New advances in building information modeling and engineering management: digital innovations in architecture, engineering and construction, by María De Las Nieves González García, Fernanda Rodrigues, and João Santos Baptista. Springer Cham, 2023. 231pp. ISBN 9783031302473

Q1 Arts and Humanities
Ye Fahmi Assagaf, Angela Meike Kawer, Rezky Amalia Putri, Dwi Nurul Ilmih Ahkam
{"title":"New advances in building information modeling and engineering management: digital innovations in architecture, engineering and construction, by María De Las Nieves González García, Fernanda Rodrigues, and João Santos Baptista. Springer Cham, 2023. 231pp. ISBN 9783031302473","authors":"Ye Fahmi Assagaf, Angela Meike Kawer, Rezky Amalia Putri, Dwi Nurul Ilmih Ahkam","doi":"10.1186/s43238-024-00129-0","DOIUrl":null,"url":null,"abstract":"<figure><picture><source srcset=\"//\" type=\"image/webp\"/><img alt=\"figure a\" aria-describedby=\"Figa\" height=\"1031\" loading=\"lazy\" src=\"//\" width=\"685\"/></picture></figure><p>The ever-evolving landscape of architectural preservation requires a proactive approach that harnesses the power of modern technology and demonstrates how it can reimagine the approach to heritage preservation. ‘New Advances in Building Information Modelling and Engineering Management’ emerges as a timely and critical contribution challenging traditional paradigms and paving new paths for managing built heritage. Aligning with the Built Heritage Journal’s focus on the field of heritage management, the book offers a compelling vision of how Building Information Modelling (BIM) can revolutionise our understanding, protection, and engagement with built heritage.</p><p>The book, structured in thirteen chapters, explores the transformative potential of BIM to improve the technical aspects of conservation and restoration. Each chapter covers a specific aspect of using BIM to manage and preserve built structures: from meticulously crafted digital models that breathe life into long-forgotten architectural details to immersive augmented reality experiences that transport us through the layers of time. In this respect, the book promises an exciting glimpse into the future of built heritage management.</p><p>Chapters 1 to 6 delve into the application of BIM in building maintenance management, providing practical methodologies to implement the interoperability between BIM and Excel. Taking Chap. 3 as an example, which is about the development of a methodology for the maintenance management of a 19th century building in Porto, Portugal, renovated in 2017, it is noted that one of the drawbacks of BIM is its limitation in the storage of semantic aspects and attributes, thus lacking adequate query functionality (Yang et al. 2020). However, while highlighting the benefits of BIM, more analysis on overcoming associated challenges and costs would be beneficial.</p><p>The unique challenges of modelling and managing complex geometries and materials found in older structures can pbuildings, such as historical documents and records. However, these technologies, particularly Hyperledger Fabric and Composer, while can provides transparency, reliabilityush the boundaries of BIM technology and improve its overall capabilities. Chapters 5, 9, 10, and 11 of this book highlight the importance of developing automated and innovative methods for efficient and effective building surveying. The authors explore the use of technology for building surveys. For instance, drone-only photogrammetric and thermographic surveys of historic buildings can efficiently integrate data into 3D BIM models for building energy analysis (Chap. 5). Chapter 9 emphasises the importance of smart technologies in construction, focusing on blockchain and BIM for smart energy management and sustainable construction. Blockchain technology ensures the security, accuracy, and authenticity of information exchange in construction projects, which can improve the maintenance, restoration, and verification of historical data associated with historic buildings, such as historical documents and records. However, these technologies, particularly Hyperledger Fabric and Composer, while can provides transparency, reliability, and efficiency to the construction process, are presented in hypothetical case examples in Chaps. 9 and 10 and have not been tested in real construction project environments. Further research and field trials are necessary to validate the effectiveness of blockchain technology in such environments.</p><p>Chapter 11 discusses the use of spreadsheet software such as Excel or OpenOffice to efficiently solve common planning problems. In addition, it explores optimisation methods in graphs that can be applied in the planning and management of historical buildings to maximise project duration and reduce costs. Chapter 11 has limitations in that the generalisation of the results obtained only applies to certain cases and cannot be generalised to other cases.