Review of Paul Tyson, A Christian Theology of Science

IF 0.8 3区 哲学 0 RELIGION
Modern Theology Pub Date : 2023-11-09 DOI:10.1111/moth.12910
Peter Harrison
{"title":"Review of Paul Tyson, <i>A Christian Theology of Science</i>","authors":"Peter Harrison","doi":"10.1111/moth.12910","DOIUrl":null,"url":null,"abstract":"I was delighted to see Paul Tyson's A Christian Theology of Science appear in print. By way of full disclosure, I was in the fortunate position of watching the book take shape in real time and to have had (at times, lively) discussions with its author about its central claims. Like any stimulating new work that seeks to lay out a new agenda, the book not only articulates a bold thesis, but at the same time raises a host of new questions. What follows is a brief summary of the book's argument as I understand it, followed by some of the questions I was left with having completed it. These mostly concern the overall framing device of the book—what Tyson refers to as ‘the first truth discourses’ of science and theology. A second, and relatively brief set of questions is to do with what follows from Tyson's analysis for our evaluation and understanding of modern science. A Christian Theology of Science is part of a relatively new and (literally) unapologetic trend to relocate the science-theology discussion into the heart of Christian theology.1 The central argument of the book is that modern science embodies a worldview that is incompatible with, and indeed opposed to, a genuinely Christian worldview. Tyson speaks in this context of the ‘first truth discourse of science’ which he opposes to ‘the first truth discourse of Christianity’ (1-3). The historical thesis is that in the West, from the seventeenth century onwards, the latter was gradually displaced by the former. Tyson identifies the first truth discourse of science with a form of reductive materialism (24-25), while the first truth discourse of Christianity entails belief in doctrinal propositions that coincide broadly with traditional symbols of faith such as the Apostle's Creed (12, 110). The normative thesis is that unless we recognize the implicit tension between these competing discourses, any attempt to understand the relationship between science and religion is doomed to failure. Tyson argues that this is true for most of such efforts since the nineteenth century: these are variously categorized as ‘adaptation’, ‘withdrawal’, and ‘appropriation’ (5-7, cf. 83-88). Adaptation, typified by liberal Protestantism, makes the relationship work by conceding territory to science and relinquishing central doctrinal claims. Withdrawal involves the privatization of religion, sealing it hermetically from the secular world. Appropriation seeks to bring the methods of science into Christian theology, exemplified in movements such as Young Earth Creationism, or Intelligent Design. What Tyson proposes in place of these unsatisfactory options is a genuinely Christian theology of science that openly confronts the radical difference in their basic orientations. This confrontation involves exposing the underlying metaphysical assumptions of the two enterprises in order to make their basic differences in perspective more explicit. Once this has been accomplished it then becomes possible to begin a reconceptualization of science that brings it under the umbrella of ‘the first truth discourse of Christianity’. Tyson's thesis, which is set out with great clarity, represents a bold reassertion of the authority and legitimacy of Christian theology. It takes as its point of departure the primacy of theology for religious believers over competing modes of discourse. He demonstrates a refreshing willingness to confront the possibility of genuine conflict between science and religion, and indeed to bring it to light where necessary. This is accompanied by an insistence that following the identification of conflict it should not always be Christian theology that makes the concessions, so that its history becomes one of constant adjustment and compromise of core doctrines in order to accommodate whatever happens to be the present scientific fashion. It holds out the promise of a significant re-imagining of the relationship between science and Christian theology. I am generally sympathetic to some of the aims of the book. However, it did leave me with a number of questions. These mostly concern the framing of the argument and the specifics of exactly what would follow for the present practice of science. An initial question would be about the structuring of the science-theology question in terms of what Tyson calls ‘competing first truth discourses’. This notion, perhaps of necessity, is rather abstract. Tyson refers to the first truth discourse of science in these terms: ‘today's empirical, rationalist, and reductively materialistic scientific knowledge’, ‘physical reductionism’, or ‘naturalistic materialism’ (3, 71, 110, and passim). But who, exactly, thinks about the world exclusively in these terms, and in what contexts? How, in other words, is this particular ‘first truth discourse’ instantiated? Such a perspective might be encountered in, or extrapolated from, some polemical and admittedly high profile works of popular science—the usual suspects would be Richard Dawkins, Jerry Coyne, Daniel Dennett, et al. But is it really exemplified in the actual practices of working scientists, and if so, how? More generally, is it the primary grid through which modern (and secular) Western individuals construct their world? On this point Tyson suggests that science is ‘the dominant public truth discourse’ (25, 174). I am not so sure. Either way, it would have been good to have had more concrete examples of what this ‘first truth discourse of science’ looks like in practice, what its implications are, and exactly who subscribes to it.2 Consider just these few examples. A majority of people in Europe believe that they have a soul, while 46% agree or mostly agree with the statement, ‘I feel a connection to something that cannot be seen or measured scientifically.’3 Most Americans (admittedly an exceptional case in some respects) believe in God. 40% of them also believe in ghosts or demons (with Republicans more likely than Democrats to entertain such beliefs).4 More evidence of a similar nature could be adduced, but the basic point is that these figures do not support a thesis of the ubiquity of reductive materialism, even if we restrict ourselves to the highly secularized West. Scientists themselves also exhibit a surprising commitment to religious conceptions of the world, with Elaine Howard Ecklund's work suggesting that about 50% of practicing scientists consider themselves to be religious.5 If this is