In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:
WLA Awards
Thomas J. Lyon Book Award: named after a former editor of Western American Literature, this award goes to an outstanding monograph in western literary or cultural studies
Don D. Walker Prize: given to the best journal essay or book chapter from an edited collection in Western North American literary and cultural studies, published during the previous year
J. Golden Taylor Award: named after the first editor of Western American Literature, this award goes to the graduate student who submitted the best paper to the annual conference
Dorys Crow Grover Award: given to a graduate student who submits an outstanding paper that meets the criteria of the current year's conference
Creative Writing Award: this award goes to the best creative writing submission at the annual conference
Susan J. Rosowski Award: named after a longtime WLA member, this award goes to a generous and caring mentor and teacher in the field of western American literary studies
Louis Owens Awards: provide financial support for diverse and international graduate students to attend the annual WLA conference
WLA/Charles Redd Center K–12 Teaching Award: provides teachers with the opportunity to attend and present at the WLA Conference; sponsored by the Charles Redd Center for Western Studies and the WLA
Information on the application procedures and deadlines for these awards can be found on our website: [End Page 204]