Military Loyalty in Britain’s Withdrawal from Aden, 1960–1967

IF 0.5 2区 历史学 Q1 HISTORY
Huw Bennett
{"title":"Military Loyalty in Britain’s Withdrawal from Aden, 1960–1967","authors":"Huw Bennett","doi":"10.1080/07075332.2023.2265361","DOIUrl":null,"url":null,"abstract":"AbstractThis article argues an understanding of the British withdrawal from Aden in 1967 requires greater attention to be paid to the loyalty of the local security forces who were supposed to help repress the insurgency in south Arabia, and then secure a friendly state when Britain left. The Federal Regular Army (FRA), the most important formation, proved to be consistently unreliable through behaviours ranging from the attempted murder of British personnel, to desertion and political activism. However, disbanding the FRA might have made matters even worse, so British officers sought to manipulate its loyalty through various mechanisms, including pay rises, ignoring disloyal incidents and directing propaganda at the soldiers. These endeavours succeeded in holding off a mutiny until June 1967, but only by creating a force which became infiltrated by the insurgent movements and lacked the capacity to play any meaningful role in defending the federation. This analysis suggests studies on British counter-insurgency should investigate further the role of local allies in strategy and operations.Keywords: Adencounter-insurgencydecolonisationloyalismdefence policy AcknowledgementsThanks to Victoria Basham, Edward Burke, Brian Drohan, David French, Claudia Hillebrand and David Morgan-Owen for their help during the preparation of this article, and to the staffs at the Bodleian Library, the British Library, the Imperial War Museum and the National Archives for making the archival research possible. Earlier versions of the article were presented at conferences held by the Society for the History of War in Amsterdam in 2022, and the Society for Military History in San Diego in 2023. Thank you to the conference organisers, and to the audience members for their questions and comments. I am most grateful to the journal’s editor, Professor Gaynor Johnson, and to the two anonymous reviewers, for improving the quality of the article and permitting its publication.Disclosure statementNo potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.Notes1 Rhiannon Vickers, The Labour Party and the World, Volume 2: Labour’s Foreign Policy Since 1951 (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2011), 58, 76-77.2 Saki Dockrill, Britain’s Retreat from East of Suez: The Choice between Europe and the World? (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2002), 104.3 John Young, The Labour Governments 1964-1970, Volume 2: International Policy (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2003), 31, 35-38, 50.4 Kennedy Trevaskis, Shades of Amber: A South Arabian Episode (London: Hutchinson, 1968); Colin Mitchell, Having Been a Soldier (London: Hamish Hamilton, 1969).5 Clive Jones, Britain and the Yemen Civil War, 1962-1965. Ministers, Mercenaries and Mandarins: Foreign Policy and the Limits of Covert Action (Brighton: Sussex Academic Press, 2004), 216.6 Jonathan Walker, Aden Insurgency: The Savage War in South Arabia 1962-1967 (Staplehurst: Spellmount, 2005), xix.7 Aaron Edwards, Defending the Realm? The politics of Britain’s small wars since 1945 (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2012), 178.8 British Army, Army Field Manual Volume 1 Part 10: Countering Insurgency (Warminster: Land Warfare Centre, 2009), CS4-4.9 Asher Orkaby, ‘The North Yemen civil war and the failure of the Federation of South Arabia’, Middle Eastern Studies, 53/1 (2017), 69-83; Spencer Mawby, ‘From Tribal Rebellions to Revolution: British Counter-Insurgency Operations in Southwest Arabia 1955-1967’, Electronic Journal of International History, 5 (2000), accessed online 16 February 2023 at: Denis Healey, The Time of My Life (London: Michael Joseph, 1989), 280.11 William D. James, ‘Global Britain’s strategic problem East of Suez’, European Journal of International Security, 6 (2021), 173, 176.12 Spencer Mawby, British Policy in Aden and the Protectorates 1955-67: Last outpost of a Middle East empire (London: Routledge, 2005), 3.13 Rob Johnson, True to Their Salt: Indigenous Personnel in Western Armed Forces (London: Hurst & Company, 2017), 302.14 David French, Army, Empire, and Cold War: The British Army and Military Policy, 1945-1971 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012), 244-245, 287-288.15 Jonathan Walker, ‘The South Arabian Army - A Poisoned Chalice?’, in Noel Brehony and Clive Jones (eds.), Britain’s Departure from Aden and South Arabia: Without Glory but Without Disaster (Berlin: Gerlach Press, 2020), 96.16 Julian Paget, Last Post: Aden 1964-67 (London: Faber and Faber, 1969), 213-223; Walker, Aden Insurgency, 239-258.17 Mawby, British Policy in Aden and the Protectorates, 168-169.18 Paget, Last Post, 186.19 David French, The British Way in Counter-Insurgency 1945-1967 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011), 185-186.20 Mawby, British Policy in Aden and the Protectorates, 176.21 Eric Hundman, ‘The Diversity of Disobedience in Military Organizations’, Journal of Global Security Studies, 6/4 (2021), 2.22 Frank Edwards, The Gaysh: A History of the Aden Protectorate Levies 1927-61 and the Federal Regular Army of South Arabia 1961-67 (Solihull: Helion and Company, 2004), 10, 144.23 British Library, India Office Records [hereafter ‘BL’], IOR/R/20/B/3057: ‘Federal Army Half Yearly Security Report’, 11 January 1962.24 Anthony King, The Combat Soldier: Infantry Tactics and Cohesion in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries (Oxford: Oxford University Press).25 Tarak Barkawi, ‘Decolonising war’, European Journal of International Security, 1/2 (2016), 199-214; Michelle R. Moyd, Violent Intermediaries: African Soldiers, Conquest, and Everyday Colonialism in German East Africa (Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, 2014); Tarak Barkawi, Soldiers of Empire: Indian and British Armies in World War II (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017).26 Elihu Rose, ‘The Anatomy of Mutiny’, Armed Forces and Society, 8/4 (1982), 561-563.27 George Lepre, Fragging: Why U.S. Soldiers Assaulted Their Officers in Vietnam (Lubbock, TX: Texas Tech University Press, 2011), 19-60.28 The National Archives of the United Kingdom [hereafter ‘TNA’] WO 32/18518: ‘Half-Yearly Report on Security of Aden Protectorate Levies’, 14 February 1961.29 Edwards, The Gaysh, 169.30 Imperial War Museum Sound Archive [hereafter IWMSA]: David John Warren, catalogue number 13041, reel 3.31 BL, IOR/R/20/D/219: ‘Federal Intelligence Summary’, 27 September 1964, 15 November 1964, 3 May 1965.32 Imperial War Museum Documents [hereafter IWMD]: Papers of Major General Sir John Willoughby, catalogue number Documents.12980. Handwritten diary, entry for 20 June 1965.33 BL, IOR/R/20/D/219: ‘Federal Intelligence Summary’, 21 June 1965.34 IWMD: Papers of Major General Sir John Willoughby, catalogue number Documents.12980. Handwritten diary, entries for 22 and 24 June 1966.35 IWMSA: David Alan Talbot Baines, catalogue number 20062, reel 5.36 Theodore McLauchlin, Desertion: Trust and Mistrust in Civil Wars (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2020), 19.37 TNA CO 968/806: Letter from Colonel J.E. Chaplin, Federal Ministry of Defence, to Lt-Gen. Sir Charles Harington, Middle East Command [hereafter ‘MEC’], 28 October 1965.38 BL, IOR/R/20/B/3057: ‘Federal Regular Army Half Yearly Security Report’, 1 June 1962; ‘Federal Regular Army Quarterly Security Report’, 15 December 1962.39 TNA WO 32/18518: ‘Half-Yearly Report