correct, then not even a significant majority of scientists cherish ‘the first truth discourse of science’ as defined by Tyson. Who then, does? There is a danger here of constructing a straw man out of an imagined scientistic metaphysics to which a Christian metaphysics can then be opposed. I wonder, then, if some of the arguments of the book might rest upon a misdiagnosis of the Western condition. The statistics cited above suggest that the modern Western world—to say nothing of the rest of the globe—is less secularized and disenchanted than is sometimes imagined. Rather than a Manichean division between two opposing ‘truth discourses’—one religious and one reductively materialist—perhaps what we encounter in the West, as the observers of postmodernity have consistently maintained, is rather an absence of overarching metaphysical frameworks. The major threat to an imagined and unified ‘first truth discourse of Christianity’ would then not come from some competing scientific discourse, but from the conviction that all such universalising discourses have ceased to be credible. This would still be consistent with an elevated view of science, which could be understood in practical terms as facilitating technologies and affordances, rather than the embodiment of some overarching ‘truth discourse’. Science, adopted on purely instrumental grounds, requires no metaphysical commitments. To place all of this in the context of more general theories about Western modernization, the question is whether Tyson's thesis is another version of the secularization thesis, which over the past twenty years has been subjected to searching criticism.6 Or does Tyson regard his project as part of the phenomenon of post-secularity? If the latter, where does he locate himself in relation to other commentators on post-secularity?7 Moving from sociology to psychology, might it not also be the case that individuals operate with different frameworks that confer meaning in a range of diverse contexts? This, for example, is the rationale behind Christian advocacies of the adoption of methodological naturalism in scientific contexts. I suspect that in reality we all operate with a degree of cognitive dissonance, and that moving between frames of reference in different contexts is fairly typical. It strikes me as unlikely that all, or even most, scientists have a fixed allegiance to some overarching metaphysical position. In any event, the philosophical commitments of scientists, explicit or not, are matters of fact. Here we need recourse to the relevant empirical evidence, rather than the offering of broad generalisations. Similar considerations apply to the ‘first truth discourse of Christianity’. At the beginning of the book this seems to coincide with a minimalist Christian theology, spelt out in terms of credal statements (as it turns out, articles 2-6 of the Apostles’ Creed, although Tyson does not identify them as such) (11-12, 17). These seem to me of a different order to the metaphysical commitments said to comprise the ‘first truth discourse’ of science. Tyson does go on to suggest that these historical beliefs call for some metaphysical commitments, with the nature of those commitments being outlined later in the book. This step from doctrines to metaphysics is necessary for the overall argument to work, since the fundamental tensions between science and Christianity are understood as taking place at the metaphysical, rather than doctrinal, level. However, the move from the creedal, historical beliefs to metaphysics raises several questions. It is clear, for example, that the formalization of doctrines such as the Incarnation and the Trinity in the fourth- and fifth-century ecumenical creeds already required recourse to contemporary philosophical conceptions that had developed independently of special revelation. In the Middle Ages, the philosophical indebtedness of Christian theology would become even more explicit, with various figures drawing upon aspects of Neoplatonic and Aristotelian thought. Tyson, if I understand him rightly, largely endorses these medieval developments, expressing a preference for a Platonic/Aristotelian framing of Christian doctrines (111-22). If this is correct, then it seems that the ‘first truth discourse of Christianity’ turns out to be the first truth discourse of a broadly Platonic Christianity. I have no objection to this move as such, but it seems to me more a reflection of what philosophical orientation Tyson himself finds congenial than a definitive statement of what some ‘first truth discourse of Christianity’ must necessarily consist in. Historically, others have found alternative philosophical systems to be equally congenial. In other words, while the title of the book uses the indefinite article—‘a Christian theology of nature’—not much space is dedicated to a robust assessment of the possible alternative Christian theologies. One obvious candidate would be nominalist or voluntarist theologies. However, Tyson remarks in this context that he ‘cannot see how one can really adhere to key Christian doctrines … if one is a nominalist’ (59). Ockham, Buridan, and followers of the via moderna would no doubt beg to differ. Like it or not, nominalism was a major and significant development within Christian theology—one that it is generally agreed played a pivotal role in the development of core aspects of modernity, including science, as Tyson himself is well aware (8). My point is not to endorse an alternative metaphysical stance to that which Tyson champions. Rather it is to point out that we need more argument on this point than just the admission of a failure to understand how one might be, say, a nominalist and a Christian. Also relevant to this question is the situation of the early modern period, when we encounter a renewed discussion of which philosophical system is the best partner for Christianity: Neoplatonism, Aristotelianism, Epicureanism—even Neostoicism. For a time, the Cambridge Platonists flew the flag for Neoplatonism, offering an intriguing prospect for a study of nature that might have taken another path (as John Milbank has recently detailed).8 But modern science mostly developed in a different direction. Oversimplifying somewhat, the new experimental science was premised upon an explicit rejection of Aristotelianism and the forging of a new and vibrant partnership with a Christianized Epicureanism. Arguably, it was this new partnership that provided the metaphysical foundations for modern science. Counterfactually, it is not clear that we would have science in its present form without it. This is the sense in which modern science is an heir to developments in Christian theology (although many other factors, including