The battle over the Zionist maritime ethos: ‘Sea Day’ and claims to the Land of Israel’s sea culture

IF 0.5 3区 社会学 Q3 AREA STUDIES
Kobi Cohen-Hattab
{"title":"The battle over the Zionist maritime ethos: ‘Sea Day’ and claims to the Land of Israel’s sea culture","authors":"Kobi Cohen-Hattab","doi":"10.1080/00263206.2023.2248895","DOIUrl":null,"url":null,"abstract":"AbstractWithin the Zionist movement, the sea initially served no nationalistic purpose; it was a means of transit, a conduit for ingathering the Jewish diaspora. The Zionist leadership neglected the sea as a tool, emphasizing ‘Jewish work’ in agriculture instead. But the sea held meaning in modern nationalism for many countries, and the pre-state Land of Israel was no exception. The Yishuv institutions began to recognize the sea’s significance for the national movement in the mid-1930s and acted to impose its authority in the field. It was then that conflicts erupted over the origins of Jewish seafaring, with the right-wing Revisionist movement laying claim to the Zionist sea ethos and attacking the central institutions’ initial dismissive attitude to the maritime field. This dispute, and its expressions surrounding Sea Day celebrations, can be understood within the Yishuv’s broader politics and the different institutions’ attempts to cement their own status. Disclosure statementNo potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.Notes1 On the formation of the political system in Israel in the first years after the state’s establishment, against the backdrop of political struggles between right and left during the Yishuv era, see I. Galnoor and D. Blander (eds), The Political System of Israel: Formative Years, Institutional Structure, Political Behavior, Unsolved Problems, Democracy in Israel (Tel Aviv: Am Oved, 2013) (Hebrew).2 J. Hearn, ‘The Origin of Modern Nationalism in the North Atlantic Interaction Sphere’, Social Research Online Vol.14, no.5 (November 2009), I. Land, War, Nationalism and the British Sailor, 1750–1850 (Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009), p.7; M. Lincoln, Representing the Royal Navy: British Sea Power, 1750–1815 (London: Routledge, 2002), pp.3, 6.4 D. Legget, ‘Navy, Nation and Identity in the Long Nineteenth Century’, Journal of Maritime Research Vol.13, no.2 (2011), pp.151–63; C. I. Hamilton, ‘Naval Hagiography and the Victorian Hero’, Historical Journal Vol.23, no.2 (1980), pp.381–98.5 ‘Trafalgar Day’, Royal Navy, (accessed 12 December 2022).6 Peter Hoare (ed.), The Trafalgar Chronicle: Dedicated to Naval History in the Nelson Era: New Series 4 (Barnsley: Seaforth, 2019): (accessed 13 December 2022).7 ‘Trafalgar Day in Britain’, HaMashkif, 22 October 1942, p.1.8 A.C. Swinburne, ‘Trafalgar Day’, The Nineteenth Century: A Monthly Review, Mar. 1877–Dec. 1900 Vol.38, no.225 (Nov 1895), pp.713–14.9 H. Lewis-Jones, ‘“Displaying Nelson”: Navalism and “The Exhibition” of 1891’, International Journal of Maritime History Vol.17, no.1 (June 2005), pp.29–67.10 W.E. Lenz, ‘Narratives of Exploration, Sea Fiction, Mariners’ Chronicles, and the Rise of American Nationalism: “To Cast Anchor on that Point Where All Meridians Terminate”’, American Studies Vol.32, no.2 (Fall 1991), pp.41–61.11 G. Skrukwa, ‘Ukrainians and the Black Sea: Nationalist Geography in the Post-Soviet Reality’, Sensus Historiae Vol.12, no.3 (2013), pp.27–51. 