To assess and evaluate consumer awareness and common medication use practices towards OTC analgesics, with a focus on the impact of irrational drug use and its implications for public health and safety. This includes identifying gaps in knowledge, evaluating the potential consequences of misuse, and discussing how these findings can inform future educational initiatives and policy development to promote safer medication practices.
This was a cross-sectional, semi-quantitative survey of 750 Saudi volunteers both males and females aged between 18 and 65 years. A validated self-administered questionnaire was used among randomly selected volunteers with a history of OTC analgesic use.
A total of 750 questionnaires were administered and the response rate was measured to be 75.6%. More than 50% of the study population used OTC analgesics without a prescription and reported using analgesics as soon as they start experiencing any pain. Paracetamol was found to be the most predominantly used analgesic. The most common indication of OTC analgesic use was reported for headache and toothache whereas irrational use of analgesics in terms of dose, frequency and indication was found to be to the extent of 50%. Primary source of information related to OTC analgesic use was obtained from pharmacy personnel (31.7%), and Patient Insert Leaflets (PIL) (28.7%). Majority of the respondents (64.3%) didn't know the safe maximum dose of Paracetamol, whereas 73.3% used to stop medicine only after experiencing some side effects. 52.4% of the respondents were not aware about the most common side effects, and potential interactions of analgesic medications.
Our study highlights the menace of self-medication practices and irrational use of OTC analgesic by the study participants. Immediate remedial measure need to be taken to discourage self-medication and improve rational use of OTC drugs which can be achieved by focusing on improving the consumers' awareness of self-medication and the rational use of medications.