Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on lung-protective ventilation practice in critically ill patients with respiratory failure: a retrospective cohort study from a New England healthcare network

Ricardo Munoz-Acuna, Elena Ahrens, Aiman Suleiman, Luca J. Wachtendorf, Basit A. Azizi, Simone Redaelli, Tim M. Tartler, Guanqing Chen, Elias N. Baedorf-Kassis, Maximilian S. Schaefer, Shahla Siddiqui
{"title":"Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on lung-protective ventilation practice in critically ill patients with respiratory failure: a retrospective cohort study from a New England healthcare network","authors":"Ricardo Munoz-Acuna, Elena Ahrens, Aiman Suleiman, Luca J. Wachtendorf, Basit A. Azizi, Simone Redaelli, Tim M. Tartler, Guanqing Chen, Elias N. Baedorf-Kassis, Maximilian S. Schaefer, Shahla Siddiqui","doi":"10.1186/s13054-024-04982-4","DOIUrl":null,"url":null,"abstract":"<p>To the Editor—Before the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, over three million patients in the United States of America (USA) suffered from hypoxemic respiratory failure annually. COVID-19-related hypoxemic respiratory failure required admission to the intensive care unit (ICU) in nearly 30% of cases and mechanical ventilation for more than 10% of patients, leading to strain in the healthcare system [1]. Previous evidence suggested an increased mortality in non-COVID-19 patients related to increased health-care strain. The question remains whether patient care, and especially best-practice mechanical ventilation management, was also affected by the pandemic [2]. We hypothesized that the COVID-19 pandemic with its consequences on healthcare strain and staffing shortages affected ventilator management and lung-protective ventilation (LPV) practice patterns in patients with hypoxemic respiratory failure.</p><p>Mechanically ventilated patients admitted to the ICUs of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA, USA, with hypoxemic respiratory failure between January 2018 and December 2021 were included. Hypoxemic respiratory failure was defined as a ratio of partial arterial pressure of oxygen to fraction of inspired oxygen (P/F) ≤ 300 at the first available blood gas analysis. Patients with a duration of mechanical ventilation &lt; 12 h or with missing data on confounding variables were excluded. LPV was defined as the simultaneous presence of a plateau pressure (P<sub>plat</sub>) of &lt; 30 cmH<sub>2</sub>O, a driving pressure ≤ 15 cmH<sub>2</sub>O, as well as tidal volumes (Vt) of 4–8 ml per kilogram of predicted body weight (PBW) [3]. Parameter recordings within the first two hours of mechanical ventilation were excluded to avoid artefacts from the initial patient transfer and stabilisation period. We examined changes in LPV practices during and pre-pandemic periods using an interrupted time series analysis with quarterly time points. The second quarter of the year 2020 (April to June) was established as ‘start of intervention period’ since April 2020 was the month when COVID-19 patients reached the proportional majority in ICU occupation in line with the pandemic transmission consolidation in the USA [4]. Analyses were adjusted for patient baseline characteristics (age, sex, respiratory system compliance, P/F ratio, and Elixhauser Comorbidity Index).</p><p>Among 2965 included patient cases, 1381 (46.6%) were admitted pre-pandemic and 1,584 (54.4%) during the pandemic. Overall, after onset of the pandemic, between 3.3% and 77.9% of patients per month were COVID-19 positive with an overall of 386 (28%) patients included. Detailed patient characteristics, ventilator parameters and demographics are included in the Supplemental Document 1, Tables S1, S2. Prior to the pandemic, there was an increasing trend in the utilization of LPV (absolute increase of 0.8% per quarter; 95% CI 0.3–1.4%; <i>p</i> = 0.006, Fig. 1). During the first three months after the pandemic onset, there was an absolute decrease of − 3.2% (95% CI − 6.3 to − 0.2%; <i>p</i> = 0.049) in the utilization of LPV in comparison to the preceding quarter before the pandemic (January–March 2020). Subsequently, the utilization of LPV did not change over the course of the broader COVID-19 pandemic period (April–December 2021, absolute decrease − 0.1% per quarter after the onset of the pandemic; 95% CI − 0.7 to 0.5; <i>p</i> = 0.62).