12 One of the fields in which the lack of reference to the sea is noticeable is Hebrew literature of that time, in contrast with the abundance of works on conquering the land and making the desert bloom.13 O. Almog, The Sabra: The Creation of the New Jew, trans. Haim Watzman (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2000), pp.252–88.14 B.K. Meirovitz, Jewish Fishing (Tel Aviv: Merkaz Hahevel Hayami Leyisrael, 1944), p.9 (Hebrew); Z. Herman, Conquering a Route at Sea: Chronicles of Hebrew Shipping (Tel Aviv: Hakibbutz Hameuchad with Hahevel Hayami Leyisrael, 1978), p.55 (Hebrew).15 S. Stern, ‘Tel-Aviv Port: An Episode in the History of Eretz-Israel’, Cathedra Vol.25 (1982), pp.113–34 (Hebrew).16 D. Ben-Gurion, ‘To the Sea!’, in D. Lutsky (ed.), Tel Aviv Port 25th Anniversary (Tel Aviv: Marine Trust, 1961), p.7 (Hebrew).17 R. Peled, ‘The Betar Movement in Eretz Israel from Its Beginning until the 1950s’, in M. Naor (ed.), Youth Movements, 1920–1960 (Jerusalem: Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi, 1989), pp.105–18 (Hebrew); E. Stein-Ashkenazi, The Betar Youth Movement in Palestine, 1925–1947 (Jerusalem: The Zionist Library by the World Zionist Organization, 1998), pp.43–66 (Hebrew); S. Reznik, ‘The Sports Clubs in Betar: Political Sports in a Divided Society’, in H. Kaufman and H. Harif (eds), Body Culture and Sports in Israel in the Twentieth Century (Jerusalem: Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi, 2002), pp.156–67 (Hebrew).18 D. Niv, Battle for Freedom: The Irgun Zvai Leumi (Tel Aviv: Klausner Institute, 1980), p.179 (Hebrew). Jeremiah Helpern claims that this company was added to the 41st Battalion of the Jewish Legion founded in the British military, a continuation of the Jewish Legion from the First World War, which was numbered 38, 39, and 40. Later on, the brigade grew, becoming, in 1927, the ‘first Jewish battalion of “Brit Trumpeldor” (Betar) in the Land of Israel’; J. Helpern, The Revival of Jewish Seafaring (Tel Aviv: Hadar, 1961), p.54 (Hebrew). For more on Betar's naval companies, see D. Yahav, ‘The Revitalization of Jewish Navigation: Betars Marine Divisions in Eretz-Israel and Diaspora’, Ha’uma Vol.32, no.120 (1995), pp.471–76 (Hebrew).19 J. Markovizky, ‘The Forerunner of His People: Z. Jabotinsky and the Idea of the Instruction Center in Italy’, in A. Bareli and P. Ginossar (eds), In the Eye of the Storm: Essays on Ze’ev Jabotinsky (Beersheba: Ben-Gurion Institute for the Study of Israel and Zionism, 2004), pp.475–92 (Hebrew).20 Helpern, Revival, p.307 (Hebrew).21 According to some Revisionist approaches, between the twelfth and fifth centuries BCE, the Hebrew tribes and the Phoenicians and Canaanites and the Phoenician port cities – foremost Tyre and Sidon – had a shared culture and a certain amount of intermingling. The mention of the Phoenician history in the 1930s was intentional; it cultivated a sea consciousness in the Revisionist movement by presenting a storied history in which the ‘Hebrews’ were one part of a large seafaring superpower. In this view, the image of the Hebrew-Phoenician past made the biblical Israel a nation that took part in the boldest of seafaring activities, providing a historical platform for an ideology that hoped to cultivate Hebrew maritime activity and a modern-age navy. One person who expressed this approach was Nahum Slouschz in his Book of the Seas. See N. Slouschz, Book of the Seas (Tel Aviv: Hahevel Hayami Leyisrael, 1948) (Hebrew). For more on this subject see Y.Y. Shavit, ‘Hebrews and Phoenicians: A Case of an Ancient Historical Image and Its Usage’, Cathedra, Vol.29 (1983), pp.173–91.22 G. Amit, ‘“The Hebrew Conquest of the Sea”: The Etzel Museum as an Expression of the Perception of the Sea in the Revisionist Ethos’, Theory and Criticism Vol.24 (2004), pp.113–31 (Hebrew); Z. Jabotinsky, Conquest of the Hebrew Sea, in M. Sella (ed.), The World of Jabotinsky: A Selection of His Works and the Essentials of His Teaching (Tel Aviv: Dfusim, 1972), p.265 (Hebrew). Along the lines of ‘conquest of the wilderness’ and ‘conquest of labor’, which succinctly expressed the Zionist vision of the settlement institutions, it has been argued that Jabotinsky was the person who coined ‘conquest of the sea’. See S. Erell, Facing the Sea: The Story of a Fighting Sailor and Commander (Tel Aviv: Ministry of Defense, 1998), p.24 (Hebrew). For a short summary of the Canaanite sources for Hebrew ties to the sea and their extension in Hebrew maritime ideology – as opposed to socialist