Comprehensive nodal breast irradiation is traditionally treated utilizing 3DCRT planning with a three or four field technique. While the three or four field photon technique may be the standard of care for comprehensive nodal breast treatment, the ipsilateral lung dose and heart mean can often be of concern dependent on patient's anatomy. Standard dose constraints (200cGy x25) per the Alliance A221505 trial strive to maintain the ipsilateral V20<35% and heart mean <3Gy. Double scattering proton therapy treatment has a significant advantage over photons in reducing the ipsilateral lung and heart dose due the Spread-Out Bragg Peak and rapid dose drop off. Proton therapy in comprehensive nodal breast irradiation can be beneficial when dose constraints are exceeding in a photon plan or in the re-irradiation setting. Within this study, a comparison of ipsilateral lung and heart mean doses will be evaluated using both photon three/four field technique and double scattering proton therapy technique. A decreased ipsilateral lung V20 can be correlated to all proton plans that were conducted in the study. In all but one patient there was a decrease in the heart mean as well, which was due to patient anatomy.