{"title":"Cycles of change: enhancing collaboration and communication in Norwegian municipalities to strengthen heritage preparedness for extreme events","authors":"Nina Kjølsen Jernæs, Cecilie Flyen, Joel Taylor","doi":"10.1080/19455224.2023.2257263","DOIUrl":null,"url":null,"abstract":"AbstractThis article considers the development of a framework to collaboratively identify and address the most pressing needs for application of climate change research to the preservation of cultural heritage in Norway. Its focus is on historic wooden buildings, at increased risk from fire and flood due to climate change. Drawing from the field of translational research, the MICHON project identified the need for targeted, systematic knowledge networks in preparedness planning for cultural heritage environments. This was developed through a combination of desk-based research and extensive collaboration with Norwegian municipalities, fire brigades and local communities. The process has included evaluation of policy and practice in diverse case sites to frame a networking methodology that builds on Lean Construction and the backwards planning method. The interaction between researcher and practitioner has been at the forefront of the project and the iterative design has already shown transformative impacts to both practice and research.Sammendrag«‘Cycles of change’; forsterking av samhandling og kommunikasjon i norske kommuner for å styrke arbeidet med beredskap for kulturminner ved akutte hendelser»Artikkelen tar for seg utviklingen av et rammeverk for å identifisere og adressere de viktigste behovene for anvendelse av klimaendringsforskning for bevaring av kulturarv i Norge. Fokuset er på historiske trebygninger, med økt risiko for brann og flom på grunn av klimaendringene. Med translasjonell forskning som metodisk utgangspunkt, identifiserte MICHON-prosjektet behovet for målrettede, systematiske kunnskapsnettverk i beredskapsplanlegging for kulturmiljøer, i tillegg til gjennomføring av øvelser. Dette er utviklet gjennom en kombinasjon av litteraturgjennomgang og omfattende samarbeid med norske kommuner, brannvesen og lokalsamfunn. Prosessen har inkludert evaluering av politikk og praksis på ulike områder for å lage et rammeverk for en nettverksmodell og som bygger på metodene for samarbeid som Lean Construction og bakoverplanlegging. Samspillet mellom forskning og praksis har vært utforsket i prosjektet, og den iterative fremgangsmåten har allerede vist gode effekter på tvers av fagfelt.Résumé«Cycles de changement: renforcer la collaboration et la communication dans les municipalités norvégiennes pour améliorer la préparation du patrimoine face aux événements extrêmes»Cet article envisage le développement d'un cadre permettant d’identifier et de répondre de manière collaborative aux besoins les plus urgents pour mettre en application la recherche sur le changement climatique, pour la préservation du patrimoine culturel en Norvège. Il se concentre sur les bâtiments historiques en bois, exposés à un risque accru d'incendie et d'inondation en raison du changement climatique. S'inspirant du domaine de la recherche translationnelle, le projet MICHON a identifié le besoin d’avoir des réseaux de savoirs ciblés et systématiques dans la planification de la préparation de l’environnement du patrimoine culturel. Il a été mis au point grâce à une association de recherches documentaires et d'une collaboration étendue aux municipalités norvégiennes, aux pompiers et aux communautés locales. Le processus a inclus l'évaluation de la politique et de la mise en œuvre dans divers sites étudiés pour élaborer une méthodologie de mise en réseau qui s'appuie sur une gestion allégée (Lean) et une méthode de rétroplanning. L'interaction entre le chercheur et le praticien a été au premier plan du projet et la conception itérative a déjà produit des transformations à la fois sur la pratique et la recherche.Zusammenfassung„Zyklen des Wandels: Verbesserung der Zusammenarbeit und Kommunikation in norwegischen Gemeinden zur Stärkung der Vorsorge bei Extremereignissen im Bereich Kulturgut“Dieser Artikel befasst sich mit der Entwicklung eines Rahmens zur gemeinsamen Identifizierung und Bewältigung der dringendsten Bedürfnisse bei der Anwendung der Klimawandelforschung zur Erhaltung des kulturellen Erbes in Norwegen. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf historischen Holzgebäuden, die aufgrund des Klimawandels einem erhöhten Risiko durch Feuer und Überschwemmungen ausgesetzt sind. Ausgehend vom Bereich der translationalen Forschung wurde im Rahmen des MICHON-Projekts der Bedarf an gezielten, systematischen Wissensnetzwerken für die Bereitschaftsplanung im Bereich des kulturellen Erbes ermittelt. Dies wurde durch eine Kombination aus Sekundärforschung und umfassender Zusammenarbeit mit norwegischen Gemeinden, Feuerwehren und den Gemeinschaften vor Ort entwickelt. Der Prozess umfasste die Bewertung von Politik und Praxis an verschiedenen Fallbeispielen, um eine Netzwerkmethodik zu entwickeln, die auf Lean Construction und der Methode der Rückwärtsplanung aufbaut. Die Interaktion zwischen Forschern und Praktikern stand im Vordergrund des Projekts, und das iterative Design hat bereits transformative Auswirkungen sowohl auf die Praxis als auch auf die Forschung gezeigt.Resumen“Ciclos de cambio: Mejorando la colaboración y la comunicación en los municipios noruegos para fortalecer la prevención de riesgos del patrimonio ante fenómenos extremos”Este artículo examina el desarrollo de un marco para identificar y abordar en colaboración, las necesidades más apremiantes en cuanto a la aplicación de la investigación sobre el cambio climático a la conservación del patrimonio cultural en Noruega. Se centra en los edificios históricos de madera, expuestos a un mayor riesgo de incendio e inundación debido al cambio climático. Basándose en el campo de la investigación traslativa, el proyecto MICHON identificó la necesidad de redes de conocimiento específicas y sistemáticas relativas a un plan de preparación de emergencia para entornos de patrimonio cultural. Esto se desarrolló mediante una combinación de investigación documental y una amplia colaboración con municipios noruegos, cuerpos de bomberos y comunidades locales. El proceso ha incluido una evaluación de las políticas y la prácticas en diferentes emplazamientos para delimitar una metodología de trabajo en red basada en ‘Lean Construction’ y el método de planificación retrospectiva. La interacción entre los investigadores y los profesional practicantes ha estado al frente del proyecto y este proceso de diseño iterativo ya ha mostrado efectos transformadores tanto en la práctica como en la investigación.摘要“周期变化:挪威市政当局为强化遗产的极端事件预防能力而加强合作与交流”本文探讨了一个框架制定,以共同确定和满足挪威在文化遗产保护方面应用气候变化研究的最迫切需求。文章的关注点是历史悠久的木质建筑,由于气候变化,这些建筑面临火灾和洪水的风险越来越大。