other elements of Christian thought, were involved too). It is also true, in my view, that the move towards a modified Epicurean matter theory, along with theological voluntarism, were preconditions for the emergence of modern naturalism. As Tyson points out, this transition to a naturalism was most fully realized in the nineteenth century (74-90). Whether that was a necessary implication of a voluntarist theology or a historical inevitability is difficult to say. But again, this raises the question of whether something like modern science would be possible with an alternative set of metaphysical commitments, and that is a counterfactual that is difficult to cash out. Moreover, classical and medieval metaphysics do not exhaust all of the possibilities for partnering a ‘first truth discourse of Christianity’. The trajectory of post-Kantian philosophy and theology suggests new alternatives, including idealism and existentialism.9 However, the book gives Kant short shrift and even implicates him in the rise of British analytic empiricism (22, n. 12, 42).10 Yet a number of post-Kantian philosophical developments involve more than just a ceding of doctrinal territory to the regnant natural sciences (although, admittedly, the physical sciences were taken seriously as offering an impressive model of empirical knowledge). They arose from a new understanding of the limitations of human knowledge and, hence, of traditional metaphysics. I would suggest that there is more going on here than just different versions of ‘adaptation’, ‘withdrawal’ and ‘appropriation’, and the subsequent rise to dominance of a reductive, materialistic worldview. I was a little surprised, for example, that Kierkegaard makes only a few brief appearances in this book, since Tyson has elsewhere offered a spirited defence of a Kierkegaardian approach.11 (Perhaps there is a connection in Tyson's rejection of a dispassionate philosophical approach to science and theology.) But figures such as Hamann, Hegel, Heidegger, Barth, and Bultmann, to name just a few, are also absent.12 Surely there is more to be said for the philosophical options of existentialism, pragmatism, or any number of post-Kantian philosophies. Obviously, a relatively short book cannot cover all the bases, but it would be helpful to have had at least a brief account of the putative deficiencies of these modern philosophical alternatives to a revived Platonism/Neoplatonism, along with some acknowledgement of how post-Kantian Christian thinkers have sought to deal with the deliverances of the natural sciences and their rising prestige. In all of this, I do think that it is possible to offer judgements about the relative merits of competing metaphysical frameworks, based on where they end up taking us. I am sympathetic to Tyson's argument that the combination of voluntarism and corpuscular matter theory gave rise to the conditions for a utilitarian approach, along with an exploitative attitude toward the natural world. This enables us to form a judgement about the negative consequences of adopting a particular metaphysical framework. It is true that all such judgements ultimately arise from the framework within which one is operating. But some outcomes are unambiguously negative as judged from a variety of perspectives. That said, when passing judgement on particular historical developments we lack the evidence of a ‘control’, which is to say some alternative history that we can be assured would have turned out better. Thus, in the absence of a counterfactual history in which medieval nominalism turned out to be a dead-end, it is difficult to say whether on balance we would have been better off had it never arisen. Beyond the issue of how we land on the correct ‘first truth discourse’ of Christianity or of science lies a broader concern about whether the analytic conception of ‘first truth discourse’ is an optimal way to approach the problem of the relations between science and religion. This goes back to some of my earlier reservations about how the putative first truth discourse of science is instantiated in practice. If the overall aim is to assert the primacy of the Christian revelation in all of our understandings, it would be reasonable to ask whether the notion of a ‘first truth discourse’ is itself a theological concept intrinsic to Christianity or a heteronomous analytic notion that is imported from elsewhere to help make sense of the relationship between science and theology. My sense is that the canonical documents of Christianity, the writings of the Fathers, the councils of the Church, do not speak of a ‘first truth discourse’ as such. It is possible that they assert something equivalent to this notion; if so, it would be good to see that spelt out. The notion of a ‘first truth discourse’ seems redolent of Aristotle's metaphysics or ‘first philosophy’, although at times it also sounds like an equivalent to Weltanschauung (worldview) or ‘social imaginary’. In posing this question I am not suggesting that we should abandon the use of analytic categories in our discussions. But it is important to understand that ‘meta’ categories come from somewhere, and that it is not a straightforward matter to justify their deployment from within the phenomena that they purport to describe. This is especially so if the argument is that the starting point for all intellectual activities of the committed Christian must be premises that are internal to the Christian tradition. More generally, framing the science-religion question in terms of competing ‘first truth discourses’—which may not be just an innocent and neutral analytic tool—has the potential to predetermine the outcome of the investigation. Given the content that Tyson ascribes to these first truth discourses that outcome looks very much to me like a form of conflict. Again, I have no objection to exposing conflict and dealing with it if it is genuine. But, not putting too fine a point on it, this seems perilously close to the general strategy employed by some recent scientistic critics of religion who define religious faith as ‘belief in spite of evidence’ and science as ‘evidence-based commitment’, and thus conclude that science necessarily conflicts with religion.13 I have argued elsewhere, along somewhat related lines, that once we accept the legitimacy of the modern categories ‘religion’ and ‘science’, we are locked into a predetermined range of possibilities about how they must relate to each other. My proposal is that instead of seeking to work within the constricting confines of these categories, we need to understand their history. This shows both their contingent nature (science and religion are not ‘natural kinds’ but cultural products) and