This chapter is devoted to the linear optical properties of crystals, starting with a description of the main generalized optical, electro-optic and magneto-optic tensors in Section 1.6.2. Sections 1.6.3 and 1.6.4 give details of the optical indicatrix and analyse the conditions for the practical observation of crystals with a polarizing microscope: the determination of linear birefringence, and uniaxial and biaxial figures. Section 1.6.5 is concerned with optical rotation and the gyration tensor. The last two sections, Sections 1.6.6 and 1.6.7, deal with the linear electro-optic effect and the linear photoelastic effect, respectively.
Becke line;
Bertrand lens;
Faraday rotation;
absorption colours;
acousto-optic effect;
acute bisectrix figures;
axial plane;
biaxial classes;
biaxial crystals;
biaxial figures;
biaxial indicatrix;
circularly polarized light;
conoscopic configuration;
crossed polars;
crystal optics;
dielectric polarization;
dielectric impermeability tensor;
dielectric tensor;
double refraction;
elasto-optic effect;
electric effect;
electric polarization;
electro-optic effect;
fast ray;
ferroelectric materials;
flash figures;
four-wave mixing;
fringe counting;
gyration tensor;
gyrotropic materials;
interference figures;
linear birefringence;
magneto-optic effect;
optic axes;
optical activity;
optical rotation;
optical rotatory power;
orthoscopic configuration;
photoelastic effect;
piezo-optic effect;
piezo-optic tensor;
polarization colours;
polarizing microscope;
refractive index;
second harmonic generation;
sensitive tint;
sensitive tint plate;
slow ray;
spontaneous polarization;
spontaneous strain;
two-wave mixing;
uniaxial classes;
uniaxial crystals;
uniaxial figures;
vibration direction