</p><p>Chapters 4 and 8 are closely related to cultural heritage. In Chap. 4, various approaches to modelling complex and decorative architectural elements are discussed, with a case study focusing on Palazzo Vitelli, San Giacomo, a 16th-century building in Città di Castello. The chapter emphasises the importance of organising and sharing information from a public administration perspective to aid in the management and preservation of historic buildings. Additionally, it highlihgts the significance of collecting geometric, historical, and artistic information to enrich the HBIM (Historic Building Information Modeling) models with details about construction phases and works of art within historic buildings. Although Chap. 4 mentions the utilisation of photographs, historical documents, and laser scanning to enhance HBIM models, the lack of concrete examples or more in-depth case studies may pose challenges for readers in understanding the practical application of these approaches in real-life situations.</p><p>Chapter 8 highlights the use of a GIS-based management system in the Piaggine Building Park, a small historical centre in the National Park of Cilento and Vallo di Diano and Alburni near Salerno, Italy, to improve the energy performance of existing buildings. This system analyses both environmental and built heritage data, compiling a comprehensive database that showcases the life cycle of buildings and identifies issues such as illegal construction. With access to this information, both the public and private sectors can effectively monitor energy consumption, plan repairs or restorations, and safeguard the cultural heritage component of these structures. However, the discussion in Chap. 8 lacks depth regarding the environmental and social sustainability aspects of plans to restore historic buildings. Achieving a positive impact on the community and surrounding environment requires careful consideration of social, cultural, and environmental factors throughout the restoration process (Vafaie et al. 2023).</p><p>The focus of the discussion in Chaps. 2, 3, and 13 is on the use of technology. Chapter 2 explores the exchange of BIM data in the construction and development projects, incorporating NUIs (Natural User Interfaces) and AR (Augmented Reality) technologies to broaden access to BIM information among various stakeholders in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry. This chapter emphazise the value of AR as a tool for visualising historical data and enhancing visitor experiences at heritage sites by providing interactive information about a building’s history, construction, and current condition. Chapter 3 discusses how mobile apps and other digital technologies have transformed the construction industry. By replacing antiquated management plans with modern, technological approaches, these technologies enable faster and more efficient information exchange and control over the construction process. Next, Chap. 13 delves into the multidisciplinary and complex interactions between maintenance information systems, BIM in construction projects, and the impact of technology on people’s lives, policy, and the real estate market. Digital technology in building management can affect heritage conservation, especially in historical and sustainable construction projects. For instance, BIM technology facilitates the mapping and preservation of historical buildings while ensure that new contructions ahere to heritage values.</p><p>Chapters 7 and 12 critically examine issues related to occupational health and safety, particularly within the construction industry. Chapter 7 conducts a comparative analysis of the ‘Level of Preventive Action’ (Lpac) method through a case study in the construction industry. This method evaluates risks and preventive measures in construction projects, with the aim of improving workplace safety and minimise occupational accidents. It is worth noting that the study encompasses only three countries (Brazil, Spain, and Portugal), which may limit the generalisation of findings to other construction contexts. Furthermore, Chap. 12 highlights that construction workers face high psychosocial risks, including stress, time pressure, and workplace harassment. In addition, the book also highlights the high rates of substance consumption, such as alcohol, tobacco, and drugs, among construction workers and their impact on health and safety in the workplace (Chap. 12).</p><p>Overall, the book provides rich content and numerous case studies, offering valuable insights into the potential of BIM to innovate cultural heritage management practices. Rather than prescribing specific methods, the book aims to stimulate critical thinking and understanding, inviting reader to embrace technology responsibly and rethink their approach to interacting with built heritage. Consequently, it offers valuable insights for built heritage professionals, BIM practitioners, academic researchers, whether architects, engineers, conservators, historians, archaeologists, directly involved in the management and preservation of historic structures.</p><p>Not applicable.