also that they sometimes distort the historical phenomena that they are supposed to represent.14 Tyson is fully aware of this argument and I know is sympathetic to it. But I worry that talk of two competing ‘first truth discourses’ risks reinstating a similar reification. Two final questions about the book concern the ‘where to from here’ question. One is about the present status of the modern sciences, given the analysis that Tyson offers. I agree that the historical development of modern science follows the adoption of a nominalist and voluntarist metaphysics, and that by the nineteenth century this had been transformed into a naturalistic and secular outlook. A key question is whether modern science would have emerged without the metaphysical underpinning provided by these late medieval theological developments. (This relates to the broader question of why science in the West, and why the scientific revolution in the seventeenth century.15) Following on from this, we can ask what ‘science’ would look like, and whether it would even be possible, without this particular metaphysical foundation. Had modern science not followed the historical trajectory sketched out by Tyson, would we now be practicing just a more advanced form of Aristotelian science and speaking about occult qualities, substantial forms, teleology, and so on? (Along these lines some have recently argued that we do in fact need something like a Neo-Aristotelian picture if we are to make sense of some aspects of modern physics and biology.16 But Tyson does not engage these thinkers directly.) Towards the end of the book Tyson lauds modern science as ‘an amazing human practice’ and ‘a dazzling wonder and a triumph of human ingenuity’ (177). But is this really consistent with his own analysis? If modern science cannot be extricated from its own dubious ‘first truth discourse’—and, indeed, if it is impossible to arrive at without it—how can those committed to the competing ‘first truth discourse’ of Christianity entertain a positive view of it? Is there some imagined, alternative ‘science’ that is compatible with the ‘first truth discourse’ of Christianity and, if so, what would it look like? Should Christians be advocating for a Platonic or Aristotelian science; or perhaps for something along the lines of Alvin Plantinga's ‘Augustinian Science’; 17 or even, and I hesitate to mention it, something along the lines of Intelligent Design? My sense is that some of these latter options would be a bridge too far, and not ones that Tyson would wish to pursue. But it is not clear to me what exactly follows from his arguments for the content and conduct of modern science. Is it more or less alright as it is, in spite of its intrinsic reductionism and materialism, or does it need to be radically reshaped in order to liberate it from the patent deficiencies of its ‘first truth discourse’?18 In sum, Paul Tyson has set out a bold new agenda for science and theology, and has done so with great force and clarity. His book mounts a serious challenge to some of the default modes of conducting science-theology discussions. At the same time, it raises a number of questions for which there seem to be, at present, no easy answers. Long may the discussion continue!","PeriodicalId":18945,"journal":{"name":"Modern Theology","volume":" 36","pages":"0"},"PeriodicalIF":0.8000,"publicationDate":"2023-11-09","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":"0","resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":null,"PeriodicalName":"Modern Theology","FirstCategoryId":"1085","ListUrlMain":"","RegionNum":3,"RegionCategory":"哲学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":null,"EPubDate":"","PubModel":"","JCR":"0","JCRName":"RELIGION","Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0


I was delighted to see Paul Tyson's A Christian Theology of Science appear in print. By way of full disclosure, I was in the fortunate position of watching the book take shape in real time and to have had (at times, lively) discussions with its author about its central claims. Like any stimulating new work that seeks to lay out a new agenda, the book not only articulates a bold thesis, but at the same time raises a host of new questions. What follows is a brief summary of the book's argument as I understand it, followed by some of the questions I was left with having completed it. These mostly concern the overall framing device of the book—what Tyson refers to as ‘the first truth discourses’ of science and theology. A second, and relatively brief set of questions is to do with what follows from Tyson's analysis for our evaluation and understanding of modern science. A Christian Theology of Science is part of a relatively new and (literally) unapologetic trend to relocate the science-theology discussion into the heart of Christian theology.1 The central argument of the book is that modern science embodies a worldview that is incompatible with, and indeed opposed to, a genuinely Christian worldview. Tyson speaks in this context of the ‘first truth discourse of science’ which he opposes to ‘the first truth discourse of Christianity’ (1-3). The historical thesis is that in the West, from the seventeenth century onwards, the latter was gradually displaced by the former. Tyson identifies the first truth discourse of science with a form of reductive materialism (24-25), while the first truth discourse of Christianity entails belief in doctrinal propositions that coincide broadly with traditional symbols of faith such as the Apostle's Creed (12, 110). The normative thesis is that unless we recognize the implicit tension between these competing discourses, any attempt to understand the relationship between science and religion is doomed to failure. Tyson argues that this is true for most of such efforts since the nineteenth century: these are variously categorized as ‘adaptation’, ‘withdrawal’, and ‘appropriation’ (5-7, cf. 83-88). Adaptation, typified by liberal Protestantism, makes the relationship work by conceding territory to science and relinquishing central doctrinal claims. Withdrawal involves the privatization of religion, sealing it hermetically from the secular world. Appropriation seeks to bring the methods of science into Christian theology, exemplified in movements such as Young Earth Creationism, or Intelligent Design. What Tyson proposes in place of these unsatisfactory options is a genuinely Christian theology of science that openly confronts the radical difference in their basic orientations. This confrontation involves exposing the underlying metaphysical assumptions of the two enterprises in order to make their basic differences in perspective more explicit. Once this has been accomplished