on Security of Aden Protectorate Levies’, 14 February 1961; BL, IOR/R/20/B/3057: ‘Federal Army Half Yearly Security Report’, 11 January 1962.40 BL, IOR/R/20/D/37: ‘Joint Intelligence Committee Middle East. Weekly Intelligence Review’, 10 May 1963.41 BL, IOR/R/20/D/219: ‘Federal Intelligence Summary’, 6 April 1965.42 BL, IOR/R/20/B/3057: ‘Federal Regular Army Quarterly Security Report’, 15 December 1962.43 BL, IOR/R/20/D/37: ‘Joint Intelligence Committee Middle East. Weekly Intelligence Review’, 15 March 1963, 3 May 1963.44 BL, IOR/R/20/D/41: ‘The High Commissioner’s Office. Monthly Report for August, 1963’.45 TNA WO 305/1790: Signal from HQ FRA to Federal Ministry of Defence, 7 January 1964.46 BL, IOR/R/20/D/34: Aden Weekly Intelligence Summaries, 10 March, 17 March, 24 March, 3 May 1964.47 Kevin Koehler, Dorothy Ohl, and Holger Albrecht, ‘From Disaffection to Desertion: How Networks Facilitate Military Insubordination in Civil Conflict’, Comparative Politics, 48/4 (2016), 439.48 BL, IOR/R/20/B/2475: Letter from Commander FRA to Acting Deputy High Commissioner, 12 May 1963.49 BL, IOR/R/20/B/2475: ‘9462 Pte MOHD HUSSAIN HAGAILY 3 FRA’.50 TNA WO 305/1790: ‘Quarterly Security Report. 1 Sep-31 Dec 63’, HQ FRA, 22 February 1964.51 BL, IOR/R/20/B/3057: ‘Federal Regular Army Quarterly Security Report’, 15 December 1962.52 TNA WO 32/18518: ‘Federal Regular Army Quarterly Security Report’, 28 March 1963.53 TNA WO 32/18518: ‘Quarterly Security Report’, HQ FRA, 3 September 1963.54 TNA WO 32/18518: ‘Federal Regular Army Quarterly Security Report’, 28 March 1963; 30 April 1963.55 TNA CO 968/785: Telegram from Sir Kennedy Trevaskis to Secretary of State for the Colonies, 2 May 1964.56 TNA CO 968/785: Telegram from Sir Kennedy Trevaskis to Secretary of State for the Colonies, 7 May 1964.57 ‘Brigadier Maurice MacWilliam’, The Times, 10 January 1997.58 TNA CO 968/786: Minute from W. Geraghty to Minister of Defence (Army), 21 May 1964.59 Yagil Levy, ‘Control from within: How soldiers control the military’, European Journal of International Relations, 23/1 (2017), 197.60 Mawby, British Policy in Aden and the Protectorates, 104.61 IWMD: Papers of Major General Sir John Willoughby, catalogue number Documents.12980. Handwritten diary, entries for 23 May, 6 August 1965.62 TNA CO 968/806: ‘An assessment of the Federal Regular Army’, Commander FRA, 27 October 1965.63 BL, IOR/R/20/D/35: Aden Weekly Intelligence Summary, 7 September 1964.64 BL, IOR/R/20/D/34: Aden Weekly Intelligence Summary, 4 February 1964.65 BL, IOR/R/20/D/34: Aden Weekly Intelligence Summary, 13 August 1963.66 BL, IOR/R/20/D/208: Aden Monthly Intelligence Summary, 12 April 1966.67 TNA CO 1055/281: Letter from Fred Mulley, Minister of Defence for the Army, to Anthony Greenwood, 19 February 1965.68 TNA DEFE 13/468: Telegram from CinC MidEast to Ministry of Defence, 25 March 1965.69 David French, Fighting EOKA: The British Counter-Insurgency Campaign on Cyprus, 1955-1959 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015), 206-207.70 TNA DEFE 13/468: Minute from Denis Healey to Anthony Greenwood, 25 March 1965.71 TNA DEFE 13/468: Letter from Denis Healey to Anthony Greenwood, 15 April 1965.72 TNA DEFE 13/468: Telegram from Commander-in-Chief MIDEAST to MOD (Army), 29 April 1965.73 TNA PREM 13/585: Memorandum from Anthony Greenwood to the Prime Minister, 24 April 1965.74 TNA DEFE 13/468: Telegram from Secretary of State for the Colonies to Sir Richard Turnbull, 1 June 1965.75 TNA CO 1055/281: Telegram from Sir Richard Turnbull to Secretary of State for the Colonies, 5 May 1965.76 IWMD: Papers of Major General Sir John Willoughby, catalogue number Documents.12980. Handwritten diary, entries for 29 October, 30 November 1966.77 Tarak Barkawi, ‘Subaltern Soldiers: Eurocentrism and the Nation-State in the Combat Motivation Debates’, in Anthony King (ed.), Frontline: Combat and Cohesion in the Twenty-First Century (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015), 25.78 Mawby, British Policy in Aden and the Protectorates, 176.79 Adam Dighton, ‘Race, Masculinity and Imperialism: The British Officer and the Egyptian Army (1882-1899),’ War and Society, 35/1 (2016), 5, 17.80 Spencer Mawby, ‘Orientalism and the Failure of British Policy in the Middle East: The Case of Aden’, History 95/319 (2010), 340.81 Gavin Rand and Kim A. Wagner, ‘Recruiting the “martial races”: identities and military service in colonial India,’ Patterns of Prejudice, 46/3-4 (2012), 232-254.82 Edwards, The Gaysh, 7, 12, 47.83 James Lunt, The Barren Rocks of Aden (London: Herbert Jenkins, 1966), 157.84 Edwards, The Gaysh, 75; Barkawi, Soldiers of Empire, 23.85 BL, IOR/R/20/B/3057: ‘Federal Army Half Yearly Security Report’, 11 January 1962.86 TNA WO 32/18518: Letter from Captain P.G. Boxhall, APL, to Colonel J.H.S. Bowring, War Office, 29 June 1959, enclosing report ‘Security of Aden Protectorate Levies’.87 IWMSA: David Ledger, catalogue number 10207, reel 1.88 BL, IOR/R/20/B/3057: ‘Federal Regular Army Quarterly Security Report’, 15 December 1962.89 IWMSA: George Henry Hugh Coles, catalogue number 10126, reel 3.90 TNA WO 32/18518: ‘Half-Yearly Report on Security of Aden Protectorate Levies’, 8 March 1960.91 BL, IOR/R/20/B/3057: ‘Federal Regular Army Quarterly Security Report’, 15 December 1962.92 TNA WO 32/18518: ‘Federal Regular Army Quarterly Security Report. Period 1 Feb 63-30 Apr 63’.93 TNA WO 305/1790: ‘Quarterly Security Report. 1 Sep-31 Dec 63’.94 IWMD: Papers of H.B.H. Waring, catalogue number 09/53/1: Notebook on service in Federal Regular Army, entry for 9 August 1966.95 IWMSA: George Henry Hugh Coles, catalogue number 10126, reel 3.96 TNA WO 32/18518: Letter from Captain P.G. Boxhall, APL, to Colonel J.H.S. Bowring, War Office, 29 June 1959, enclosing report ‘Security of Aden Protectorate Levies’.97 TNA DEFE 28/169: Signal from HQ MIDEAST to Ministry of Defence, 17 October 1962.98 TNA WO 32/18518: Letter from Captain P.G. Boxhall, APL, to Colonel J.H.S. Bowring, War Office, 29 June 1959, enclosing report ‘Security of Aden Protectorate Levies’.99 TNA WO 32/18518: ‘Half-Yearly Report on Security of Aden Protectorate Levies’, 8 March 1960.100 Spencer Mawby, ‘The British Brand of Anti-Imperialism: Information Policy and Propaganda in South Arabia at the End of Empire’, in Greg Kennedy and Christopher Tuck (eds.), British Propaganda and Wars of Empire: Influencing Friend and Foe 1900-2010 (Farnham: Ashgate, 2014), 171.101 BL, IOR/R/20/B/3057: ‘Federal Regular Army Quarterly Security Report’, 15 December 1962.102 BL, IOR/R/20/D/37: ‘Joint Intelligence Committee Middle East. Weekly Intelligence Review’, 8 March 1963.103 TNA WO 305/1790: ‘Quarterly Security Report. 