</p><dl><dt style=\"min-width:50px;\"><dfn>AEC:</dfn></dt><dd>\n<p>Architecture, Engineering and Construction</p>\n</dd><dt style=\"min-width:50px;\"><dfn>AR:</dfn></dt><dd>\n<p>Augmented Reality</p>\n</dd><dt style=\"min-width:50px;\"><dfn>BIM:</dfn></dt><dd>\n<p>Building Information Modelling</p>\n</dd><dt style=\"min-width:50px;\"><dfn>HBIM:</dfn></dt><dd>\n<p>Historic Building Information Modelling</p>\n</dd><dt style=\"min-width:50px;\"><dfn>LDM:</dfn></dt><dd>\n<p>Lean Design Management</p>\n</dd><dt style=\"min-width:50px;\"><dfn>NUI:</dfn></dt><dd>\n<p>Natural User Interfaces</p>\n</dd></dl><ul data-track-component=\"outbound reference\"><li><p>Vafaie, Fatemeh, Remøy Hilde and Gruis Vincent. 2023. Adaptive reuse of heritage buildings; a systematic literature review of success factors. <i>Habitat International </i>142.</p></li><li><p>Yang, Xiucheng, Pierre Grussenmeyer, Mathieu Koehl, Hélène. Macher, Arnadi Murtiyoso, and Tania Landes. 2020. Review of built heritage modelling: integration of HBIM and other information techniques. <i>Journal of Cultural Heritage</i> 46: 350–360.</p><p>Article Google Scholar </p></li></ul><p>Download references<svg aria-hidden=\"true\" focusable=\"false\" height=\"16\" role=\"img\" width=\"16\"><use xlink:href=\"#icon-eds-i-download-medium\" xmlns:xlink=\"\"></use></svg></p><p>The author would like to express his deepest gratitude to the Pengelola Dana Pendidikan (LPDP), who has sponsored our master's studies and would like to thank Giulio Verdini for support and feedback.</p><p>Not applicable.</p><h3>Authors and Affiliations</h3><ol><li><p>Universitas Brawijaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia</p><p>Ye Fahmi Assagaf</p></li><li><p>Universitas Hasanuddin, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia</p><p>Angela Meike Kawer, Rezky Amalia Putri &amp; Dwi Nurul Ilmih Ahkam</p></li></ol><span>Authors</span><ol><li><span>Ye Fahmi Assagaf</span>View author publications<p>You can also search for this author in <span>PubMed<span> </span>Google Scholar</span></p></li><li><span>Angela Meike Kawer</span>View author publications<p>You can also search for this author in <span>PubMed<span> </span>Google Scholar</span></p></li><li><span>Rezky Amalia Putri</span>View author publications<p>You can also search for this author in <span>PubMed<span> </span>Google Scholar</span></p></li><li><span>Dwi Nurul Ilmih Ahkam</span>View author publications<p>You can also search for this author in <span>PubMed<span> </span>Google Scholar</span></p></li></ol><h3>Contributions</h3><p>The author read and approved the final manuscript.</p><h3>Corresponding author</h3><p>Correspondence to Ye Fahmi Assagaf.</p><h3>Competing interests</h3>\n<p>The author declares that he has no competing interests.</p><h3>Publisher’s Note</h3><p>Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.</p><p><b>Open Access</b> This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit</p>\n<p>Reprints and permissions</p><img alt=\"Check for updates. Verify currency and authenticity via CrossMark\" height=\"81\" loading=\"lazy\" src=\"\" width=\"57\"/><h3>Cite this article</h3><p>Assagaf, Y.F., Kawer, A.M., Putri, R.A. <i>et al.</i> New advances in building information modeling and engineering management: digital innovations in architecture, engineering and construction, by María De Las Nieves González García, Fernanda Rodrigues, and João Santos Baptista. Springer Cham, 2023. 231pp. ISBN 9783031302473. <i>Built Heritage</i> <b>8</b>, 16 (2024).</p><p>Download citation<svg aria-hidden=\"true\" focusable=\"false\" height=\"16\" role=\"img\" width=\"16\"><use xlink:href=\"#icon-eds-i-download-medium\" xmlns:xlink=\"\"></use></svg></p><ul data-test=\"publication-history\"><li><p>Received<span>: </span><span><time datetime=\"2024-04-03\">03 April 2024</time></span></p></li><li><p>Accepted<span>: </span><span><time datetime=\"2024-04-22\">22 April 2024</time></span></p></li><li><p>Published<span>: </span><span><time datetime=\"2024-05-24\">24 May 2024</time></span></p></li><li><p>DOI</abbr><span>: </span><span></span></p></li></ul><h3>Share this article</h3><p>Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:</p><button data-track=\"click\" data-track-action=\"get shareable link\" data-track-external=\"\" data-track-label=\"button\" type=\"button\">Get shareable link</button><p>Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article.</p><p data-track=\"click\" data-track-action=\"select share url\" data-track-label=\"button\"></p><button data-track=\"click\" data-track-action=\"copy share url\" data-track-external=\"\" data-track-label=\"button\" type=\"button\">Copy to clipboard</button><p> Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative </p>","PeriodicalId":33925,"journal":{"name":"Built Heritage","volume":"68 1","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":0.0000,"publicationDate":"2024-05-24","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":"0","resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":null,"PeriodicalName":"Built Heritage","FirstCategoryId":"1087","ListUrlMain":"","RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":null,"ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":null,"EPubDate":"","PubModel":"","JCR":"Q1","JCRName":"Arts and Humanities","Score":null,"Total":0}
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Abstract Image