it then becomes possible to begin a reconceptualization of science that brings it under the umbrella of ‘the first truth discourse of Christianity’. Tyson's thesis, which is set out with great clarity, represents a bold reassertion of the authority and legitimacy of Christian theology. It takes as its point of departure the primacy of theology for religious believers over competing modes of discourse. He demonstrates a refreshing willingness to confront the possibility of genuine conflict between science and religion, and indeed to bring it to light where necessary. This is accompanied by an insistence that following the identification of conflict it should not always be Christian theology that makes the concessions, so that its history becomes one of constant adjustment and compromise of core doctrines in order to accommodate whatever happens to be the present scientific fashion. It holds out the promise of a significant re-imagining of the relationship between science and Christian theology. I am generally sympathetic to some of the aims of the book. However, it did leave me with a number of questions. These mostly concern the framing of the argument and the specifics of exactly what would follow for the present practice of science. An initial question would be about the structuring of the science-theology question in terms of what Tyson calls ‘competing first truth discourses’. This notion, perhaps of necessity, is rather abstract. Tyson refers to the first truth discourse of science in these terms: ‘today's empirical, rationalist, and reductively materialistic scientific knowledge’, ‘physical reductionism’, or ‘naturalistic materialism’ (3, 71, 110, and passim). But who, exactly, thinks about the world exclusively in these terms, and in what contexts? How, in other words, is this particular ‘first truth discourse’ instantiated? Such a perspective might be encountered in, or extrapolated from, some polemical and admittedly high profile works of popular science—the usual suspects would be Richard Dawkins, Jerry Coyne, Daniel Dennett, et al. But is it really exemplified in the actual practices of working scientists, and if so, how? More generally, is it the primary grid through which modern (and secular) Western individuals construct their world? On this point Tyson suggests that science is ‘the dominant public truth discourse’ (25, 174). I am not so sure. Either way, it would have been good to have had more concrete examples of what this ‘first truth discourse of science’ looks like in practice, what its implications are, and exactly who subscribes to it.2 Consider just these few examples. A majority of people in Europe believe that they have a soul, while 46% agree or mostly agree with the statement, ‘I feel a connection to something that cannot be seen or measured scientifically.’3 Most Americans (admittedly an exceptional case in some respects) believe in God. 40% of them also believe in ghosts or demons (with Republicans more likely than Democrats to entertain such beliefs).4 More evidence of a similar nature could be adduced, but the basic point is that these figures do not support a thesis of the ubiquity of reductive materialism, even if we restrict ourselves to the highly secularized West. Scientists themselves also exhibit a surprising commitment to religious conceptions of the world, with Elaine Howard Ecklund's work suggesting that about 50% of practicing scientists consider themselves to be religious.5 If this is correct, then not even a significant majority of scientists cherish ‘the first truth discourse of science’ as defined by Tyson. Who then, does? There is a danger here of constructing a straw man out of an imagined scientistic metaphysics to which a Christian metaphysics can then be opposed. I wonder, then, if some of the arguments of the book might rest upon a misdiagnosis of the Western condition. The statistics cited above suggest that the modern Western world—to say nothing of the rest of the globe—is less secularized and disenchanted than is sometimes imagined. Rather than a Manichean division between two opposing ‘truth discourses’—one religious and one reductively materialist—perhaps what we encounter in the West, as the observers of postmodernity have consistently maintained, is rather an absence of overarching metaphysical frameworks. The major threat to an imagined and unified ‘first truth discourse of Christianity’ would then not come from some competing scientific discourse, but from the conviction that all such universalising discourses have ceased to be credible. This would still be consistent with an elevated view of science, which could be understood in practical terms as facilitating technologies and affordances, rather than the embodiment of some overarching ‘truth discourse’. Science, adopted on purely instrumental grounds, requires no metaphysical commitments. To place all of this in the context of more general theories about Western modernization, the question is whether Tyson's thesis is another version of the secularization thesis, which over the past twenty years has been subjected to searching criticism.6 Or does Tyson regard his project as part of the phenomenon of post-secularity? If the latter, where does he locate himself in relation to other commentators on post-secularity?7 Moving from sociology to psychology, might it not also be the case that individuals operate with different frameworks that confer meaning in a range of diverse contexts? This, for example, is the rationale behind Christian advocacies of the adoption of methodological naturalism in scientific contexts. I suspect that in reality we all operate with a degree of cognitive dissonance, and that moving between frames of reference in different contexts is fairly typical. It strikes me as unlikely that all, or even most, scientists have a fixed allegiance to some overarching metaphysical position. In any event, the philosophical commitments of scientists, explicit or not, are matters of fact. Here we need recourse to the relevant empirical evidence, rather than the offering of broad generalisations. Similar considerations apply to the ‘first truth discourse of Christianity’. At the beginning of the book this seems to coincide with a minimalist Christian theology, spelt out in terms of credal statements (as it turns out, articles 2-6 of the Apostles’ Creed, although Tyson does not identify them as such) (11-12, 17). These seem to me of a different order to the metaphysical commitments said to comprise the ‘first truth discourse’ of science. Tyson does go on to suggest that these historical beliefs call for some metaphysical commitments, with the nature of those commitments being outlined later in the book. This step from