Hypersonic Weapons: Vulnerability to Missile Defenses and Comparison to MaRVs

David Wright, Cameron L. Tracy
{"title":"Hypersonic Weapons: Vulnerability to Missile Defenses and Comparison to MaRVs","authors":"David Wright, Cameron L. Tracy","doi":"10.1080/08929882.2023.2270292","DOIUrl":null,"url":null,"abstract":"AbstractAssessing the utility of hypersonic boost glide vehicles (BGVs) requires comparing their capabilities to alternative systems that could carry out the same missions, particularly given the technical difficulties and additional costs of developing BGVs compared to more established technologies. This paper discusses the primary motivations given for BGVs—most notably countering missile defenses—and summarizes current hypersonic development programs. It finds that evading the most capable current endo-atmospheric defenses requires that BGVs maintain speeds significantly higher than Mach 5 throughout their glide phase, which has implications for their mass and range. The paper then compares BGVs to maneuverable reentry vehicles (MaRVs) carried on ballistic missiles flown on depressed trajectories and shows that MaRVs can offer significant advantages over BGVs in a wide range of cases. Finally, the paper shows that BGV maneuvering during its glide phase can result in substantial costs in range and glide speed. AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to thank Steve Fetter and Paul Zarchan for useful comments on parts of this work.Disclosure statementNo potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).Notes1 The speed of sound in the atmosphere varies by about 10% over the range of altitudes of interest for BGVs (10–50 km). We assume a speed of 300 m/s, which is roughly consistent with a standard engineering approximation that uses 1000 ft/s as sound speed at these altitudes. See “1976 Standard Atmosphere Calculator,” DigitalDutch, https://www.digitaldutch.com/atmoscalc/table.htm.2 Richard H. Speier, George Nacouzi, Carrie A. Lee, and Richard M. Moore, Hypersonic Missile Nonproliferation: Hindering the Spread of a New Class of Weapons (Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2017), 53–93, https://rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RR2137.html.3 MaRVs were developed and tested during the Cold War and in the 2000s. See Matthew Bunn, “Technology of Ballistic Missile Reentry Vehicles,” in Review of U.S. Military Research and Development: 1984, eds. Kosta Tsipis and Penny Janeway (Mclean, VA: Pergamon, 1984), 87–107, https://scholar.harvard.edu/files/bunn_tech_of_ballastic_missle_reentry_vehicles.pdf. See also National Research Council, U.S. Conventional Prompt Global Strike: Issues for 2008 and Beyond, Committee on Conventional Prompt Global Strike Capability (2008), https://doi.org/10.17226/12061, and Amy Woolf, Conventional Prompt Global Strike and Long-Range Ballistic Missiles: Background and Issues (Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service, 2021), https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R41464.4 James M. Acton, “Hypersonic Boost-Glide Weapons,” Science and Global Security 23 (2015): 191–219, http://scienceandglobalsecurity.org/archive/sgs23acton.pdf; David Wright, “Research Note to Hypersonic Boost-Glide Weapons by James M. Acton: Analysis of the Boost Phase of the HTV-2 Hypersonic Glider Tests,” Science and Global Security 23 (2015): 220–9, http://scienceandglobalsecurity.org/archive/sgs23wright.pdf.5 Cameron L. Tracy and David Wright, “Modelling the Performance of Hypersonic Boost-Glide Missiles,” Science and Global Security 28 (2021): 135–170, http://scienceandglobalsecurity.org/archive/sgs28tracy.pdf. This paper uses a different coordinate system for the equations of motion than is used in many papers. That system and the reasons behind it are described in Appendix A.6 “The First Missile Regiment of Avangard Took Up Combat Duty,” TASS, December 27, 2019, https://tass.ru/armiya-i-opk/7436431; “Deployment of Avangard continues in Dombarovskiy,” Russian Strategic Nuclear Forces, December 16, 2020, https://russianforces.org/blog/2020/12/deployment_of_avangard_continu.shtml.7 “Avangard,” Center for Strategic and International Studies, July 31, 2021, https://missilethreat.csis.org/missile/avangard/.8 An additional motivation appears to be a desire to match work on hypersonic weapons by Russia and China. See, for example, Oren Liebermann, “US is Increasing Pace of Hypersonic Weapons Development to Chase China and Russia, Senior Admiral Says,” CNN, November 20, 2022, https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/20/politics/us-hypersonic-china-russia-competition/index.html.9 Ivett A. Leyva, “The Relentless Pursuit of Hypersonic Flight,” Physics Today, 70 (2017): 30–6, https://doi.org/10.1063/PT.3.3762.10 See, for example, Joseph Trevithick, “Here's How Hypersonic Weapons Could Completely Change the Face of Warfare,” The War Zone, June 6, 2017, https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/11177/heres-how-hypersonic-weapons-could-completely-change-the-face-of-warfare; Benjamin Knudsen, “An Examination of U.S. Hypersonic Weapon Systems,” Technical Report, George Washington University, June 2017, DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.14375.96164; “Hypersonic Strike and Defense: A Conversation with Mike White,” Center for Strategic and International Studies, June 10, 2021, https://www.csis.org/analysis/hypersonic-strike-and-defense-conversation-mike-white. Another possible motivation, reducing warning of an attack by avoiding detection, does not appear to be as central. Ground-based radars will not see a BGV during glide until it is within about 500 km, but this may not be particularly relevant. This range should still provide time to launch short-range interceptors against it. For high-value targets, forward-basing radars would provide additional warning time. Moreover, U.S. and Russian space-based infrared (IR) sensors (which China is developing) can provide early warning of the launch of the boosters carrying BGVs and can also detect IR emissions from BGVs gliding at sufficiently high speeds, providing warning and cuing information even if this data is not sufficient to guide interceptors (see Paper 1).11 This paper focuses on terminal defenses for several reasons, discussed in detail below. BGVs can underfly midcourse (exo-atmospheric) defenses, which appears to be a motivation for Russia’s development of the Avangard HGV, but this paper focuses on shorter range BGVs used for conventional conflict.12 Congressional Budget Office (CBO), “U.S. Hypersonic Weapons and Alternatives,” January 2023, https://www.cbo.gov/publication/58255.13 See Paper 1 and analysis below.14 CBO, “U.S. Hypersonic Weapons.”15 Acton, “Hypersonic Boost-Glide Weapons.”16 “Minimum-energy trajectories” give the maximum range for a given burnout speed and altitude.17 Lisbeth Gronlund and David Wright “Depressed-Trajectory SLBMs: A Technical Assessment and Arms Control Possibilities,” Science and Global Security 3 (1992): 101–59, http://scienceandglobalsecurity.org/archive/sgs03gronlund.pdf.18 Press reports also reflect this ambiguity. Russia’s Kinzhal system used against Ukraine is a maneuvering air-launched ballistic missile rather than a BGV (Kelley Sayler, Hypersonic Weapons: Background and Issues for Congress (Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service, 2023), https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R45811)). The “hypersonic weapon” North Korea has reportedly tested is also described this way (Iain Marlow and Jon Herskovitz, “Kim Jong Un’s Hypersonic Missiles Show He Can Hit U.S. Back,” Bloomberg, January 12, 2022, https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-01-12/kim-jong-un-s-new-hypersonic-missiles-show-he-can-hit-u-s-back).19 Richard Hallion, “The History of Hypersonics: or, ‘Back to the Future—Again and Again’,” American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, AIAA-2005-329 (2005), 43rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 10–13 January 2005, Reno, NV, https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2005-329.20 Woolf, Conventional