</p><figure><figcaption><b data-test=\"figure-caption-text\">Fig. 1</b></figcaption><picture><source srcset=\"//\" type=\"image/webp\"/><img alt=\"figure 1\" aria-describedby=\"Fig1\" height=\"366\" loading=\"lazy\" src=\"//\" width=\"685\"/></picture><p>Interrupted Time Series Analysis. The multivariate linear prediction is depicted in bold lines with its respective 95% confidence interval and the adjusted prediction is presented as hollow circles, black crosses represent the observed LPV. The pre-pandemic period is represented in red, and the pandemic period is shown in blue. Abbreviations: LPV: Lung-protective ventilation</p><span>Full size image</span><svg aria-hidden=\"true\" focusable=\"false\" height=\"16\" role=\"img\" width=\"16\"><use xlink:href=\"#icon-eds-i-chevron-right-small\" xmlns:xlink=\"\"></use></svg></figure><p>These findings of a discrete ascent in LPV practices in the ICU before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic align with other studies reporting a wide application of mechanical ventilation using low Vt and driving pressures [5]. The decrease in the utilization of LPV after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic potentially reflects a systemic disruption of resource allocation after March 2020, including protective equipment supplies, ventilators, and hospital staff. Medical centers across the USA suffered from staffing shortages that might have contributed to worsened patient outcomes and suboptimal respiratory care. Furthermore, it might be attributed to a higher prevalence of patients with severe lung disease in the ICU as reflected by the lower P/F ratio in the pandemic period (Tables S1, S2). Ventilation management adherent to LPV protocols can be difficult in patients with worsening respiratory system compliance, and severe hypercapnia or hypoxemia.</p><p>The generalizability to other settings is limited by the use of data from one academic hospital network in New England. Our findings now provide a rationale to investigate the impact of ICU stress on quality of care in different scenarios as well as hospital settings and geographical locations.</p><p>In conclusion, the COVID-19 pandemic may have influenced the existing trend in the implementation of LPV strategies in critically ill patients. The data suggest that the overall trend in the utilisation of LPV remained stable throughout the pandemic, which could indicate some resilience and adaptability in ICU practices. However, the findings also imply that patients with hypoxemic respiratory failure were less likely to receive LPV, though these observations should be interpreted with caution given the study's retrospective design. Further research is needed to confirm these trends.</p><p>The datasets generated and/or analyzed during the current study are not publicly available due data compliance and privacy policies but are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request by a qualified researcher.</p><dl><dt style=\"min-width:50px;\"><dfn>COVID-19:</dfn></dt><dd>\n<p>Coronavirus Disease 2019</p>\n</dd><dt style=\"min-width:50px;\"><dfn>ICU:</dfn></dt><dd>\n<p>Intensive care unit</p>\n</dd><dt style=\"min-width:50px;\"><dfn>LPV:</dfn></dt><dd>\n<p>Lung-protective ventilation</p>\n</dd><dt style=\"min-width:50px;\"><dfn>PBW:</dfn></dt><dd>\n<p>Predicted body weight</p>\n</dd><dt style=\"min-width:50px;\"><dfn>P/F ratio:</dfn></dt><dd>\n<p>Ratio of the partial pressure of arterial oxygen to the fraction of inspired oxygen</p>\n</dd><dt style=\"min-width:50px;\"><dfn>P<sub>plat</sub> :</dfn></dt><dd>\n<p>Plateau pressure</p>\n</dd><dt style=\"min-width:50px;\"><dfn>Vt:</dfn></dt><dd>\n<p>Tidal volume</p>\n</dd></dl><ol data-track-component=\"outbound reference\" data-track-context=\"references section\"><li data-counter=\"1.\"><p>Gupta S, Hayek SS, Wang W, Chan L, Mathews KS, Melamed ML, Brenner SK, Leonberg-Yoo A, Schenck EJ, Radbel J, Reiser J, Bansal A, Srivastava A, Zhou Y, Sutherland A, Green A, Shehata AM, Goyal N, Vijayan A, Velez JCQ, Shaefi S, Parikh CR, Arunthamakun J, Athavale AM, Friedman AN, Short SAP, Kibbelaar ZA, Abu Omar S, Admon AJ, Donnelly JP, Gershengorn HB, Hernán MA, Semler MW, Leaf DE; STOP-COVID Investigators. Factors Associated With Death in Critically Ill Patients With Coronavirus Disease 2019 in the US. JAMA Intern Med. 2020 Nov 1;180(11):1436–1447. Erratum in: JAMA Intern Med. 2020 Nov 1;180(11):1555. Erratum in: JAMA Intern Med. 2021 Aug 1;181(8):1144.</p></li><li data-counter=\"2.\"><p>Karan A, Wadhera RK. Healthcare system stress due to covid-19: evading an evolving crisis. J Hosp Med. 2021;16(2):127.</p><p>Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar </p></li><li data-counter=\"3.\"><p>Takahashi Y, Utsumi S, Fujizuka K, Suzuki H, Ushio N, Amemiya Y, et al. Effect of a systematic lung-protective protocol for COVID-19 pneumonia requiring invasive ventilation: a single center retrospective study. PLoS ONE. 2023;18(1):e0267339.</p><p>Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar </p></li><li data-counter=\"4.