The ever-evolving landscape of architectural preservation requires a proactive approach that harnesses the power of modern technology and demonstrates how it can reimagine the approach to heritage preservation. ‘New Advances in Building Information Modelling and Engineering Management’ emerges as a timely and critical contribution challenging traditional paradigms and paving new paths for managing built heritage. Aligning with the Built Heritage Journal’s focus on the field of heritage management, the book offers a compelling vision of how Building Information Modelling (BIM) can revolutionise our understanding, protection, and engagement with built heritage.

The book, structured in thirteen chapters, explores the transformative potential of BIM to improve the technical aspects of conservation and restoration. Each chapter covers a specific aspect of using BIM to manage and preserve built structures: from meticulously crafted digital models that breathe life into long-forgotten architectural details to immersive augmented reality experiences that transport us through the layers of time. In this respect, the book promises an exciting glimpse into the future of built heritage management.

Chapters 1 to 6 delve into the application of BIM in building maintenance management, providing practical methodologies to implement the interoperability between BIM and Excel. Taking Chap. 3 as an example, which is about the development of a methodology for the maintenance management of a 19th century building in Porto, Portugal, renovated in 2017, it is noted that one of the drawbacks of BIM is its limitation in the storage of semantic aspects and attributes, thus lacking adequate query functionality (Yang et al. 2020). However, while highlighting the benefits of BIM, more analysis on overcoming associated challenges and costs would be beneficial.

The unique challenges of modelling and managing complex geometries and materials found in older structures can pbuildings, such as historical documents and records. However, these technologies, particularly Hyperledger Fabric and Composer, while can provides transparency, reliabilityush the boundaries of BIM technology and improve its overall capabilities. Chapters 5, 9, 10, and 11 of this book highlight the importance of developing automated and innovative methods for efficient and effective building surveying. The authors explore the use of technology for building surveys. For instance, drone-only photogrammetric and thermographic surveys of historic buildings can efficiently integrate data into 3D BIM models for building energy analysis (Chap. 5). Chapter 9 emphasises the importance of smart technologies in construction, focusing on blockchain and BIM for smart energy management and sustainable construction. Blockchain technology ensures the security, accuracy, and authenticity of information exchange in construction projects, which can improve the maintenance, restoration, and verification of historical data associated with historic buildings, such as historical documents and records. However, these technologies, particularly Hyperledger Fabric and Composer, while can provides transparency, reliability, and efficiency to the construction process, are presented in hypothetical case examples in Chaps. 9 and 10 and have not been tested in real construction project environments. Further research and field trials are necessary to validate the effectiveness of blockchain technology in such environments.

Chapter 11 discusses the use of spreadsheet software such as Excel or OpenOffice to efficiently solve common planning problems. In addition, it explores optimisation methods in graphs that can be applied in the planning and management of historical buildings to maximise project duration and reduce costs. Chapter 11 has limitations in that the generalisation of the results obtained only applies to certain cases and cannot be generalised to other cases.

Chapters 4 and 8 are closely related to cultural heritage. In Chap. 4, various approaches to modelling complex and decorative architectural elements are discussed, with a case study focusing on Palazzo Vitelli, San Giacomo, a 16th-century building in Città di Castello. The chapter emphasises the importance of organising and sharing information from a public administration perspective to aid in the management and preservation of historic buildings. Additionally, it highlihgts the significance of collecting geometric, historical, and artistic information to enrich the HBIM (Historic Building Information Modeling) models with details about construction phases and works of art within historic buildings. Although Chap. 4 mentions the utilisation of photographs, historical documents, and laser scanning to enhance HBIM models, the lack of concrete examples or more in-depth case studies may pose challenges for readers in understanding the practical application of these approaches in real-life situations.