1 Sep-31 Dec 63’, HQ FRA, 22 February 1964.104 TNA WO 32/18518: ‘Federal Regular Army Quarterly Security Report. Period 1 Feb 63-30 Apr 63’.105 BL, IOR/R/20/D/38: ‘Joint Intelligence Committee Middle East. Weekly Intelligence Review’, 27 September 1963.106 TNA WO 32/18518: ‘Federal Regular Army Quarterly Security Report’, 28 March 1963.107 BL, IOR/R/20/D/35: Aden Weekly Intelligence Summary, 21 June 1964.108 IWMSA: Robert Ian Hywel-Jones, catalogue number 10096, reel 2.109 Benjamin Barber and Charles Miller, ‘Propaganda and Combat Motivation: Radio Broadcasts and German Soldiers’ Performance in World War II’, World Politics, 71/3 (2019), 457-502.110 TNA CO 968/806: Letter from Colonel J.E. Chaplin, Federal Ministry of Defence, to Lt-Gen. Sir Charles Harington, MEC, 28 October 1965.111 TNA CO 968/806: ‘An assessment of the Federal Regular Army’, Commander FRA, 27 October 1965.112 Healey, The Time of My Life, 231.113 Oxford, Bodleian Libraries, Archive of Denis Healey, MS.Healey 62, file 18. Diary of a visit to Asia, 1964. Entry for ‘Asia. 26 May-14 June 1964’.114 Oxford, Bodleian Libraries, Archive of Denis Healey, MS.Healey 63, diaries 1964-1969. Book 30. Entries for 26 October 1964 and 29 January 1965.115 TNA DEFE 25/115: Minute from Denis Healey to Chief Secretary to the Treasury, 18 December 1964.116 R.H. Whitworth, ‘Baker, Sir Geoffrey Harding’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, 23 September 2004. Accessed online on 30 July 2023 at: TNA DEFE 25/116: ‘Report on visit to Aden 22-26 Mar 65’, from VCGS to CGS, 29 March 1965.118 TNA DEFE 25/191: Chiefs of Staff Committee, briefing note by Group Captain D.A. Trotman, 22 March 1965.119 James, ‘Global Britain’s strategic problem East of Suez’, 176.120 TNA CAB 130/213: ‘Cabinet. Defence Policy. Minutes of a Meeting held at Chequers’, 13 June 1965.121 Oxford, Bodleian Libraries, Archive of Denis Healey, MS.Healey 63, diaries 1964-1969. Book 32. Entry for 21 September 1965.122 TNA DEFE 25/192: Minute from Chief of the Defence Staff to Secretary of State for Defence, [no day] September 1965.123 Mawby, British Policy in Aden and the Protectorates, 132.124 Oxford, Bodleian Libraries, Archive of Denis Healey, MS.Healey 62, file 18. Diary of a visit to Asia, 1964. Entry for ‘Asia. 26 May-14 June 1964’.125 IWMD: Papers of Major General Sir John Willoughby, catalogue number Documents.12980. Handwritten diary, entry for 10 June 1965.126 TNA CO 968/786: Minute from W. Geraghty, to Minister of Defence (Army), 21 May 1964.127 Stephen D. Wesbrook, ‘The Potential for Military Disintegration’, in Sam C. Sarkesian (ed.), Combat Effectiveness: Cohesion, Stress, and the Volunteer Military (London: Sage, 1980), 244.128 Kaushik Roy, ‘Discipline and Morale of the African, British and Indian Army units in Burma and India during World War II: July 1943 to August 1945’, Modern Asian Studies, 44/6 (2010), 1280.129 Barkawi, Soldiers of Empire, 77; Tim Stapleton, ‘“Bad Boys”: Infiltration and Sedition in the African Military Units of the Central African Federation (Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe) 1953-63,’ Journal of Military History, 73/4 (2009), 1180.130 Kaushik Roy, ‘Military Loyalty in the Colonial Context: A Case Study of the Indian Army during World War II’, Journal of Military History, 73/2 (2009), 519.131 Stapleton, ‘“Bad Boys”: Infiltration and Sedition in the African Military Units of the Central African Federation’, 1177.132 Gregory Mann, Native Sons: West African Veterans and France in the Twentieth Century (Duke University Press, 2006), 161.133 Ruth Ginio, The French Army and its African soldiers: the years of decolonization (Lincoln, NB: University of Nebraska Press, 2017), 112.134 TNA CO 968/780: ‘Extract from Annex to Minute 1 of Part I to COS 52nd Meeting/64’, 1 September 1964.135 TNA DEFE 25/115: Telegram from Secretary of State for the Colonies to Acting High Commissioner, Aden, 1 January 1965.136 TNA CO 968/789: ‘Notes on plants for re-armament and expansion of the Federal Forces’, Federal Joint Operations Centre, 6 February 1965.137 TNA DEFE 28/147: Letter from Lt-Col. R.S. Richmond, MEC, to Col. H.N.H. Wild, Ministry of Defence, 16 May 1965.138 TNA CO 968/789: ‘Meeting between Secretary of State for Defence and Federal Ministers of Defence and Internal Security’, 17 June 1965.139 TNA CAB 128/41/26: ‘Cabinet. Conclusions of a Meeting of the Cabinet’, 26 May 1966.140 Mawby, British Policy in Aden and the Protectorates, 154.141 TNA DEFE 28/161: Minute from Major P.H. Bartlett, Federal Ministry of Defence, to Ministry of Defence, 19 April 1967, with attached ‘Notes on the Federal Regular Army (April 1967 Revise)’.142 Johnson, True to Their Salt, 95-123.143 TNA WO 32/18518: ‘Half yearly security report’, 18 October 1960.144 BL, IOR/R/20/B/2475: Letter from Commander FRA to Minister of Defence, 22 October 1962.145 BL, IOR/R/20/D/34: Aden Weekly Intelligence Summary, 4 June 1963.146 TNA CO 968/806: ‘An assessment of the Federal Regular Army’, Commander FRA, 27 October 1965.147 TNA WO 32/18518: ‘Half yearly security report’, 1 June 1960.148 TNA IOR/R/20/B/2475: ‘Extract from Minutes of Meeting no. 29 of the Supreme Council’, 1 November 1962.149 TNA WO 32/18518: Letter from Captain P.G. Boxhall, APL, to Colonel J.H.S. Bowring, War Office, 29 June 1959, enclosing report ‘Security of Aden Protectorate Levies’.150 BL, IOR/R/20/B/3057: ‘Federal Regular Army Half Yearly Security Report’, 1 June 1962.151 TNA WO 32/18981: Minute from Colonel J.B. Howard, Directorate of Military Intelligence, to MI 1(a), 25 October 1963.152 TNA WO 32/18518: Minute from MEC to Under Secretary of State, War Office, 20 July 1962.153 BL, IOR/R/20/B/3057: ‘Federal Regular Army Quarterly Security Report’, 15 December 1962.154 TNA CO 968/806: ‘An assessment of the Federal Regular Army’, Commander FRA, 27 October 1965. On the intelligence machinery, see: Rory Cormac, Confronting the Colonies: British Intelligence and Counterinsurgency (London: C. Hurst & Co, 2013), 105-155.155 IWMSA: Bryan Emery, catalogue number 29530, reel 7.156 TNA WO 305/1790: ‘Quarterly Security Report. 1 Sep-31 Dec 63’, HQ FRA, 22 February 1964.157 J.D. Lunt, ‘The evolution of an army – I,’ Journal of the Royal United Services Institution, 110 (1965), 158.158 Kristine Eck and Chiara Ruffa, ‘Military Training and Decolonisation in the British Empire’, Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 51/1 (2023), 156-181.159 J.D. Lunt, ‘The evolution of an army – II,’ Journal of the Royal United Services Institution, 110 (1965), 226. See also: Graham Jevon, Glubb Pasha and the Arab Legion: Britain, Jordan, and the End of Empire in the Middle East (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017).160 TNA WO 32/18518: Letter from Captain P.G. Boxhall, APL, to Colonel J.H.S. Bowring, War Office, 29 June 1959, enclosing report ‘Security of Aden Protectorate Levies’.161 TNA DEFE 25/115: ‘Federal Regular Army of South Arabia. Provision of Senior British Officers during Final Phases of Arabisation’, paper by Lt-Gen. Sir Charles Harington, 5 November 1963.162 TNA WO 32/18518: ‘Half-Yearly Report on Security of Aden Protectorate Levies’, 8 March 1960.163 BL, IOR/R/20/B/3055: ‘Integration of Brit [sic] and Arab Offrs’ [sic] Messes. Aden Protectorate Levies’, 10 February 1961.164 TNA WO 32/18518: ‘Half-Yearly Report on Security of Aden Protectorate Levies’, 18 October 1960; Signal from HQ British Forces Arabian Peninsula to Under Secretary of State, War Office, 14 February 1961, enclosing ‘Half yearly security report’.165 TNA WO 32/18518: Signal from MEC to War Office, 31 July 1961, attaching ‘Aden Protectorate Levies Half Yearly Security Report’; Edwards, The Gaysh, 147.166 TNA CO 968/782: Minute from P.L. Russell, for Director of Military Intelligence, to J.B.A. Armitage-Smith, Colonial Office, 2 January 1963, with Annexure A.167 Edwards, The Gaysh, 157.168 TNA WO 32/18518: ‘Federal Regular Army Quarterly Security Report’, 28 March 1963.169 TNA CO 968/782: Letter from Brigadier J.D. Lunt, HQ FRA, to Lt-Col. W.M.L. Adler, Colonial Office, 17 October 1963.170 TNA WO 305/1790: ‘The Relationship of the Federal Regular Army with the Federal Government’, E.M.W. Wagstaff, GSO 2 (Int), HQ FRA, 16 December 1963.171 TNA CO 968/786: ‘Report on the Ministry and Force Headquarters organizations of the security forces of the Federation of South Arabia’, June 1964.172 TNA WO 32/18518: ‘Half-Yearly Report on Security of Aden Protectorate Levies’, 8 March 1960.173 TNA WO 32/18518: ‘Half-Yearly Report on Security of Aden Protectorate Levies’, 18 October 1960.174 TNA DEFE 28/169: Letter from Colonel H.N.H. Wild, Ministry of Defence, to L.C. Glass, Foreign Office, 12 December 1962.175 TNA DEFE 28/169: Signal from HQ MIDEAST to Ministry of Defence, 24 January 1963.176 BL, IOR/R/20/B/3057: ‘Federal Regular Army Quarterly Security Report’, 15 December 1962.177 TNA WO 32/18518: ‘Federal Regular Army Quarterly Security Report’, 28 March 1963.178 TNA WO 32/18518: ‘Federal Regular Army Quarterly Security Report. Period 1 Feb 63-30 Apr 63’.179 TNA DEFE 28/169: ‘Psychological operations in the Middle East. Report by the Deputy Director of Forward Plans’, Col. H.N.H. Wild, 10 May 1962; on the directorate’s earlier operations, see: Huw Bennett, ‘\"Words are cheaper than bullets\": Britain’s psychological warfare in the Middle East, 1945-1960’, Intelligence and National Security, 34/7 (2019), 925-944.180 TNA DEFE 28/168: Letter from Major R.J. Shackleton, MEC, to Col. H.N.H. Wild, Ministry of Defence, 1 August 1962.181 TNA DEFE 28/153: ‘Report by Lieut.