Prompt Global Strike.21 Acton, “Hypersonic Boost-Glide Weapons.”22 “An Historical Overview of Waverider Evolution,” Staar Research, https://www.gbnet.net/orgs/staar/wavehist.html.23 Research is being done on BGVs designed to optimize lift at more than one velocity; see, e.g., Zhen-tao Zhao, Wei Huang, Li Yan, Yan-guang Yang, “Overview of Wide-speed Range Waveriders,” Progress in Aerospace Sciences (2020) 113: 1–14, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paerosci.2020.100606.24 Acton, “Hypersonic Boost-Glide Weapons.” Plans called for the HTV-2 to have L/D of 3.5 to 4 and the HTV-3 to have L/D of 4 to 5. The program was terminated before HTV-3 was produced.25 Woolf, Conventional Prompt Global Strike.26 Kenneth W. lliff and Mary F. Shafer, “A Comparison of Hypersonic Flight and Prediction Results,” American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, AIAA-93-0311 (1993), 31st Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 11–14 January 1993, Reno, NV, https://doi.org/10.2514/6.1993-311.27 Woolf, Conventional Prompt Global Strike, 17.28 “Advanced Hypersonic Weapon,” Army Technology, April 10, 2012, https://www.army-technology.com/projects/advanced-hypersonic-weapon-ahw/ The Army reportedly tested a “downscaled version” in October 2017 (Sydney J. Freedberg, Jr., “Army Warhead Is Key to Joint Hypersonics,” Breaking Defense, August 22, 2018, https://breakingdefense.com/2018/08/army-warhead-is-key-to-joint-hypersonics/).29 Acton, “Hypersonic Boost-Glide Weapons.”30 Joseph Trevithick, “USAF, Army, and Navy Join Forces to Field America’s First Operational Hypersonic Weapon,” The Drive, October 11, 2018, https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/24181/usaf-army-and-navy-join-forces-to-field-americas-first-operational-hypersonic-weapon.31 John A. Tirpak, “Air Force Cancels HCSW Hypersonic Missile in Favor of ARRW,” Air Force Magazine, February 10, 2020, https://www.airforcemag.com/air-force-cancels-hcsw-hypersonic-missile-in-favor-of-arrw/.32 CBO, “U.S. Hypersonic Weapons.”33 Yi Feng, Shenshen Liu, Wei Tang, Yewei Gui, “Aerodynamic Configuration Design and Optimization for Hypersonic Vehicles, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (2017), 21st AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonics Technologies Conference, 6–9 March 2017, Xiamen, China, https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2017-2173; The analysis in Appendix G of National Research Council, U.S. Conventional Prompt Global Strike, 206–215, assumes L/D = 2.2 for its calculations.34 Joseph Trevithick, “The Army and Navy Have Conducted the First Joint Test of Their New Hypersonic Weapon,” The Drive, March 20, 2020, https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/32667/the-army-and-navy-have-conducted-the-first-joint-test-of-their-new-hypersonic-weapon, Caleb Larson, “This U.S. Missile Can Kill Any Target on the Planet (In Less Than an Hour),” National Interest, June 23, 2020, https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/us-missile-can-kill-any-target-planet-less-hour-163303.35 Sayler, Hypersonic Weapons.36 John A. Tirpak, “Roper: The ARRW Hypersonic Missile Better Option for USAF,” Air Force Magazine, March 2, 2020, https://www.airforcemag.com/arrw-beat-hcsw-because-its-smaller-better-for-usaf/.37 Stephen Losey, “US Air Force drops Lockheed hypersonic missile after failed tests,” Defense News, March 30, 2023, https://www.defensenews.com/air/2023/03/30/us-air-force-drops-lockheed-hypersonic-missile-after-failed-tests/.38 Guy Norris, “High-Speed Strike Weapon to Build on X-51 Flight,” Aviation Week & Space Technology, May 20, 2013, https://web.archive.org/web/20140104023933/http://www.aviationweek.com/Article/PrintArticle.aspx?id=/article-xml/AW_05_20_2013_p24-579062.xml&p=1&printView=true.39 “X-51A Waverider,” U.S. Air Force Factsheet, May 3, 2013, https://web.archive.org/web/20130619105330/http:/www.af.mil/information/factsheets/factsheet.asp?fsID=17986; “Hyper-X Program,” NASA Factsheet, February 28, 2014, https://www.nasa.gov/centers/armstrong/news/FactSheets/FS-040-DFRC.html.40 Kristen N. Roberts, Analysis and Design of a Hypersonic Scramjet Engine with a Starting Mach Number of 4.00, Master’s thesis in Aerospace Engineering, University of Texas at Arlington, 2008, http://hdl.handle.net/10106/1073.41 Sydney J. Freedberg, Jr., “Hypersonics: DoD Wants ‘Hundreds of Weapons’ ASAP,” Breaking Defense, April 24, 2020, https://breakingdefense.com/2020/04/hypersonics-dod-wants-hundreds-of-weapons-asap/.42 Sayler, Hypersonic Weapons.43 “Kh-47M2 Kinzhal,” Missile Threat, 19 March 2022, https://missilethreat.csis.org/missile/kinzhal/#easy-footnote-bottom-10-3801. The Kinzhal mass is estimated as 3,800 kg (Vladimir Karnozov, “Putin Unveils Kinzhal Hypersonic Missile,” AIN Online, March 2, 2018, https://www.ainonline.com/aviation-news/defense/2018-03-02/putin-unveils-kinzhal-hypersonic-missile).44 Franz-Stefan Gady, “China Tests New Weapon Capable of Breaching US Missile Defense Systems,” The Diplomat, April 28, 2016, https://thediplomat.com/2016/04/china-tests-new-weapon-capable-of-breaching-u-s-missile-defense-systems/; Sayler, “Hypersonic Weapons.”45 Mike Yeo, “China unveils drones, missiles and hypersonic glide vehicle at military parade, Defense News, October 1, 2019, https://www.defensenews.com/global/asia-pacific/2019/10/01/china-unveils-drones-missiles-and-hypersonic-glide-vehicle-at-military-parade/.46 Zhao Lei, “Superfast aircraft test a ‘success’,” China Daily, August 6, 2018, http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201808/06/WS5b6787b4a3100d951b8c8ae6.html.47 Sayler, Hypersonic Weapons.48 These values vary slowly with L/D and β. For L/D = 6, they would be 34 km at Mach 5 and 44 km at Mach 10.49 Thomas Newdick, “This Is Our First View of Russia’s New S-500 Air Defense System In Action,” The Drive, July 20, 2021, https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/41627/this-is-our-first-view-of-russias-new-s-500-air-defense-system-in-action.50 Andrew M. Sessler, John M. Cornwall, Bob Dietz, Steve Fetter, Sherman Frankel, Richard L. Garwin, Kurt Gottfried, Lisbeth Gronlund, George N. Lewis, Theodore A. Postol, et al., Countermeasures: The Operational Effectiveness of the Planned US National Missile Defense System (Cambridge, MA: Union of Concerned Scientists and MIT Security Studies Program, April 2000), 28, https://www.ucsusa.org/sites/default/files/2019-09/countermeasures.pdf.51 Ibid.52 Theodore A. Postol and George N. Lewis, “The Illusion of Missile Defense: Why THAAD Will Not Protect South Korea,” Global Asia 11, no. 3 (2016): 80–5, https://www.globalasia.org/data/file/articles/78a89c3da89bc3fae2f1e8249871c58e.pdf.53 “Theater High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD),” Aerojet Rocketdyne, March 13, 2019, https://rocket.com/defense/missile-defense/thaad.54 For a discussion of acceleration saturation effects for various types of guidance, with and without lags, see Paul Zarchan, Tactical and Strategic Missile Guidance - An Introduction, 7th ed. (Reston, VA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., 2019), Vol.1: 157–60, 206–11, 216–23, 254; Vol. 2: 165–7, 552–3. See also N. F. Palumbo, R. A. Blauwkamp, and J. M. Lloyd, “Modern Homing Missile Guidance Theory and Techniques,” Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest, 29 (2010): 42–59, https://www.jhuapl.edu/Content/techdigest/pdf/V29-N01/29-01-Palumbo_Homing.pdf.55 Zarchan, Tactical and Strategic Missile Guidance, 1: 152; 2: 147, 307, 439.56 Angle-of-attack can be created using fins or small thrusters on the missile or interceptor body.57 Zarchan, Tactical and Strategic Missile Guidance, 1: 157.58 Lockheed Martin, “PAC-3 MSE Overview,” January 5, 2022, https://www.lockheedmartin.com/content/dam/lockheed-martin/mfc/documents/pac-3/2022-01-05_LM_PAC-3_MSE_Overview.pdf.59 Terry H. Phillips, “A Common Aero Vehicle (CAV) Model, Description, and Employment Guide,” Schafer Corporation (January 27, 2003).60 Jon Hawkes “Patriot games: Raytheon’s Air-Defence System Continues to Proliferate,” Jane’s International Defence Review 52 (2019): 