MICHON项目借鉴了转化型研究的经验,确定了在文化遗产环境的防灾规划中建立有针对性且系统的知识网络的必要性。通过案头研究以及与挪威市政当局、消防队和当地社区的广泛合作,该项目得到了发展。这一过程包括对不同案例场所的政策和实践进行评估,以构建一种基于精益建设和逆向策划法的网络方法。研究人员与实践者之间的互动一直是该项目的重中之重,而迭代设计已显现出对实践和研究的变革性影响Keywords: disaster preparednesscultural heritagepreventive workinterdisciplinary planningnetworkbackwards planning AcknowledgmentsThe authors sincerely thank the cooperative municipalities in the MICHON project, for sharing knowledge and making time to prioritise this matter. The authors have learned so much from the workshops and discussions, which will be important for the project and to convey to other Norwegian municipalities. Also, gratitude goes to Nancy Bell for introducing the authors to the field of translational research.Notes1 Cf. for example, ICOMOS, Resolution 19GA 2017/30—Mobilizing ICOMOS and the Cultural Heritage Community to Help Meet the Challenge of Climate Change (2017), 18–20, www.icomos.org/images/DOCUMENTS/General_Assemblies/19th_Delhi_2017/19th_GA_Outcomes/GA2017_Resolutions_EN_20180206finalcirc.pdf (accessed 2 September 2023).2 Sandra Fatoric and Erin Seekamp, ‘Are Cultural Heritage and Resources Threatened by Climate Change? A Systematic Literature Review’, Climatic Change 142, 1, no. 17 (2017): 227–54.3 Cf. UNESCO, ‘Reducing Disaster Risk at World Heritage Properties’ (2021), https://whc.unesco.org/en/disaster-risk-reduction/#need (accessed 2 September 2023).4 Cf. Alessandra Bonazza et al., Safeguarding Cultural Heritage from Natural and Man-Made Disasters. A Comparative Analysis of Risk Management in the EU (Brussels: European Commission, 2018), 32.5 Elena Sesana et al., ‘Adapting Cultural Heritage to Climate Change Risks: Perspectives of Cultural Heritage Experts in Europe’, Geosciences 8, no. 8 (2018): 305, https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences8080305 (accessed 2 September 2023).6 See, for example, ICCROM, ‘First Aid and Resilience for Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis (FAR), ICCROM Programme’ (2023), https://www.iccrom.org/what-we-do/programmes/first-aid-and-resilience-cultural-heritage-times-crisis-far/our-approach; ICCROM, ‘Climate, Culture, Peace’ (2022), https://custom-eur.cvent.com/CABD8F5ECAB94065919D73EE0472667D/files/be8251dd112f4b82b3de08763d9a16c8.pdf (both accessed 2 September 2023).7 IPCC, Climate Change 2023: Synthesis Report. Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Geneva: IPCC, Geneva, 2023): 1–34, https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/syr/downloads/report/IPCC_AR6_SYR_SPM.pdf (accessed 5 September 2023).8 Rongbin Xu et al., ‘Wildfires, Global Climate Change, and Human Health’, The New England Journal of Medicine 383 (2020): 2173–3181, https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMsr2028985 (accessed 5 September 2023).9 Inger Hanssen-Bauer et al., Climate in Norway 2100—A Knowledge Base for Climate Adaptation, The Norwegian Environment Agency, report no. 1/2017. ISSN 2387-3027.10 Sesana et al., ‘Adapting Cultural Heritage to Climate Change Risks’.11 Cecilie Flyen et al., ‘Municipal Collaborative Planning Boosting Climate Resilience in the Built Environment’, International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment 9, no. 1 (2018), https://doi.org/10.1108/IJDRBE-10-2016-0042 (accessed 5 September 2023).12 Changing Climate—Together for a Climate-resilient Society, White Paper to the Storting (Norwegian Parliament) from the Ministry of Climate and Environment, 2023 (in Norwegian), https://www.regjeringen.no/contentassets/1008d2a2e92c4384890817fae9fca1d4/no/pdfs/stm202220230026000dddpdfs.pdf (accessed 2 September 2023).13 Changing Climate—Together for a Climate-Resilient Society, authors translation.14 The Directorate for Cultural Heritage, Climate Strategy: The Climate Strategy for Cultural Heritage Environment Management (The Norwegian Directorate for Cultural Heritage, 2021), http://www.riksantikvaren.no/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/RA_Klimastrategi_2021.15.08-oppslag_150dpi.pdf (accessed 20 May 2023).15 Nancy Bell, personal communication with Joel Taylor (2020).16 Cf. for example, Clemens Blümel et al., In Search of Translational Research: Report on the Development and Current Understanding of a New Terminology in Medical Research and Practice (Berlin: Berlin Institute of Health, 2015), https://www.bihealth.org/fileadmin/publikationen/dateien/iFQ-BIH-Report_2015_web.pdf (accessed 5 September 2023).17 Jonathan Breckon and Jane Dodson, Using Evidence: What Works? A Discussion Paper (London: NESTA , 2016), https://www.bl.uk/britishlibrary/∼/media/bl/global/social-welfare/pdfs/non-secure/u/s/i/using-evidence-what-works.pdf (accessed 5 September 2023).18 Cf. for example, Kathy Eljiz et al., ‘Improving Knowledge Translation for Increased Engagement and Impact in Healthcare’, BMJ Open Quality 9, (2020), https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32943430/ (accessed 15 June 2023).19 See, for example, Wilfred Carr and Stephen Kemmis, Becoming Critical: Education, Knowledge and Action Research (London: Routledge, 1986); Richard Sagor and Charlene Williams, The Action Research Guidebook: A Process for Pursuing Equity and Excellence in Education, 3rd edn (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2016).20 Cf. Bruno De Oliveira, ‘Participatory Action Research as a Research Approach: Advantages, Limitations and Criticisms’, Qualitative Research Journal 23, no. 3 (2023): 287–97, https://doi.org/10.1108/QRJ-08-2022-0101 (accessed 3 June 2023).21 De Oliveira, ‘Participatory Action Research as a Research Approach’.22 De Oliveira, ‘Participatory Action Research as a Research Approach’.23 Assignments for the New Regions, White Paper to the Storting (Norwegian Parliament) from the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development, 2019 (in Norwegian), https://www.regjeringen.no/no/dokumenter/meld.-st.