-General Sir Charles Richardson on discussions with C-in-C Middle East and GOC East Africa Command on counter-subversion in February, 1963’, 8 March 1963.182 TNA DEFE 28/169: Signal from H.Q. MIDEAST ADEN to Ministry of Defence, 12 October 1962.183 TNA DEFE 28/166: Letter from D.W. Smart, HM Treasury, to Lt.-Col. W.M.L. Adler, Colonial Office, 18 October 1963.184 TNA WO 32/18518: ‘Quarterly Security Report. 1 May-31 Aug 63’, HQ FRA, 3 September 1963; ‘Annex A to 424/19/JSI Dated 24 Apr 64. Notes on reception of The Gambia’.185 TNA DEFE 28/166: Letter from Major P.H. Bartlett, Federal Ministry of Defence, to Lieutenant Commander F.P. Mathieson, Ministry of Defence, 20 May 1965.186 Mawby, ‘The British Brand of Anti-Imperialism’, 189.187 Kumar Ramakrishna, Emergency Propaganda: The Winning of Malayan Hearts and Minds, 1948-1958 (London: Routledge, 2001).188 BL, IOR/R/20/D/35: Aden Weekly Intelligence Summary, 29 June 1964.189 TNA DEFE 28/166: Letter from Major P.H. Bartlett, Federal Ministry of Defence, to Lieutenant Commander F.P. Mathieson, Ministry of Defence, 20 May 1965.190 TNA DEFE 28/147: Letter from Lt.-Col. R.S. Richmond, MEC, to Colonel H.N.H. Wild, Ministry of Defence, 16 May 1965.191 TNA DEFE 28/167: Minute from Colonel H.N.H. Wild, Deputy Director of Forward Plans, to AUS(Pol), 16 December 1966.192 TNA DEFE 28/161: Minute from Major P.H. Bartlett, HQ South Arabian Army, to Colonel H.N.H. Wild, Ministry of Defence, 20 June 1967, with attached: ‘The Impact of Recent Events in the Middle East on the South Arabian Army’.193 Walker, ‘The South Arabian Army - A Poisoned Chalice?’, 107.194 IWMD: Papers of Major General Sir John Willoughby, catalogue number Documents.12980. Handwritten diary, entry for 26 June 1966.195 IWMSA: Jack M. Dye, catalogue number 23811, reel 10.196 Christopher Caden and Nir Arielli, ‘British Army and Palestine Police Deserters and the Arab-Israeli War of 1948’, War in History, 28/1 (2021), 201.197 Raffi Gregorian, The British Army, the Gurkhas and Cold War Strategy in the Far East, 1947-1954 (Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2002), 172.198 Timothy Parsons, The African rank-and-file: social implications of colonial military service in the King’s African Rifles, 1902-1964 (Oxford: James Currey, 1999), 212-213.199 Paget, Last Post, 248.200 See: Letters from Historical Information Rights Team, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, to Huw Bennett, 14 September 2022, 18 October 2022, 29 June 2023.Additional informationNotes on contributorsHuw BennettHuw Bennett is Reader in International Relations at Cardiff University. He is author of Fighting the Mau Mau: The British Army and Counter-Insurgency in the Kenya Emergency (Cambridge University Press, 2012), and Uncivil War: The British Army and the Troubles (Cambridge University Press, 2023).","PeriodicalId":46534,"journal":{"name":"INTERNATIONAL HISTORY REVIEW","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.5000,"publicationDate":"2023-10-08","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":"0","resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":null,"PeriodicalName":"INTERNATIONAL HISTORY REVIEW","FirstCategoryId":"1085","ListUrlMain":"","RegionNum":2,"RegionCategory":"历史学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":null,"EPubDate":"","PubModel":"","JCR":"Q1","JCRName":"HISTORY","Score":null,"Total":0}
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AbstractThis article argues an understanding of the British withdrawal from Aden in 1967 requires greater attention to be paid to the loyalty of the local security forces who were supposed to help repress the insurgency in south Arabia, and then secure a friendly state when Britain left. The Federal Regular Army (FRA), the most important formation, proved to be consistently unreliable through behaviours ranging from the attempted murder of British personnel, to desertion and political activism. However, disbanding the FRA might have made matters even worse, so British officers sought to manipulate its loyalty through various mechanisms, including pay rises, ignoring disloyal incidents and directing propaganda at the soldiers. These endeavours succeeded in holding off a mutiny until June 1967, but only by creating a force which became infiltrated by the insurgent movements and lacked the capacity to play any meaningful role in defending the federation. This analysis suggests studies on British counter-insurgency should investigate further the role of local allies in strategy and operations.Keywords: Adencounter-insurgencydecolonisationloyalismdefence policy AcknowledgementsThanks to Victoria Basham, Edward Burke, Brian Drohan, David French, Claudia Hillebrand and David Morgan-Owen for their help during the preparation of this article, and to the staffs at the Bodleian Library, the British Library, the Imperial War Museum and the National Archives for making the archival research possible. Earlier versions of the article were presented at conferences held by the Society for the History of War in Amsterdam in 2022, and the Society for Military History in San Diego in 2023. Thank you to the conference organisers, and to the audience members for their questions and comments. I am most grateful to the journal’s editor, Professor Gaynor Johnson, and to the two anonymous reviewers, for improving the quality of the article and permitting its publication.Disclosure statementNo potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.Notes1 Rhiannon Vickers, The Labour Party and the World, Volume 2: Labour’s Foreign Policy Since 1951 (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2011), 58, 76-77.2 Saki Dockrill, Britain’s Retreat from East of Suez: The Choice between Europe and the World? (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2002), 104.3 John Young, The Labour Governments 1964-1970, Volume 2: International Policy (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2003), 31, 35-38, 50.4 Kennedy Trevaskis, Shades of Amber: A South Arabian Episode (London: Hutchinson, 1968); Colin Mitchell, Having Been a Soldier (London: Hamish Hamilton, 1969).5 Clive Jones, Britain and the Yemen Civil War, 1962-1965. Ministers, Mercenaries and Mandarins: Foreign Policy and the Limits of Covert Action (Brighton: Sussex Academic Press, 2004), 216.6 Jonathan Walker, Aden Insurgency: The Savage War in South Arabia 1962-1967 (Staplehurst: Spellmount, 2005), xix.7 Aaron Edwards, Defending the Realm? The politics of Britain’s small wars since 1945 (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2012), 178.8 British Army, Army Field Manual Volume 1 Part 10: Countering Insurgency (Warminster: Land Warfare Centre, 2009), CS4-4.9 Asher Orkaby, ‘The North Yemen civil war and the failure of the Federation of South Arabia’, Middle Eastern Studies, 53/1 (2017), 69-83; Spencer