ideology, which sanctified the land – see D. Ohana, The Origins of Israeli Mythology: Neither Canaanites nor Crusaders (Jerusalem: Hartman Institute, 2008), pp.364–66 (Hebrew).23 On the ship’s statistics and names, see Z. Kenan, Looking Back: A Personal Story (Herzliya: Givol, 2005), pp.31–32 (Hebrew); H. Yarkoni, The Sea, the Ship, and the Jewish People (Haifa: Pardes, 2009), p.272 and sources there.24 The Zionist Executive, Decisions of the Nineteenth Zionist Congress, Lucerne, June 20–September 6, 1935 (Jerusalem: Zionist Organization Executive, 1937), p.32 (Hebrew).25 M. Pomrock, ‘Israel Maritime League’, in M. Newman, T. Eshel, M. Pomrock, and S. Raviv (eds), Israel and the Sea: Anthology (Haifa: Hevel Yami LeYisrael, 1970), pp.171–79 (Hebrew).26 D. Remez, General Organization of Jewish Workers (Histadrut), to Y. Ben-Zvi, Jewish National Council Executive, Jerusalem, 26 November 1936, J1/1872, Central Zionist Archives, Jerusalem (Hebrew).27 R. Robinson, A Useful Storm: The Revisionist Movement, 1925–1940 (Jerusalem: Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi, 2010), pp.159–62; 227–31 (Hebrew).28 For more on the subject, see Y. Shavit, The Hunting Season—The Sezon (Tel Aviv: Hadar, 1976) (Hebrew).29 Helpern, Revival, pp.277–78.30 ‘The Sara A Training Ship Arrives in Haifa’, HaBoker, 2 September 1937, p.1 (Hebrew).31 Helpern, Revival, p.307. Helpern claims, likely quite correctly, that it was nearly impossible to find graduates of the school on Jewish ships in those days because they spread around the world, most probably due in large part to the Jewish Agency’s embargo, which would not give Betar’s sailors certificates to immigrate to the Land of Israel. See: Unsigned survey (likely Helpern), untitled, 27 July 1938, 8, 1/8, Jabotinsky Institute, Tel Aviv.32 On the emphasis of Hebraism in the discussion on the sea, see M. Azaryahu, ‘The Formation of the “Hebrew Sea” in Pre-state Israel’, Journal of Modern Jewish Studies Vol.7, no.3 (2008), pp.251–67.33 K. Cohen-Hattab, Zionism's Maritime Revolution: The Yishuv’s Hold on the Land of Israel’s Sea and Shores, 1917–1948 (De Gruyter: Oldenbourg, 2019), pp.128–43.34 S. Tolkowsky, The Jews and the Sea (Tel Aviv: Hahevel Hayami Leyisrael, 1936), p.169 (Hebrew); Z. Hayam, Ships’ Tales (Tel Aviv: Ahiasaf, 1968), p.95 (Hebrew); E. Tuvim, ‘The First Decade of Zevulun Seafarers Members’, HaBoker, 25 October 1940, p.6 (Hebrew). The date set was likely the day on which the association was founded.35 Thirty-seven Years of the Zevulun Sailors’ Union: In advance of the Seventh Convention (N.p.: Zevulun Sailors’ Union, 1966), p.1, 12 (Hebrew); Y. Shavit, J. Goldstein, and H. Be’er (eds), Personalities in Eretz Israel, 1799–1948: A Biographical Dictionary (Tel Aviv: Am Oved, 1983), p.236 (Hebrew).36 Memorandum on the founding of the maritime academy in Tel Aviv, undated,1898/103–14, Tel Aviv-Jaffa Municipal Historical Archive, Tel Aviv (Hebrew).37 Y. Zeitlin, ‘Emanuel Tuvim, of Blessed Memory—Initiator and Realizer’, HaBoker, 18 March 1951, p.2 (Hebrew).38 Helpern, Revival, pp.54–56.39 E. Tuvim, ‘Chapters in the History of Zevulun’, Davar, 28 October 1940, p.4 (Hebrew).40 For example, E. Stein-Ashkenazi, The Betar Youth Movement in Palestine, 1925–1947 (Jerusalem: The Zionist Library by the World Zionist Organization, 1998) (Hebrew).41 Yarkoni, The Sea, p.11.42 ‘Today Is Sea Day at the Levant Fair’, Doar HaYom, 28 May 1936, p.4 (Hebrew); B. Kayama, ‘Sea Day’, HaOlam, 4 June 1936, p.403 (Hebrew).43 ‘Sea Day in the Yishuv’, Davar, 20 May 1943, p.4 (Hebrew).44 David Remez (1886–1951) was one of the Yishuv’s leaders and laid the foundations for important sea ventures for the Yishuv. Between 1935 and 1944, he served as the secretary of the Histadrut (General Federation of Labor) and in that position was active in establishing the Tel Aviv port and the Histadrut’s Nahshon company, which was occupied with shipping and fishing. From 1945 to 1949, he was the chair