\"><p>Shultz JM, Perlin A, Saltzman RG, Espinel Z, Galea S. Pandemic march: 2019 coronavirus disease’s first wave circumnavigates the globe. Disaster Med Public Health Prep. 2020;14(5):e28-32.</p><p>Article PubMed Google Scholar </p></li><li data-counter=\"5.\"><p>Botta M, Tsonas AM, Pillay J, Boers LS, Algera AG, Bos LDJ, et al. Ventilation management and clinical outcomes in invasively ventilated patients with COVID-19 (PRoVENT-COVID): a national, multicentre, observational cohort study. Lancet Respir Med. 2021;9(2):139–48.</p><p>Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar </p></li></ol><p>Download references<svg aria-hidden=\"true\" focusable=\"false\" height=\"16\" role=\"img\" width=\"16\"><use xlink:href=\"#icon-eds-i-download-medium\" xmlns:xlink=\"\"></use></svg></p><p>We appreciate the guidance provided by Laura Ritter-Cox, MS, related to intricacies and behaviors of the Metavision system. We are grateful to Tuyet Tran, MSc, and JoAnn Jordan, MSc for their reliable support in the bioinformatics systems.</p><p>This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.</p><h3>Authors and Affiliations</h3><ol><li><p>Center for Anesthesia Research Excellence (CARE), Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA</p><p>Ricardo Munoz-Acuna, Elena Ahrens, Aiman Suleiman, Luca J. Wachtendorf, Basit A. Azizi, Simone Redaelli, Tim M. Tartler, Guanqing Chen, Elias N. Baedorf-Kassis &amp; Maximilian S. Schaefer</p></li><li><p>Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, 330 Brookline Avenue, Boston, MA, 02215, USA</p><p>Ricardo Munoz-Acuna, Elena Ahrens, Aiman Suleiman, Luca J. Wachtendorf, Basit A. Azizi, Simone Redaelli, Tim M. Tartler, Guanqing Chen, Maximilian S. Schaefer &amp; Shahla Siddiqui</p></li><li><p>Department of Anesthesia, Intensive Care and Pain Management, Faculty of Medicine, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan</p><p>Aiman Suleiman</p></li><li><p>School of Medicine and Surgery, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy</p><p>Simone Redaelli</p></li><li><p>Department of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA</p><p>Elias N. Baedorf-Kassis</p></li><li><p>Department of Anesthesiology, Duesseldorf University Hospital, Duesseldorf, Germany</p><p>Maximilian S. Schaefer</p></li></ol><span>Authors</span><ol><li><span>Ricardo Munoz-Acuna</span>View author publications<p>You can also search for this author in <span>PubMed<span> </span>Google Scholar</span></p></li><li><span>Elena Ahrens</span>View author publications<p>You can also search for this author in <span>PubMed<span> </span>Google Scholar</span></p></li><li><span>Aiman Suleiman</span>View author publications<p>You can also search for this author in <span>PubMed<span> </span>Google Scholar</span></p></li><li><span>Luca J. Wachtendorf</span>View author publications<p>You can also search for this author in <span>PubMed<span> </span>Google Scholar</span></p></li><li><span>Basit A. Azizi</span>View author publications<p>You can also search for this author in <span>PubMed<span> </span>Google Scholar</span></p></li><li><span>Simone Redaelli</span>View author publications<p>You can also search for this author in <span>PubMed<span> </span>Google Scholar</span></p></li><li><span>Tim M. Tartler</span>View author publications<p>You can also search for this author in <span>PubMed<span> </span>Google Scholar</span></p></li><li><span>Guanqing Chen</span>View author publications<p>You can also search for this author in <span>PubMed<span> </span>Google Scholar</span></p></li><li><span>Elias N. Baedorf-Kassis</span>View author publications<p>You can also search for this author in <span>PubMed<span> </span>Google Scholar</span></p></li><li><span>Maximilian S. Schaefer</span>View author publications<p>You can also search for this author in <span>PubMed<span> </span>Google Scholar</span></p></li><li><span>Shahla Siddiqui</span>View author publications<p>You can also search for this author in <span>PubMed<span> </span>Google Scholar</span></p></li></ol><h3>Contributions</h3><p>R.M.A.: Formal analysis, data curation, writing—original draft, visualization, writing—review and editing, E.A.: writing—original draft, writing—review and editing, A.S.: writing—original draft, L.J.W.: writing—review and editing, B.A.A.: data curation, S.R.: writing—review and editing, T.M.T.: writing—original draft, writing—review and editing, G.C.: methodology, E.N.B.: conceptualization, M.S.S.: project administration, writing—review and editing, S.S.: supervision, writing—review and editing.</p><h3>Corresponding author</h3><p>Correspondence to Maximilian S. Schaefer.</p><h3>Ethics approval and consent to participate</h3>\n<p>The BIDMC Institutional Review Board (IRB) reviewed and approved the study under the protocol number 2021P000980. The need for informed consent was waived by the IRB.