Mawby, ‘From Tribal Rebellions to Revolution: British Counter-Insurgency Operations in Southwest Arabia 1955-1967’, Electronic Journal of International History, 5 (2000), accessed online 16 February 2023 at: Denis Healey, The Time of My Life (London: Michael Joseph, 1989), 280.11 William D. James, ‘Global Britain’s strategic problem East of Suez’, European Journal of International Security, 6 (2021), 173, 176.12 Spencer Mawby, British Policy in Aden and the Protectorates 1955-67: Last outpost of a Middle East empire (London: Routledge, 2005), 3.13 Rob Johnson, True to Their Salt: Indigenous Personnel in Western Armed Forces (London: Hurst & Company, 2017), 302.14 David French, Army, Empire, and Cold War: The British Army and Military Policy, 1945-1971 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012), 244-245, 287-288.15 Jonathan Walker, ‘The South Arabian Army - A Poisoned Chalice?’, in Noel Brehony and Clive Jones (eds.), Britain’s Departure from Aden and South Arabia: Without Glory but Without Disaster (Berlin: Gerlach Press, 2020), 96.16 Julian Paget, Last Post: Aden 1964-67 (London: Faber and Faber, 1969), 213-223; Walker, Aden Insurgency, 239-258.17 Mawby, British Policy in Aden and the Protectorates, 168-169.18 Paget, Last Post, 186.19 David French, The British Way in Counter-Insurgency 1945-1967 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011), 185-186.20 Mawby, British Policy in Aden and the Protectorates, 176.21 Eric Hundman, ‘The Diversity of Disobedience in Military Organizations’, Journal of Global Security Studies, 6/4 (2021), 2.22 Frank Edwards, The Gaysh: A History of the Aden Protectorate Levies 1927-61 and the Federal Regular Army of South Arabia 1961-67 (Solihull: Helion and Company, 2004), 10, 144.23 British Library, India Office Records [hereafter ‘BL’], IOR/R/20/B/3057: ‘Federal Army Half Yearly Security Report’, 11 January 1962.24 Anthony King, The Combat Soldier: Infantry Tactics and Cohesion in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries (Oxford: Oxford University Press).25 Tarak Barkawi, ‘Decolonising war’, European Journal of International Security, 1/2 (2016), 199-214; Michelle R. Moyd, Violent Intermediaries: African Soldiers, Conquest, and Everyday Colonialism in German East Africa (Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, 2014); Tarak Barkawi, Soldiers of Empire: Indian and British Armies in World War II (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017).26 Elihu Rose, ‘The Anatomy of Mutiny’, Armed Forces and Society, 8/4 (1982), 561-563.27 George Lepre, Fragging: Why U.S. Soldiers Assaulted Their Officers in Vietnam (Lubbock, TX: Texas Tech University Press, 2011), 19-60.28 The National Archives of the United Kingdom [hereafter ‘TNA’] WO 32/18518: ‘Half-Yearly Report on Security of Aden Protectorate Levies’, 14 February 1961.29 Edwards, The Gaysh, 169.30 Imperial War Museum Sound Archive [hereafter IWMSA]: David John Warren, catalogue number 13041, reel 3.31 BL, IOR/R/20/D/219: ‘Federal Intelligence Summary’, 27 September 1964, 15 November 1964, 3 May 1965.32 Imperial War Museum Documents [hereafter IWMD]: Papers of Major General Sir John Willoughby, catalogue number Documents.12980. Handwritten diary, entry for 20 June 1965.33 BL, IOR/R/20/D/219: ‘Federal Intelligence Summary’, 21 June 1965.34 IWMD: Papers of Major General Sir John Willoughby, catalogue number Documents.12980. Handwritten diary, entries for 22 and 24 June 1966.35 IWMSA: David Alan Talbot Baines, catalogue number 20062, reel 5.36 Theodore McLauchlin, Desertion: Trust and Mistrust in Civil Wars (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2020), 19.37 TNA CO 968/806: Letter from Colonel J.E. Chaplin, Federal Ministry of Defence, to Lt-Gen. Sir Charles Harington, Middle East Command [hereafter ‘MEC’], 28 October 1965.38 BL, IOR/R/20/B/3057: ‘Federal Regular Army Half Yearly Security Report’, 1 June 1962; ‘Federal Regular Army Quarterly Security Report’, 15 December 1962.39 TNA WO 32/18518: ‘Half-Yearly Report on Security of Aden Protectorate Levies’, 14 February 1961; BL, IOR/R/20/B/3057: ‘Federal Army Half Yearly Security Report’, 11 January 1962.40 BL, IOR/R/20/D/37: ‘Joint Intelligence Committee Middle East. Weekly Intelligence Review’, 10 May 1963.41 BL, IOR/R/20/D/219: ‘Federal Intelligence Summary’, 6 April 1965.42 BL, IOR/R/20/B/3057: ‘Federal Regular Army Quarterly Security Report’, 15 December 1962.43 BL, IOR/R/20/D/37: ‘Joint Intelligence Committee Middle East. Weekly Intelligence Review’, 15 March 1963, 3 May 1963.44 BL, IOR/R/20/D/41: ‘The High Commissioner’s Office. Monthly Report for August, 1963’.45 TNA WO 305/1790: Signal from HQ FRA to Federal Ministry of Defence, 7 January 1964.46 BL, IOR/R/20/D/34: Aden Weekly Intelligence Summaries, 10 March, 17 March, 24 March, 3 May 1964.47 Kevin Koehler, Dorothy Ohl, and Holger Albrecht, ‘From Disaffection to Desertion: How Networks Facilitate Military Insubordination in Civil Conflict’, Comparative Politics, 48/4 (2016), 439.48 BL, IOR/R/20/B/2475: Letter from Commander FRA to Acting Deputy High Commissioner, 12 May 1963.49 BL, IOR/R/20/B/2475: ‘9462 Pte MOHD HUSSAIN HAGAILY 3 FRA’.50 TNA WO 305/1790: ‘Quarterly Security Report. 1 Sep-31 Dec 63’, HQ FRA, 22 February 1964.51 BL, IOR/R/20/B/3057: ‘Federal Regular Army Quarterly Security Report’, 15 December 1962.52 TNA WO 32/18518: ‘Federal Regular Army Quarterly Security Report’, 28 March 1963.53 TNA WO 32/18518: ‘Quarterly Security Report’, HQ FRA, 3 September 1963.54 TNA WO 32/18518: ‘Federal Regular Army Quarterly Security Report’, 28 March 1963; 30 April 1963.55 TNA CO 968/785: Telegram from Sir Kennedy Trevaskis to Secretary of State for the Colonies, 2 May 1964.56 TNA CO 968/785: Telegram from Sir Kennedy Trevaskis to Secretary of State for the Colonies, 7 May 1964.57 ‘Brigadier Maurice MacWilliam’, The Times, 10 January 1997.58 TNA CO 968/786: Minute from W. Geraghty to Minister of Defence (Army), 21 May 1964.59 Yagil Levy, ‘Control from within: How soldiers control the military’, European Journal of International Relations, 23/1 (2017), 197.60 Mawby, British Policy in Aden and the Protectorates, 104.61 IWMD: Papers of Major General Sir John Willoughby, catalogue number Documents.12980. Handwritten diary, entries for 23 May, 6 August 1965.62 TNA CO 968/806: ‘An assessment of the Federal Regular Army’, Commander FRA, 27 October 1965.63 BL, IOR/R/20/D/35: Aden Weekly Intelligence Summary, 7 September 1964.64 BL, IOR/R/20/D/34: Aden Weekly Intelligence Summary, 4 February 1964.65 BL, IOR/R/20/D/34: Aden Weekly Intelligence Summary, 13 August 1963.66 BL, IOR/R/20/D/208: Aden Monthly Intelligence Summary, 12 April 1966.67 TNA CO 1055/281: Letter from Fred Mulley, Minister of Defence for the Army, to Anthony Greenwood, 19 February 1965.68 TNA DEFE 13/468: Telegram from CinC MidEast to Ministry of Defence, 25 March 1965.69 David French, Fighting EOKA: The British Counter-Insurgency Campaign on Cyprus, 1955-1959 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015), 206-207.70 TNA DEFE 13/468: Minute from Denis Healey to Anthony Greenwood, 25 March 1965.71 TNA DEFE 13/468: Letter from Denis Healey to Anthony Greenwood, 15 April 1965.72 TNA DEFE 13/468: Telegram from Commander-in-Chief MIDEAST to MOD (Army), 29 April 1965.73 TNA PREM 13/585: Memorandum from Anthony Greenwood to the Prime Minister, 24 April 1965.74 TNA DEFE 13/468: Telegram from Secretary of State for the Colonies to Sir Richard Turnbull, 1 June 1965.75 TNA CO 1055/281: Telegram from Sir Richard Turnbull to Secretary of State for the Colonies, 5 May 1965.76 IWMD: Papers of Major General Sir John Willoughby, catalogue number Documents.12980. Handwritten diary, entries