Foreign Languages Bimonthly always adheres to the tradition of taking into account multiple languages and being compatible with multiple directions, and always practices the publishing concept of complementing theoretical research with applied research, and combining qualitative research with quantitative research. It continues to serve the first-level discipline of foreign languages and literature, and continues to publish academic papers on English, Russian, Japanese and non-common languages, teaching, translation, literature and corresponding comparative studies between China and foreign countries. The journal has permanent columns such as "Language and Linguistics Research", "Foreign Language Teaching Research", "Translation Research" and "Foreign Literature Research". At the same time, according to academic trends, special columns are set up from time to time, and academic authorities are invited to serve as column hosts.
自2024年第1期起,《解放军外国语学院学报》正式更名为《外语导刊》(Foreign Languages Bimonthly),由国防科技大学外国语学院主办,是外国语言文学研究学术刊物,现为CSSCI来源期刊、中文外国语类核心期刊和复印报刊资料重要转载来源期刊。读者对象为高校的外语教师、研究生和从事外国语言文学研究的人员。