-6-20182019/id2616180/?ch=1 (accessed 2 September 2023).24 See Åshild Lappegard Hauge, Gro Sandkjær Hanssen, and Cecilie Flyen, ‘Multilevel Networks for Climate Change Adaptation—What Works?’, International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management 11, no. 2 (2018): 215–34, https://doi.org/10.1108/IJCCSM-10-2017-0194 (accessed 5 September 2023).25 Office of the Auditor General of Norway, Riksrevisjonens undersøkelse av myndighetenes arbeid med å tilpasse infrastruktur og bebyggelse til et klima i endring (Survey of Norwegian Authorities’ Work with Adaptation of Infrastructure and Built Environment to a Changing Climate), Document 3:6, 2021–2022 (Oslo, 2022) (in Norwegian), https://www.riksrevisjonen.no/globalassets/rapporter/no-2021-2022/dokument-3-6-2021-2022---undersokelse-av-myndighetenes-arbeid-med-klimatilpasning-av-bebyggelse-og-infrastruktur---endelig.pdf (accessed 5 September 2023).26 See, for example, Mikkel Vindegg et al., Barrierer for klimatilpasning på lokalt og regionalt nivå (Barriers Towards Climate Adaptation at Local and Regional Levels) CICERO Report 03/2022 (Oslo, 2022) (in Norwegian), https://www.vestforsk.no/sites/default/files/2022-05/CICERO%20Rapport%202022%2003%20-%20m%20partnere%20-%20web.pdf (accessed 5 September 2023); Torbjørn Selseng, Berit Johanne Skogvang, and Carlo Aall, Spørreundersøkelse til norske kommuner om status for 2021 i arbeidet med klimatilpasning (Survey to Norwegian Municipalities about the 2021 Status for the Work with Climate Adaptation), Vestlandsforskning Report 10/2021 (Sogndal, 2021) (in Norwegian), https://www.ks.no/globalassets/fagomrader/samfunnsutvikling/klima/KTP-kommuneundersokelsen-10122021.pdf (accessed 5 September 2023).27 Cf. for example, NRK Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation, ‘Dansk klimaekspert: Noreg har ein stor jobb framfor seg’ (‘Danish Climate Research: Norway has a Big Job Ahead’) (11 August 2023), https://www.nrk.no/norge/dansk-klimaekspert_-noreg-har-ein-stor-jobb-framfor-seg-1.16507234 (accessed 5 September 2023).28 Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development, Plan- og bygningsloven (The Planning and Building Act) (Oslo, 2010), https://lovdata.no/dokument/NL/lov/2008-06-27-71 (accessed 5 September 2023).29 Flyen et al., ‘Municipal Collaborative Planning’.30 ‘New Goals for Norway’s Cultural Environment Policy’, White Paper to the Storting (Norwegian Parliament) from the Ministry of Climate and Environment, 2020 (in Norwegian), https://www.regjeringen.no/no/dokumenter/meld.-st.-16-20192020/id2697781/ (accessed 5 September 2023).31 The Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection, Veileder til helhetlig risiko- og sårbarhetsanalyse i kommunen (Guide to Comprehensive Risk and Vulnerability Analysis in the Municipality), revised version (2022) (in Norwegian), https://www.dsb.no/globalassets/dokumenter/veiledere-handboker-og-informasjonsmateriell/veiledere/veileder_helhetlig_ros_01-22.pdf (accessed 5 September 2023).32 Breckon and Dodson, Using Evidence.33 Rohit Jigyasu and Vanicka Arora, Disaster Risk Management of Cultural Heritage in Urban Areas: A Training Guide (Kyoto: RitsDMUCH, 2013).34 Sherry R. Arnstein, ‘Ladder of Citizen Participation’, Journal of the American Planning Association 35, no. 4 (1969): 216–24, https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01944366908977225 (accessed 5 September 2023).35 Cf. Flyen et al., ‘Municipal Collaborative Planning’; Hauge, Hanssen, and Flyen, ‘Multilevel Networks for Climate Change Adaptation’; Åshild Lappegard Hauge et al., ‘User Guides for Climate Adaptation of Buildings and Infrastructure in Norway—Characteristics and Impact’, Climate Services 1 (2017): 23–33.36 Hauge, Hanssen, and Flyen, ‘Multilevel Networks for Climate Change Adaptation’.37 Cf. David Alexander, Principles of Emergency Planning and Management (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002); Rohit Jigyasu, ‘Sustainable Post-disaster Reconstruction through Integrated Risk Management: The Case of Rural Communities in South Asia’, Journal of Research in Architectural Planning 3 (2004): 32–43.38 Cf. Lee Bosher, Ksenia Chmutina, and Dewald van Niekerk, ‘Stop Going Around in Circles: Towards a Reconceptualisation of Disaster Risk Management Phases’, Disaster Prevention and Management 30, no. 4/5 (2021): 525–37, https://doi.org/10.1108/DPM-03-2021-0071 (accessed 5 September 2023).39 Flyen et al., ‘Municipal Collaborative Planning’.40 Cf. for example, James Newman et al., Resilient Cultural Heritage: Learning from the Japanese Experience (Washington, DC: Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery, 2020); Aleksandra Solinska-Novak et al., ‘An Overview of Serious Games for Disaster Risk Management—Prospects and Limitations for Informing Actions to Arrest Increasing Risk’, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 31 (2018): 1013–29; Bárbara Mínguez García, ‘Understanding and Communicating Risk to Cultural Heritage: The Future of Preserving the Past’, in 8th International Conference on Building Resilience: Risk and Resilience in Practice: Vulnerabilities, Displaced People, Local Communities and Heritages, Lisbon 2018 (2019): 229–34.41 Cf. The Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection, Metodehefte: Diskusjonsøvelse (Handbook in Planning, Execution, and Evaluation of Exercises) (2016), https://www.dsb.no/veiledere-handboker-og-informasjonsmateriell/metodehefte-diskusjonsovelse/ (accessed 23 May 2023).42 Andor Vince, Leading and Facilitating Tabletop Exercises in Emergency Response, Online Workshop, Heritage Collections Care Consultancy, New Zealand, 2023.43 Cf. Newman et al., Resilient Cultural Heritage; Solinska-Novak et al., ‘An Overview of Serious Games for Disaster Risk Management’.44 Cf. for example, Bo Terje Kalsaas, ed., Lean Construction—Forstå og forbedre prosjektbasert produksjon (Lean Construction—Understand and Improve Project Based Production) (Bergen, Norway: Fagbokforlaget, 2017), 36–42; Iqbal Shakeri, Khashayar Asadi Boroueni, and Homan Hassani, ‘Lean Construction: From Theory to Practice’, International Journal of Academic Research 7, no. 1 (2015): 129–36, doi: 10.7813/2075-4124.2015/7-1/B.22.45 See, for example, Deborah Mitchell, J. Edward Russo, and Nancy Pennington, ‘Back to the Future: Temporal Perspective in the Explanation of Events’, Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 2 (1989): 25–38.46 Cf. Daniel Kahneman and Gary Klein, ‘Conditions for Intuitive Expertise: A Failure to Disagree’, American Psychologist 64, no. 6 (2009): 515–26, https://doi.org/10.1037/a0016755 (accessed 5 September 2023).47 Gary Klein, Sources of Power: How People Make Decisions (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2017).48 Cf. Kahneman and Klein, ‘Conditions for Intuitive Expertise’; Daniel Kahneman, Thinking Fast and Slow (New York: Girard Strauss, 2011).49 Hauge, Hanssen, and Flyen, ‘Multilevel Networks for Climate Change Adaptation’.50 Carla Green et al., ‘Approaches to Mixed Methods Dissemination and Implementation Research: Methods, Strengths, Caveats, and Opportunities’, Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Service Research 42 (2015): 508–23, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10488-014-0552-6 (accessed 5 September 2023).51 Janet Heaton, Jo Day, and Nicky Britten, ‘Collaborative Research and the Co-production of Knowledge for Practice: An Illustrative Case Study’, Implementation Science 11, no. 20 (2015): 1–10, https://implementationscience.