of the Jewish National Council and, among other things, worked to establish Zim, the national shipping company. See D. Tidhar (ed.), ‘David Remez (Drabkin)’, Encyclopedia of the Founders and Builders of Israel (1950), Vol.4, p.1593.45 ‘We Have the Right to Call the Mediterranean Sea Ours’, HaBoker, 30 May 1943, p.4 (Hebrew); ‘How the Land of Israel Celebrated the Hebrew “Sea Day”’, Haaretz, 30 May 1943, p.4 (Hebrew).46 ‘The Youth Display at “Sea Day”’, Haaretz, 24 May 1946, p.2 (Hebrew); ‘Long Live the Returner of Sons to the Sea and the Sea to the Nation’, Al HaMishmar, 24 May 1946, p.1 (Hebrew); ‘Sea Day in Tel Aviv and Haifa’, HaBoker, 24 May 1946, p.8 (Hebrew); ‘The Story of the Port’, Haaretz, 16 July 1946, p.3 (Hebrew).47 ‘“Sea Day”—The Youngest Holiday in Our Homeland’, Yam, June 1945, p.4 (Hebrew).48 ‘Sea Day 5710’, Yam 8–9, May–June 1950, p.3 (Hebrew).49 ‘The Hebrew Sea Day’, HaYarden, 29 May 1936, p.6 (Hebrew).50 ‘Is “Zevulun” also One of the Silencers?’, HaYarden, 3 June 1938, p.2 (Hebrew).51 ‘Sea Pioneers’, HaMashkif, 30 May 1943, p.2 (Hebrew).52 ‘Sea Day’, HaMashkif, 28 May 1946, (Hebrew).53 HaMashkif, 14 May 1947, p.dalet.54 ‘To the Commanders of the Irgun and Its Soldiers’, Herut, 29 May 1951, p.2 (Hebrew).55 In Haifa, Sea Day continued to be marked years later, but not necessarily on 23 Iyar. See, for example, a notice of the Haifa Workers’ Council about the celebrations of Sea Day that would take place for the children of members of the Histadrut on 4 October 1969 (22 Tishrei 5730): Davar, 3 October 1969, p.1 (Hebrew).56 T. Eshel, The Campaign to Conquer the Sea: Chronicles of the Israel Sea (Tel Aviv: Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 1996) (Hebrew).57 B. Garfinkel, ‘Bringing in the Army to Break the Locomotive Drivers’ and Sailors’ Strikes in 1951’, Iyunim Vol.34 (2020), pp.147–71 (Hebrew).58 For a poster about Sea Day in July 1958, see:יום_הצי#/media/קובץ:INDay1958.jpg.","PeriodicalId":47118,"journal":{"name":"Middle Eastern Studies","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.5000,"publicationDate":"2023-09-30","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":"0","resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":null,"PeriodicalName":"Middle Eastern Studies","FirstCategoryId":"1085","ListUrlMain":"","RegionNum":3,"RegionCategory":"社会学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":null,"EPubDate":"","PubModel":"","JCR":"Q3","JCRName":"AREA STUDIES","Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0


AbstractWithin the Zionist movement, the sea initially served no nationalistic purpose; it was a means of transit, a conduit for ingathering the Jewish diaspora. The Zionist leadership neglected the sea as a tool, emphasizing ‘Jewish work’ in agriculture instead. But the sea held meaning in modern nationalism for many countries, and the pre-state Land of Israel was no exception. The Yishuv institutions began to recognize the sea’s significance for the national movement in the mid-1930s and acted to impose its authority in the field. It was then that conflicts erupted over the origins of Jewish seafaring, with the right-wing Revisionist movement laying claim to the Zionist sea ethos and attacking the central institutions’ initial dismissive attitude to the maritime field. This dispute, and its expressions surrounding Sea Day celebrations, can be understood within the Yishuv’s broader politics and the different institutions’ attempts to cement their own status. Disclosure statementNo potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.Notes1 On the formation of the political system in Israel in the first years after the state’s establishment, against the backdrop of political struggles between right and left during the Yishuv era, see I. Galnoor and D. Blander (eds), The Political System of Israel: Formative Years, Institutional Structure, Political Behavior, Unsolved Problems, Democracy in Israel (Tel Aviv: Am Oved, 