In looking back to my time as Editor of IJA, the clearest perspective is the manner in which IJA has marched forwards. During my period as Editor, the discussions were always about ‘how could we encourage researchers to submit their frontline research to IJA, not just their second-line studies?’ In the past 5 years, there is no question that authors chose IJA for their frontline andrology research; it became pre-eminent in the field.

When Editor, another recurring topic was how to find a way of merging with the JA, as we recognized then (as is even more evident now) that andrology was too small a discipline to foster two or more mainstream journals. Finding the common ground and compromises to make this happen has now, finally, come about; but back then it looked intractable.

My strongest memories from my time as Editor though relate to what was happening to andrology itself – its meaning and importance in the scientific world and to the public. This was when there was huge media and public interest in the role of ‘environmental oestrogens in male reproductive disorders’. This forced andrology onto centre stage in a way that was unprecedented. I played a role in this, though perhaps unwittingly (Sharpe, 2003). Since then, time has shown that, at least for human males, environmental oestrogens are probably not a threat – at least not as far as the foetal testis and its all-important steroidogenic function are concerned (watch this space!). However, the biggest lesson learned from looking back as a past Editor is it shows with clarity the merit of perseverance, not least the eventual merger of the two mainstream andrology journals. Progress in andrology, as in all aspects of science, starts with good ideas which should then encourage the research that tests and hones those ideas. IJA has been a champion of this approach and I trust that Andrology will continue to foster this attitude (as also voiced above by Rune Eliasson). I consider myself lucky to have been a part of this process.

I was lucky to edit IJA during the time when all scientific journals moved from old paper-fax-mail handling of the manuscripts to electronic communication. That made the editor’s work much easier and above all much faster than before. In old times, the manuscripts were sent to reviewers in the hope that they would accept to evaluate them, and if they did not want to do that, they were requested to return the manuscript back to the editorial office. This was a very inefficient and slow process. With the new techniques we could start to enquire whether the reviewer candidates were willing to serve the journal in due time. We consider this now self-evident, but it was not possible in practice before the 2000s. Leena Karlsson served as the editorial assistant for my whole editorship and she really kept the journal moving by taking care of every single manuscript effectively.

Whilst all this was technical, substance issues also developed fast during my time. We started to publish some special issues on topical themes, and particularly the first issue Environment, Reproductive Health & Fertility (edited by Jørgensen et al., 2006) was a big hit collecting an enormous number of citations, which helped the journal to increase its impact factor to become the top andrology journal. This prompted a positive spiral that helped to increase the number of submissions more than threefold in a few years. This of course gave the opportunity to get more of the best andrological papers into the journal. We all know that the impact factor alone does not make a good journal, but at the same time, it does tell something about the journal’s reputation, and excellent journals tend to have higher impact factors than mediocre ones.

When I started as a Chief Editor we had discussions with ASA about a possible journal merger, but the time was not yet right for the joint venture. During my last years, those discussions were started again, and I was supporting the idea of strengthening andrology by forming one good journal that would be supported both by ASA and EAA. I participated in discussions, for example with Marvin Meistrich and Bernard Robaire to find a common basis for this major move. Now I am very happy to see the birth of the joint journal that will be for sure the beacon of andrology for years to come. I am sure that Andrology will prosper and thereby the discipline of andrology will prosper.

The relative impact of IJA, and other andrology journals, has always been modest, due to the small size of this field of medical science. However, the increase in citations to the articles published in IJA has been steady over the years. Interestingly, despite the fact that the most cited papers were published in the late 1980s and 1990s, the number of citations has been increasing much more rapidly since 2006 (Fig. 1), likely reflecting not only the worldwide trend for an ever growing number of journals, publications and references but also the growing impact of andrology.

The ISI impact factor of IJA– after languishing for many years around 1.5–1.9 – has rapidly increased since 2006, and stabilized around a very respectable 3.6–4.0 (Fig. 2), placing the journal firmly at the top of the list of andrology journals. The analysis of the cumulative number of citations to papers published in IJA from the beginning of the journal’s existence paints an interesting picture of the topics that have endured over the years. Predictably, three review articles are among the top five papers, but these reviews remain relevant and highly cited.