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13012-016-0383-9 (accessed 5 September 2023).52 Cf. Jordan Ferraro and Jane Henderson, ‘Identifying Features of Effective Emergency Response Plans’, Journal for the American Institute for Conservation 50, no. 1 (2011): 35–48.Additional informationNotes on contributorsNina Kjølsen JernæsNina Kjølsen Jernæs holds a master’s degree in Fine Arts Conservation and has worked at NIKU as a paintings conservator since 2008, with an additional role as a researcher since 2016. Nina’s main areas of work are preventive conservation, condition assessments, salvage, damage limitations and interdisciplinary projects related to climate change and extreme events on cultural heritage.Cecilie FlyenCecilie Flyen holds a master’s degree in Architecture, and has worked as a senior researcher at NIKU since 2022. Her main competencies cover climate change adaptation of the built environment and cultural heritage buildings, climate change mitigation, cultural heritage sustainability, climate behaviour, decision processes, governance and public administration, and legal framework and policy instruments. Cecilie has long experience on national and international research projects and has been working within research since 2001 (and a senior researcher since 2008). She also has experience as a professional architect prior to her research career.Joel TaylorJoel Taylor is a researcher involved in conservation, sustainability and the role of heritage in society. He has previously worked at University College London, Institute for Sustainable Heritage, English Heritage, and the National Museums and Galleries of Wales (UK), the University of Oslo (Norway) and the Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) in the US. He has a PhD in Conservation, and his research interests include preventive conservation, conservation theory, sustainability and intergenerational justice, decision making, and the social role of conservation.","PeriodicalId":43004,"journal":{"name":"Journal of the Institute of Conservation","volume":"40 1","pages":"0"},"PeriodicalIF":0.5000,"publicationDate":"2023-09-02","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":"0","resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":null,"PeriodicalName":"Journal of the Institute of Conservation","FirstCategoryId":"1085","ListUrlMain":"https://doi.org/10.1080/19455224.2023.2257263","RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":null,"ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":null,"EPubDate":"","PubModel":"","JCR":"0","JCRName":"HUMANITIES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY","Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
AbstractThis article considers the development of a framework to collaboratively identify and address the most pressing needs for application of climate change research to the preservation of cultural heritage in Norway. Its focus is on historic wooden buildings, at increased risk from fire and flood due to climate change. Drawing from the field of translational research, the MICHON project identified the need for targeted, systematic knowledge networks in preparedness planning for cultural heritage environments. This was developed through a combination of desk-based research and extensive collaboration with Norwegian municipalities, fire brigades and local communities. The process has included evaluation of policy and practice in diverse case sites to frame a networking methodology that builds on Lean Construction and the backwards planning method. The interaction between researcher and practitioner has been at the forefront of the project and the iterative design has already shown transformative impacts to both practice and research.Sammendrag«‘Cycles of change’; forsterking av samhandling og kommunikasjon i norske kommuner for å styrke arbeidet med beredskap for kulturminner ved akutte hendelser»Artikkelen tar for seg utviklingen av et rammeverk for å identifisere og adressere de viktigste behovene for anvendelse av klimaendringsforskning for bevaring av kulturarv i Norge. Fokuset er på historiske trebygninger, med økt risiko for brann og flom på grunn av klimaendringene. Med translasjonell forskning som metodisk utgangspunkt, identifiserte MICHON-prosjektet behovet for målrettede, systematiske kunnskapsnettverk i beredskapsplanlegging for kulturmiljøer, i tillegg til gjennomføring av øvelser. Dette er utviklet gjennom en kombinasjon av litteraturgjennomgang og omfattende samarbeid med norske kommuner, brannvesen og lokalsamfunn. Prosessen har inkludert evaluering av politikk og praksis på ulike områder for å lage et rammeverk for en nettverksmodell og som bygger på metodene for samarbeid som Lean Construction og bakoverplanlegging. Samspillet mellom forskning og praksis har vært utforsket i prosjektet, og den iterative fremgangsmåten har allerede vist gode effekter på tvers av fagfelt.Résumé«Cycles de changement: renforcer la collaboration et la communication dans les municipalités norvégiennes pour améliorer la préparation du patrimoine face aux événements extrêmes»Cet article envisage le développement d'un cadre permettant d’identifier et de répondre de manière collaborative aux besoins les plus urgents pour mettre en application la recherche sur le changement climatique, pour la préservation du patrimoine culturel en Norvège. Il se concentre sur les bâtiments historiques en bois, exposés à un risque accru d'incendie et d'inondation en raison du changement climatique. S'inspirant du domaine de la recherche translationnelle, le projet MICHON a identifié le besoin d’avoir des réseaux de savoirs ciblés et systématiques dans la planification de la préparation de l’environnement du patrimoine culturel. Il a été mis au point grâce à une association de recherches documentaires et d'une collaboration étendue aux municipalités norvégiennes, aux pompiers et aux communautés locales. Le processus a inclus l'évaluation de la politique et de la mise en œuvre dans divers sites étudiés pour élaborer une méthodologie de mise en réseau qui s'appuie sur une gestion allégée (Lean) et une méthode de rétroplanning. L'interaction entre le chercheur et le praticien a été au premier plan du projet et la conception itérative a déjà produit des transformations à la fois sur la pratique et la recherche.Zusammenfassung„Zyklen des Wandels: Verbesserung der Zusammenarbeit und Kommunikation in norwegischen Gemeinden zur Stärkung der Vorsorge bei Extremereignissen im Bereich Kulturgut“Dieser Artikel befasst sich mit der Entwicklung eines Rahmens zur gemeinsamen Identifizierung und Bewältigung der dringendsten Bedürfnisse bei der Anwendung der Klimawandelforschung zur Erhaltung des kulturellen Erbes in Norwegen. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf historischen Holzgebäuden, die aufgrund des Klimawandels einem erhöhten Risiko durch Feuer und Überschwemmungen ausgesetzt sind. Ausgehend vom Bereich der translationalen Forschung wurde im Rahmen des MICHON-Projekts der Bedarf an gezielten, systematischen Wissensnetzwerken für die Bereitschaftsplanung im Bereich des kulturellen Erbes ermittelt. Dies wurde durch eine Kombination aus Sekundärforschung und umfassender Zusammenarbeit mit norwegischen Gemeinden, Feuerwehren und den Gemeinschaften vor Ort entwickelt. Der Prozess umfasste die Bewertung von Politik und Praxis an verschiedenen Fallbeispielen, um eine Netzwerkmethodik zu entwickeln, die auf Lean Construction und der Methode der Rückwärtsplanung aufbaut. Die Interaktion zwischen Forschern und Praktikern stand im Vordergrund des Projekts, und das iterative Design hat bereits transformative Auswirkungen sowohl auf die Praxis als auch auf die Forschung gezeigt.Resumen“Ciclos de cambio: Mejorando la colaboración y la comunicación en los municipios noruegos para fortalecer la prevención de riesgos del patrimonio ante fenómenos extremos”Este artículo examina el desarrollo de un marco para identificar y abordar en colaboración, las necesidades más apremiantes en cuanto a la aplicación de la investigación sobre el cambio climático a la conservación del patrimonio cultural en Noruega. Se centra en los edificios históricos de madera, expuestos a un mayor riesgo de incendio e inundación debido al cambio climático. Basándose en el campo de la investigación traslativa, el proyecto MICHON identificó la necesidad de redes de conocimiento específicas y sistemáticas relativas a un plan de preparación de emergencia para entornos de patrimonio cultural. Esto se desarrolló mediante una combinación de investigación documental y una amplia colaboración con municipios noruegos, cuerpos de bomberos y comunidades locales. El proceso ha incluido una evaluación de las políticas y la prácticas en diferentes emplazamientos para delimitar una metodología de trabajo en red basada en ‘Lean Construction’ y el método de planificación retrospectiva. La interacción entre los investigadores y los profesional practicantes ha estado al frente del proyecto y este proceso de diseño iterativo ya ha mostrado efectos transformadores tanto en la práctica como en la investigación.摘要“周期变化:挪威市政当局为强化遗产的极端事件预防能力而加强合作与交流”本文探讨了一个框架制定,以共同确定和满足挪威在文化遗产保护方面应用气候变化研究的最迫切需求。文章的关注点是历史悠久的木质建筑,由于气候变化,这些建筑面临火灾和洪水的风险越来越大。MICHON项目借鉴了转化型研究的经验,确定了在文化遗产环境的防灾规划中建立有针对性且系统的知识网络的必要性。通过案头研究以及与挪威市政当局、消防队和当地社区的广泛合作,该项目得到了发展。这一过程包括对不同案例场所的政策和实践进行评估,以构建一种基于精益建设和逆向策划法的网络方法。研究人员与实践者之间的互动一直是该项目的重中之重,而迭代设计已显现出对实践和研究的变革性影响Keywords: disaster preparednesscultural heritagepreventive workinterdisciplinary planningnetworkbackwards planning AcknowledgmentsThe authors sincerely thank the cooperative municipalities in the MICHON project, for sharing knowledge and making time to prioritise this matter. The authors have learned so much from the workshops and discussions, which will be important for the project and to convey to other Norwegian municipalities. Also, gratitude goes to Nancy Bell for introducing the authors to the field of translational research.Notes1 Cf. for example, ICOMOS, Resolution 19GA 2017/30—Mobilizing ICOMOS and the Cultural Heritage Community to Help Meet the Challenge of Climate Change (2017), 18–20, www.icomos.org/images/DOCUMENTS/General_Assemblies/19th_Delhi_2017/19th_GA_Outcomes/GA2017_Resolutions_EN_20180206finalcirc.pdf (accessed 2 September 2023).2 Sandra Fatoric and Erin Seekamp, ‘Are Cultural Heritage and Resources Threatened by Climate Change? A Systematic Literature Review’, Climatic Change 142, 1, no. 17 (2017): 227–54.3 Cf. UNESCO, ‘Reducing Disaster Risk at World Heritage Properties’ (2021), https://whc.unesco.org/en/disaster-risk-reduction/#need (accessed 2 September 2023).4 Cf. Alessandra Bonazza et al., Safeguarding Cultural Heritage from Natural and Man-Made Disasters. A Comparative Analysis of Risk Management in the EU (Brussels: European Commission, 2018), 32.5 Elena Sesana et al., ‘Adapting Cultural Heritage to Climate Change Risks: Perspectives of Cultural Heritage Experts in Europe’, Geosciences 8, no. 8 (2018): 305, https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences8080305 (accessed 2 September 2023).6 See, for example, ICCROM, ‘First Aid and Resilience for Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis (FAR), ICCROM Programme’ (2023), https://www.iccrom.org/what-we-do/programmes/first-aid-and-resilience-cultural-heritage-times-crisis-far/our-approach; ICCROM, ‘Climate, Culture, Peace’ (2022), https://custom-eur.cvent.com/CABD8F5ECAB94065919D73EE0472667D/files/be8251dd112f4b82b3de08763d9a16c8.pdf (both accessed 2 September 2023).7 IPCC, Climate Change 2023: Synthesis Report. Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Geneva: IPCC, Geneva, 2023): 1–34, https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/syr/downloads/report/IPCC_AR6_SYR_SPM.pdf (accessed 5 September 2023).8 Rongbin Xu et al., ‘Wildfires, Global Climate Change, and Human Health’, The New England Journal of Medicine 383 (2020): 2173–3181, https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMsr2028985 (accessed 5 September 2023).9 Inger Hanssen-Bauer et al., Climate in Norway 2100—A Knowledge Base for Climate Adaptation, The Norwegian Environment Agency, report no. 1/2017. ISSN 2387-3027.10 Sesana et al., ‘Adapting Cultural Heritage to Climate Change Risks’.11 Cecilie Flyen et al., ‘Municipal Collaborative Planning Boosting Climate Resilience in the Built Environment’, International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment 9, no. 1 (2018), https://doi.org/10.1108/IJDRBE-10-2016-0042 (accessed 5 September 2023).12 Changing Climate—Together for a Climate-resilient Society, White Paper to the Storting (Norwegian Parliament) from the Ministry of Climate and Environment, 2023 (in Norwegian), https://www.regjeringen.no/contentassets/1008d2a2e92c4384890817fae9fca1d4/no/pdfs/stm202220230026000dddpdfs.pdf (accessed 2 September 2023).13 Changing Climate—Together for a Climate-Resilient Society, authors translation.14 The Directorate for Cultural Heritage, Climate Strategy: The Climate Strategy for Cultural Heritage Environment Management (The Norwegian Directorate for Cultural Heritage, 2021), http://www.riksantikvaren.no/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/RA_Klimastrategi_2021.15.08-oppslag_150dpi.pdf (accessed 20 May 2023).15 Nancy Bell, personal communication with Joel Taylor (2020).16 Cf. for example, Clemens Blümel et al., In Search of Translational Research: Report on the Development and Current Understanding of a New Terminology in Medical Research and Practice (Berlin: Berlin Institute of Health, 2015), https://www.bihealth.org/fileadmin/publikationen/dateien/iFQ-BIH-Report_2015_web.pdf (accessed 5 September 2023).17 Jonathan Breckon and Jane Dodson, Using Evidence: What Works? A Discussion Paper (London: NESTA , 2016), https://www.bl.uk/britishlibrary/∼/media/bl/global/social-welfare/pdfs/non-secure/u/s/i/using-evidence-what-works.pdf (accessed 5 September 2023).18 Cf. for example, Kathy Eljiz et al., ‘Improving