</p>\n<h3>Consent for publication</h3>\n<p>Not applicable.</p>\n<h3>Competing interests</h3>\n<p>M.S.S. received funding for investigator-initiated studies from Merck &amp; Co., which do not pertain to this manuscript. He is an associate editor for BMC Anesthesiology. He received honoraria for lectures from Fisher &amp; Paykel Healthcare and Mindray Medical International Limited. He received an unrestricted philanthropic grant from Jeffrey and Judith Buzen. E.N.B-K. has received lecturing fees from Hamilton Medical Inc. outside the submitted work and has received a KL2 award from Harvard Catalyst; The Harvard Clinical and Translational Science Center (National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, National Institutes of Health award No. KL2 TR002542). The funders had no role in the design and conduct of the study, the collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data, the preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript; or the decision to submit the manuscript for publication. R.M.A., E.A., A.S., L.J.W., B.A.A., S.R., T.M.T., G.C. and S.S. have no conflicts of interest.</p><h3>Publisher's Note</h3><p>Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.</p><p><i>Prior presentations:</i> An abstract focusing on preliminary results was presented at the American Society of Anesthesiologists annual meeting (October 2022, New Orleans).</p><h3>Supplementary file 1</h3><p><b>Open Access</b> This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. 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Verify currency and authenticity via CrossMark\" height=\"81\" loading=\"lazy\" src=\"\" width=\"57\"/><h3>Cite this article</h3><p>Munoz-Acuna, R., Ahrens, E., Suleiman, A. <i>et al.</i> Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on lung-protective ventilation practice in critically ill patients with respiratory failure: a retrospective cohort study from a New England healthcare network. <i>Crit Care</i> <b>28</b>, 219 (2024).</p><p>Download citation<svg aria-hidden=\"true\" focusable=\"false\" height=\"16\" role=\"img\" width=\"16\"><use xlink:href=\"#icon-eds-i-download-medium\" xmlns:xlink=\"\"></use></svg></p><ul data-test=\"publication-history\"><li><p>Received<span>: </span><span><time datetime=\"2024-03-07\">07 March 2024</time></span></p></li><li><p>Accepted<span>: </span><span><time datetime=\"2024-06-05\">05 June 2024</time></span></p></li><li><p>Published<span>: </span><span><time datetime=\"2024-07-04\">04 July 2024</time></span></p></li><li><p>DOI</abbr><span>: </span><span></span></p></li></ul><h3>Share this article</h3><p>Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:</p><button data-track=\"click\" data-track-action=\"get shareable link\" data-track-external=\"\" data-track-label=\"button\" type=\"button\">Get shareable link</button><p>Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article.</p><p data-track=\"click\" data-track-action=\"select share url\" data-track-label=\"button\"></p><button data-track=\"click\" data-track-action=\"copy share url\" data-track-external=\"\" data-track-label=\"button\" type=\"button\">Copy to clipboard</button><p> Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative </p>","PeriodicalId":10811,"journal":{"name":"Critical Care","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":8.8000,"publicationDate":"2024-07-04","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":"0","resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":null,"PeriodicalName":"Critical Care","FirstCategoryId":"3","ListUrlMain":"","RegionNum":1,"RegionCategory":"医学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":null,"EPubDate":"","PubModel":"","JCR":"Q1","JCRName":"CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE","Score":null,"Total":0}
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To the Editor—Before the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, over three million patients in the United States of America (USA) suffered from hypoxemic respiratory failure annually. COVID-19-related hypoxemic respiratory failure required admission to the intensive care unit (ICU) in nearly 30% of cases and mechanical ventilation for more than 10% of patients, leading to strain in the healthcare system [1]. Previous evidence suggested an increased mortality in non-COVID-19 patients related to increased health-care strain. The question remains whether patient care, and especially best-practice mechanical ventilation management, was also affected by the pandemic [2]. We hypothesized that the COVID-19 pandemic with its consequences on healthcare strain and staffing shortages affected ventilator management and lung-protective ventilation (LPV) practice patterns in patients with hypoxemic respiratory failure.