1–6, https://web.archive.org/web/20190601000000; https://www.raytheon.com/sites/default/files/2018-12/Raytheon_article%20reprint_IDR%201901.pdf.61 Office of the Director, Operational Test and Evaluation, “DOT&E FY 2016 Annual Report: Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3),” December 2016, 175–7, https://www.dote.osd.mil/Portals/97/pub/reports/FY2016/army/2016patriot.pdf?ver=2019-08-22-105407-280; Isaac Maw, “Patriot Missile to Receive $133M in Upgrades Over Next Five Years,” engineering.com, July 9, 2018, https://www.engineering.com/story/patriot-missile-to-receive-133m-in-upgrades-over-next-five-years.62 Patrick O’Reilly, Ed Waters, “The Patriot PAC-3 Missile Program—An Affordable Integration Approach,” https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/ADA319957.pdf; Missile Defense Project, \"Patriot,\" Missile Threat, Center for Strategic and International Studies, June 14, 2018, https://missilethreat.csis.org/system/patriot/ (last modified March 24, 2022).63 Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance (MDAA), “Patriot Advanced Capability-3 Missile,” August 18, 2020, https://missiledefenseadvocacy.org/defense-systems/patriot-advanced-capability-3-missile/. This speed is consistent with a recent article giving a maximum speed of existing interceptors as “about 1.7 km/s” (“Japan set to develop railguns to counter hypersonic missiles,” NIKKEI Asia, January 4, 2022, https://asia.nikkei.com/Politics/Japan-set-to-develop-railguns-to-counter-hypersonic-missiles).64 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), “Patriot,” Fact Sheet, December 2012, https://www.nato.int/nato_static/assets/pdf/pdf_2012_12/20121204_121204-factsheet-patriot-en.pdf; MDAA, “Patriot.”65 Leland H. Jorgensen, “Prediction of Static Aerodynamic Characteristics for Space-Shuttle-Like and Other Bodies at Angles of Attack from 0o to 180o,” NASA Report TN D-6996 (1973), https://ntrs.nasa.gov/api/citations/19730006261/downloads/19730006261.pdf.66 Jorgensen, “Prediction of Static Aerodynamic Characteristics.”67 Leland H. Jorgensen, “A Method for Estimating Static Aerodynamic Characteristics for Slender Bodies of Circular and Noncircular Cross Sections,” NASA Report TN 0-7228 (1973), https://ntrs.nasa.gov/api/citations/19730012271/downloads/19730012271.pdf.68 Acton, “Hypersonic Boost-Glide Weapons;” “X-41 CAV (USAF/DARPA Falcon Program),” Directory of U.S. Military Rockets and Missiles, Appendix 4: Undesignated Vehicles (2009), http://www.designation-systems.net/dusrm/app4/x-41.html; this is similar to the result in Wright, “Research Note to Hypersonic Boost-Glide Weapons.”69 Phillips, “A Common Aero Vehicle.”70 Qinglin Niu, Zhichao Yuan, Biao Chen, and Shikui Dong, “Infrared Radiation Characteristics of a Hypersonic Vehicle Under Time-Varying Angles of Attack,” Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 32 (2019): 867, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cja.2019.01.003.71 Using values for the CAV-L model gives somewhat lower lift but does not significantly change the results.72 Candler and Leyva, “Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis.”73 U.S. Government Accountability Office, “Hypersonic Weapons: DOD Should Clarify Roles and Responsibilities to Ensure Coordination across Development Efforts,” GAO-21-378 (March 22, 2021): 13, https://www.gao.gov/products/gao-21-378; Steve Trimble, “Document Likely Shows SM-6 Hypersonic Speed, Anti-Surface Role,” Aviation Week, March 12, 2020, https://aviationweek.com/defense-space/missile-defense-weapons/document-likely-shows-sm-6-hypersonic-speed-anti-surface-role; Tyler Rogoway, “Navy To Supersize Its Ultra Versatile SM-6 Missile For Even Longer Range And Higher Speed,” The Drive, March 20, 2019, https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/27068/navy-to-supersize-its-ultra-versatile-sm-6-missile-for-even-longer-range-and-higher-speed.74 Tracy and Wright, “Modelling the Performance.”75 David Wright, Laura Grego, and Lisbeth Gronlund, The Physics of Space Security (Cambridge, MA: American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2005), https://www.ucsusa.org/resources/physics-space-security. This equation assumes a single stage booster.76 U.S. Air Force, “AGM-86B/C/D Missiles,” Factsheet (August 2019), https://www.af.mil/About-Us/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/104612/agm-86bcd-missiles/; U.S. Air Force, “AGM-129A Advanced Cruise Missile, Factsheet (n.d.), https://www.af.mil/About-Us/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/104543/agm-129a-advanced-cruise-missile/; “AGM-158 JASSM,” Airforce Technology, July 5, 2013, https://www.airforce-technology.com/projects/agm-158-jassm-standoff-missile/; Sydney J. Freeberg, “Navy Warships Get New Heavy Missile: 2,500-Lb LRASM,” Breaking Defense, July 26, 2017, https://breakingdefense.com/2017/07/navy-warships-get-new-heavy-missile-2500-lb-lrasm/.77 Steve Trimble, “More ARRW Details Emerge as Congress, White House Add New Hurdles,” Aviation Week and Space Technology, July 14, 2021, https://aviationweek.com/defense-space/missile-defense-weapons/more-arrw-details-emerge-congress-white-house-add-new-hurdles.78 U.S. Air Force, “B-52H Stratofortress,” Factsheet (June 2019), https://www.af.mil/About-Us/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/104465/b-52h-stratofortress/; U.S. Air Force, “B-1B Lancer,” Factsheet (September 2016), https://www.af.mil/About-Us/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/104500/b-1b-lancer/; John A. Tirpak, “AFGSC Eyes Hypersonic Weapons for B-1, Conventional LRSO,” Air Force Magazine, April 7, 2020, https://www.airforcemag.com/afgsc-eyes-hypersonic-weapons-for-b-1-conventional-lrso/ reports the B1 may be able to carry up to 31 ARRWs, which would appear to give a total mass of 60,000–7,000 kg.79 “X-41 CAV (USAF/DARPA Falcon Program),” Directory of U.S. Military Rockets and Missiles, Appendix 4: Undesignated Vehicles (2009), http://www.designation-systems.net/dusrm/app4/x-41.html; Wright, “Research Note to Hypersonic Boost-Glide Weapons.”80 Woolf, Conventional Prompt Global Strike, and National Research Council, U.S. Conventional Prompt Global Strike.81 See Table 4.1 in National Research Council, U.S. Conventional Prompt Global Strike, 102–3.82 S. Fetter, “A Ballistic Missile Primer” (1990), https://fetter.it-prod-webhosting.aws.umd.edu/sites/default/files/fetter/files/1990-MissilePrimer.pdf. Note that we define the factor f differently than this reference.83 This value is somewhat lower than that of modern strategic reentry vehicles, since the MaRV is assumed to have fins and a nonzero angle-of-attack during reentry, although it need needs to generate less lift force during dive than a BGV, which dives from horizontal flight. At any point, the velocity angle is measured with respect to the local horizontal.84 Assuming β = 7,500 kg/m2 with L/D = 2.6 during glide and L/D = −1 to −2 during dive gives, for the Mach 5 case, 28.3 km altitude at the end of glide at and a dive range and time of 70 km and 62 s; for the Mach 9 case, the altitude at the end of glide is 36.4 km and the dive range and time are 143 km and 65 s.85 Acton, “Hypersonic Boost-Glide Weapons.”86 National Research Council, U.S. Conventional Prompt Global Strike, Appendix G; Acton, “Hypersonic Boost-Glide Weapons.”87 Daniel Patrascu, “F-22 Raptor Pulls High Gs, Looks Cool Doing It,” Autoevolution, April 24, 2022, https://www.autoevolution.com/news/f-22-raptor-pulls-high-gs-looks-cool-doing-it-186903.html; U.S. Air Force, “F-16 Fighting Falcon,” Factsheet (September 2021), https://www.af.mil/About-Us/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/104505/f-16-fighting-falcon/, states the F-16 can withstand nine g’s with a full load of fuel, but the body is larger than that of a BGV. National Research Council, U.S. Conventional Prompt Global Strike notes that new technologies can “withstand the effects of maneuvers up to 40 g’s.”88 This insensitivity is in part because a longer ballistic phase at a given burnout speed will decrease the time the vehicle spends in glide and thus the duration of drag but will also result in a larger reentry angle and therefore require a sharper