doctrines to metaphysics is necessary for the overall argument to work, since the fundamental tensions between science and Christianity are understood as taking place at the metaphysical, rather than doctrinal, level. However, the move from the creedal, historical beliefs to metaphysics raises several questions. It is clear, for example, that the formalization of doctrines such as the Incarnation and the Trinity in the fourth- and fifth-century ecumenical creeds already required recourse to contemporary philosophical conceptions that had developed independently of special revelation. In the Middle Ages, the philosophical indebtedness of Christian theology would become even more explicit, with various figures drawing upon aspects of Neoplatonic and Aristotelian thought. Tyson, if I understand him rightly, largely endorses these medieval developments, expressing a preference for a Platonic/Aristotelian framing of Christian doctrines (111-22). If this is correct, then it seems that the ‘first truth discourse of Christianity’ turns out to be the first truth discourse of a broadly Platonic Christianity. I have no objection to this move as such, but it seems to me more a reflection of what philosophical orientation Tyson himself finds congenial than a definitive statement of what some ‘first truth discourse of Christianity’ must necessarily consist in. Historically, others have found alternative philosophical systems to be equally congenial. In other words, while the title of the book uses the indefinite article—‘a Christian theology of nature’—not much space is dedicated to a robust assessment of the possible alternative Christian theologies. One obvious candidate would be nominalist or voluntarist theologies. However, Tyson remarks in this context that he ‘cannot see how one can really adhere to key Christian doctrines … if one is a nominalist’ (59). Ockham, Buridan, and followers of the via moderna would no doubt beg to differ. Like it or not, nominalism was a major and significant development within Christian theology—one that it is generally agreed played a pivotal role in the development of core aspects of modernity, including science, as Tyson himself is well aware (8). My point is not to endorse an alternative metaphysical stance to that which Tyson champions. Rather it is to point out that we need more argument on this point than just the admission of a failure to understand how one might be, say, a nominalist and a Christian. Also relevant to this question is the situation of the early modern period, when we encounter a renewed discussion of which philosophical system is the best partner for Christianity: Neoplatonism, Aristotelianism, Epicureanism—even Neostoicism. For a time, the Cambridge Platonists flew the flag for Neoplatonism, offering an intriguing prospect for a study of nature that might have taken another path (as John Milbank has recently detailed).8 But modern science mostly developed in a different direction. Oversimplifying somewhat, the new experimental science was premised upon an explicit rejection of Aristotelianism and the forging of a new and vibrant partnership with a Christianized Epicureanism. Arguably, it was this new partnership that provided the metaphysical foundations for modern science. Counterfactually, it is not clear that we would have science in its present form without it. This is the sense in which modern science is an heir to developments in Christian theology (although many other factors, including other elements of Christian thought, were involved too). It is also true, in my view, that the move towards a modified Epicurean matter theory, along with theological voluntarism, were preconditions for the emergence of modern naturalism. As Tyson points out, this transition to a naturalism was most fully realized in the nineteenth century (74-90). Whether that was a necessary implication of a voluntarist theology or a historical inevitability is difficult to say. But again, this raises the question of whether something like modern science would be possible with an alternative set of metaphysical commitments, and that is a counterfactual that is difficult to cash out. Moreover, classical and medieval metaphysics do not exhaust all of the possibilities for partnering a ‘first truth discourse of Christianity’. The trajectory of post-Kantian philosophy and theology suggests new alternatives, including idealism and existentialism.9 However, the book gives Kant short shrift and even implicates him in the rise of British analytic empiricism (22, n. 12, 42).10 Yet a number of post-Kantian philosophical developments involve more than just a ceding of doctrinal territory to the regnant natural sciences (although, admittedly, the physical sciences were taken seriously as offering an impressive model of empirical knowledge). They arose from a new understanding of the limitations of human knowledge and, hence, of traditional metaphysics. I would suggest that there is more going on here than just different versions of ‘adaptation’, ‘withdrawal’ and ‘appropriation’, and the subsequent rise to dominance of a reductive, materialistic worldview. I was a little surprised, for example, that Kierkegaard makes only a few brief appearances in this book, since Tyson has elsewhere offered a spirited defence of a Kierkegaardian approach.11 (Perhaps there is a connection in Tyson's rejection of a dispassionate philosophical approach to science and theology.) But figures such as Hamann, Hegel, Heidegger, Barth, and Bultmann, to name just a few, are also absent.12 Surely there is more to be said for the philosophical options of existentialism, pragmatism, or any number of post-Kantian philosophies. Obviously, a relatively short book cannot cover all the bases, but it would be helpful to have had at least a brief account of the putative deficiencies of these modern philosophical alternatives to a revived Platonism/Neoplatonism, along with some acknowledgement of how post-Kantian Christian thinkers have sought to deal with the deliverances of the natural sciences and their rising prestige. In all of this, I do think that it is possible to offer judgements about the relative merits of competing metaphysical frameworks, based on where they end up taking us. I am sympathetic to Tyson's argument that the combination of voluntarism and corpuscular matter theory gave rise to the conditions for a utilitarian approach, along with an exploitative attitude toward the natural world. This enables us to form a judgement about the negative consequences of adopting a particular metaphysical framework. It is true that all such judgements ultimately arise from the framework within which one is operating. But some outcomes are unambiguously negative