Mechanically ventilated patients admitted to the ICUs of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA, USA, with hypoxemic respiratory failure between January 2018 and December 2021 were included. Hypoxemic respiratory failure was defined as a ratio of partial arterial pressure of oxygen to fraction of inspired oxygen (P/F) ≤ 300 at the first available blood gas analysis. Patients with a duration of mechanical ventilation < 12 h or with missing data on confounding variables were excluded. LPV was defined as the simultaneous presence of a plateau pressure (Pplat) of < 30 cmH2O, a driving pressure ≤ 15 cmH2O, as well as tidal volumes (Vt) of 4–8 ml per kilogram of predicted body weight (PBW) [3]. Parameter recordings within the first two hours of mechanical ventilation were excluded to avoid artefacts from the initial patient transfer and stabilisation period. We examined changes in LPV practices during and pre-pandemic periods using an interrupted time series analysis with quarterly time points. The second quarter of the year 2020 (April to June) was established as ‘start of intervention period’ since April 2020 was the month when COVID-19 patients reached the proportional majority in ICU occupation in line with the pandemic transmission consolidation in the USA [4]. Analyses were adjusted for patient baseline characteristics (age, sex, respiratory system compliance, P/F ratio, and Elixhauser Comorbidity Index).

Among 2965 included patient cases, 1381 (46.6%) were admitted pre-pandemic and 1,584 (54.4%) during the pandemic. Overall, after onset of the pandemic, between 3.3% and 77.9% of patients per month were COVID-19 positive with an overall of 386 (28%) patients included. Detailed patient characteristics, ventilator parameters and demographics are included in the Supplemental Document 1, Tables S1, S2. Prior to the pandemic, there was an increasing trend in the utilization of LPV (absolute increase of 0.8% per quarter; 95% CI 0.3–1.4%; p = 0.006, Fig. 1). During the first three months after the pandemic onset, there was an absolute decrease of − 3.2% (95% CI − 6.3 to − 0.2%; p = 0.049) in the utilization of LPV in comparison to the preceding quarter before the pandemic (January–March 2020). Subsequently, the utilization of LPV did not change over the course of the broader COVID-19 pandemic period (April–December 2021, absolute decrease − 0.1% per quarter after the onset of the pandemic; 95% CI − 0.7 to 0.5; p = 0.62).

