It is a half-century since the coalescence of social psychiatry and systemic family therapy approaches started to inform condition-specific therapeutic work with families to reduce relapse and hospital readmission for people with schizophrenia. Today, family interventions are a cornerstone of international guidelines for the treatment of psychosis, and of workforce development initiatives. Effect sizes for clinical and economic outcomes are large, and the evidence base is robust and reliable, not only for outcomes but also for the underpinning theoretical models, which are coherent and consistent. Few, if any, psychological therapies, have so powerful a framework to drive widespread implementation. Nevertheless, delivery in clinical services is variable, often lagging behind that of individual cognitive behavioural therapy, notwithstanding its considerably weaker implementation framework. Our aim in this article is to formulate this translation failure and offer potential solutions.
We summarise the model/intervention and supporting evidence, then consider why delivery remains problematic.
We highlight the inter-linked issues of conceptual confusion between and conflation of, different approaches to working with families; of addressing diagnostic uncertainty, complex comorbidity and adapting interventions for specific populations; and of translation from gold-standard research trial practice, through educational curricula and training programmes, to routine delivery in frontline services.
We present our view of clinical, research and workforce development priorities to address these issues and continue the collective effort, moving into the next half-century, to work more effectively with people with psychosis and their families, to further improve outcomes.