pull-up maneuver. This gives a larger velocity loss during pull-up, mitigating the effects of the shorter glide phase.89 The MaRV typically requires a smaller L/D to put it on a steep dive since it begins reentry at a larger angle than the BGV. It could be designed to create higher lift if the goal was to increase the amount of maneuvering it could achieve during reentry.90 Joseph Trivithick, “Army Delivers First Canisters to Its New Hypersonic Missile Battery but Won’t Say Where It’s Based,” The Warzone, May 19, 2021, https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/39851/army-delivers-first-canisters-to-its-new-hypersonic-missile-battery-but-wont-say-where-its-based.91 See for example, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, High-Speed, Maneuvering Weapons: Unclassified Summary (Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2016), https://doi.org/10.17226/23667; Center for Strategic and International Studies, “Complex Air Defense: Countering the Hypersonic Missile Threat,” Transcript, February 9, 2022, https://www.csis.org/analysis/complex-air-defense-countering-hypersonic-missile-threat-0; Missile Defense Agency, “MDA Hypersonic Concept.”92 Ivan Oelrich, “Cool Your Jets: Some Perspective on to Hyping of Hypersonic Weapons,” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 76 (2020): 37–45, https://doi.org/10.1080/00963402.2019.1701283.93 Zarchan, Tactical and Strategic Missile Guidance, 1: 272. This model works well for altitudes between 10 and 50 km.94 Assuming instantaneous changes in glide altitude is a simplification that ignores the complicated dynamics of these maneuvers and the additional drag they would create. We assume these maneuvers are short compared to the time the vehicle spends gliding at the lower altitude, and that our estimate of the increased drag will be a reasonable lower bound, which shows the significant range reduction that can result from such a turn.95 Since the vehicle is assumed to have enough vertical force to glide, this requires cosθ ≠ 0.Additional informationFundingDW was supported in part by the Laboratory of Nuclear Security and Policy at MIT and the Program on Science and Global Security at Princeton University.","PeriodicalId":55952,"journal":{"name":"Science & Global Security","volume":"23 4","pages":"0"},"PeriodicalIF":0.7000,"publicationDate":"2023-10-24","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":"0","resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":null,"PeriodicalName":"Science & Global Security","FirstCategoryId":"1085","ListUrlMain":"https://doi.org/10.1080/08929882.2023.2270292","RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":null,"ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":null,"EPubDate":"","PubModel":"","JCR":"Q3","JCRName":"INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS","Score":null,"Total":0}
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AbstractAssessing the utility of hypersonic boost glide vehicles (BGVs) requires comparing their capabilities to alternative systems that could carry out the same missions, particularly given the technical difficulties and additional costs of developing BGVs compared to more established technologies. This paper discusses the primary motivations given for BGVs—most notably countering missile defenses—and summarizes current hypersonic development programs. It finds that evading the most capable current endo-atmospheric defenses requires that BGVs maintain speeds significantly higher than Mach 5 throughout their glide phase, which has implications for their mass and range. The paper then compares BGVs to maneuverable reentry vehicles (MaRVs) carried on ballistic missiles flown on depressed trajectories and shows that MaRVs can offer significant advantages over BGVs in a wide range of cases. Finally, the paper shows that BGV maneuvering during its glide phase can result in substantial costs in range and glide speed. AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to thank Steve Fetter and Paul Zarchan for useful comments on parts of this work.Disclosure statementNo potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).Notes1 The speed of sound in the atmosphere varies by about 10% over the range of altitudes of interest for BGVs (10–50 km). We assume a speed of 300 m/s, which is roughly consistent with a standard engineering approximation that uses 1000 ft/s as sound speed at these altitudes. See “1976 Standard Atmosphere Calculator,” DigitalDutch, https://www.digitaldutch.com/atmoscalc/table.htm.2 Richard H. Speier, George Nacouzi, Carrie A. Lee, and Richard M. Moore, Hypersonic Missile Nonproliferation: Hindering the Spread of a New Class of Weapons (Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2017), 53–93, https://rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RR2137.html.3 MaRVs were developed and tested during the Cold War and in the 2000s. See Matthew Bunn, “Technology of Ballistic Missile Reentry Vehicles,” in Review of U.S. Military Research and Development: 1984, eds. Kosta Tsipis and Penny Janeway (Mclean, VA: Pergamon, 1984), 87–107, https://scholar.harvard.edu/files/bunn_tech_of_ballastic_missle_reentry_vehicles.pdf. See also National Research Council, U.S. Conventional Prompt Global Strike: Issues for 2008 and Beyond, Committee on Conventional Prompt Global Strike Capability (2008), https://doi.org/10.17226/12061, and Amy Woolf, Conventional Prompt Global Strike and Long-Range Ballistic Missiles: Background and Issues (Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service, 2021), https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R41464.4 James M. Acton, “Hypersonic Boost-Glide Weapons,” Science and Global Security 23 (2015): 191–219, http://scienceandglobalsecurity.org/archive/sgs23acton.pdf; David Wright, “Research Note to Hypersonic Boost-Glide Weapons by James M. Acton: Analysis of the Boost Phase of the HTV-2 Hypersonic Glider Tests,” Science and Global Security 23 (2015): 220–9, http://scienceandglobalsecurity.org/archive/sgs23wright.pdf.5 Cameron L. Tracy and David Wright, “Modelling the Performance of Hypersonic Boost-Glide Missiles,” Science and Global Security 28 (2021): 135–170, http://scienceandglobalsecurity.org/archive/sgs28tracy.pdf. This paper uses a different coordinate system for the equations of motion than is used in many papers. That system and the reasons behind it are described in Appendix A.6 “The First Missile Regiment of Avangard Took Up Combat Duty,” TASS, December 27, 2019, https://tass.ru/armiya-i-opk/7436431; “Deployment of Avangard continues in Dombarovskiy,” Russian Strategic Nuclear Forces, December 16, 2020, https://russianforces.org/blog/2020/12/deployment_of_avangard_continu.shtml.7 “Avangard,” Center for Strategic and International Studies, July 31, 2021, https://missilethreat.csis.org/missile/avangard/.8 An additional motivation appears to be a desire to match work on hypersonic weapons by Russia and China. See, for example, Oren Liebermann, “US is Increasing Pace of Hypersonic Weapons Development to Chase China and Russia, Senior Admiral Says,” CNN, November 20, 2022, https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/20/politics/us-hypersonic-china-russia-competition/index.html.9 Ivett A. Leyva, “The Relentless Pursuit of Hypersonic Flight,” Physics Today, 70 (2017): 30–6, https://doi.org/10.1063/PT.3.3762.10 See, for example, Joseph Trevithick, “Here's How Hypersonic Weapons Could Completely Change the Face of Warfare,” The War Zone, June 6, 2017, https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/11177/heres-how-hypersonic-weapons-could-completely-change-the-face-of-warfare; Benjamin Knudsen, “An Examination of U.S. Hypersonic Weapon Systems,” Technical Report, George Washington University, June 2017, DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.14375.96164; “Hypersonic Strike and Defense: A Conversation with Mike White,” Center for Strategic and International Studies, June 10, 2021, https://www.csis.org/analysis/hypersonic-strike-and-defense-conversation-mike-white. Another possible motivation, reducing warning of an attack by avoiding