A flexible model for analysing load-sharing data is developed by approximating the cumulative hazard functions of component lifetimes by piecewise linear functions. The proposed model is data-driven and does not depend on restrictive parametric assumptions on underlying component lifetimes. Maximum likelihood estimation and construction of confidence intervals for model parameters are discussed. Estimates of reliability characteristics such as reliability at a mission time, quantile function, mean time to failure and mean residual time for load-sharing systems are developed in this setting. As the proposed model is capable of providing a good fit for load-sharing data, it also results in a better estimation of these important reliability characteristics. The performance of the proposed model is observed to be quite satisfactory through a detailed Monte Carlo simulation study. The analyses of two load-sharing datasets, one pertaining to the lives of two-motor load-sharing systems and another related to basketball games, are provided as illustrative examples. In summary, this article presents a comprehensive discussion on a flexible model that can be used for load-sharing systems efficiently.