for 29 October, 30 November 1966.77 Tarak Barkawi, ‘Subaltern Soldiers: Eurocentrism and the Nation-State in the Combat Motivation Debates’, in Anthony King (ed.), Frontline: Combat and Cohesion in the Twenty-First Century (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015), 25.78 Mawby, British Policy in Aden and the Protectorates, 176.79 Adam Dighton, ‘Race, Masculinity and Imperialism: The British Officer and the Egyptian Army (1882-1899),’ War and Society, 35/1 (2016), 5, 17.80 Spencer Mawby, ‘Orientalism and the Failure of British Policy in the Middle East: The Case of Aden’, History 95/319 (2010), 340.81 Gavin Rand and Kim A. Wagner, ‘Recruiting the “martial races”: identities and military service in colonial India,’ Patterns of Prejudice, 46/3-4 (2012), 232-254.82 Edwards, The Gaysh, 7, 12, 47.83 James Lunt, The Barren Rocks of Aden (London: Herbert Jenkins, 1966), 157.84 Edwards, The Gaysh, 75; Barkawi, Soldiers of Empire, 23.85 BL, IOR/R/20/B/3057: ‘Federal Army Half Yearly Security Report’, 11 January 1962.86 TNA WO 32/18518: Letter from Captain P.G. Boxhall, APL, to Colonel J.H.S. Bowring, War Office, 29 June 1959, enclosing report ‘Security of Aden Protectorate Levies’.87 IWMSA: David Ledger, catalogue number 10207, reel 1.88 BL, IOR/R/20/B/3057: ‘Federal Regular Army Quarterly Security Report’, 15 December 1962.89 IWMSA: George Henry Hugh Coles, catalogue number 10126, reel 3.90 TNA WO 32/18518: ‘Half-Yearly Report on Security of Aden Protectorate Levies’, 8 March 1960.91 BL, IOR/R/20/B/3057: ‘Federal Regular Army Quarterly Security Report’, 15 December 1962.92 TNA WO 32/18518: ‘Federal Regular Army Quarterly Security Report. Period 1 Feb 63-30 Apr 63’.93 TNA WO 305/1790: ‘Quarterly Security Report. 1 Sep-31 Dec 63’.94 IWMD: Papers of H.B.H. Waring, catalogue number 09/53/1: Notebook on service in Federal Regular Army, entry for 9 August 1966.95 IWMSA: George Henry Hugh Coles, catalogue number 10126, reel 3.96 TNA WO 32/18518: Letter from Captain P.G. Boxhall, APL, to Colonel J.H.S. Bowring, War Office, 29 June 1959, enclosing report ‘Security of Aden Protectorate Levies’.97 TNA DEFE 28/169: Signal from HQ MIDEAST to Ministry of Defence, 17 October 1962.98 TNA WO 32/18518: Letter from Captain P.G. Boxhall, APL, to Colonel J.H.S. Bowring, War Office, 29 June 1959, enclosing report ‘Security of Aden Protectorate Levies’.99 TNA WO 32/18518: ‘Half-Yearly Report on Security of Aden Protectorate Levies’, 8 March 1960.100 Spencer Mawby, ‘The British Brand of Anti-Imperialism: Information Policy and Propaganda in South Arabia at the End of Empire’, in Greg Kennedy and Christopher Tuck (eds.), British Propaganda and Wars of Empire: Influencing Friend and Foe 1900-2010 (Farnham: Ashgate, 2014), 171.101 BL, IOR/R/20/B/3057: ‘Federal Regular Army Quarterly Security Report’, 15 December 1962.102 BL, IOR/R/20/D/37: ‘Joint Intelligence Committee Middle East. Weekly Intelligence Review’, 8 March 1963.103 TNA WO 305/1790: ‘Quarterly Security Report. 1 Sep-31 Dec 63’, HQ FRA, 22 February 1964.104 TNA WO 32/18518: ‘Federal Regular Army Quarterly Security Report. Period 1 Feb 63-30 Apr 63’.105 BL, IOR/R/20/D/38: ‘Joint Intelligence Committee Middle East. Weekly Intelligence Review’, 27 September 1963.106 TNA WO 32/18518: ‘Federal Regular Army Quarterly Security Report’, 28 March 1963.107 BL, IOR/R/20/D/35: Aden Weekly Intelligence Summary, 21 June 1964.108 IWMSA: Robert Ian Hywel-Jones, catalogue number 10096, reel 2.109 Benjamin Barber and Charles Miller, ‘Propaganda and Combat Motivation: Radio Broadcasts and German Soldiers’ Performance in World War II’, World Politics, 71/3 (2019), 457-502.110 TNA CO 968/806: Letter from Colonel J.E. Chaplin, Federal Ministry of Defence, to Lt-Gen. Sir Charles Harington, MEC, 28 October 1965.111 TNA CO 968/806: ‘An assessment of the Federal Regular Army’, Commander FRA, 27 October 1965.112 Healey, The Time of My Life, 231.113 Oxford, Bodleian Libraries, Archive of Denis Healey, MS.Healey 62, file 18. Diary of a visit to Asia, 1964. Entry for ‘Asia. 26 May-14 June 1964’.114 Oxford, Bodleian Libraries, Archive of Denis Healey, MS.Healey 63, diaries 1964-1969. Book 30. Entries for 26 October 1964 and 29 January 1965.115 TNA DEFE 25/115: Minute from Denis Healey to Chief Secretary to the Treasury, 18 December 1964.116 R.H. Whitworth, ‘Baker, Sir Geoffrey Harding’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, 23 September 2004. Accessed online on 30 July 2023 at: TNA DEFE 25/116: ‘Report on visit to Aden 22-26 Mar 65’, from VCGS to CGS, 29 March 1965.118 TNA DEFE 25/191: Chiefs of Staff Committee, briefing note by Group Captain D.A. Trotman, 22 March 1965.119 James, ‘Global Britain’s strategic problem East of Suez’, 176.120 TNA CAB 130/213: ‘Cabinet. Defence Policy. Minutes of a Meeting held at Chequers’, 13 June 1965.121 Oxford, Bodleian Libraries, Archive of Denis Healey, MS.Healey 63, diaries 1964-1969. Book 32. Entry for 21 September 1965.122 TNA DEFE 25/192: Minute from Chief of the Defence Staff to Secretary of State for Defence, [no day] September 1965.123 Mawby, British Policy in Aden and the Protectorates, 132.124 Oxford, Bodleian Libraries, Archive of Denis Healey, MS.Healey 62, file 18. Diary of a visit to Asia, 1964. Entry for ‘Asia. 26 May-14 June 1964’.125 IWMD: Papers of Major General Sir John Willoughby, catalogue number Documents.12980. Handwritten diary, entry for 10 June 1965.126 TNA CO 968/786: Minute from W. Geraghty, to Minister of Defence (Army), 21 May 1964.127 Stephen D. Wesbrook, ‘The Potential for Military Disintegration’, in Sam C. Sarkesian (ed.), Combat Effectiveness: Cohesion, Stress, and the Volunteer Military (London: Sage, 1980), 244.128 Kaushik Roy, ‘Discipline and Morale of the African, British and Indian Army units in Burma and India during World War II: July 1943 to August 1945’, Modern Asian Studies, 44/6 (2010), 1280.129 Barkawi, Soldiers of Empire, 77; Tim Stapleton, ‘“Bad Boys”: Infiltration and Sedition in the African Military Units of the Central African Federation (Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe) 1953-63,’ Journal of Military History, 73/4 (2009), 1180.130 Kaushik Roy, ‘Military Loyalty in the Colonial Context: A Case Study of the Indian Army during World War II’, Journal of Military History, 73/2 (2009), 519.131 Stapleton, ‘“Bad Boys”: Infiltration and Sedition in the African Military Units of the Central African Federation’, 1177.132 Gregory Mann, Native Sons: West African Veterans and France in the Twentieth Century (Duke University Press, 2006), 161.133 Ruth Ginio, The French Army and its African soldiers: the years of decolonization (Lincoln, NB: University of Nebraska Press, 2017), 112.134 TNA CO 968/780: ‘Extract from Annex to Minute 1 of Part I to COS 52nd Meeting/64’, 1 September 1964.135 TNA DEFE 25/115: Telegram from Secretary of State for the Colonies to Acting High Commissioner, Aden, 1 January 1965.136 TNA CO 968/789: ‘Notes on plants for re-armament and expansion of the Federal Forces’, Federal Joint Operations Centre, 6 February 1965.137 TNA DEFE 28/147: Letter from Lt-Col. R.S. Richmond, MEC, to Col. H.N.H. Wild, Ministry of Defence, 16 May 1965.138 TNA CO 968/789: ‘Meeting between Secretary of State for Defence and Federal Ministers of Defence and Internal Security’, 17 June 1965.139 TNA CAB 128/41/26: ‘Cabinet. Conclusions of a Meeting of the Cabinet’, 26 May 1966.140 Mawby, British Policy in Aden and the Protectorates, 154.141 TNA DEFE 28/161: Minute from Major P.H. Bartlett, Federal Ministry of Defence, to Ministry of Defence, 19 April 1967, with attached ‘Notes on the Federal Regular Army (April 1967 Revise)’.142 Johnson, True to Their Salt, 95-123.143 TNA