Meteorological Monthly is one of the most time-honored existing journals in meteorology in our country. Growing out of Weather Monthly, Weather in the 1950s, and Meteorological Newsletter in the 1960s, it discontinued in the mid-1960s before resumed in 1975 with the current name, Meteorological Monthly. Over the past 40 years since its republication, Meteorological Monthly has become an influential journal both at home and abroad, with even more importance and acceptance among meteorological departments and related fields, thanks to the solicitude and support of leaders of all levels in China Meteorological Administration. All manuscripts submitted to Meteorological Monthly undergo single-blind peer review.
Over the years, Meteorological Monthly has been a core journal in national natural science, and is also in the front rank among meteorological journals according to the statistics of the Chinese Science Citation Database (CSCD). In 1992, Meteorological Monthly was awarded the first prize of Excellent Journal of China Meteorological Administration. In 2017, it was ranked “China Excellent Science and Technology Journal” when the ranking was held for the fourth time. In recent years, it has been included in the China Science and Technology Documents Database (CSTDB), China Science and Technology Journal Database, China Academic Journal Comprehensive Evaluation Database (CAJCED), Chinese Journal Full-text Database, Chinese Electronic Periodical Services (CEPS), Scopus among other MGAs (Meteorological and Geoastrophyiscal Abstracts), and is also published online. Meteorological Monthly has made contribution to the modernization of meteorological services by implementing the guidelines of “focusing on weather and climate monitoring and forecasting, focusing on severe weather, giving full demonstration of the latest developments in meteorological modernization.