The top paper (by a large margin, with nearly 500 citations) proposed a hypothesis that different histological forms of testicular cancer of young adults are derived from a common precursor cell, which is likely derived from foetal germ cells (Skakkebæk et al., 1987). Although we still do not know what has caused the increase in the incidence of testicular cancer, the hypothesis concerning the initiation of this disease in foetal life remains valid 25 years after the publication. The second most cited paper (almost 200 citations) is a review on reactive oxygen species (ROS) in human spermatozoa (Griveau & Le Lannou, 1997) written 15 years ago, but still gathering a good number of references (cited 20 times in 2011). High interest in ROS and oxidative stress and their effect on sperm quality and function, which begun in the early 1990s, and has continued until now, is reflected by the presence of three original studies on this topic among the top 10 highly cited papers, the oldest one occupying fourth position (Aitken & West, 1990; de Lamirande & Gagnon, 1993; Zini et al., 1993). The third top paper comprises the guidelines for molecular analysis of the Y-chromosome (Simoni et al., 2004), which has proved very useful and has undoubtedly contributed to the improved standard of Y-chromosome analysis in andrology laboratories around the world. In fifth position for the best-cited IJA papers of all time is a review discussing the issue mentioned above by Richard Sharpe, as to whether or not oestrogens are endocrine disruptors in the male reproductive tract (Sharpe et al. 2003). This review also continues to be read and is frequently cited. Among the top 10 papers, there is also a review on developmental endocrine-disrupting effects of phthalates in the rat model (Foster, 2006), which led to an intense research on the possible harmful effect of these chemicals in humans. Although the evidence from human studies has not yet been clear-cut or conclusive, the large number of references to this IJA review article mirrors the public interest and the importance of this topic for reproductive physiopathology.

In 1995, during the term of Richard Sharpe as Editor-in-Chief, the editorial board begun bestowing annual prizes for the best articles published in IJA in a given year. The awards (for the best paper and the runner-up) were sponsored generously by Hamilton Thorne Research Ltd for several years, and subsequently by the EAA. The last annual award for the best publication was given in 2005.

After a hiatus of a few years, EAA has decided to renew the prize in a new format: a biennial IJA Award and Lecture, given to a scientist with an outstanding publication record in the journal during the immediately preceding years. The first recipient of the new IJA award was R. John Aitken (University of Newcastle, Callaghan, Australia), who presented the award lecture at the 6th European Congress of Andrology, held in Athens, Greece, in autumn 2010.

The next (and the last) laureate of the IJA award has been selected by the IJA’s Editorial Board and the Executive Council of EAA among the authors of papers published in IJA within 2010–2011 (may appear in final print in 2012). The award is usually announced to the readers of IJA post factum, but exceptionally this time we chose to do it before the official ceremony, in the last issue of IJA.

It is our pleasure to announce that the worthy laureate is Professor Mario Maggi (Sexual Medicine & Andrology Unit, Department of Clinical Physiopathology, University of Florence, Italy), who will present an award lecture on 29 November 2012, at the 7th European Congress of Andrology in Berlin, Germany. The award is given based on the unprecedented seven papers accepted by IJA within 2010–2011 from this group, with Mario Maggi as the senior author (Corona et al., 2010, 2011a,b,c; Fibbi et al., 2010; Lotti et al., 2011; Fisher et al., 2012). In addition, Mario Maggi was a co-author of four other papers published in IJA in the preceding year.

Mario Maggi is a towering figure in andrology, endocrinology and sexual medicine. He is currently leading a very active clinical department and research group in Florence. He is the author of more than 310 scientific papers and book chapters, and is a popular speaker at both national and international meetings. Mario Maggi is a member of editorial boards of several journals and serves on numerous committees, including the Executive Council of the EAA. We congratulate Mario and wish him success with his future projects.

I took over as chief editor of IJA from Jorma Toppari in 2009 and have ‘inherited’ a journal with a great standing, with the highest ever impact factor, a robust pipeline of papers and a steady stream of new submissions of increasingly high quality. So it was with mixed feelings when about a year later, I learned about the plan to join IJA and JA to form a new journal. I was sorry to see IJA disappear when it had reached a clear top position among the andrology journals. In the first round of voting I was, in fact, among the ‘naysayers’. However, after participating in several discussions with Ilpo Huhtaniemi and the EAA Council as well as with a few American colleagues, I began to appreciate the vision behind this endeavour, which is presented in detail in a recent editorial written by the two men, whose perseverance finally made this happen (Meistrich & Huhtaniemi, 2012). Furthermore, while learning more about the publishing world and seeing the aggressive spamming campaigns of numerous for-profit publishers constantly coming up with new periodicals, I realized that we need the opposite – fewer excellent journals striving for scientific quality rather than a plethora of pseudo-scientific journals that nobody reads. So when I was offered to become a co-Chief Editor of Andrology, together with Douglas Carrell appointed by ASA, I accepted enthusiastically. After several months of work by the merger committee, with great support from Allen Stevens, the journal editorial director and his team at Wiley Blackwell as well as our editorial assistant Andy Beare, Andrology was born and opened for submissions on 1 April 2012. Dr Carrell and I have an excellent collaboration, which is easy in the era of instant electronic communication, despite the long geographical distance. We have been receiving an increasing number of manuscripts and the first issue of Andrology will appear in print a month earlier than planned, to allow distribution at the upcoming European Congress of Andrology and EAU Urology Section of Andrological Urology (ESAU) in Berlin (November/December 2012).

We are all proud of the achievements of IJA and take this opportunity to thank scores of editors and referees, whose hard work and dedication was instrumental in the journal’s success. We believe that Andrology will be even more successful. But its future depends on continuing support from the andrology community, so we ask you to send your best work to Andrology.

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