2013) (Hebrew).2 J. Hearn, ‘The Origin of Modern Nationalism in the North Atlantic Interaction Sphere’, Social Research Online Vol.14, no.5 (November 2009), I. Land, War, Nationalism and the British Sailor, 1750–1850 (Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009), p.7; M. Lincoln, Representing the Royal Navy: British Sea Power, 1750–1815 (London: Routledge, 2002), pp.3, 6.4 D. Legget, ‘Navy, Nation and Identity in the Long Nineteenth Century’, Journal of Maritime Research Vol.13, no.2 (2011), pp.151–63; C. I. Hamilton, ‘Naval Hagiography and the Victorian Hero’, Historical Journal Vol.23, no.2 (1980), pp.381–98.5 ‘Trafalgar Day’, Royal Navy, (accessed 12 December 2022).6 Peter Hoare (ed.), The Trafalgar Chronicle: Dedicated to Naval History in the Nelson Era: New Series 4 (Barnsley: Seaforth, 2019): (accessed 13 December 2022).7 ‘Trafalgar Day in Britain’, HaMashkif, 22 October 1942, p.1.8 A.C. Swinburne, ‘Trafalgar Day’, The Nineteenth Century: A Monthly Review, Mar. 1877–Dec. 1900 Vol.38, no.225 (Nov 1895), pp.713–14.9 H. Lewis-Jones, ‘“Displaying Nelson”: Navalism and “The Exhibition” of 1891’, International Journal of Maritime History Vol.17, no.1 (June 2005), pp.29–67.10 W.E. Lenz, ‘Narratives of Exploration, Sea Fiction, Mariners’ Chronicles, and the Rise of American Nationalism: “To Cast Anchor on that Point Where All Meridians Terminate”’, American Studies Vol.32, no.2 (Fall 1991), pp.41–61.11 G. Skrukwa, ‘Ukrainians and the Black Sea: Nationalist Geography in the Post-Soviet Reality’, Sensus Historiae Vol.12, no.3 (2013), pp.27–51. 12 One of the fields in which the lack of reference to the sea is noticeable is Hebrew literature of that time, in contrast with the abundance of works on conquering the land and making the desert bloom.13 O. Almog, The Sabra: The Creation of the New Jew, trans. Haim Watzman (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2000), pp.252–88.14 B.K. Meirovitz, Jewish Fishing (Tel Aviv: Merkaz Hahevel Hayami Leyisrael, 1944), p.9 (Hebrew); Z. Herman, Conquering a Route at Sea: Chronicles of Hebrew Shipping (Tel Aviv: Hakibbutz Hameuchad with Hahevel Hayami Leyisrael, 1978), p.55 (Hebrew).15 S. Stern, ‘Tel-Aviv Port: An Episode in the History of Eretz-Israel’, Cathedra Vol.25 (1982), pp.113–34 (Hebrew).16 D. Ben-Gurion, ‘To the Sea!’, in D. Lutsky (ed.), Tel Aviv Port 25th Anniversary (Tel Aviv: Marine Trust, 1961), p.7 (Hebrew).17 R. Peled, ‘The Betar Movement in Eretz Israel from Its Beginning until the 1950s’, in M. Naor (ed.), Youth Movements, 1920–1960 (Jerusalem: Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi, 1989), pp.105–18 (Hebrew); E. Stein-Ashkenazi, The Betar Youth Movement in Palestine, 1925–1947 (Jerusalem: The Zionist Library by the World Zionist Organization, 1998), pp.43–66 (Hebrew); S. Reznik, ‘The Sports Clubs in Betar: Political Sports in a Divided Society’, in H. Kaufman and H. Harif (eds), Body Culture and Sports in Israel in the Twentieth Century (Jerusalem: Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi, 2002), pp.156–67 (Hebrew).18 D. Niv, Battle for Freedom: The Irgun Zvai Leumi (Tel Aviv: Klausner Institute, 1980), p.179 (Hebrew). Jeremiah Helpern claims that this company was added to the 41st Battalion of the Jewish Legion founded in the British military, a continuation of the Jewish Legion from the First World War, which was numbered 38, 39, and 40. Later on, the brigade grew, becoming, in 1927, the ‘first Jewish battalion of “Brit Trumpeldor” (Betar) in the Land of Israel’; J. Helpern, The Revival of Jewish Seafaring (Tel Aviv: Hadar, 1961), p.54 (Hebrew). For more on Betar's naval companies, see D. Yahav, ‘The Revitalization of Jewish Navigation: Betars Marine Divisions in Eretz-Israel and Diaspora’, Ha’uma Vol.32, no.120 (1995), pp.471–76 (Hebrew).19 J. Markovizky, ‘The Forerunner of His People: Z. Jabotinsky and the Idea of the Instruction Center in Italy’, in A. Bareli and P. Ginossar (eds), In the