Fig. 1
Abstract Image

Interrupted Time Series Analysis. The multivariate linear prediction is depicted in bold lines with its respective 95% confidence interval and the adjusted prediction is presented as hollow circles, black crosses represent the observed LPV. The pre-pandemic period is represented in red, and the pandemic period is shown in blue. Abbreviations: LPV: Lung-protective ventilation

Full size image

These findings of a discrete ascent in LPV practices in the ICU before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic align with other studies reporting a wide application of mechanical ventilation using low Vt and driving pressures [5]. The decrease in the utilization of LPV after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic potentially reflects a systemic disruption of resource allocation after March 2020, including protective equipment supplies, ventilators, and hospital staff. Medical centers across the USA suffered from staffing shortages that might have contributed to worsened patient outcomes and suboptimal respiratory care. Furthermore, it might be attributed to a higher prevalence of patients with severe lung disease in the ICU as reflected by the lower P/F ratio in the pandemic period (Tables S1, S2). Ventilation management adherent to LPV protocols can be difficult in patients with worsening respiratory system compliance, and severe hypercapnia or hypoxemia.

The generalizability to other settings is limited by the use of data from one academic hospital network in New England. Our findings now provide a rationale to investigate the impact of ICU stress on quality of care in different scenarios as well as hospital settings and geographical locations.

In conclusion, the COVID-19 pandemic may have influenced the existing trend in the implementation of LPV strategies in critically ill patients. The data suggest that the overall trend in the utilisation of LPV remained stable throughout the pandemic, which could indicate some resilience and adaptability in ICU practices. However, the findings also imply that patients with hypoxemic respiratory failure were less likely to receive LPV, though these observations should be interpreted with caution given the study's retrospective design. Further research is needed to confirm these trends.

The datasets generated and/or analyzed during the current study are not publicly available due data compliance and privacy policies but are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request by a qualified researcher.


Coronavirus Disease 2019


Intensive care unit


Lung-protective ventilation


Predicted body weight

P/F ratio:

Ratio of the partial pressure of arterial oxygen to the fraction of inspired oxygen

Pplat :

Plateau pressure


Tidal volume

  1. Gupta S, Hayek SS, Wang W, Chan L, Mathews KS, Melamed ML, Brenner SK, Leonberg-Yoo A, Schenck EJ, Radbel J, Reiser J, Bansal A, Srivastava A, Zhou Y, Sutherland A, Green A, Shehata AM, Goyal N, Vijayan A, Velez JCQ, Shaefi S, Parikh CR, Arunthamakun J, Athavale AM, Friedman AN, Short SAP, Kibbelaar ZA, Abu Omar S, Admon AJ, Donnelly JP, Gershengorn HB, Hernán MA, Semler MW, Leaf DE; STOP-COVID Investigators. Factors Associated With Death in Critically Ill Patients With Coronavirus Disease 2019 in the US. JAMA Intern Med. 2020 Nov 1;180(11):1436–1447. Erratum in: JAMA Intern Med. 2020 Nov 1;180(11):1555. Erratum in: JAMA Intern Med. 2021 Aug 1;181(8):1144.

  2. Karan A, Wadhera RK. Healthcare system stress due to covid-19: evading an evolving crisis. J Hosp Med. 2021;16(2):127.

    Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar

  3. Takahashi Y, Utsumi S, Fujizuka K, Suzuki H, Ushio N, Amemiya Y, et al. Effect of a systematic lung-protective protocol for COVID-19 pneumonia requiring invasive ventilation: a single center retrospective study. PLoS ONE. 2023;18(1):e0267339.

    Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar

  4. Shultz JM, Perlin A, Saltzman RG, Espinel Z, Galea S. Pandemic march: 2019 coronavirus disease’s first wave circumnavigates the globe. Disaster Med Public Health Prep. 2020;14(5):e28-32.

    Article PubMed Google Scholar

  5. Botta M, Tsonas AM, Pillay J, Boers LS, Algera AG, Bos LDJ, et al. Ventilation management and clinical outcomes in invasively ventilated patients with COVID-19 (PRoVENT-COVID): a national, multicentre, observational cohort study. Lancet Respir Med. 2021;9(2):139–48.

    Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar

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We appreciate the guidance provided by Laura Ritter-Cox, MS, related to intricacies and behaviors of the Metavision system. We are grateful to Tuyet Tran, MSc, and JoAnn Jordan, MSc for their reliable support in the bioinformatics systems.

This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.

Authors and Affiliations

  1. Center for Anesthesia Research Excellence (CARE), Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA

    Ricardo Munoz-Acuna, Elena Ahrens, Aiman Suleiman, Luca J. Wachtendorf, Basit A. Azizi, Simone Redaelli, Tim M. Tartler, Guanqing Chen, Elias N. Baedorf-Kassis & Maximilian S. Schaefer

  2. Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, 330 Brookline Avenue, Boston, MA, 02215, USA

    Ricardo Munoz-Acuna, Elena Ahrens, Aiman Suleiman, Luca J. Wachtendorf, Basit A. Azizi, Simone Redaelli, Tim M. Tartler, Guanqing Chen, Maximilian S. Schaefer & Shahla Siddiqui

  3. Department of Anesthesia, Intensive Care and Pain Management, Faculty of Medicine, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan

    Aiman Suleiman

  4. School of Medicine and Surgery, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy

    Simone Redaelli

  5. Department of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA

    Elias N. Baedorf-Kassis

  6. Department of Anesthesiology, Duesseldorf University Hospital, Duesseldorf, Germany

    Maximilian S. Schaefer

  1. Ricardo Munoz-AcunaView author publications

    You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar

  2. Elena AhrensView author publications

    You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar

  3. Aiman SuleimanView author publications

    You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar

  4. Luca J. WachtendorfView author publications

    You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar

  5. Basit A. AziziView author publications

    You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar

  6. Simone RedaelliView author publications

    You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar

  7. Tim M. TartlerView author publications

    You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar

  8. Guanqing ChenView author publications

    You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar

  9. Elias N. Baedorf-KassisView author publications

    You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar

  10. Maximilian S. SchaeferView author publications

    You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar

  11. Shahla SiddiquiView author publications

    You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar


R.M.A.: Formal analysis, data curation, writing—original draft, visualization, writing—review and editing, E.A.: writing—original draft, writing—review and editing, A.S.: writing—original draft, L.J.W.: writing—review and editing, B.A.A.: data curation, S.R.: writing—review and editing, T.M.T.: writing—original draft, writing—review and editing, G.C.: methodology, E.N.B.: conceptualization, M.S.S.: project administration, writing—review and editing, S.S.: supervision, writing—review and editing.

Corresponding author

Correspondence to Maximilian S. Schaefer.

Ethics approval and consent to participate

The BIDMC Institutional Review Board (IRB) reviewed and approved the study under the protocol number 2021P000980. The need for informed consent was waived by the IRB.

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Not applicable.

Competing interests

M.S.S. received funding for investigator-initiated studies from Merck & Co., which do not pertain to this manuscript. He is an associate editor for BMC Anesthesiology. He received honoraria for lectures from Fisher & Paykel Healthcare and Mindray Medical International Limited. He received an unrestricted philanthropic grant from Jeffrey and Judith Buzen. E.N.B-K. has received lecturing fees from Hamilton Medical Inc. outside the submitted work and has received a KL2 award from Harvard Catalyst; The Harvard Clinical and Translational Science Center (National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, National Institutes of Health award No. KL2 TR002542). The funders had no role in the design and conduct of the study, the collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data, the preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript; or the decision to submit the manuscript for publication. R.M.A., E.A., A.S., L.J.W., B.A.A., S.R., T.M.T., G.C. and S.S. have no conflicts of interest.

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Prior presentations: An abstract focusing on preliminary results was presented at the American Society of Anesthesiologists annual meeting (October 2022, New Orleans).

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Munoz-Acuna, R., Ahrens, E., Suleiman, A. et al. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on lung-protective ventilation practice in critically ill patients with respiratory failure: a retrospective cohort study from a New England healthcare network. Crit Care 28, 219 (2024).

