S E Kristensen, A Wright, D Wright, K Gadsbøll, C K Ekelund, P Sandager, F S Jørgensen, E Hoseth, L Sperling, H J Zingenberg, K Sundberg, A McLennan, K H Nicolaides, O B Petersen
Objective: To assess the validity of the Fetal Medicine Foundation (FMF) chorionicity-specific models for fetal growth in twin pregnancy.
Methods: This was an external validation study of the FMF models using a nationwide Danish cohort of twin pregnancies. The cohort included all dichorionic (DC) and monochorionic diamniotic (MCDA) twin pregnancies with an estimated delivery date between 2008 and 2018, which satisfied the following inclusion criteria: two live fetuses at the first-trimester ultrasound scan (11-14 weeks' gestation); biometric measurements available for the calculation of estimated fetal weight (EFW) using the Hadlock-3 formula; and delivery of two liveborn infants. Validation involved assessing the distributional properties of the models and estimating the mean EFW Z-score deviations. Additionally, the models were applied to pregnancies that delivered preterm and attended non-scheduled visits (complicated pregnancies).
Results: Overall, 8542 DC and 1675 MCDA twin pregnancies met the inclusion criteria. In DC twins, 17 084 fetuses were evaluated at a total of 95 346 ultrasound scans, of which 44.5% were performed at scheduled visits in pregnancies carried to 37 + 0 weeks or later. The median number of growth scans per DC twin fetus from 20 + 0 weeks onwards was four. The model showed good agreement with the validation cohort for scheduled visits in DC twins delivered at 37 + 0 weeks or later (mean ± SD EFW Z-score, -0.14 ± 1.05). In MCDA twins, 3350 fetuses underwent 31 632 eligible ultrasound scans, of which 59.5% were performed at scheduled visits in pregnancies carried to 36 + 0 weeks or later. The median number of growth scans per MCDA twin fetus from 16 + 0 weeks onwards was 10. The model showed favorable agreement with the validation cohort for scheduled visits in MCDA twins delivered at 36 + 0 weeks or later (mean ± SD EFW Z-score, -0.09 ± 1.01). Non-scheduled visits and preterm delivery before 37 + 0 weeks for DC twins and before 36 + 0 weeks for MCDA twins corresponded with smaller weight estimates, which was consistent with the study's definition of complicated pregnancy.
Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology (UOG) is the official journal of the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISUOG) and is considered the foremost international peer-reviewed journal in the field. It publishes cutting-edge research that is highly relevant to clinical practice, which includes guidelines, expert commentaries, consensus statements, original articles, and systematic reviews. UOG is widely recognized and included in prominent abstract and indexing databases such as Index Medicus and Current Contents.