detection, does not appear to be as central. Ground-based radars will not see a BGV during glide until it is within about 500 km, but this may not be particularly relevant. This range should still provide time to launch short-range interceptors against it. For high-value targets, forward-basing radars would provide additional warning time. Moreover, U.S. and Russian space-based infrared (IR) sensors (which China is developing) can provide early warning of the launch of the boosters carrying BGVs and can also detect IR emissions from BGVs gliding at sufficiently high speeds, providing warning and cuing information even if this data is not sufficient to guide interceptors (see Paper 1).11 This paper focuses on terminal defenses for several reasons, discussed in detail below. BGVs can underfly midcourse (exo-atmospheric) defenses, which appears to be a motivation for Russia’s development of the Avangard HGV, but this paper focuses on shorter range BGVs used for conventional conflict.12 Congressional Budget Office (CBO), “U.S. Hypersonic Weapons and Alternatives,” January 2023, https://www.cbo.gov/publication/58255.13 See Paper 1 and analysis below.14 CBO, “U.S. Hypersonic Weapons.”15 Acton, “Hypersonic Boost-Glide Weapons.”16 “Minimum-energy trajectories” give the maximum range for a given burnout speed and altitude.17 Lisbeth Gronlund and David Wright “Depressed-Trajectory SLBMs: A Technical Assessment and Arms Control Possibilities,” Science and Global Security 3 (1992): 101–59, http://scienceandglobalsecurity.org/archive/sgs03gronlund.pdf.18 Press reports also reflect this ambiguity. Russia’s Kinzhal system used against Ukraine is a maneuvering air-launched ballistic missile rather than a BGV (Kelley Sayler, Hypersonic Weapons: Background and Issues for Congress (Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service, 2023), https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R45811)). The “hypersonic weapon” North Korea has reportedly tested is also described this way (Iain Marlow and Jon Herskovitz, “Kim Jong Un’s Hypersonic Missiles Show He Can Hit U.S. Back,” Bloomberg, January 12, 2022, https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-01-12/kim-jong-un-s-new-hypersonic-missiles-show-he-can-hit-u-s-back).19 Richard Hallion, “The History of Hypersonics: or, ‘Back to the Future—Again and Again’,” American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, AIAA-2005-329 (2005), 43rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 10–13 January 2005, Reno, NV, https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2005-329.20 Woolf, Conventional Prompt Global Strike.21 Acton, “Hypersonic Boost-Glide Weapons.”22 “An Historical Overview of Waverider Evolution,” Staar Research, https://www.gbnet.net/orgs/staar/wavehist.html.23 Research is being done on BGVs designed to optimize lift at more than one velocity; see, e.g., Zhen-tao Zhao, Wei Huang, Li Yan, Yan-guang Yang, “Overview of Wide-speed Range Waveriders,” Progress in Aerospace Sciences (2020) 113: 1–14, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paerosci.2020.100606.24 Acton, “Hypersonic Boost-Glide Weapons.” Plans called for the HTV-2 to have L/D of 3.5 to 4 and the HTV-3 to have L/D of 4 to 5. The program was terminated before HTV-3 was produced.25 Woolf, Conventional Prompt Global Strike.26 Kenneth W. lliff and Mary F. Shafer, “A Comparison of Hypersonic Flight and Prediction Results,” American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, AIAA-93-0311 (1993), 31st Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 11–14 January 1993, Reno, NV, https://doi.org/10.2514/6.1993-311.27 Woolf, Conventional Prompt Global Strike, 17.28 “Advanced Hypersonic Weapon,” Army Technology, April 10, 2012, https://www.army-technology.com/projects/advanced-hypersonic-weapon-ahw/ The Army reportedly tested a “downscaled version” in October 2017 (Sydney J. Freedberg, Jr., “Army Warhead Is Key to Joint Hypersonics,” Breaking Defense, August 22, 2018, https://breakingdefense.com/2018/08/army-warhead-is-key-to-joint-hypersonics/).29 Acton, “Hypersonic Boost-Glide Weapons.”30 Joseph Trevithick, “USAF, Army, and Navy Join Forces to Field America’s First Operational Hypersonic Weapon,” The Drive, October 11, 2018, https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/24181/usaf-army-and-navy-join-forces-to-field-americas-first-operational-hypersonic-weapon.31 John A. Tirpak, “Air Force Cancels HCSW Hypersonic Missile in Favor of ARRW,” Air Force Magazine, February 10, 2020, https://www.airforcemag.com/air-force-cancels-hcsw-hypersonic-missile-in-favor-of-arrw/.32 CBO, “U.S. Hypersonic Weapons.”33 Yi Feng, Shenshen Liu, Wei Tang, Yewei Gui, “Aerodynamic Configuration Design and Optimization for Hypersonic Vehicles, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (2017), 21st AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonics Technologies Conference, 6–9 March 2017, Xiamen, China, https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2017-2173; The analysis in Appendix G of National Research Council, U.S. Conventional Prompt Global Strike, 206–215, assumes L/D = 2.2 for its calculations.34 Joseph Trevithick, “The Army and Navy Have Conducted the First Joint Test of Their New Hypersonic Weapon,” The Drive, March 20, 2020, https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/32667/the-army-and-navy-have-conducted-the-first-joint-test-of-their-new-hypersonic-weapon, Caleb Larson, “This U.S. Missile Can Kill Any Target on the Planet (In Less Than an Hour),” National Interest, June 23, 2020, https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/us-missile-can-kill-any-target-planet-less-hour-163303.35 Sayler, Hypersonic Weapons.36 John A. Tirpak, “Roper: The ARRW Hypersonic Missile Better Option for USAF,” Air Force Magazine, March 2, 2020, https://www.airforcemag.com/arrw-beat-hcsw-because-its-smaller-better-for-usaf/.37 Stephen Losey, “US Air Force drops Lockheed hypersonic missile after failed tests,” Defense News, March 30, 2023, https://www.defensenews.com/air/2023/03/30/us-air-force-drops-lockheed-hypersonic-missile-after-failed-tests/.38 Guy Norris, “High-Speed Strike Weapon to Build on X-51 Flight,” Aviation Week & Space Technology, May 20, 2013, https://web.archive.org/web/20140104023933/http://www.aviationweek.com/Article/PrintArticle.aspx?id=/article-xml/AW_05_20_2013_p24-579062.xml&p=1&printView=true.39 “X-51A Waverider,” U.S. Air Force Factsheet, May 3, 2013, https://web.archive.org/web/20130619105330/http:/www.af.mil/information/factsheets/factsheet.asp?fsID=17986; “Hyper-X Program,” NASA Factsheet, February 28, 2014, https://www.nasa.gov/centers/armstrong/news/FactSheets/FS-040-DFRC.html.40 Kristen N. Roberts, Analysis and Design of a Hypersonic Scramjet Engine with a Starting Mach Number of 4.00, Master’s thesis in Aerospace Engineering, University of Texas at Arlington, 2008, http://hdl.handle.net/10106/1073.41 Sydney J. Freedberg, Jr., “Hypersonics: DoD Wants ‘Hundreds of Weapons’ ASAP,” Breaking Defense, April 24, 2020, https://breakingdefense.com/2020/04/hypersonics-dod-wants-hundreds-of-weapons-asap/.42 Sayler, Hypersonic Weapons.43 “Kh-47M2 Kinzhal,” Missile Threat, 19 March 2022, https://missilethreat.csis.org/missile/kinzhal/#easy-footnote-bottom-10-3801. The Kinzhal mass is estimated as 3,800 kg (Vladimir Karnozov, “Putin Unveils Kinzhal Hypersonic Missile,” AIN Online, March 2, 2018, https://www.ainonline.com/aviation-news/defense/2018-03-02/putin-unveils-kinzhal-hypersonic-missile).44 Franz-Stefan Gady, “China Tests New Weapon Capable of Breaching US Missile Defense Systems,” The Diplomat, April 28, 2016, https://thediplomat.com/2016/04/china-tests-new-weapon-capable-of-breaching-u-s-missile-defense-systems/; Sayler, “Hypersonic Weapons.”45 Mike Yeo, “China unveils drones, missiles and hypersonic glide vehicle at military parade, Defense News, October 1, 2019, https://www.defensenews.com/global/asia-pacific/2019/10/01/china-unveils-drones-missiles-and-hypersonic-glide-vehicle-at-military-parade/.46 Zhao Lei, “Superfast aircraft test a ‘success’,” China Daily, August 6, 