Knowledge Translation for Increased Engagement and Impact in Healthcare’, BMJ Open Quality 9, (2020), https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32943430/ (accessed 15 June 2023).19 See, for example, Wilfred Carr and Stephen Kemmis, Becoming Critical: Education, Knowledge and Action Research (London: Routledge, 1986); Richard Sagor and Charlene Williams, The Action Research Guidebook: A Process for Pursuing Equity and Excellence in Education, 3rd edn (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2016).20 Cf. Bruno De Oliveira, ‘Participatory Action Research as a Research Approach: Advantages, Limitations and Criticisms’, Qualitative Research Journal 23, no. 3 (2023): 287–97, https://doi.org/10.1108/QRJ-08-2022-0101 (accessed 3 June 2023).21 De Oliveira, ‘Participatory Action Research as a Research Approach’.22 De Oliveira, ‘Participatory Action Research as a Research Approach’.23 Assignments for the New Regions, White Paper to the Storting (Norwegian Parliament) from the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development, 2019 (in Norwegian), https://www.regjeringen.no/no/dokumenter/meld.-st.-6-20182019/id2616180/?ch=1 (accessed 2 September 2023).24 See Åshild Lappegard Hauge, Gro Sandkjær Hanssen, and Cecilie Flyen, ‘Multilevel Networks for Climate Change Adaptation—What Works?’, International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management 11, no. 2 (2018): 215–34, https://doi.org/10.1108/IJCCSM-10-2017-0194 (accessed 5 September 2023).25 Office of the Auditor General of Norway, Riksrevisjonens undersøkelse av myndighetenes arbeid med å tilpasse infrastruktur og bebyggelse til et klima i endring (Survey of Norwegian Authorities’ Work with Adaptation of Infrastructure and Built Environment to a Changing Climate), Document 3:6, 2021–2022 (Oslo, 2022) (in Norwegian), https://www.riksrevisjonen.no/globalassets/rapporter/no-2021-2022/dokument-3-6-2021-2022---undersokelse-av-myndighetenes-arbeid-med-klimatilpasning-av-bebyggelse-og-infrastruktur---endelig.pdf (accessed 5 September 2023).26 See, for example, Mikkel Vindegg et al., Barrierer for klimatilpasning på lokalt og regionalt nivå (Barriers Towards Climate Adaptation at Local and Regional Levels) CICERO Report 03/2022 (Oslo, 2022) (in Norwegian), https://www.vestforsk.no/sites/default/files/2022-05/CICERO%20Rapport%202022%2003%20-%20m%20partnere%20-%20web.pdf (accessed 5 September 2023); Torbjørn Selseng, Berit Johanne Skogvang, and Carlo Aall, Spørreundersøkelse til norske kommuner om status for 2021 i arbeidet med klimatilpasning (Survey to Norwegian Municipalities about the 2021 Status for the Work with Climate Adaptation), Vestlandsforskning Report 10/2021 (Sogndal, 2021) (in Norwegian), https://www.ks.no/globalassets/fagomrader/samfunnsutvikling/klima/KTP-kommuneundersokelsen-10122021.pdf (accessed 5 September 2023).27 Cf. for example, NRK Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation, ‘Dansk klimaekspert: Noreg har ein stor jobb framfor seg’ (‘Danish Climate Research: Norway has a Big Job Ahead’) (11 August 2023), https://www.nrk.no/norge/dansk-klimaekspert_-noreg-har-ein-stor-jobb-framfor-seg-1.16507234 (accessed 5 September 2023).28 Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development, Plan- og bygningsloven (The Planning and Building Act) (Oslo, 2010), https://lovdata.no/dokument/NL/lov/2008-06-27-71 (accessed 5 September 2023).29 Flyen et al., ‘Municipal Collaborative Planning’.30 ‘New Goals for Norway’s Cultural Environment Policy’, White Paper to the Storting (Norwegian Parliament) from the Ministry of Climate and Environment, 2020 (in Norwegian), https://www.regjeringen.no/no/dokumenter/meld.-st.-16-20192020/id2697781/ (accessed 5 September 2023).31 The Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection, Veileder til helhetlig risiko- og sårbarhetsanalyse i kommunen (Guide to Comprehensive Risk and Vulnerability Analysis in the Municipality), revised version (2022) (in Norwegian), https://www.dsb.no/globalassets/dokumenter/veiledere-handboker-og-informasjonsmateriell/veiledere/veileder_helhetlig_ros_01-22.pdf (accessed 5 September 2023).32 Breckon and Dodson, Using Evidence.33 Rohit Jigyasu and Vanicka Arora, Disaster Risk Management of Cultural Heritage in Urban Areas: A Training Guide (Kyoto: RitsDMUCH, 2013).34 Sherry R. Arnstein, ‘Ladder of Citizen Participation’, Journal of the American Planning Association 35, no. 4 (1969): 216–24, https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01944366908977225 (accessed 5 September 2023).35 Cf. Flyen et al., ‘Municipal Collaborative Planning’; Hauge, Hanssen, and Flyen, ‘Multilevel Networks for Climate Change Adaptation’; Åshild Lappegard Hauge et al., ‘User Guides for Climate Adaptation of Buildings and Infrastructure in Norway—Characteristics and Impact’, Climate Services 1 (2017): 23–33.36 Hauge, Hanssen, and Flyen, ‘Multilevel Networks for Climate Change Adaptation’.37 Cf. David Alexander, Principles of Emergency Planning and Management (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002); Rohit Jigyasu, ‘Sustainable Post-disaster Reconstruction through Integrated Risk Management: The Case of Rural Communities in South Asia’, Journal of Research in Architectural Planning 3 (2004): 32–43.38 Cf. Lee Bosher, Ksenia Chmutina, and Dewald van Niekerk, ‘Stop Going Around in Circles: Towards a Reconceptualisation of Disaster Risk Management Phases’, Disaster Prevention and Management 30, no. 4/5 (2021): 525–37, https://doi.org/10.1108/DPM-03-2021-0071 (accessed 5 September 2023).39 Flyen et al., ‘Municipal Collaborative Planning’.40 Cf. for example, James Newman et al., Resilient Cultural Heritage: Learning from the Japanese Experience (Washington, DC: Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery, 2020); Aleksandra Solinska-Novak et al., ‘An Overview of Serious Games for Disaster Risk Management—Prospects and Limitations for Informing Actions to Arrest Increasing Risk’, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 31 (2018): 1013–29; Bárbara Mínguez García, ‘Understanding and Communicating Risk to Cultural Heritage: The Future of Preserving the Past’, in 8th International Conference on Building Resilience: Risk and Resilience in Practice: Vulnerabilities, Displaced People, Local Communities and Heritages, Lisbon 2018 (2019): 229–34.41 Cf. The Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection, Metodehefte: Diskusjonsøvelse (Handbook in Planning, Execution, and Evaluation of Exercises) (2016), https://www.dsb.no/veiledere-handboker-og-informasjonsmateriell/metodehefte-diskusjonsovelse/ (accessed 23 May 2023).42 Andor Vince, Leading and Facilitating Tabletop Exercises in Emergency Response, Online Workshop, Heritage Collections Care Consultancy, New Zealand, 2023.43 Cf. Newman et al., Resilient Cultural