Eye of the Storm: Essays on Ze’ev Jabotinsky (Beersheba: Ben-Gurion Institute for the Study of Israel and Zionism, 2004), pp.475–92 (Hebrew).20 Helpern, Revival, p.307 (Hebrew).21 According to some Revisionist approaches, between the twelfth and fifth centuries BCE, the Hebrew tribes and the Phoenicians and Canaanites and the Phoenician port cities – foremost Tyre and Sidon – had a shared culture and a certain amount of intermingling. The mention of the Phoenician history in the 1930s was intentional; it cultivated a sea consciousness in the Revisionist movement by presenting a storied history in which the ‘Hebrews’ were one part of a large seafaring superpower. In this view, the image of the Hebrew-Phoenician past made the biblical Israel a nation that took part in the boldest of seafaring activities, providing a historical platform for an ideology that hoped to cultivate Hebrew maritime activity and a modern-age navy. One person who expressed this approach was Nahum Slouschz in his Book of the Seas. See N. Slouschz, Book of the Seas (Tel Aviv: Hahevel Hayami Leyisrael, 1948) (Hebrew). For more on this subject see Y.Y. Shavit, ‘Hebrews and Phoenicians: A Case of an Ancient Historical Image and Its Usage’, Cathedra, Vol.29 (1983), pp.173–91.22 G. Amit, ‘“The Hebrew Conquest of the Sea”: The Etzel Museum as an Expression of the Perception of the Sea in the Revisionist Ethos’, Theory and Criticism Vol.24 (2004), pp.113–31 (Hebrew); Z. Jabotinsky, Conquest of the Hebrew Sea, in M. Sella (ed.), The World of Jabotinsky: A Selection of His Works and the Essentials of His Teaching (Tel Aviv: Dfusim, 1972), p.265 (Hebrew). Along the lines of ‘conquest of the wilderness’ and ‘conquest of labor’, which succinctly expressed the Zionist vision of the settlement institutions, it has been argued that Jabotinsky was the person who coined ‘conquest of the sea’. See S. Erell, Facing the Sea: The Story of a Fighting Sailor and Commander (Tel Aviv: Ministry of Defense, 1998), p.24 (Hebrew). For a short summary of the Canaanite sources for Hebrew ties to the sea and their extension in Hebrew maritime ideology – as opposed to socialist ideology, which sanctified the land – see D. Ohana, The Origins of Israeli Mythology: Neither Canaanites nor Crusaders (Jerusalem: Hartman Institute, 2008), pp.364–66 (Hebrew).23 On the ship’s statistics and names, see Z. Kenan, Looking Back: A Personal Story (Herzliya: Givol, 2005), pp.31–32 (Hebrew); H. Yarkoni, The Sea, the Ship, and the Jewish People (Haifa: Pardes, 2009), p.272 and sources there.24 The Zionist Executive, Decisions of the Nineteenth Zionist Congress, Lucerne, June 20–September 6, 1935 (Jerusalem: Zionist Organization Executive, 1937), p.32 (Hebrew).25 M. Pomrock, ‘Israel Maritime League’, in M. Newman, T. Eshel, M. Pomrock, and S. Raviv (eds), Israel and the Sea: Anthology (Haifa: Hevel Yami LeYisrael, 1970), pp.171–79 (Hebrew).26 D. Remez, General Organization of Jewish Workers (Histadrut), to Y. Ben-Zvi, Jewish National Council Executive, Jerusalem, 26 November 1936, J1/1872, Central Zionist Archives, Jerusalem (Hebrew).27 R. Robinson, A Useful Storm: The Revisionist Movement, 1925–1940 (Jerusalem: Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi, 2010), pp.159–62; 227–31 (Hebrew).28 For more on the subject, see Y. Shavit, The Hunting Season—The Sezon (Tel Aviv: Hadar, 1976) (Hebrew).29 Helpern, Revival, pp.277–78.30 ‘The Sara A Training Ship Arrives in Haifa’, HaBoker, 2 September 1937, p.1 (Hebrew).31 Helpern, Revival, p.307. Helpern claims, likely quite correctly, that it was nearly impossible to find graduates of the school on Jewish ships in those days because they spread around the world, most probably due in large part to the Jewish Agency’s embargo, which would not give Betar’s sailors certificates to immigrate to the Land of Israel. See: Unsigned survey (likely Helpern), untitled, 27 July 1938, 8, 1/8, Jabotinsky Institute, Tel Aviv.32 On the emphasis