2018, http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201808/06/WS5b6787b4a3100d951b8c8ae6.html.47 Sayler, Hypersonic Weapons.48 These values vary slowly with L/D and β. For L/D = 6, they would be 34 km at Mach 5 and 44 km at Mach 10.49 Thomas Newdick, “This Is Our First View of Russia’s New S-500 Air Defense System In Action,” The Drive, July 20, 2021, https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/41627/this-is-our-first-view-of-russias-new-s-500-air-defense-system-in-action.50 Andrew M. Sessler, John M. Cornwall, Bob Dietz, Steve Fetter, Sherman Frankel, Richard L. Garwin, Kurt Gottfried, Lisbeth Gronlund, George N. Lewis, Theodore A. Postol, et al., Countermeasures: The Operational Effectiveness of the Planned US National Missile Defense System (Cambridge, MA: Union of Concerned Scientists and MIT Security Studies Program, April 2000), 28, https://www.ucsusa.org/sites/default/files/2019-09/countermeasures.pdf.51 Ibid.52 Theodore A. Postol and George N. Lewis, “The Illusion of Missile Defense: Why THAAD Will Not Protect South Korea,” Global Asia 11, no. 3 (2016): 80–5, https://www.globalasia.org/data/file/articles/78a89c3da89bc3fae2f1e8249871c58e.pdf.53 “Theater High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD),” Aerojet Rocketdyne, March 13, 2019, https://rocket.com/defense/missile-defense/thaad.54 For a discussion of acceleration saturation effects for various types of guidance, with and without lags, see Paul Zarchan, Tactical and Strategic Missile Guidance - An Introduction, 7th ed. (Reston, VA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., 2019), Vol.1: 157–60, 206–11, 216–23, 254; Vol. 2: 165–7, 552–3. See also N. F. Palumbo, R. A. Blauwkamp, and J. M. Lloyd, “Modern Homing Missile Guidance Theory and Techniques,” Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest, 29 (2010): 42–59, https://www.jhuapl.edu/Content/techdigest/pdf/V29-N01/29-01-Palumbo_Homing.pdf.55 Zarchan, Tactical and Strategic Missile Guidance, 1: 152; 2: 147, 307, 439.56 Angle-of-attack can be created using fins or small thrusters on the missile or interceptor body.57 Zarchan, Tactical and Strategic Missile Guidance, 1: 157.58 Lockheed Martin, “PAC-3 MSE Overview,” January 5, 2022, https://www.lockheedmartin.com/content/dam/lockheed-martin/mfc/documents/pac-3/2022-01-05_LM_PAC-3_MSE_Overview.pdf.59 Terry H. Phillips, “A Common Aero Vehicle (CAV) Model, Description, and Employment Guide,” Schafer Corporation (January 27, 2003).60 Jon Hawkes “Patriot games: Raytheon’s Air-Defence System Continues to Proliferate,” Jane’s International Defence Review 52 (2019): 1–6, https://web.archive.org/web/20190601000000; https://www.raytheon.com/sites/default/files/2018-12/Raytheon_article%20reprint_IDR%201901.pdf.61 Office of the Director, Operational Test and Evaluation, “DOT&E FY 2016 Annual Report: Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3),” December 2016, 175–7, https://www.dote.osd.mil/Portals/97/pub/reports/FY2016/army/2016patriot.pdf?ver=2019-08-22-105407-280; Isaac Maw, “Patriot Missile to Receive $133M in Upgrades Over Next Five Years,” engineering.com, July 9, 2018, https://www.engineering.com/story/patriot-missile-to-receive-133m-in-upgrades-over-next-five-years.62 Patrick O’Reilly, Ed Waters, “The Patriot PAC-3 Missile Program—An Affordable Integration Approach,” https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/ADA319957.pdf; Missile Defense Project, "Patriot," Missile Threat, Center for Strategic and International Studies, June 14, 2018, https://missilethreat.csis.org/system/patriot/ (last modified March 24, 2022).63 Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance (MDAA), “Patriot Advanced Capability-3 Missile,” August 18, 2020, https://missiledefenseadvocacy.org/defense-systems/patriot-advanced-capability-3-missile/. This speed is consistent with a recent article giving a maximum speed of existing interceptors as “about 1.7 km/s” (“Japan set to develop railguns to counter hypersonic missiles,” NIKKEI Asia, January 4, 2022, https://asia.nikkei.com/Politics/Japan-set-to-develop-railguns-to-counter-hypersonic-missiles).64 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), “Patriot,” Fact Sheet, December 2012, https://www.nato.int/nato_static/assets/pdf/pdf_2012_12/20121204_121204-factsheet-patriot-en.pdf; MDAA, “Patriot.”65 Leland H. Jorgensen, “Prediction of Static Aerodynamic Characteristics for Space-Shuttle-Like and Other Bodies at Angles of Attack from 0o to 180o,” NASA Report TN D-6996 (1973), https://ntrs.nasa.gov/api/citations/19730006261/downloads/19730006261.pdf.66 Jorgensen, “Prediction of Static Aerodynamic Characteristics.”67 Leland H. Jorgensen, “A Method for Estimating Static Aerodynamic Characteristics for Slender Bodies of Circular and Noncircular Cross Sections,” NASA Report TN 0-7228 (1973), https://ntrs.nasa.gov/api/citations/19730012271/downloads/19730012271.pdf.68 Acton, “Hypersonic Boost-Glide Weapons;” “X-41 CAV (USAF/DARPA Falcon Program),” Directory of U.S. Military Rockets and Missiles, Appendix 4: Undesignated Vehicles (2009), http://www.designation-systems.net/dusrm/app4/x-41.html; this is similar to the result in Wright, “Research Note to Hypersonic Boost-Glide Weapons.”69 Phillips, “A Common Aero Vehicle.”70 Qinglin Niu, Zhichao Yuan, Biao Chen, and Shikui Dong, “Infrared Radiation Characteristics of a Hypersonic Vehicle Under Time-Varying Angles of Attack,” Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 32 (2019): 867, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cja.2019.01.003.71 Using values for the CAV-L model gives somewhat lower lift but does not significantly change the results.72 Candler and Leyva, “Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis.”73 U.S. Government Accountability Office, “Hypersonic Weapons: DOD Should Clarify Roles and Responsibilities to Ensure Coordination across Development Efforts,” GAO-21-378 (March 22, 2021): 13, https://www.gao.gov/products/gao-21-378; Steve Trimble, “Document Likely Shows SM-6 Hypersonic Speed, Anti-Surface Role,” Aviation Week, March 12, 2020, https://aviationweek.com/defense-space/missile-defense-weapons/document-likely-shows-sm-6-hypersonic-speed-anti-surface-role; Tyler Rogoway, “Navy To Supersize Its Ultra Versatile SM-6 Missile For Even Longer Range And Higher Speed,” The Drive, March 20, 2019, https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/27068/navy-to-supersize-its-ultra-versatile-sm-6-missile-for-even-longer-range-and-higher-speed.74 Tracy and Wright, “Modelling the Performance.”75 David Wright, Laura Grego, and Lisbeth Gronlund, The Physics of Space Security (Cambridge, MA: American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2005), https://www.ucsusa.org/resources/physics-space-security. This equation assumes a single stage booster.76 U.S. Air Force, “AGM-86B/C/D Missiles,” Factsheet (August 2019), https://www.af.mil/About-Us/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/104612/agm-86bcd-missiles/; U.S. Air Force, “AGM-129A Advanced Cruise Missile, Factsheet (n.d.), https://www.af.mil/About-Us/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/104543/agm-129a-advanced-cruise-missile/; “AGM-158 JASSM,” Airforce Technology, July 5, 2013, https://www.airforce-technology.com/projects/agm-158-jassm-standoff-missile/; Sydney J. Freeberg, “Navy Warships Get New Heavy Missile: 2,500-Lb LRASM,” Breaking Defense, July 26, 2017, https://breakingdefense.com/2017/07/navy-warships-get-new-heavy-missile-2500-lb-lrasm/.77 Steve Trimble, “More ARRW Details Emerge as Congress, White House Add New Hurdles,” Aviation Week and Space Technology, July 14, 2021, https://aviationweek.com/defense-space/missile-defense-weapons/more-arrw-details-emerge-congress-white-house-add-new-hurdles.78 U.S. Air Force, “B-52H Stratofortress,” Factsheet (June 2019), https://www.af.mil/About-Us/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/104465/b-52h-stratofortress/; U.S. Air Force, “B-1B Lancer,” Factsheet (September 2016), https://www.af.mil/About-Us/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/104500/b-1b-lancer/; John A. Tirpak, “AFGSC Eyes Hypersonic Weapons for B-1, Conventional LRSO,” Air