Heritage; Solinska-Novak et al., ‘An Overview of Serious Games for Disaster Risk Management’.44 Cf. for example, Bo Terje Kalsaas, ed., Lean Construction—Forstå og forbedre prosjektbasert produksjon (Lean Construction—Understand and Improve Project Based Production) (Bergen, Norway: Fagbokforlaget, 2017), 36–42; Iqbal Shakeri, Khashayar Asadi Boroueni, and Homan Hassani, ‘Lean Construction: From Theory to Practice’, International Journal of Academic Research 7, no. 1 (2015): 129–36, doi: 10.7813/2075-4124.2015/7-1/B.22.45 See, for example, Deborah Mitchell, J. Edward Russo, and Nancy Pennington, ‘Back to the Future: Temporal Perspective in the Explanation of Events’, Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 2 (1989): 25–38.46 Cf. Daniel Kahneman and Gary Klein, ‘Conditions for Intuitive Expertise: A Failure to Disagree’, American Psychologist 64, no. 6 (2009): 515–26, https://doi.org/10.1037/a0016755 (accessed 5 September 2023).47 Gary Klein, Sources of Power: How People Make Decisions (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2017).48 Cf. Kahneman and Klein, ‘Conditions for Intuitive Expertise’; Daniel Kahneman, Thinking Fast and Slow (New York: Girard Strauss, 2011).49 Hauge, Hanssen, and Flyen, ‘Multilevel Networks for Climate Change Adaptation’.50 Carla Green et al., ‘Approaches to Mixed Methods Dissemination and Implementation Research: Methods, Strengths, Caveats, and Opportunities’, Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Service Research 42 (2015): 508–23, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10488-014-0552-6 (accessed 5 September 2023).51 Janet Heaton, Jo Day, and Nicky Britten, ‘Collaborative Research and the Co-production of Knowledge for Practice: An Illustrative Case Study’, Implementation Science 11, no. 20 (2015): 1–10, https://implementationscience.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13012-016-0383-9 (accessed 5 September 2023).52 Cf. Jordan Ferraro and Jane Henderson, ‘Identifying Features of Effective Emergency Response Plans’, Journal for the American Institute for Conservation 50, no. 1 (2011): 35–48.Additional informationNotes on contributorsNina Kjølsen JernæsNina Kjølsen Jernæs holds a master’s degree in Fine Arts Conservation and has worked at NIKU as a paintings conservator since 2008, with an additional role as a researcher since 2016. Nina’s main areas of work are preventive conservation, condition assessments, salvage, damage limitations and interdisciplinary projects related to climate change and extreme events on cultural heritage.Cecilie FlyenCecilie Flyen holds a master’s degree in Architecture, and has worked as a senior researcher at NIKU since 2022. Her main competencies cover climate change adaptation of the built environment and cultural heritage buildings, climate change mitigation, cultural heritage sustainability, climate behaviour, decision processes, governance and public administration, and legal framework and policy instruments. Cecilie has long experience on national and international research projects and has been working within research since 2001 (and a senior researcher since 2008). She also has experience as a professional architect prior to her research career.Joel TaylorJoel Taylor is a researcher involved in conservation, sustainability and the role of heritage in society. He has previously worked at University College London, Institute for Sustainable Heritage, English Heritage, and the National Museums and Galleries of Wales (UK), the University of Oslo (Norway) and the Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) in the US. He has a PhD in Conservation, and his research interests include preventive conservation, conservation theory, sustainability and intergenerational justice, decision making, and the social role of conservation.
摘要本文考虑了一个框架的发展,以协同识别和解决将气候变化研究应用于挪威文化遗产保护的最迫切需求。它的重点是历史悠久的木制建筑,由于气候变化,这些建筑面临火灾和洪水的风险增加。MICHON项目借鉴了转化研究领域的经验,确定了在文化遗产环境的准备规划中需要有针对性的、系统的知识网络。这是通过桌面研究和与挪威市政当局、消防队和当地社区的广泛合作制定的。该过程包括对不同案例地点的政策和实践进行评估,以构建基于精益建设和向后规划方法的网络方法。研究者和实践者之间的互动一直是项目的前沿,迭代设计已经对实践和研究产生了变革性的影响。Sammendrag«变化的循环»;forsterking和samhandling og kommunikasjon是norske kommuner为<s:1>罢工、罢工、罢工、罢工、罢工、罢工、罢工、罢工、罢工、罢工、罢工、罢工、罢工、罢工、罢工、罢工、罢工、罢工、罢工、罢工、罢工、罢工、罢工、罢工、罢工、罢工、罢工、罢工、罢工、罢工、罢工、罢工、罢工、罢工、罢工。Fokuset的人的历史,如trebygninger, med økt的risiko为brann og从人的历史和klimaendringene。Med translingjonell用于某些metodisk的脱皮,识别micon - project的脱皮,系统的kunnskapnettverk用于文化脱皮,系统的kunnskapnettverk用于文化脱皮,系统的kunnskapnettverk用于文化脱皮,系统的kunnskapnettverk用于文化脱皮。我们的研究表明,我们的研究结果表明,我们的研究结果表明,我们的研究结果表明,我们的研究结果是正确的。研究人员已经开始对政治决策进行评估,比如对管理决策进行评估,对管理决策进行评估,对管理决策进行评估,对管理决策进行评估,对管理决策进行评估,对管理决策进行评估,对管理决策进行评估,对管理决策进行评估。Samspillet mellom forskning og praksis har vært utforsket我prosjektet og窝迭代fremgangsmaten har allerede考察戈德effekter pa特维尔av fagfelt。这篇文章设想了“变革周期”,即“变革周期”,“变革周期”,“变革周期”,“变革周期”,“变革周期”,“变革周期”,“变革周期”,“变革周期”,“变革周期”,“变革周期”,“变革周期”,“变革周期”,“变革周期”,“变革周期”。我将看到集中在森林里的森林的历史,暴露了在气候变化的原因下,<s:1>气候变化与气候变化之间的危险。年代'inspirant du domaine de la矫揉造作的translationnelle le项目(一个标识符勒甚至不联系有reseaux de知道已et systematiques在规划化de la准备de l 'environnement du patrimoine文化。1 .在全国范围内,有一项调查是关于<s:1>研究协会、文献协会和协作组织的,包括市政组织、普通组织、社区组织和地方组织的。这一过程包括:从政治角度出发,从组织角度出发,从组织角度出发,从组织角度出发;从组织角度出发,从组织角度出发;从组织角度出发,从组织角度出发;从组织角度出发,从组织角度出发;从组织角度出发,从组织角度出发。交换交换与交换交换与交换交换:交换交换与交换交换:交换交换与交换交换:交换交换与交换交换:交换交换与交换交换:交换交换与交换交换:交换交换与交换交换在挪威,“文化的进步与进步:文化的进步与进步与交流”在挪威,“文化的进步与进步”在挪威,“文化的进步与进步”在挪威,“文化的进步与进步”在挪威,“文化的进步与进步”在挪威,“文化的进步与进步”在挪威,“文化的进步与进步”在挪威。Der Schwerpunkt light auf historischen Holzgebäuden, die aufgrund des Klimawandels einem erhöhten visiko durch Feuer and Überschwemmungen ausgesetzt sind。(1)在德国,人们对德国文化的理解和理解是非常重要的;(2)在德国,人们对文化的理解是非常重要的。德国德国联合基金(Sekundärforschung)和德国德国联合基金(Zusammenarbeit mitnorgischen Gemeinden),德国德国联合基金(Gemeinschaften forforentwickelt)。在政治与实践的发展过程中,在精益建设的发展过程中,在精益建设的发展过程中,在精益建设的发展过程中,在精益建设的发展过程中,在精益建设的发展过程中,在精益建设的发展过程中。 1108/IJDRBE-10-2016-0042(2023年9月5日访问)13 .《共同应对气候变化,建设气候适应型社会》,气候与环境部向挪威议会提交的白皮书,2023年(挪威语),https://www.regjeringen.no/contentassets/1008d2a2e92c4384890817fae9fca1d4/no/pdfs/stm202220230026000dddpdfs.pdf(2023年9月2日访问)《共同应对气候变化,建设气候适应型社会》,作者译15.文化遗产局,《气候战略:文化遗产环境管理气候战略》(挪威文化遗产局,2021年),http://www.riksantikvaren.no/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/RA_Klimastrategi_2021.15.08-oppslag_150dpi.pdf(2023年5月20日访问)16 .南希·贝尔:《与乔尔·泰勒的私人交流》(2020)Cf.例如,Clemens bl<e:1> mel等人,《寻求转化研究:关于医学研究和实践中新术语的发展和当前理解的报告》(柏林:柏林卫生研究所,2015年),https://www.bihealth.org/fileadmin/publikationen/dateien/iFQ-BIH-Report_2015_web.pdf(访问日期为2023年9月5日)乔纳森·贝克尔和简·多德森,《使用证据:什么有效?》18 .讨论文件(伦敦:NESTA, 2016), https://www.bl.uk/britishlibrary/ ~ /media/bl/global/social-welfare/pdf /non-secure/u/s/i/using-evidence-what-works.pdf(2023年9月5日访问)Cf.例如,Kathy Eljiz等人,“改进知识翻译以提高医疗保健的参与度和影响力”,BMJ开放质量9,(2020),https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32943430/(访问日期为2023年6月15日)例如,参见威尔弗雷德·卡尔和斯蒂芬·凯米斯的《变得至关重要:教育、知识和行动研究》(伦敦:劳特利奇出版社,1986);Richard Sagor, Charlene Williams,《行动研究指南:追求教育公平与卓越的过程》,第三版(加州千橡市:Sage, 2016)参见Bruno De Oliveira,“参与式行动研究作为一种研究方法:优势、局限和批评”,《定性研究杂志》第23期,第2期。