as judged from a variety of perspectives. That said, when passing judgement on particular historical developments we lack the evidence of a ‘control’, which is to say some alternative history that we can be assured would have turned out better. Thus, in the absence of a counterfactual history in which medieval nominalism turned out to be a dead-end, it is difficult to say whether on balance we would have been better off had it never arisen. Beyond the issue of how we land on the correct ‘first truth discourse’ of Christianity or of science lies a broader concern about whether the analytic conception of ‘first truth discourse’ is an optimal way to approach the problem of the relations between science and religion. This goes back to some of my earlier reservations about how the putative first truth discourse of science is instantiated in practice. If the overall aim is to assert the primacy of the Christian revelation in all of our understandings, it would be reasonable to ask whether the notion of a ‘first truth discourse’ is itself a theological concept intrinsic to Christianity or a heteronomous analytic notion that is imported from elsewhere to help make sense of the relationship between science and theology. My sense is that the canonical documents of Christianity, the writings of the Fathers, the councils of the Church, do not speak of a ‘first truth discourse’ as such. It is possible that they assert something equivalent to this notion; if so, it would be good to see that spelt out. The notion of a ‘first truth discourse’ seems redolent of Aristotle's metaphysics or ‘first philosophy’, although at times it also sounds like an equivalent to Weltanschauung (worldview) or ‘social imaginary’. In posing this question I am not suggesting that we should abandon the use of analytic categories in our discussions. But it is important to understand that ‘meta’ categories come from somewhere, and that it is not a straightforward matter to justify their deployment from within the phenomena that they purport to describe. This is especially so if the argument is that the starting point for all intellectual activities of the committed Christian must be premises that are internal to the Christian tradition. More generally, framing the science-religion question in terms of competing ‘first truth discourses’—which may not be just an innocent and neutral analytic tool—has the potential to predetermine the outcome of the investigation. Given the content that Tyson ascribes to these first truth discourses that outcome looks very much to me like a form of conflict. Again, I have no objection to exposing conflict and dealing with it if it is genuine. But, not putting too fine a point on it, this seems perilously close to the general strategy employed by some recent scientistic critics of religion who define religious faith as ‘belief in spite of evidence’ and science as ‘evidence-based commitment’, and thus conclude that science necessarily conflicts with religion.13 I have argued elsewhere, along somewhat related lines, that once we accept the legitimacy of the modern categories ‘religion’ and ‘science’, we are locked into a predetermined range of possibilities about how they must relate to each other. My proposal is that instead of seeking to work within the constricting confines of these categories, we need to understand their history. This shows both their contingent nature (science and religion are not ‘natural kinds’ but cultural products) and also that they sometimes distort the historical phenomena that they are supposed to represent.14 Tyson is fully aware of this argument and I know is sympathetic to it. But I worry that talk of two competing ‘first truth discourses’ risks reinstating a similar reification. Two final questions about the book concern the ‘where to from here’ question. One is about the present status of the modern sciences, given the analysis that Tyson offers. I agree that the historical development of modern science follows the adoption of a nominalist and voluntarist metaphysics, and that by the nineteenth century this had been transformed into a naturalistic and secular outlook. A key question is whether modern science would have emerged without the metaphysical underpinning provided by these late medieval theological developments. (This relates to the broader question of why science in the West, and why the scientific revolution in the seventeenth century.15) Following on from this, we can ask what ‘science’ would look like, and whether it would even be possible, without this particular metaphysical foundation. Had modern science not followed the historical trajectory sketched out by Tyson, would we now be practicing just a more advanced form of Aristotelian science and speaking about occult qualities, substantial forms, teleology, and so on? (Along these lines some have recently argued that we do in fact need something like a Neo-Aristotelian picture if we are to make sense of some aspects of modern physics and biology.16 But Tyson does not engage these thinkers directly.) Towards the end of the book Tyson lauds modern science as ‘an amazing human practice’ and ‘a dazzling wonder and a triumph of human ingenuity’ (177). But is this really consistent with his own analysis? If modern science cannot be extricated from its own dubious ‘first truth discourse’—and, indeed, if it is impossible to arrive at without it—how can those committed to the competing ‘first truth discourse’ of Christianity entertain a positive view of it? Is there some imagined, alternative ‘science’ that is compatible with the ‘first truth discourse’ of Christianity and, if so, what would it look like? Should Christians be advocating for a Platonic or Aristotelian science; or perhaps for something along the lines of Alvin Plantinga's ‘Augustinian Science’; 17 or even, and I hesitate to mention it, something along the lines of Intelligent Design? My sense is that some of these latter options would be a bridge too far, and not ones that Tyson would wish to pursue. But it is not clear to me what exactly follows from his arguments for the content and conduct of modern science. Is it more or less alright as it is, in spite of its intrinsic reductionism and materialism, or does it need to be radically reshaped in order to liberate it from the patent deficiencies of its ‘first truth discourse’?18 In sum, Paul Tyson has set out a bold new agenda for science and theology, and has done so with great force and clarity. His book mounts a serious challenge to some of the default modes of conducting science-theology discussions. At the same time, it raises a number of questions for which there seem to be, at present, no easy answers. Long may the discussion continue!