Force Magazine, April 7, 2020, https://www.airforcemag.com/afgsc-eyes-hypersonic-weapons-for-b-1-conventional-lrso/ reports the B1 may be able to carry up to 31 ARRWs, which would appear to give a total mass of 60,000–7,000 kg.79 “X-41 CAV (USAF/DARPA Falcon Program),” Directory of U.S. Military Rockets and Missiles, Appendix 4: Undesignated Vehicles (2009), http://www.designation-systems.net/dusrm/app4/x-41.html; Wright, “Research Note to Hypersonic Boost-Glide Weapons.”80 Woolf, Conventional Prompt Global Strike, and National Research Council, U.S. Conventional Prompt Global Strike.81 See Table 4.1 in National Research Council, U.S. Conventional Prompt Global Strike, 102–3.82 S. Fetter, “A Ballistic Missile Primer” (1990), https://fetter.it-prod-webhosting.aws.umd.edu/sites/default/files/fetter/files/1990-MissilePrimer.pdf. Note that we define the factor f differently than this reference.83 This value is somewhat lower than that of modern strategic reentry vehicles, since the MaRV is assumed to have fins and a nonzero angle-of-attack during reentry, although it need needs to generate less lift force during dive than a BGV, which dives from horizontal flight. At any point, the velocity angle is measured with respect to the local horizontal.84 Assuming β = 7,500 kg/m2 with L/D = 2.6 during glide and L/D = −1 to −2 during dive gives, for the Mach 5 case, 28.3 km altitude at the end of glide at and a dive range and time of 70 km and 62 s; for the Mach 9 case, the altitude at the end of glide is 36.4 km and the dive range and time are 143 km and 65 s.85 Acton, “Hypersonic Boost-Glide Weapons.”86 National Research Council, U.S. Conventional Prompt Global Strike, Appendix G; Acton, “Hypersonic Boost-Glide Weapons.”87 Daniel Patrascu, “F-22 Raptor Pulls High Gs, Looks Cool Doing It,” Autoevolution, April 24, 2022, https://www.autoevolution.com/news/f-22-raptor-pulls-high-gs-looks-cool-doing-it-186903.html; U.S. Air Force, “F-16 Fighting Falcon,” Factsheet (September 2021), https://www.af.mil/About-Us/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/104505/f-16-fighting-falcon/, states the F-16 can withstand nine g’s with a full load of fuel, but the body is larger than that of a BGV. National Research Council, U.S. Conventional Prompt Global Strike notes that new technologies can “withstand the effects of maneuvers up to 40 g’s.”88 This insensitivity is in part because a longer ballistic phase at a given burnout speed will decrease the time the vehicle spends in glide and thus the duration of drag but will also result in a larger reentry angle and therefore require a sharper pull-up maneuver. This gives a larger velocity loss during pull-up, mitigating the effects of the shorter glide phase.89 The MaRV typically requires a smaller L/D to put it on a steep dive since it begins reentry at a larger angle than the BGV. It could be designed to create higher lift if the goal was to increase the amount of maneuvering it could achieve during reentry.90 Joseph Trivithick, “Army Delivers First Canisters to Its New Hypersonic Missile Battery but Won’t Say Where It’s Based,” The Warzone, May 19, 2021, https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/39851/army-delivers-first-canisters-to-its-new-hypersonic-missile-battery-but-wont-say-where-its-based.91 See for example, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, High-Speed, Maneuvering Weapons: Unclassified Summary (Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2016), https://doi.org/10.17226/23667; Center for Strategic and International Studies, “Complex Air Defense: Countering the Hypersonic Missile Threat,” Transcript, February 9, 2022, https://www.csis.org/analysis/complex-air-defense-countering-hypersonic-missile-threat-0; Missile Defense Agency, “MDA Hypersonic Concept.”92 Ivan Oelrich, “Cool Your Jets: Some Perspective on to Hyping of Hypersonic Weapons,” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 76 (2020): 37–45, https://doi.org/10.1080/00963402.2019.1701283.93 Zarchan, Tactical and Strategic Missile Guidance, 1: 272. This model works well for altitudes between 10 and 50 km.94 Assuming instantaneous changes in glide altitude is a simplification that ignores the complicated dynamics of these maneuvers and the additional drag they would create. We assume these maneuvers are short compared to the time the vehicle spends gliding at the lower altitude, and that our estimate of the increased drag will be a reasonable lower bound, which shows the significant range reduction that can result from such a turn.95 Since the vehicle is assumed to have enough vertical force to glide, this requires cosθ ≠ 0.Additional informationFundingDW was supported in part by the Laboratory of Nuclear Security and Policy at MIT and the Program on Science and Global Security at Princeton University.
摘要评估高超声速助推滑翔飞行器(bgv)的效用需要将其能力与可以执行相同任务的替代系统进行比较,特别是考虑到与更成熟的技术相比,开发bgv的技术困难和额外成本。本文讨论了bgv的主要动机-最明显的是对抗导弹防御-并总结了当前的高超音速发展计划。研究发现,要避开目前最强大的大气层内防御系统,bgv在整个滑翔阶段必须保持明显高于5马赫的速度,这对它们的质量和射程都有影响。然后,本文将bgv与弹道导弹上的机动再入飞行器(marv)进行了比较,并表明在广泛的情况下,marv比bgv具有显著的优势。最后,分析了滑翔飞行器在滑翔阶段的机动会造成航程和速度上的巨大损失。作者要感谢Steve Fetter和Paul zachan对本书部分内容的有用评论。披露声明作者未报告潜在的利益冲突。注1在bgv感兴趣的高度范围内(10-50公里),大气中的声速变化约为10%。我们假设声速为300米/秒,这与在这些高度使用1000英尺/秒作为声速的标准工程近似大致一致。参见“1976年标准大气计算器”,DigitalDutch, https://www.digitaldutch.com/atmoscalc/table.htm.2 Richard H. Speier, George Nacouzi, Carrie a . Lee和Richard M. Moore,高超音速导弹防扩散:阻碍新一类武器的扩散(加利福尼亚州圣莫莫妮卡:兰德公司,2017),53-93,https://rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RR2137.html.3 marv是在冷战期间和2000年代开发和测试的。参见Matthew Bunn,“弹道导弹再入飞行器技术”,《美国军事研究与发展评论》,1984年版。Kosta Tsipis和Penny Janeway(弗吉尼亚州麦克莱恩:Pergamon, 1984), 87-107, https://scholar.harvard.edu/files/bunn_tech_of_ballastic_missle_reentry_vehicles.pdf。另见美国国家研究委员会,《美国常规快速全球打击:2008年及以后的问题》,《常规快速全球打击能力委员会》(2008年),https://doi.org/10.17226/12061,以及艾米·伍尔夫,《常规快速全球打击和远程弹道导弹:背景和问题》(华盛顿特区:詹姆斯·m·阿克顿,“高超音速助推滑翔武器”,科学与全球安全23 (2015):191-219,http://scienceandglobalsecurity.org/archive/sgs23acton.pdf;David Wright,“James M. Acton对高超声速助推滑翔武器的研究笔记:hhtv -2高超声速滑翔机试验的助推阶段分析”,科学与全球安全23 (2015):220-9,http://scienceandglobalsecurity.org/archive/sgs23wright.pdf.5 Cameron L. Tracy和David Wright,“高超声速助推滑翔导弹的性能建模”,科学与全球安全28 (2021):135-170,http://scienceandglobalsecurity.org/archive/sgs28tracy.pdf。这篇论文使用了一种不同于许多论文中使用的运动方程的坐标系。该系统及其背后的原因见附录A.6“Avangard第一导弹团参加战斗任务”,塔斯社2019年12月27日,https://tass.ru/armiya-i-opk/7436431;“在东巴罗夫斯基继续部署Avangard”,俄罗斯战略核力量,2020年12月16日,https://russianforces.org/blog/2020/12/deployment_of_avangard_continu.shtml.7“Avangard”,战略与国际研究中心,2021年7月31日,https://missilethreat.csis.org/missile/avangard/.8另一个动机似乎是希望与俄罗斯和中国在高超音速武器方面的工作相匹配。例如,奥伦·利伯曼,“美国正在加快高超音速武器的发展步伐,以追赶中国和俄罗斯,高级海军上将说,”CNN, 2022年11月20日,https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/20/politics/us-hypersonic-china-russia-competition/index.html.9 Ivett A. Leyva,“对高超音速飞行的不懈追求”,今日物理,70 (2017):30-6, https://doi.org/10.1063/PT.3.3762.10例如,参见约瑟夫·特雷维西克,“高超音速武器如何彻底改变战争面貌”,《战区》,2017年6月6日,https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/11177/heres-how-hypersonic-weapons-could-completely-change-the-face-of-warfare;本杰明·克努森,“美国高超音速武器系统的检查”,技术报告,乔治华盛顿大学,2017年6月,DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.14375.96164;“高超音速打击与防御:与迈克·怀特的对话”,战略与国际研究中心,2021年6月10日,https://www.csis。 org/analysis/hypersonic-strike-and-defense-conversation-mike-white。另一个可能的动机,通过避免被发现来减少攻击的警告,似乎不是那么重要。地面雷达在滑翔过程中不会看到BGV,直到它在大约500公里内,但这可能不是特别相关。这个射程应该还有时间发射短程拦截导弹。对于高价值目标,前沿雷达将提供额外的预警时间。此外,美国和俄罗斯的天基红外(IR)传感器(中国正在开发)可以提供携带bgv的助推器发射的早期预警,也可以探测以足够高的速度滑翔的bgv的红外发射,即使这些数据不足以指导拦截器,也可以提供警告和提示信息(见论文1)本文关注终端防御有几个原因,下面将详细讨论。bgv可以在中段(大气层外)防御下飞行,这似乎是俄罗斯发展Avangard HGV的动机,但本文主要关注用于常规冲突的短程bgv美国国会预算办公室(CBO)高超音速武器和替代方案,”2023年1月,https://www.cbo.gov/publication/58255.13见论文1和下面的分析美国国会预算办公室”,高超声速武器。15 Acton,高超音速助推滑翔武器。“最小能量轨迹”给出给定燃尽速度和高度下的最大射程Lisbeth Gronlund和David Wright“潜射弹道导弹:技术评估和军备控制的可能性”,《科学与全球安全》3 (1992):101-59,http://scienceandglobalsecurity.org/archive/sgs03gronlund.pdf.18新闻报道也反映了这种模糊性。俄罗斯用于对抗乌克兰的Kinzhal系统是一种机动空射弹道导弹,而不是BGV (Kelley Sayler,高超音速武器:背景和国会问题(华盛顿特区:国会研究服务处,2023),https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R45811))。