21 . 3 (2023): 287-97, https://doi.org/10.1108/QRJ-08-2022-0101(2023年6月3日访问)De Oliveira,“参与式行动研究作为一种研究方法”,第22期De Oliveira,“参与式行动研究作为一种研究方法”,第23期24 .《新地区的任务》,地方政府和区域发展部向挪威议会提交的白皮书,2019年(挪威语),https://www.regjeringen.no/no/dokumenter/meld.-st.-6-20182019/id2616180/?ch=1(2023年9月2日查阅)参见Åshild Lappegard Hauge, Gro sandkk ær hansen和Cecilie Flyen,《适应气候变化的多层次网络——什么有效?》《国际气候变化战略与管理杂志》,第11期。2 (2018): 215-34, https://doi.org/10.1108/IJCCSM-10-2017-0194(2023年9月5日访问)挪威审计长办公室,Riksrevisjonens undersøkelse av myndightenes arbeid med <s:1> tilpasse基础设施和建筑环境适应气候变化工作调查,文件3:6,2021-2022(奥斯陆,2022)(挪威语),https://www.riksrevisjonen.no/globalassets/rapporter/no-2021-2022/dokument-3-6-2021-2022---undersokelse-av-myndighetenes-arbeid-med-klimatilpasning-av-bebyggelse-og-infrastruktur---endelig.pdf(2023年9月5日访问)例如,参见Mikkel Vindegg等人的《气候适应的障碍》(地方和区域层面的气候适应障碍),CICERO报告03/2022(奥斯陆,2022)(挪威语),https://www.vestforsk.no/sites/default/files/2022-05/CICERO%20Rapport%202022%2003%20-%20m%20partnere%20-%20web.pdf(访问日期为2023年9月5日);Torbjørn Selseng, Berit Johanne Skogvang和Carlo Aall, spo ørreundersøkelse til norske kommuner om status for 2021 i arbeidet med klimatilpasing(对挪威市政当局关于2021年气候适应工作现状的调查),Vestlandsforskning报告10/2021 (Sogndal, 2021)(挪威文),https://www.ks.no/globalassets/fagomrader/samfunnsutvikling/klima/KTP-kommuneundersokelsen-10122021.pdf(访问日期为2023年9月5日)例如,NRK挪威广播公司,“丹麦气候研究:挪威有一个大的工作”(“丹麦气候研究:挪威有一个大的工作”)(2023年8月11日),https://www.nrk.no/norge/dansk-klimaekspert_-noreg-har-ein-stor-jobb-framfor-seg-1.16507234(2023年9月5日访问)29 .地方政府和区域发展部,规划- og bygningsloven(规划和建筑法)(奥斯陆,2010年),https://lovdata.no/dokument/NL/lov/2008-06-27-71(访问日期为2023年9月5日)Flyen等人,“市政协同规划”。 30《挪威文化环境政策的新目标》,气候与环境部向挪威议会提交的白皮书,2020年(挪威语),https://www.regjeringen.no/no/dokumenter/meld.-st.-16-20192020/id2697781/(2023年9月5日访问)32 .挪威民防局,《城市综合风险和脆弱性分析指南》,修订版(2022年)(挪威文),https://www.dsb.no/globalassets/dokumenter/veiledere-handboker-og-informasjonsmateriell/veiledere/veileder_helhetlig_ros_01-22.pdf(查阅于2023年9月5日)罗希特·吉加苏、瓦尼卡·阿罗拉,城市地区文化遗产灾害风险管理:培训指南(京都:城市文化遗产管理,2013),34Sherry R. Arnstein,《公民参与的阶梯》,《美国规划协会杂志》,第35期。4 (1969): 216-24, https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01944366908977225(2023年9月5日访问).35Cf. Flyen等人,“市政协同规划”;Hauge, hansen, and Flyen,《适应气候变化的多层次网络》;Åshild Lappegard Hauge等人,“挪威建筑和基础设施气候适应用户指南-特征和影响”,气候服务1 (2017):23-33.36 Hauge, hansen, and Flyen,“气候变化适应多层次网络”Cf. David Alexander,《应急计划和管理原则》(牛津:牛津大学出版社,2002年);Rohit Jigyasu,“通过综合风险管理的可持续灾后重建:南亚农村社区的案例”,《建筑规划研究杂志》第3期(2004):32-43.38 Cf. Lee Bosher, Ksenia Chmutina和Dewald van Niekerk,“停止绕圈:走向灾害风险管理阶段的重新概念”,《灾害预防与管理》第30期。4/5 (2021): 525-37, https://doi.org/10.1108/DPM-03-2021-0071(2023年9月5日访问)Flyen等人,“市政协同规划”,40Cf.例如,詹姆斯·纽曼等人,弹性文化遗产:从日本经验中学习(华盛顿特区:全球减灾和恢复基金,2020年);亚历山德拉·索林斯卡-诺瓦克等人,“灾害风险管理的严肃游戏概述”,《国际减灾杂志》31 (2018):1013-29;Bárbara Mínguez García,“理解和传达文化遗产风险:保护过去的未来”,第八届建设韧性国际会议:实践中的风险和韧性:脆弱性,流离失所者,当地社区和遗产,里斯本2018 (2019):229-34.41 Cf.挪威民防局,Metodehefte;Diskusjonsøvelse (Handbook in Planning, Execution, and Evaluation of Exercises) (2016), https://www.dsb.no/veiledere-handboker-og-informasjonsmateriell/metodehefte-diskusjonsovelse/(访问日期:2023年5月23日)Andor Vince,领导和促进桌面演习应急响应,在线研讨会,遗产收藏护理咨询公司,新西兰,2023.43 Cf. Newman等人,弹性文化遗产;Solinska-Novak等人,《灾害风险管理严肃游戏概览》,第44页例如,Bo Terje Kalsaas主编,精益建筑- forst<s:1> og forbedre projektbasert producksjon(精益建筑-理解和改进基于项目的生产)(卑尔根,挪威:Fagbokforlaget, 2017), 36-42;Iqbal Shakeri, Khashayar Asadi Boroueni和Homan Hassani,“精益建设:从理论到实践”,《国际学术研究杂志》第7期。参见,例如,Deborah Mitchell, J. Edward Russo和Nancy Pennington,“回到未来:事件解释的时间视角”,Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 2 (1989): 25-38.46 Cf. Daniel Kahneman和Gary Klein,“直觉经验的条件:不同意的失败”,American psychology 64, no. 22。6 (2009): 515-26, https://doi.org/10.1037/a0016755(2023年9月5日访问).47加里·克莱因,《权力的来源:人们如何做决定》(马萨诸塞州剑桥:麻省理工学院出版社,2017年)参见Kahneman和Klein,“直觉经验的条件”;丹尼尔·卡尼曼,《思考快与慢》(纽约:吉拉德·施特劳斯出版社,2011),第49页Hauge, hansen, and Flyen, <适应气候变化的多层次网络>,第50页卡拉·格林等人,“混合方法传播和实施研究的方法:方法,优势,警告和机会”,心理健康和心理健康服务研究42 (2015):508-23,https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10488-014-0552-6(访问日期为2023年9月5日)。 51 Janet Heaton, Jo Day和Nicky Britten,“合作研究和实践知识的共同生产:一个说明案例研究”,《实施科学》第11期。20 (2015): 1-10, https://implementationscience.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13012-016-0383-9(2023年9月5日访问).52参见Jordan Ferraro和Jane Henderson,“识别有效应急响应计划的特征”,《美国自然保护研究所学报》50期,第5期。1(2011): 35-48。snina Kjølsen Jernæs拥有美术保护硕士学位,自2008年以来一直在NIKU担任绘画修复师,并自2016年起担任研究员。尼娜的主要工作领域是预防性保护、状况评估、救助、损害限制以及与气候变化和文化遗产极端事件相关的跨学科项目。Cecilie Flyen拥有建筑学硕士学位,自2022年以来一直在NIKU担任高级研究员。她的主要研究领域包括建筑环境和文化遗产建筑的气候变化适应、气候变化减缓、文化遗产可持续性、气候行为、决策过程、治理和公共行政以及法律框架和政策工具。Cecilie长期从事国内和国际研究项目,自2001年以来一直从事研究工作(自2008年以来担任高级研究员)。在从事研究工作之前,她还拥有专业建筑师的经验。乔尔·泰勒(Joel Taylor)是一位研究保护、可持续性和遗产在社会中的作用的研究员。他曾在伦敦大学学院、可持续遗产研究所、英国遗产、威尔士国家博物馆和美术馆(英国)、奥斯陆大学(挪威)和美国盖蒂保护研究所(GCI)工作。他的研究兴趣包括预防性保护、保护理论、可持续性和代际正义、决策制定和保护的社会作用。
The Journal of the Institute of Conservation is the peer reviewed publication of the Institute of Conservation (Icon). As such, its aims reflect those of Icon, to advance knowledge and education in conservation and achieve the long term preservation and conservation of moveable and immoveable cultural heritage. The Journal provides a collective identity for conservators; it promotes and supports both the profession and professionalism. With international contributions on all aspects of conservation, it is an invaluable resource for the heritage sector. The specific aims of the Journal are to: 1. promote research, knowledge and understanding of cultural heritage conservation through its history, practice and theory 2. provide an international forum to enable and disseminate advances in research, knowledge and understanding relating to conservation and heritage 3. champion and support professional standards of heritage conservation in the UK and internationally 4. provide a permanent record of issues relating to conservation and heritage 5. be financially and operationally sustainable. To achieve these aims, the Journal invites contributions from all those involved in the conservation of cultural heritage and related activities. Areas of interest include understanding cultural heritage materials and their degradation; subject reviews and histories of cultural heritage materials and conservation treatments; new, innovative or improved approaches to conservation and collections care theory, practice, communication, management and training; case studies demonstrating new, innovative or improved approaches; and conservation in its wider context. Submitters are encouraged to demonstrate how their work is of practical application to conservation. To maintain professional standards and promote academic rigour, submissions of articles and shorter notices are subject to an anonymous peer review process.