The Journal of Boundary and Ocean Studies is an independent, peer-reviewed journal published in association with Wuhan University China Institute of Boundary and Ocean Studies. The Journal is a leading forum for articles on international land and maritime boundaries, the law of the sea and ocean governance, aspires to be a journal that provides a better understanding of the historical, geographical, political and legal dimensions of the boundary, borderland, cross-border, transborder and ocean issues.
《边界与海洋研究》(Journal of Boundary and Ocean Studies,ISSN 2096-2010, CN 42-1877/D,双月刊)于2016年5月创刊,由国家教育部主管,武汉大学主办,武汉大学中国边界与海洋研究院、国家领土主权与海洋权益协同创新中心编辑出版,系国内外唯一一家专注于边界与海洋问题的跨学科学术期刊。