Chapter 8 highlights the use of a GIS-based management system in the Piaggine Building Park, a small historical centre in the National Park of Cilento and Vallo di Diano and Alburni near Salerno, Italy, to improve the energy performance of existing buildings. This system analyses both environmental and built heritage data, compiling a comprehensive database that showcases the life cycle of buildings and identifies issues such as illegal construction. With access to this information, both the public and private sectors can effectively monitor energy consumption, plan repairs or restorations, and safeguard the cultural heritage component of these structures. However, the discussion in Chap. 8 lacks depth regarding the environmental and social sustainability aspects of plans to restore historic buildings. Achieving a positive impact on the community and surrounding environment requires careful consideration of social, cultural, and environmental factors throughout the restoration process (Vafaie et al. 2023).

The focus of the discussion in Chaps. 2, 3, and 13 is on the use of technology. Chapter 2 explores the exchange of BIM data in the construction and development projects, incorporating NUIs (Natural User Interfaces) and AR (Augmented Reality) technologies to broaden access to BIM information among various stakeholders in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry. This chapter emphazise the value of AR as a tool for visualising historical data and enhancing visitor experiences at heritage sites by providing interactive information about a building’s history, construction, and current condition. Chapter 3 discusses how mobile apps and other digital technologies have transformed the construction industry. By replacing antiquated management plans with modern, technological approaches, these technologies enable faster and more efficient information exchange and control over the construction process. Next, Chap. 13 delves into the multidisciplinary and complex interactions between maintenance information systems, BIM in construction projects, and the impact of technology on people’s lives, policy, and the real estate market. Digital technology in building management can affect heritage conservation, especially in historical and sustainable construction projects. For instance, BIM technology facilitates the mapping and preservation of historical buildings while ensure that new contructions ahere to heritage values.

Chapters 7 and 12 critically examine issues related to occupational health and safety, particularly within the construction industry. Chapter 7 conducts a comparative analysis of the ‘Level of Preventive Action’ (Lpac) method through a case study in the construction industry. This method evaluates risks and preventive measures in construction projects, with the aim of improving workplace safety and minimise occupational accidents. It is worth noting that the study encompasses only three countries (Brazil, Spain, and Portugal), which may limit the generalisation of findings to other construction contexts. Furthermore, Chap. 12 highlights that construction workers face high psychosocial risks, including stress, time pressure, and workplace harassment. In addition, the book also highlights the high rates of substance consumption, such as alcohol, tobacco, and drugs, among construction workers and their impact on health and safety in the workplace (Chap. 12).

Overall, the book provides rich content and numerous case studies, offering valuable insights into the potential of BIM to innovate cultural heritage management practices. Rather than prescribing specific methods, the book aims to stimulate critical thinking and understanding, inviting reader to embrace technology responsibly and rethink their approach to interacting with built heritage. Consequently, it offers valuable insights for built heritage professionals, BIM practitioners, academic researchers, whether architects, engineers, conservators, historians, archaeologists, directly involved in the management and preservation of historic structures.

Not applicable.


Architecture, Engineering and Construction


Augmented Reality


Building Information Modelling


Historic Building Information Modelling


Lean Design Management


Natural User Interfaces

  • Vafaie, Fatemeh, Remøy Hilde and Gruis Vincent. 2023. Adaptive reuse of heritage buildings; a systematic literature review of success factors. Habitat International 142.

  • Yang, Xiucheng, Pierre Grussenmeyer, Mathieu Koehl, Hélène. Macher, Arnadi Murtiyoso, and Tania Landes. 2020. Review of built heritage modelling: integration of HBIM and other information techniques. Journal of Cultural Heritage 46: 350–360.

    Article Google Scholar

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The author would like to express his deepest gratitude to the Pengelola Dana Pendidikan (LPDP), who has sponsored our master's studies and would like to thank Giulio Verdini for support and feedback.

Not applicable.

Authors and Affiliations

  1. Universitas Brawijaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia

    Ye Fahmi Assagaf

  2. Universitas Hasanuddin, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia

    Angela Meike Kawer, Rezky Amalia Putri & Dwi Nurul Ilmih Ahkam

  1. Ye Fahmi AssagafView author publications

    You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar

  2. Angela Meike KawerView author publications

    You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar

  3. Rezky Amalia PutriView author publications

    You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar

  4. Dwi Nurul Ilmih AhkamView author publications

    You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar


The author read and approved the final manuscript.

Corresponding author

Correspondence to Ye Fahmi Assagaf.

Competing interests

The author declares that he has no competing interests.

