The present investigation aimed to optimize the solvent combination and microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) conditions for extracting polar phyto-components from Carissa carandas, which is an underutilized fruit rich in various bioactive compounds. Initially, an augmented simplex centroid design was used to investigate the influence of four polar solvents (methanol, ethanol, acetone, and water) on the extraction of phyto-compounds, including total sugars, reducing sugars, total polyphenols, flavonoids, and antioxidant activity of the extract. The desirability function determined that a solvent combination of ethanol–water (49:51, v/v) was the most effective for extracting polar components from C. carandas, and this combination was used for further MAE optimization. During MAE, the effects of different microwave powers (180, 360, and 450 W), time intervals (3 and 6 min), and acidity levels (0% and 1% HCl, w/v) were studied for the phyto-compounds. The results showed that microwave treatment at a low power level (180 W), shorter treatment time (3 min), and acidified solvents promoted the extraction of total and reducing sugars, as well as enhanced total polyphenolic content (TPC) and total flavonoid content (TFC). The extraction solvent's acidity positively impacts TPC and TFC in reflux systems but negatively affects extraction yields in MAE. The antioxidant activities were also significantly influenced by the extraction solvent's microwave power, treatment time, and acidity. These findings emphasize the importance of MAE for efficiently extracting polar phyto-components from C. carandas, which can be further utilized in the food and pharmaceutical industries.
Optimized MAE conditions enhance bioactive compound extraction from C. carandas, benefiting nutraceuticals, functional foods, and the development of functional packaging materials. Owing to their rich profile of bioactive compounds, it can be utilized in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. The extracts can also be used to synthesize various nano-compounds aiding in green and sustainable chemistry principles.