一、国际LGBT权利的历史与演变。615 R.A.《世界人权宣言》。615 R 1。UDHR LGBT权利条款。616 R.B.ICCPR。617 R 1。《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》关于男女同性恋、双性恋和变性者权利的规定。618 R.C.《欧洲人权公约》。618 R 1。《欧洲公约》LGBT权利条款。619 R.D.需要保护的LGBT权利侵犯。620 R 1。非歧视。620 R 2。隐私620 R 3。结婚621 R II。国内投资条件的有效性评估:美国和HB2。622 R.A.HB2法律的历史。623 R.B.法律通过的影响。624 R III.评估发展中国家限制外国直接投资的有效性:南非和沙利文原则。627 R A.什么是外国直接投资。627 R.B.沙利文原则的历史和影响。628 R.C.今天沙利文原理的应用。630 R D.LGBT包容与经济发展交叉。632 R IV经济合作与发展组织行为准则。633 R.A.机构行为准则——经合组织。633 R B.经合组织指南建议。636 R
Founded in 1967, the Cornell International Law Journal is one of the oldest and most prominent international law journals in the country. Three times a year, the Journal publishes scholarship that reflects the sweeping changes that are taking place in public and private international law. Two of the issues feature articles by legal scholars, practitioners, and participants in international politics as well as student-written notes. The third issue is dedicated to publishing papers generated by the Journal"s annual Symposium, held every spring in Ithaca, New York.