WO 32/18518: ‘Half yearly security report’, 18 October 1960.144 BL, IOR/R/20/B/2475: Letter from Commander FRA to Minister of Defence, 22 October 1962.145 BL, IOR/R/20/D/34: Aden Weekly Intelligence Summary, 4 June 1963.146 TNA CO 968/806: ‘An assessment of the Federal Regular Army’, Commander FRA, 27 October 1965.147 TNA WO 32/18518: ‘Half yearly security report’, 1 June 1960.148 TNA IOR/R/20/B/2475: ‘Extract from Minutes of Meeting no. 29 of the Supreme Council’, 1 November 1962.149 TNA WO 32/18518: Letter from Captain P.G. Boxhall, APL, to Colonel J.H.S. Bowring, War Office, 29 June 1959, enclosing report ‘Security of Aden Protectorate Levies’.150 BL, IOR/R/20/B/3057: ‘Federal Regular Army Half Yearly Security Report’, 1 June 1962.151 TNA WO 32/18981: Minute from Colonel J.B. Howard, Directorate of Military Intelligence, to MI 1(a), 25 October 1963.152 TNA WO 32/18518: Minute from MEC to Under Secretary of State, War Office, 20 July 1962.153 BL, IOR/R/20/B/3057: ‘Federal Regular Army Quarterly Security Report’, 15 December 1962.154 TNA CO 968/806: ‘An assessment of the Federal Regular Army’, Commander FRA, 27 October 1965. On the intelligence machinery, see: Rory Cormac, Confronting the Colonies: British Intelligence and Counterinsurgency (London: C. Hurst & Co, 2013), 105-155.155 IWMSA: Bryan Emery, catalogue number 29530, reel 7.156 TNA WO 305/1790: ‘Quarterly Security Report. 1 Sep-31 Dec 63’, HQ FRA, 22 February 1964.157 J.D. Lunt, ‘The evolution of an army – I,’ Journal of the Royal United Services Institution, 110 (1965), 158.158 Kristine Eck and Chiara Ruffa, ‘Military Training and Decolonisation in the British Empire’, Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 51/1 (2023), 156-181.159 J.D. Lunt, ‘The evolution of an army – II,’ Journal of the Royal United Services Institution, 110 (1965), 226. See also: Graham Jevon, Glubb Pasha and the Arab Legion: Britain, Jordan, and the End of Empire in the Middle East (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017).160 TNA WO 32/18518: Letter from Captain P.G. Boxhall, APL, to Colonel J.H.S. Bowring, War Office, 29 June 1959, enclosing report ‘Security of Aden Protectorate Levies’.161 TNA DEFE 25/115: ‘Federal Regular Army of South Arabia. Provision of Senior British Officers during Final Phases of Arabisation’, paper by Lt-Gen. Sir Charles Harington, 5 November 1963.162 TNA WO 32/18518: ‘Half-Yearly Report on Security of Aden Protectorate Levies’, 8 March 1960.163 BL, IOR/R/20/B/3055: ‘Integration of Brit [sic] and Arab Offrs’ [sic] Messes. Aden Protectorate Levies’, 10 February 1961.164 TNA WO 32/18518: ‘Half-Yearly Report on Security of Aden Protectorate Levies’, 18 October 1960; Signal from HQ British Forces Arabian Peninsula to Under Secretary of State, War Office, 14 February 1961, enclosing ‘Half yearly security report’.165 TNA WO 32/18518: Signal from MEC to War Office, 31 July 1961, attaching ‘Aden Protectorate Levies Half Yearly Security Report’; Edwards, The Gaysh, 147.166 TNA CO 968/782: Minute from P.L. Russell, for Director of Military Intelligence, to J.B.A. Armitage-Smith, Colonial Office, 2 January 1963, with Annexure A.167 Edwards, The Gaysh, 157.168 TNA WO 32/18518: ‘Federal Regular Army Quarterly Security Report’, 28 March 1963.169 TNA CO 968/782: Letter from Brigadier J.D. Lunt, HQ FRA, to Lt-Col. W.M.L. Adler, Colonial Office, 17 October 1963.170 TNA WO 305/1790: ‘The Relationship of the Federal Regular Army with the Federal Government’, E.M.W. Wagstaff, GSO 2 (Int), HQ FRA, 16 December 1963.171 TNA CO 968/786: ‘Report on the Ministry and Force Headquarters organizations of the security forces of the Federation of South Arabia’, June 1964.172 TNA WO 32/18518: ‘Half-Yearly Report on Security of Aden Protectorate Levies’, 8 March 1960.173 TNA WO 32/18518: ‘Half-Yearly Report on Security of Aden Protectorate Levies’, 18 October 1960.174 TNA DEFE 28/169: Letter from Colonel H.N.H. Wild, Ministry of Defence, to L.C. Glass, Foreign Office, 12 December 1962.175 TNA DEFE 28/169: Signal from HQ MIDEAST to Ministry of Defence, 24 January 1963.176 BL, IOR/R/20/B/3057: ‘Federal Regular Army Quarterly Security Report’, 15 December 1962.177 TNA WO 32/18518: ‘Federal Regular Army Quarterly Security Report’, 28 March 1963.178 TNA WO 32/18518: ‘Federal Regular Army Quarterly Security Report. Period 1 Feb 63-30 Apr 63’.179 TNA DEFE 28/169: ‘Psychological operations in the Middle East. Report by the Deputy Director of Forward Plans’, Col. H.N.H. Wild, 10 May 1962; on the directorate’s earlier operations, see: Huw Bennett, ‘"Words are cheaper than bullets": Britain’s psychological warfare in the Middle East, 1945-1960’, Intelligence and National Security, 34/7 (2019), 925-944.180 TNA DEFE 28/168: Letter from Major R.J. Shackleton, MEC, to Col. H.N.H. Wild, Ministry of Defence, 1 August 1962.181 TNA DEFE 28/153: ‘Report by Lieut.-General Sir Charles Richardson on discussions with C-in-C Middle East and GOC East Africa Command on counter-subversion in February, 1963’, 8 March 1963.182 TNA DEFE 28/169: Signal from H.Q. MIDEAST ADEN to Ministry of Defence, 12 October 1962.183 TNA DEFE 28/166: Letter from D.W. Smart, HM Treasury, to Lt.-Col. W.M.L. Adler, Colonial Office, 18 October 1963.184 TNA WO 32/18518: ‘Quarterly Security Report. 1 May-31 Aug 63’, HQ FRA, 3 September 1963; ‘Annex A to 424/19/JSI Dated 24 Apr 64. Notes on reception of The Gambia’.185 TNA DEFE 28/166: Letter from Major P.H. Bartlett, Federal Ministry of Defence, to Lieutenant Commander F.P. Mathieson, Ministry of Defence, 20 May 1965.186 Mawby, ‘The British Brand of Anti-Imperialism’, 189.187 Kumar Ramakrishna, Emergency Propaganda: The Winning of Malayan Hearts and Minds, 1948-1958 (London: Routledge, 2001).188 BL, IOR/R/20/D/35: Aden Weekly Intelligence Summary, 29 June 1964.189 TNA DEFE 28/166: Letter from Major P.H. Bartlett, Federal Ministry of Defence, to Lieutenant Commander F.P. Mathieson, Ministry of Defence, 20 May 1965.190 TNA DEFE 28/147: Letter from Lt.-Col. R.S. Richmond, MEC, to Colonel H.N.H. Wild, Ministry of Defence, 16 May 1965.191 TNA DEFE 28/167: Minute from Colonel H.N.H. Wild, Deputy Director of Forward Plans, to AUS(Pol), 16 December 1966.192 TNA DEFE 28/161: Minute from Major P.H. Bartlett, HQ South Arabian Army, to Colonel H.N.H. Wild, Ministry of Defence, 20 June 1967, with attached: ‘The Impact of Recent Events in the Middle East on the South Arabian Army’.193 Walker, ‘The South Arabian Army - A Poisoned Chalice?’, 107.194 IWMD: Papers of Major General Sir John Willoughby, catalogue number Documents.12980. Handwritten diary, entry for 26 June 1966.195 IWMSA: Jack M. Dye, catalogue number 23811, reel 10.196 Christopher Caden and Nir Arielli, ‘British Army and Palestine Police Deserters and the Arab-Israeli War of 1948’, War in History, 28/1 (2021), 201.197 Raffi Gregorian, The British Army, the Gurkhas and Cold War Strategy in the Far East, 1947-1954 (Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2002), 172.198 Timothy Parsons, The African rank-and-file: social implications of colonial military service in the King’s African Rifles, 1902-1964 (Oxford: James Currey, 1999), 212-213.199 Paget, Last Post, 248.200 See: Letters from Historical Information Rights Team, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, to Huw Bennett, 14 September 2022, 18 October 2022, 29 June 2023.Additional informationNotes on contributorsHuw BennettHuw Bennett is Reader in International Relations at Cardiff University. He is author of Fighting the Mau Mau: The British Army and Counter-Insurgency in the Kenya Emergency (Cambridge University Press, 2012), and Uncivil War: The British Army and the Troubles (Cambridge University Press, 2023).