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COVID-19 大流行对呼吸衰竭重症患者肺保护性通气实践的影响:一项来自新英格兰医疗保健网络的回顾性队列研究
AziziView 作者发表作品您也可以在 PubMed Google Scholar中搜索该作者Simone RedaelliView 作者发表作品您也可以在 PubMed Google Scholar中搜索该作者Tim M. TartlerView 作者发表作品您也可以在 PubMed Google Scholar中搜索该作者Guanqing ChenView 作者发表作品您也可以在 PubMed Google Scholar中搜索该作者Elias N. Baedorf-KassisView 作者发表作品您也可以在 PubMed Google Scholar中搜索该作者Maximilian S. Schaefer查看作者发表作品您也可以在 PubMed Google Scholar中搜索该作者Baedorf-KassisView 作者发表作品您也可以在 PubMed Google ScholarMaximilian S. SchaeferView 作者发表作品您也可以在 PubMed Google ScholarShahla SiddiquiView 作者发表作品您也可以在 PubMed Google ScholarContributionsR.M.A.:形式分析、数据整理、撰写-原稿、可视化、撰写-审阅和编辑, E.A.: 撰写-原稿、撰写-审阅和编辑, A.S.: 撰写-原稿, L.J.W.: 撰写-审阅和编辑, B.A.A.: 数据整理, S.R.: 撰写-审阅和编辑, T.M.T.: 撰写-原稿、撰写-审阅和编辑, G.C.: 撰写-原稿、撰写-审阅和编辑, G.C.: 撰写-原稿、撰写-审阅和编辑.通讯作者:Maximilian S. Schaefer.伦理批准和参与同意BIDMC机构审查委员会(IRB)审查并批准了这项研究,协议编号为2021P000980。同意发表不适用。竞争利益M.S.S.从默克公司(Merck &amp; Co.他是 BMC 麻醉学的副编辑。他从 Fisher &amp; Paykel Healthcare 和明德医疗国际有限公司获得讲座酬金。他获得了 Jeffrey 和 Judith Buzen 的无限制慈善资助。E.N.B-K.从汉密尔顿医疗公司(Hamilton Medical Inc.)资助方未参与本研究的设计和实施,未参与数据的收集、管理、分析和解释,未参与稿件的准备、审核或批准,也未参与决定是否将稿件投稿发表。R.M.A.、E.A.、A.S.、L.J.W.、B.A.A.、S.R.、T.M.T.、G.C.和S.S.没有利益冲突。出版商注释施普林格-自然对出版地图中的管辖权主张和机构隶属关系保持中立:本文采用知识共享署名 4.0 国际许可协议进行许可,该协议允许以任何媒介或格式使用、共享、改编、分发和复制本文,只要您适当注明原作者和来源,提供知识共享许可协议的链接,并说明是否进行了修改。本文中的图片或其他第三方材料均包含在文章的知识共享许可协议中,除非在材料的署名栏中另有说明。如果材料未包含在文章的知识共享许可协议中,且您打算使用的材料不符合法律规定或超出许可使用范围,您需要直接从版权所有者处获得许可。如需查看该许可的副本,请访问。创意共享公共领域专用免责声明 ( 适用于本文提供的数据,除非在数据的信用行中另有说明。转载与授权引用本文Munoz-Acuna, R., Ahrens, E., Suleiman, A. et al. COVID-19 大流行对呼吸衰竭重症患者肺保护性通气实践的影响:一项来自新英格兰医疗保健网络的回顾性队列研究。 citationReceived:07 March 2024Accepted:05 June 2024Published: 04 July 2024DOI: this articleAnyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:Get shareable linkSorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article.Copy to clipboard Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative.
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Critical Care
Critical Care 医学-危重病医学
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期刊介绍: Critical Care is an esteemed international medical journal that undergoes a rigorous peer-review process to maintain its high quality standards. Its primary objective is to enhance the healthcare services offered to critically ill patients. To achieve this, the journal focuses on gathering, exchanging, disseminating, and endorsing evidence-based information that is highly relevant to intensivists. By doing so, Critical Care seeks to provide a thorough and inclusive examination of the intensive care field.
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