皮肤鳞状细胞癌(cSCC)是人类第二大常见癌症,在美国每年的发病率约为70万例(Rogers et al., 2010)。众所周知,cSCC与阳光照射密切相关,特别是UVB和UVA,以及其他危险因素,如人乳头瘤病毒感染、免疫缺陷和特定药物(Ratushny et al., 2012)。然而,导致肿瘤发展的生物学事件的确切顺序仍然未知。由于预计未来cSCCs患者的发病率会更高,因此迫切需要阐明调节cSCCs形成的分子途径。
Journal of Investigative Dermatology Symposium Proceedings (JIDSP) publishes peer-reviewed, invited papers relevant to all aspects of cutaneous biology and skin disease. Papers in the JIDSP are often initially presented at a scientific meeting. Potential topics include biochemistry, biophysics, carcinogenesis, cellular growth and regulation, clinical research, development, epidemiology and other population-based research, extracellular matrix, genetics, immunology, melanocyte biology, microbiology, molecular and cell biology, pathology, pharmacology and percutaneous absorption, photobiology, physiology, and skin structure.