Publisher’s Note

Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.

Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit

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Assagaf, Y.F., Kawer, A.M., Putri, R.A. et al. New advances in building information modeling and engineering management: digital innovations in architecture, engineering and construction, by María De Las Nieves González García, Fernanda Rodrigues, and João Santos Baptista. Springer Cham, 2023. 231pp. ISBN 9783031302473. Built Heritage 8, 16 (2024).

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建筑信息建模和工程管理的新进展:建筑、工程和施工中的数字化创新》,María De Las Nieves González García、Fernanda Rodrigues 和 João Santos Baptista 著。Springer Cham 出版社,2023 年。231pp.ISBN 9783031302473
第 8 章重点介绍了 Piaggine 建筑公园(位于意大利萨莱诺附近的 Cilento 和 Vallo di Diano 及 Alburni 国家公园内的一个小型历史中心)使用基于地理信息系统的管理系统改善现有建筑能效的情况。该系统分析了环境和建筑遗产数据,编制了一个全面的数据库,展示了建筑物的生命周期,并识别了非法建筑等问题。有了这些信息,公共和私营部门都可以有效地监控能源消耗,制定维修或修复计划,并保护这些建筑的文化遗产部分。然而,第 8 章中关于历史建筑修复计划的环境和社会可持续性方面的讨论缺乏深度。要对社区和周边环境产生积极影响,就需要在整个修复过程中仔细考虑社会、文化和环境因素(Vafaie 等人,2023 年)。第 2、3 和 13 章的讨论重点是技术的使用。第 2 章探讨了建筑和开发项目中的 BIM 数据交换,结合了 NUI(自然用户界面)和 AR(增强现实)技术,以扩大建筑、工程和施工(AEC)行业中各利益相关者对 BIM 信息的访问。本章强调了增强现实技术作为历史数据可视化工具的价值,并通过提供有关建筑物历史、建造和现状的互动信息,增强游客在遗产地的体验。第 3 章讨论了移动应用程序和其他数字技术如何改变建筑行业。通过用现代技术方法取代过时的管理计划,这些技术能够更快、更有效地交流信息并控制施工过程。接下来,第 13 章将深入探讨维护信息系统、建筑项目中的 BIM 以及技术对人们生活、政策和房地产市场的影响之间的多学科复杂互动关系。建筑管理中的数字技术会影响遗产保护,尤其是在历史性和可持续建筑项目中。例如,BIM 技术有助于绘制和保护历史建筑,同时确保新建筑符合遗产价值。第 7 章和第 12 章批判性地研究了与职业健康和安全相关的问题,尤其是在建筑行业。第 7 章通过对建筑行业的案例研究,对 "预防措施水平"(Lpac)方法进行了比较分析。该方法对建筑项目中的风险和预防措施进行评估,旨在改善工作场所安全,最大限度地减少工伤事故。值得注意的是,该研究只涉及三个国家(巴西、西班牙和葡萄牙),这可能会限制研究结果在其他建筑环境中的推广。此外,第 12 章强调了建筑工人面临的高社会心理风险,包括压力、时间压力和工作场所骚扰。此外,该书还强调了建筑工人中酒精、烟草和毒品等物质的高消费率及其对工作场所健康和安全的影响(第 12 章)。总体而言,该书提供了丰富的内容和大量案例研究,为 BIM 在创新文化遗产管理实践方面的潜力提供了宝贵的见解。该书不是规定具体的方法,而是旨在激发批判性思维和理解,邀请读者以负责任的态度拥抱技术,重新思考他们与建筑遗产互动的方法。因此,本书为直接参与管理和保护历史建筑的建筑遗产专业人士、BIM 从业人员、学术研究人员,无论是建筑师、工程师、保护人员、历史学家还是考古学家,都提供了宝贵的见解。AEC:建筑、工程和施工AR:增强现实BIM:建筑信息建模HBIM:历史建筑信息建模LDM:精益设计管理NUI:自然用户界面Vafaie, Fatemeh, Remøy Hilde and Gruis Vincent.2023.遗产建筑的适应性再利用;关于成功因素的系统文献综述。, Xiucheng, Pierre Grussenmeyer, Mathieu Koehl, Hélène.Macher、Arnadi Murtiyoso 和 Tania Landes。2020.建筑遗产建模回顾:HBIM 与其他信息技术的整合》。文化遗产期刊》46:350-360.
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