据报道,朝鲜测试的“高超音速武器”也是这样描述的(Iain Marlow和Jon Herskovitz,“金正恩的高超音速导弹表明他可以回击美国”,彭博社,2022年1月12日,https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-01-12/kim-jong-un-s-new-hypersonic-missiles-show-he-can-hit-u-s-back).19 Richard Hallion,“高超音速的历史:或,“回到未来-一次又一次”,“美国航空航天研究所,AIAA-2005-329(2005),第43届AIAA航空航天科学会议和展览,2005年1月10-13日,内华达州里诺,https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2005-329.20伍尔夫,常规快速全球打击,”高超音速助推滑翔武器。22“乘波机进化的历史概述”,star Research, https://www.gbnet.net/orgs/staar/wavehist.html.23正在研究设计用于优化多个速度下升力的bgv;参见,例如,赵振涛,黄伟,闫李,杨艳光,“宽速度范围乘波器概述”,航空航天科学进展(2020)113:1-14,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paerosci.2020.100606.24 Acton,“高超声速助推滑翔武器”。计划要求HTV-2的L/D为3.5至4,HTV-3的L/D为4至5。这个节目在HTV-3制作之前就终止了26 Kenneth W. lliff和Mary F. Shafer,“高超声速飞行和预测结果的比较”,美国航空航天研究所,AIAA-93-0311(1993),第31届航空航天科学会议和展览,1993年1月11-14日,内华达州里诺,https://doi.org/10.2514/6.1993-311.27 Woolf,常规快速全球打击,17.28“先进高超声速武器,”陆军技术,2012年4月10日,https://www.army-technology.com/projects/advanced-hypersonic-weapon-ahw/据报道,陆军在2017年10月测试了“缩小版”(Sydney J. Freedberg, Jr.,“陆军弹头是联合高超音速的关键”,Breaking Defense, 2018年8月22日,https://breakingdefense.com/2018/08/army-warhead-is-key-to-joint-hypersonics/).29 Acton,“高超音速助推滑翔武器”)。30 Joseph Trevithick,“美国空军、陆军和海军联合部署美国首个作战高超声速武器”,The Drive, 2018年10月11日,https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/24181/usaf-army-and-navy-join-forces-to-field-americas-first-operational-hypersonic-weapon.31 John A. Tirpak,“空军取消HCSW高超声速导弹,支持ARRW”,空军杂志,2020年2月10日,https://www.airforcemag.com/air-force-cancels-hcsw-hypersonic-missile-in-favor-of-arrw/.32 CBO,“U.S.高超声速武器。33冯毅,刘申深,唐伟,桂业伟,“高超声速飞行器气动结构设计与优化”,美国航空航天研究所(2017),第21届AIAA国际空间飞机与高超声速技术会议,2017年3月6-9日,中国厦门,https://doi.org/10.2514/6。 2017 - 2173;美国国家研究委员会《美国常规快速全球打击》(U.S. Conventional Prompt Global Strike, 206-215)附录G中的分析假设L/D = 2.2进行计算Joseph Trevithick,“陆军和海军已经对他们的新型高超音速武器进行了首次联合测试”,The Drive, 2020年3月20日,https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/32667/the-army-and-navy-have-conducted-the-first-joint-test-of-their-new-hypersonic-weapon, Caleb Larson,“这种美国导弹可以杀死地球上的任何目标(在不到一个小时内),”《国家利益》,2020年6月23日,https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/us-missile-can-kill-any-target-planet-less-hour-163303.35 Sayler,高超音速武器。“ARRW高超音速导弹是美国空军更好的选择”,《空军杂志》,2020年3月2日,https://www.airforcemag.com/arrw-beat-hcsw-because-its-smaller-better-for-usaf/.37 Stephen Losey,“美国空军在测试失败后放弃洛克希德高超音速导弹”,《国防新闻》,2023年3月30日,https://www.defensenews.com/air/2023/03/30/us-air-force-drops-lockheed-hypersonic-missile-after-failed-tests/.38 Guy Norris,“在X-51飞行上建造高速打击武器”,《航空周刊与空间技术》,2013年5月20日,https://web.archive.org/web/20140104023933/http://www.aviationweek.com/Article/PrintArticle.aspx?id=/article-xml/AW_05_20_2013_p24-579062.xml&p=1&printView=true.39“X-51A乘波号”,美国空军概况,2013年5月3日,https://web.archive.org/web/20130619105330/http:/www.af.mil/information/factsheets/factsheet.asp?fsID=17986;“Hyper-X计划”,NASA概况,2014年2月28日,https://www.nasa.gov/centers/armstrong/news/FactSheets/FS-040-DFRC.html.40 Kristen N. Roberts,一种起始马赫数为4.00的高超声速超燃冲压发动机的分析与设计,宇航工程硕士论文,阿灵顿德克萨斯大学,2008年,http://hdl.handle.net/10106/1073.41 Sydney J. Freedberg, Jr.,“高超声速:国防部希望尽快获得“数百种武器”,“突破防御”,2020年4月24日,https://breakingdefense.com/2020/04/hypersonics-dod-wants-hundreds-of-weapons-asap/.42 Sayler,高超音速武器,43“Kh-47M2匕首”,导弹威胁,2022年3月19日,https://missilethreat.csis.org/missile/kinzhal/#easy-footnote-bottom-10-3801。“匕首”的质量估计为3800公斤(Vladimir Karnozov,“普京揭秘匕首高超音速导弹”,AIN在线,2018年3月2日,https://www.ainonline.com/aviation-news/defense/2018-03-02/putin-unveils-kinzhal-hypersonic-missile).44 Franz-Stefan Gady,“中国测试能够突破美国导弹防御系统的新武器”,外交官,2016年4月28日,https://thediplomat.com/2016/04/china-tests-new-weapon-capable-of-breaching-u-s-missile-defense-systems/;“高超音速武器。45杨荣文,“中国在阅兵式上展示无人机、导弹和高超声速滑翔飞行器”,国防新闻,2019年10月1日,https://www.defensenews.com/global/asia-pacific/2019/10/01/china-unveils-drones-missiles-and-hypersonic-glide-vehicle-at-military-parade/.46赵磊,“超高速飞机试验‘成功’”,中国日报,2018年8月6日,http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201808/06/WS5b6787b4a3100d951b8c8ae6.html.47塞勒,高超声速武器。48这些数值随L/D和β变化缓慢。L / D = 6,他们将34公里马赫5和10.49马赫,托马斯Newdick 44公里,“这是我们第一次对俄罗斯的新s - 500防空系统,“开车,7月20日2021年,https://www.thedrive.com/the -战争- zone/41627/this - - -第一个视图-俄罗斯-新- 500 -空气-防御系统——在安德鲁·m·Sessler action.50约翰•m•康沃尔,鲍勃·迪茨史蒂夫羁绊,谢尔曼Frankel理查德·L·加尔文,库尔特·戈特弗里德,莉丝贝Gronlund,乔治·n·刘易斯,西奥多·a . Postol et al .,对策:计划中的美国国家导弹防御系统的作战效能(剑桥,马萨诸塞州:忧思科学家联盟和麻省理工学院安全研究计划,2000年4月),28,https://www.ucsusa.org/sites/default/files/2019-09/countermeasures.pdf.51同上。52 Theodore A. Postol和George N. Lewis,“导弹防御的错觉:为什么THAAD不能保护韩国”,《全球亚洲》11期,第2期。3 (2016): 80-5, https://www.globalasia.org/data/file/articles/78a89c3da89bc3fae2f1e8249871c58e.pdf.53“战区高空区域防御(THAAD)”,Aerojet Rocketdyne, 2019年3月13日,https://rocket.com/defense/missile-defense/thaad.54关于各种类型制导的加速度饱和效应的讨论,有和没有滞后,参见Paul Zarchan,战术和战略导弹制导-介绍,第7版(雷斯顿,弗吉尼亚州):美国航空航天研究所,2019),Vol.1: 157 - 60,206 - 11,216 - 23,254;卷2:165 - 7,552 - 3。参见N. F. Palumbo, R. A. Blauwkamp和J. M. Lloyd,“现代寻的导弹制导理论和技术”,约翰霍普金斯APL技术文摘,29 (2010):42-59,https://www.jhuapl.edu/Content/techdigest/pdf/V29-N01/29-01-Palumbo_Homing.pdf。 [55] Zarchan,战术与战略导弹制导,1:152;[02:47 . 37]攻角可以通过在导弹或拦截弹体上安装翼片或小型推进器来实现Zarchan,战术和战略导弹制导,1:157.58洛克希德·马丁,“PAC-3 MSE概述”,2022年1月5日,https://www.lockheedmartin.com/content/dam/lockheed-martin/mfc/documents/pac-3/2022-01-05_LM_PAC-3_MSE_Overview.pdf.59 Terry H. Phillips,“通用航空飞行器(CAV)模型、描述和使用指南”,谢弗公司(2003年1月27日)Jon Hawkes“爱国者游戏:雷神公司的防空系统继续扩散”,简氏国际防务评论52 (2019):1-6,https://web.archive.org/web/20190601000000;https://www.raytheon.com/sites/default/files/2018-12/Raytheon_article%20reprint_IDR%201901.pdf.61作战测试与评估主任办公室,“2016财年DOT&E年度报告:爱国者先进能力-3 (PAC-3)”,2016年12月,175-7,https://www.dote.osd.mil/Portals/97/pub/reports/FY2016/army/2016patriot.pdf?ver=2019-08-22-105407-280;Isaac Maw,“爱国者导弹将在未来五年内获得1.33亿美元的升级”,engineing.com, 2018年7月9日,https://www.engineering.com/story/patriot-missile-to-receive-133m-in-upgrades-over-next-five-years.62 Patrick O 'Reilly, Ed Waters,“爱国者PAC-3导弹计划-一种可负担的集成方法”,https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/ADA319957.pdf;63 .导弹防御项目,“爱国者”,导弹威胁,战略与国际研究中心,2018年6月14日,https://missilethreat.csis.org/system/patriot/(最后修改于2022年3月24日)导弹防御倡导联盟(MDAA),“爱国者先进能力-3导弹”,2020年8月18日,https://missiledefenseadvocacy.org/defense-systems/patriot-advanced-capability-3-missile/。这一速度与最近一篇文章给出的现有拦截器的最大速度“约为1.7公里/秒”(“日本将开发轨道炮以对抗高超音速导弹”,日经亚洲,2022年1月4日,https://asia.nikkei.com/Politics/Japan-set-to-develop-railguns-to-counter-hypersonic-missiles).64北大西洋公约组织(北约),“爱国者”概况介绍,2012年12月,https://www.nato.int/nato_static/assets/pdf/pdf_2012_12/20121204_121204-factsheet-patriot-en.pdf;爱国者MDAA。”65 Leland H. Jorgensen,“在攻角从00到180的类似航天飞机和其他物体的静态空气动力学特性预测”,NASA报告TN D-6996 (1973), https://ntrs.nasa.gov/api/citations/19730006261/downloads/19730006261.pdf.66 Jorgensen,“静态空气动力学特性预测”。67 Leland H. Jorgensen,“一种估算圆形和非圆形截面细长体静态气动特性的方法”,NASA报告TN 0-7228 (1973), https://ntrs.nasa.gov/api/citations/19730012271/downloads/19730012271.pdf.68 Acton,“高超音速助推滑翔武器”,“X-41 CAV(美国空军/DARPA猎鹰计划),”美国军用火箭和导弹目录,附录4:未指定车辆(2009),http://www.designation-systems.net/dusrm/app4/x-41.html;这与赖特的“高超音速助推滑翔武器研究笔记”的结果相似。69菲利普斯,《一种普通的航空飞行器》。[70]牛庆林,袁志超,陈彪,董世奎,“时变攻角下高超声速飞行器的红外辐射特性”,航空学报32 (2019):867,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cja.2019.01.003.71使用CAV-L模型的值会使升力有所降低,但不会显著改变结果Candler和Leyva, <计算流体动力学分析>。73美国政府问责局,“高超音速武器:国防部应明确角色和责任,以确保各发展努力的协调”,GAO-21-378(2021年3月22日):13,https://www.gao.gov/products/gao-21-378;Steve Trimble,“文件可能显示SM-6高超音速,反水面作用”,航空周刊,2020年3月12日,https://aviationweek.com/defense-space/missile-defense-weapons/document-likely-shows-sm-6-hypersonic-speed-anti-surface-role;Tyler Rogoway,“海军将其超多功能SM-6导弹超大型化,以实现更远的射程和更高的速度”,The Drive, 2019年3月20日,https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/27068/navy-to-supersize-its-ultra-versatile-sm-6-missile-for-even-longer-range-and-higher-speed.74 Tracy和Wright,“模拟性能”。75 David Wright, Laura Grego和Lisbeth Gronlund,《空间安全的物理学》(Cambridge, MA: American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2005), https://www.ucsusa.org/resources/physics-space-security。这个方程假设有一个单级助推器美国空军,“AGM-86B/C/D导弹”概况介绍(2019年8月),https://www.af.mil/About-Us/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/104612/agm-86bcd-missiles/;美国空军,“AGM-129A先进巡航导弹,概况介绍(未注明日期),https://www.af。
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