摘要本文认为,对1967年英国从亚丁撤出的理解需要更多地关注当地安全部队的忠诚,他们本应帮助镇压南阿拉伯的叛乱,然后在英国离开时确保一个友好的国家。联邦正规军(FRA)是最重要的部队,事实证明它一贯不可靠,其行为包括企图谋杀英国人员、逃兵和政治激进主义。然而,解散联邦调查局可能会使事情变得更糟,因此英国军官试图通过各种机制来操纵其忠诚度,包括加薪,忽视不忠事件和对士兵进行宣传。这些努力成功地将兵变推迟到1967年6月,但只是建立了一支被叛乱运动渗透的部队,没有能力在保卫联邦方面发挥任何有意义的作用。这一分析表明,对英国反叛乱的研究应该进一步调查当地盟友在战略和行动中的作用。感谢维多利亚·巴舍姆、爱德华·伯克、布莱恩·德罗汉、大卫·弗伦奇、克劳迪娅·希勒布兰德和大卫·摩根-欧文在本文编写过程中的帮助,感谢博德利图书馆、大英图书馆、帝国战争博物馆和国家档案馆的工作人员使档案研究成为可能。该文章的早期版本分别于2022年在阿姆斯特丹举行的战争历史学会和2023年在圣地亚哥举行的军事历史学会会议上发表。感谢会议组织者,也感谢听众提出的问题和意见。我非常感谢该杂志的编辑盖纳·约翰逊教授和两位匿名审稿人,他们提高了文章的质量,并允许其发表。披露声明作者未报告潜在的利益冲突。注1 Rhiannon Vickers,《工党与世界》,第二卷:1951年以来工党的外交政策(曼彻斯特:曼彻斯特大学出版社,2011年),58页,76-77.2。(贝辛斯托克:帕尔格雷夫·麦克米伦出版社,2002年),104.3约翰·杨:《工党政府1964-1970》,第二卷:国际政策(曼彻斯特:曼彻斯特大学出版社,2003年),31,35 -38,50.4肯尼迪·特雷瓦基斯:《琥珀的阴影:南阿拉伯的一段插曲》(伦敦:哈钦森出版社,1968年);科林·米切尔,《当过兵》(伦敦:哈米什·汉密尔顿出版社,1969)克莱夫·琼斯,英国与也门内战,1962-1965。《部长、雇佣兵和官员:外交政策和秘密行动的限制》(布莱顿:苏塞克斯学术出版社,2004年),216.6乔纳森·沃克,《亚丁叛乱:1962-1967年南阿拉伯的野蛮战争》(斯台普赫斯特:Spellmount出版社,2005年),第19页亚伦·爱德华兹《保卫王国?》《1945年以来英国小规模战争的政治》(曼彻斯特:曼彻斯特大学出版社,2012年),178.8《英国陆军:陆军野战手册第1卷第10部分:打击叛乱》(沃明斯特:陆战中心,2009年),CS4-4.9阿瑟·奥卡比:《北也门内战与南阿拉伯联邦的失败》,《中东研究》,53/1 (2017),69-83;斯宾塞·莫比,“从部落叛乱到革命:1955-1967年英国在阿拉伯西南部的反叛乱行动”,《国际历史电子杂志》,2000年第5期,2023年2月16日在线访问:迈克尔·约瑟夫,1989),11威廉·d·詹姆斯,“苏伊士以东的全球英国战略问题”,欧洲国际安全杂志,6(2021),173,176.12斯宾塞·莫比,英国在亚丁和保护国的政策1955-67:中东帝国的最后一个前哨战(伦敦:劳特利奇,2005),3.13罗布·约翰逊,忠于他们的Salt:西方武装部队的本土人员(伦敦:赫斯特公司,2017),302.14大卫·弗伦奇,军队,帝国和冷战;《英国军队与军事政策,1945-1971》(牛津:牛津大学出版社,2012),244-245,287-288.15乔纳森·沃克,“南阿拉伯军队——一个有毒的圣杯?”’,见诺埃尔·布雷霍尼和克莱夫·琼斯(编),《英国离开亚丁和南阿拉伯:没有荣耀,但没有灾难》(柏林:格拉赫出版社,2020年),96.16朱利安·佩吉特,《最后一篇文章:亚丁1964-67》(伦敦:费伯和费伯出版社,1969年),213-223;莫比,英国在亚丁的政策和保护国,168-169.18佩吉特,最后一篇,186.19大卫·弗兰奇,英国在反叛乱中的方式1945-1967(牛津:牛津大学出版社,2011),185-186.20莫比,英国在亚丁的政策和保护国,176。 21 Eric Hundman,“军事组织中不服从的多样性”,全球安全研究杂志,6/4 (2021),2.22 Frank Edwards, The Gaysh: 1927-61年亚丁保护国征召的历史和1961-67年南阿拉伯联邦正规军(Solihull: Helion and Company, 2004), 10,144.23大英图书馆,印度办公室记录[以下称“BL”],IOR/R/20/B/3057:“联邦军队半年安全报告”,1962年1月11日。《二十世纪和二十一世纪的步兵战术和凝聚力》(牛津:牛津大学出版社).25Tarak Barkawi,“非殖民化战争”,《欧洲国际安全杂志》,2016年第1/2期,199-214;米歇尔·r·莫伊德:《暴力中介:德属东非的非洲士兵、征服和日常殖民主义》(俄亥俄州雅典:俄亥俄大学出版社,2014年);塔拉克·巴卡维:《帝国的士兵:第二次世界大战中的印度和英国军队》(剑桥:剑桥大学出版社,2017),第26页Elihu Rose,“兵变的剖析”,武装部队与社会,8/4 (1982),561-563.27 George Lepre, Fragging:为什么美国士兵在越南袭击他们的军官(德克萨斯州,Lubbock:德克萨斯理工大学出版社,2011),19-60.28英国国家档案馆[以下简称“TNA”]WO 32/18518:“亚丁保护国征费安全半年报告”,1961年2月14日。大卫·约翰·沃伦,目录号13041,卷轴3.31 BL, IOR/R/20/D/219:“联邦情报摘要”,1964年9月27日,1964年11月15日,1965年5月3日。帝国战争博物馆文件[以下简称IWMD]:少将约翰·威洛比爵士的文件,目录号Documents.12980。1965年6月20日的手写日记。33 BL, IOR/R/20/D/219:“联邦情报摘要”,1965年6月21日。34国际大规模杀伤性武器:约翰·威洛比少将的论文,目录号:document12980。手写日记,1966.35 IWMSA:大卫·艾伦·塔尔博特·贝恩斯,目录号20062,卷5.36西奥多·麦克劳克林,遗弃:内战中的信任和不信任(伊萨卡:康奈尔大学出版社,2020),19.37 TNA CO 968/806: J.E.卓别林上校的信,联邦国防部,给中将。查尔斯·哈灵顿爵士,中东司令部[以下简称“MEC”],1965年10月28日。38 BL, IOR/R/20/B/3057:《联邦正规军半年安全报告》,1962年6月1日;“联邦正规军季度安全报告”,1962年12月15日;TNA WO 32/18518:“亚丁保护国税收安全半年报告”,1961年2月14日;BL, IOR/R/20/B/3057:“联邦陆军半年安全报告”,1962年1月11日。《每周情报评论》,1963年5月10日;41 BL, IOR/R/20/D/219:《联邦情报摘要》,1965年4月6日;42 BL, IOR/R/20/B/3057:《联邦正规军季度安全报告》,1962年12月15日;43 BL, IOR/R/20/D/37:《中东联合情报委员会》。《每周情报评论》,1963年3月15日,1963年5月3日。44 BL, IOR/R/20/D/41:高级专员办事处。1963年8月月报TNA我们305/1790:信号从联邦国防部总部联邦铁路局,1月7日1964.46提单,IOR / R / 20 / D / 34:亚丁湾每周情报总结,3月10日,3月17日,3月24日、5月3 1964.47凯文·克勒,多萝西哦!,Holger阿尔布雷特,“从不满遗弃:网络如何促进军事反抗内战”,比较政治,48/4(2016),439.48提单,IOR / R / 2475 / B /:来信指挥官联邦铁路局代理副高级专员,5月12日1963.49提单,IOR / R / 2475 / B /:[994 . 62]穆罕穆德·侯赛因·哈格里TNA WO 305/1790:“季度安全报告,63年9月1日至12月31日”,联邦调查局总部,1964.22;BL, IOR/R/20/B/3057:“联邦正规军季度安全报告”,1962.15;TNA WO 32/18518:“联邦正规军季度安全报告”,1963.28;TNA WO 32/18518:“季度安全报告”,1963年9月3日,联邦调查局总部,1963.54;TNA WO 32/18518:“联邦正规军季度安全报告”,1963年3月28日;1963.55 TNA CO 968/785:肯尼迪·特雷瓦斯基爵士给殖民地事务国务卿的电报,1964.56 TNA CO 968/785:肯尼迪·特雷瓦斯基爵士给殖民地事务国务卿的电报,1964.57《泰晤士报》,1997.10,1997.58 TNA CO 968/786: w·杰拉蒂给国防部长(陆军)的记录,1964.59 Yagil Levy,“内部控制:“士兵如何控制军队”,《欧洲国际关系杂志》,2017年第23/1期,1977.60莫比,英国在亚丁和保护国的政策,104.61国际大规模杀伤武器:约翰·威洛比少将的论文,目录号文献,12980。手写日记,1965年5月23日,8月6日的记录TNA CO 968/806:“对联邦正规军的评估”,联邦军事管理局司令,1965年10月27日。
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