of Hebraism in the discussion on the sea, see M. Azaryahu, ‘The Formation of the “Hebrew Sea” in Pre-state Israel’, Journal of Modern Jewish Studies Vol.7, no.3 (2008), pp.251–67.33 K. Cohen-Hattab, Zionism's Maritime Revolution: The Yishuv’s Hold on the Land of Israel’s Sea and Shores, 1917–1948 (De Gruyter: Oldenbourg, 2019), pp.128–43.34 S. Tolkowsky, The Jews and the Sea (Tel Aviv: Hahevel Hayami Leyisrael, 1936), p.169 (Hebrew); Z. Hayam, Ships’ Tales (Tel Aviv: Ahiasaf, 1968), p.95 (Hebrew); E. Tuvim, ‘The First Decade of Zevulun Seafarers Members’, HaBoker, 25 October 1940, p.6 (Hebrew). The date set was likely the day on which the association was founded.35 Thirty-seven Years of the Zevulun Sailors’ Union: In advance of the Seventh Convention (N.p.: Zevulun Sailors’ Union, 1966), p.1, 12 (Hebrew); Y. Shavit, J. Goldstein, and H. Be’er (eds), Personalities in Eretz Israel, 1799–1948: A Biographical Dictionary (Tel Aviv: Am Oved, 1983), p.236 (Hebrew).36 Memorandum on the founding of the maritime academy in Tel Aviv, undated,1898/103–14, Tel Aviv-Jaffa Municipal Historical Archive, Tel Aviv (Hebrew).37 Y. Zeitlin, ‘Emanuel Tuvim, of Blessed Memory—Initiator and Realizer’, HaBoker, 18 March 1951, p.2 (Hebrew).38 Helpern, Revival, pp.54–56.39 E. Tuvim, ‘Chapters in the History of Zevulun’, Davar, 28 October 1940, p.4 (Hebrew).40 For example, E. Stein-Ashkenazi, The Betar Youth Movement in Palestine, 1925–1947 (Jerusalem: The Zionist Library by the World Zionist Organization, 1998) (Hebrew).41 Yarkoni, The Sea, p.11.42 ‘Today Is Sea Day at the Levant Fair’, Doar HaYom, 28 May 1936, p.4 (Hebrew); B. Kayama, ‘Sea Day’, HaOlam, 4 June 1936, p.403 (Hebrew).43 ‘Sea Day in the Yishuv’, Davar, 20 May 1943, p.4 (Hebrew).44 David Remez (1886–1951) was one of the Yishuv’s leaders and laid the foundations for important sea ventures for the Yishuv. Between 1935 and 1944, he served as the secretary of the Histadrut (General Federation of Labor) and in that position was active in establishing the Tel Aviv port and the Histadrut’s Nahshon company, which was occupied with shipping and fishing. From 1945 to 1949, he was the chair of the Jewish National Council and, among other things, worked to establish Zim, the national shipping company. See D. Tidhar (ed.), ‘David Remez (Drabkin)’, Encyclopedia of the Founders and Builders of Israel (1950), Vol.4, p.1593.45 ‘We Have the Right to Call the Mediterranean Sea Ours’, HaBoker, 30 May 1943, p.4 (Hebrew); ‘How the Land of Israel Celebrated the Hebrew “Sea Day”’, Haaretz, 30 May 1943, p.4 (Hebrew).46 ‘The Youth Display at “Sea Day”’, Haaretz, 24 May 1946, p.2 (Hebrew); ‘Long Live the Returner of Sons to the Sea and the Sea to the Nation’, Al HaMishmar, 24 May 1946, p.1 (Hebrew); ‘Sea Day in Tel Aviv and Haifa’, HaBoker, 24 May 1946, p.8 (Hebrew); ‘The Story of the Port’, Haaretz, 16 July 1946, p.3 (Hebrew).47 ‘“Sea Day”—The Youngest Holiday in Our Homeland’, Yam, June 1945, p.4 (Hebrew).48 ‘Sea Day 5710’, Yam 8–9, May–June 1950, p.3 (Hebrew).49 ‘The Hebrew Sea Day’, HaYarden, 29 May 1936, p.6 (Hebrew).50 ‘Is “Zevulun” also One of the Silencers?’, HaYarden, 3 June 1938, p.2 (Hebrew).51 ‘Sea Pioneers’, HaMashkif, 30 May 1943, p.2 (Hebrew).52 ‘Sea Day’, HaMashkif, 28 May 1946, (Hebrew).53 HaMashkif, 14 May 1947, p.dalet.54 ‘To the Commanders of the Irgun and Its Soldiers’, Herut, 29 May 1951, p.2 (Hebrew).55 In Haifa, Sea Day continued to be marked years later, but not necessarily on 23 Iyar. See, for example, a notice of the Haifa Workers’ Council about the celebrations of Sea Day that would take place for the children of members of the Histadrut on 4 October 1969 (22 Tishrei 5730): Davar, 3 October 1969, p.1 (Hebrew).56 T. Eshel, The Campaign to Conquer the Sea: Chronicles of the Israel Sea (Tel Aviv: Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 1996) (Hebrew).57 B. Garfinkel, ‘Bringing in the Army to Break the Locomotive Drivers’ and Sailors’ Strikes in 1951’, Iyunim Vol.34 (2020), pp.147–71 (Hebrew).58 For a poster about Sea Day in July 1958, see:יום_הצי#/media/קובץ:INDay1958.jpg.