我很高兴看到保罗·泰森的《基督教科学神学》出版了。通过充分披露的方式,我有幸实时观看了这本书的形成过程,并与作者就其核心主张进行了(有时是生动的)讨论。就像任何寻求制定新议程的令人兴奋的新作品一样,这本书不仅阐述了一个大胆的论点,同时也提出了许多新问题。以下是我对这本书的理解的简要总结,然后是我完成本书后留下的一些问题。这些问题主要涉及本书的整体框架设计——泰森将其称为科学和神学的“第一真理论述”。第二个相对简短的问题是,从泰森的分析中,我们如何评价和理解现代科学。《基督教科学神学》是一种相对较新的(字面上)毫无歉意的趋势的一部分,它将科学-神学讨论重新定位到基督教神学的核心本书的中心论点是,现代科学体现了一种世界观,这种世界观与真正的基督教世界观不相容,实际上是对立的。泰森在这种背景下谈到了“科学的第一真理话语”,他反对“基督教的第一真理话语”(1-3)。历史的论点是,在西方,从17世纪开始,后者逐渐被前者所取代。泰森认为科学的第一个真理话语是一种还原唯物主义(24-25),而基督教的第一个真理话语需要对教义命题的信仰,这些教义命题与传统的信仰符号(如使徒信经)大致一致(12,110)。规范的论点是,除非我们认识到这些相互竞争的话语之间隐含的紧张关系,否则任何试图理解科学与宗教之间关系的尝试都注定要失败。泰森认为,自19世纪以来,大多数此类努力都是如此:这些努力被不同地归类为“适应”、“退出”和“挪用”(5-7,cf. 83-88)。以自由的新教为代表的适应,通过把领土让给科学,放弃核心的教义主张,使这种关系得以维持。退出涉及到宗教的私有化,将其与世俗世界密封起来。挪用试图将科学方法引入基督教神学,例如年轻地球神创论或智能设计论。泰森提出的替代这些令人不满意的选择是一种真正的基督教科学神学,公开面对他们基本取向的根本差异。这种对抗包括揭示两个企业的潜在形而上学假设,以便使他们在观点上的基本差异更加明确。一旦完成了这一点,就有可能开始对科学进行重新概念化,将其置于“基督教的第一真理论述”的保护伞下。泰森的论点非常清晰,代表了对基督教神学权威和合法性的大胆重申。它的出发点是神学对宗教信徒的首要地位,而不是话语的竞争模式。他表现出一种令人耳目一新的意愿,愿意面对科学与宗教之间真正冲突的可能性,并在必要时将其揭示出来。这伴随着一种坚持,即在确定冲突之后,不应该总是基督教神学做出让步,这样它的历史就变成了核心教义不断调整和妥协的历史,以适应当前的科学时尚。它为科学与基督教神学之间的关系带来了重大的重新构想。总的来说,我对这本书的某些目的表示赞同。然而,它确实给我留下了一些问题。这些问题主要涉及到论证的框架以及当前科学实践的具体内容。第一个问题是关于科学神学问题的结构,根据泰森所说的"第一真理的竞争"这个概念,也许是必然的,是相当抽象的。泰森用这些术语来描述科学的第一个真理话语:“今天的经验主义、理性主义和还原唯物主义的科学知识”,“物理还原论”或“自然唯物主义”(3,71,110,和passim)。 然而,许多后康德哲学的发展不仅仅是将理论领域割让给占统治地位的自然科学(尽管,不可否认的是,自然科学作为提供令人印象深刻的经验知识模型而被认真对待)。它们产生于对人类知识局限性的新认识,因而也产生于对传统形而上学的新认识。我认为,除了不同版本的“适应”、“退出”和“挪用”,以及随后出现的简化、唯物主义世界观的主导地位之外,还有更多的事情在发生。例如,让我有点惊讶的是,克尔凯郭尔在这本书中只简短地出现了几次,因为泰森在其他地方为克尔凯郭尔的方法提供了有力的辩护(也许泰森拒绝用冷静的哲学方法来研究科学和神学与此有关。)但是,像哈曼、黑格尔、海德格尔、巴特和布尔特曼这样的人物,仅举几例,也都缺席了当然,对于存在主义、实用主义或任何数量的后康德哲学的哲学选择,还有更多的话要说。显然,一本相对较短的书不可能涵盖所有的基础,但至少简要说明这些现代哲学替代复兴的柏拉图主义/新柏拉图主义的假定缺陷,以及对后康德基督教思想家如何寻求处理自然科学的拯救及其日益上升的声望的一些承认,将会有所帮助。综上所述,我确实认为有可能根据它们最终带我们去的地方,对相互竞争的形而上学框架的相对优点做出判断。我赞同泰森的观点,即唯意志论和微粒物质理论的结合为功利主义方法以及对自然界的剥削态度创造了条件。这使我们能够对采用特定形而上学框架的消极后果作出判断。的确,所有这类判断最终都源于一个人在其中工作的框架。但从各种角度来看,有些结果无疑是负面的。也就是说,当我们对特定的历史发展做出判断时,我们缺乏“控制”的证据,也就是说,我们可以确信,某些替代历史会变得更好。因此,在中世纪唯名论被证明是一条死胡同的反事实历史缺失的情况下,很难说如果它从未出现,总的来说我们是否会过得更好。除了我们如何找到正确的基督教或科学的“第一真理话语”的问题之外,还有一个更广泛的问题,即“第一真理话语”的分析概念是否是处理科学与宗教关系问题的最佳方式。这又回到了我之前对科学假定的第一真理话语如何在实践中实例化的一些保留意见。如果总体目标是在我们所有的理解中主张基督教启示的首要地位,那么我们就有理由问,“第一真理话语”的概念本身是基督教固有的神学概念,还是从其他地方引入的他治式分析概念,以帮助理解科学与神学之间的关系。我的感觉是,基督教的正典文献,教父的著作,教会的会议,并没有这样说“第一真理的论述”。它们也可能主张某种与这个概念相等的东西;如果是这样的话,很高兴看到这一点得到阐明。“第一真理话语”的概念似乎让人联想到亚里士多德的形而上学或“第一哲学”,尽管有时它听起来也像是世界观或“社会想象”的等量物。在提出这个问题时,我并不是建议我们在讨论中放弃使用分析范畴。但重要的是要理解“元”类别来自某个地方,并且从它们声称要描述的现象中证明它们的部署并不是一件简单的事情。特别是,如果这个论点是,所有虔诚的基督徒的智力活动的起点必须是基督教传统内部的前提。更普遍地说,根据相互竞争的“第一真理话语”来构建科学-宗教问题——这可能不仅仅是一个无辜和中立的分析工具——有可能预先决定调查的结果。考虑到泰森赋予这些第一真理话语的内容,结果在我看来很像是一种冲突。再说一次,如果冲突是真实的,我不反对揭露和处理它。
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