在犹太复国主义运动中,海洋最初没有民族主义目的;它是一种交通工具,是聚集散居犹太人的渠道。犹太复国主义领导人忽视了海洋作为一种工具,而是强调“犹太人的工作”在农业上。但对许多国家来说,海洋在现代民族主义中具有意义,以色列建国前的土地也不例外。20世纪30年代中期,伊休夫机构开始认识到海洋对民族运动的重要性,并采取行动,将其权威强加于该领域。就在那时,围绕犹太航海起源的冲突爆发了,右翼修正主义运动宣称犹太复国主义的航海精神,并攻击中央机构最初对航海领域的轻视态度。这场争议,以及围绕海洋日庆祝活动的表达,可以在伊休夫更广泛的政治和不同机构巩固自身地位的尝试中理解。披露声明作者未报告潜在的利益冲突。注1关于以色列建国后最初几年政治制度的形成,在伊苏弗时代左右政治斗争的背景下,见I. Galnoor and D. Blander(编),《以色列的政治制度:形成年代、制度结构、政治行为、未解决的问题、以色列的民主》(特拉维夫:Am Oved出版社,2013)(希伯来文)J. Hearn,“北大西洋互动领域中现代民族主义的起源”,《社会研究在线》第14卷第5期(2009年11月), I.土地,战争,民族主义和英国水手,1750-1850(贝辛斯托克和纽约:帕尔格雷夫麦克米伦出版社,2009年),第7页;M. Lincoln,《代表皇家海军:英国海上力量,1750-1815》(伦敦:Routledge出版社,2002),第3页,6.4。D. Legget,《漫长十九世纪的海军、国家和身份》,《海事研究杂志》第13卷,第2期pp.151 - 63 (2011);c.i.汉密尔顿,“海军圣徒传记和维多利亚时代的英雄”,《历史杂志》第23卷,第2期(1980), pp.381-98.5“特拉法加日”,皇家海军,访问日期为2022年12月12日)彼得·霍尔(编),特拉法加编年史:致力于纳尔逊时代的海军历史:新系列4(巴恩斯利:西福斯,2019):访问2022年12月13日)。7“英国的特拉法加日”,哈马什基夫,1942年10月22日,p.1.8 A.C. Swinburne,“特拉法加日”,《十九世纪:每月评论》,1877年3月- 12月。1900年第38卷第225期(1895年11月),页713 - 14.9 H. Lewis-Jones,“展示纳尔逊”:1891年的海军主义和“展览”,《国际海事史杂志》第17卷,第1期(2005年6月),第29 - 67.10页,W.E. Lenz,“探索叙事、海上小说、水手编年史与美国民族主义的兴起:“锚定在所有子午线的终点”,《美国研究》第32卷第2期G. Skrukwa,“乌克兰人和黑海:后苏联现实中的民族主义地理学”,《历史感知》Vol.12, no.3(2013), pp.27-51。与大量征服土地和使沙漠开花的作品形成鲜明对比的是,当时的希伯来文学领域明显缺少对海洋的提及O. Almog,《Sabra:新犹太人的创造》,译。B.K. Meirovitz,《犹太捕鱼》(特拉维夫:Merkaz Hahevel Hayami Leyisrael, 1944),第9页(希伯来);Z. Herman,征服海上航线:希伯来航运编年史(特拉维夫:Hakibbutz Hameuchad与Hahevel Hayami Leyisrael, 1978),第55页(希伯来)含量S. Stern,“特拉维夫港:以色列历史上的一段插曲”,Cathedra Vol.25 (1982), pp.113-34(希伯来语).16本-古里安:《出海!,在D. Lutsky(编),特拉维夫港25周年纪念(特拉维夫:海洋信托,1961年),第7页(希伯来)。R. Peled,“以色列土地上的贝塔运动从开始到1950年代”,载于M. Naor(编),青年运动,1920-1960(耶路撒冷:Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi, 1989),第105 - 18页(希伯来语);E. Stein-Ashkenazi, 1925-1947年巴勒斯坦的贝塔青年运动(耶路撒冷:世界犹太复国主义组织的犹太复国主义图书馆,1998年),第43 - 66页(希伯来语);S. Reznik,“贝塔的体育俱乐部:分裂社会中的政治体育”,载于H. Kaufman和H. Harif(编),《二十世纪以色列的身体文化和体育》(耶路撒冷:Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi, 2002),第156 - 67页(希伯来文)D. Niv,为自由而战:Irgun Zvai Leumi(特拉维夫:Klausner研究所,1980),第179页(希伯来)。Jeremiah Helpern声称,这个连被加入了在英国军队中成立的犹太军团第41营,这是第一次世界大战中编号为38、39和40的犹太军团的延续。 95(希伯来文);E. Tuvim,“泽武伦海员成员的第一个十年”,哈伯克,1940年10月25日,第6页(希伯来)。设定的日期很可能是该协会成立的那一天泽武伦水手联盟的三十七年:第七次公约之前(n.p.:泽武伦水手联盟,1966年),第1,12页(希伯来文);Y. Shavit, J. Goldstein,和H. Be 'er(编),以色列Eretz的人格,1799-1948:传记词典(特拉维夫:Am Oved出版社,1983),第236页(希伯来)36特拉维夫海事学院成立备忘录,未注明日期,1898/103-14,特拉维夫-雅法市历史档案馆,特拉维夫(希伯来语)。37Y. Zeitlin,《伊曼纽尔·图维姆,幸福记忆的发起者和实现者》,HaBoker出版社,1951年3月18日,第2页(希伯来)38E. Tuvim,《泽武伦历史的篇章》,Davar, 1940年10月28日,第4页(希伯来).40例如,E. Stein-Ashkenazi, 1925-1947年巴勒斯坦的贝塔青年运动(耶路撒冷:世界犹太复国主义组织的犹太复国主义图书馆,1998年)(希伯来文)《大海》,第11.42页《今天是黎凡特博览会的海洋日》,《Doar HaYom》,1936年5月28日,第4页(希伯来);B. Kayama,《海上日》,浩兰,1936年6月4日,第403页(希伯来)。43“伊休夫的海上日”,达瓦尔,1943年5月20日,第4页(希伯来)无误大卫·雷米兹(David Remez, 1886-1951)是伊休夫的领导者之一,为伊休夫的重要海上冒险奠定了基础。1935年至1944年期间,他担任总工会秘书,并在该职位上积极建立特拉维夫港和总工会的Nahshon公司,该公司主要从事航运和渔业。从1945年到1949年,他担任犹太全国委员会主席,并致力于建立国家航运公司Zim。参见D. Tidhar(编),“David Remez (Drabkin)”,《以色列创始人和建设者百科全书》(1950),第4卷,第1593.45页。“我们有权称地中海为我们的”,HaBoker, 1943年5月30日,第4页(希伯来);“以色列如何庆祝希伯来“海洋日””,《国土报》,1943年5月30日,第4页(希伯来)。46“海上日的青年展览”,国土报,1946年5月24日,第2页(希伯来);“回归大海的儿子们万岁,回归祖国的大海万岁”,Al HaMishmar, 1946年5月24日,第1页(希伯来);“特拉维夫和海法的海洋日”,HaBoker, 1946年5月24日,第8页(希伯来);“港口的故事”,国土报,1946年7月16日,第3页(希伯来)。47《海上日——我们祖国最年轻的节日》,任志刚,1945年6月,第4页(希伯来)。48《海上日5710》,1950年5 - 6月,第8-9页(希伯来)。49“希伯莱海日”,HaYarden, 1936年5月29日,第6页(希伯来)。“泽武伦”也是消音器之一吗?《海雅登》,1938年6月3日,第2页(希伯来)。51《海上先锋》,哈马什基夫,1943年5月30日,第2页(希伯来)。52“海上日”,哈马什基夫,1946年5月28日,p. 8(希伯来文)哈马什基夫,1947年5月14日,p.dalet。54“致伊尔贡及其士兵指挥官”,赫鲁特,1951年5月29日,第2页(希伯来)55在海法,海洋日在多年后继续庆祝,但不一定是在伊亚尔23日。例如,见海法工人理事会关于1969年10月4日将为工会成员的子女举行的海洋日庆祝活动的通知(Tishrei 5730 22):达瓦尔,1969年10月3日,第1页(希伯来)56T. Eshel,征服海洋的战役:以色列海编年史(特拉维夫:Hakibbutz Hameuchad出版社,1996)(希伯来文).57B. Garfinkel,“引进军队打破1951年机车司机和水手的罢工”,Iyunim Vol.34 (2020), pp.147-71(希伯来语).58有关1958年7月海洋日的海报,请参阅:。
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