Petroleum Science Bulletin was founded with the approval of the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television. The domestic publication number is CN10-1405/TE. Supervised by the Ministry of Education and hosted by China University of Petroleum (Beijing) and Tsinghua University Press Co., LTD. It mainly publishes new ideas and achievements in the fields of petroleum geology, petroleum geophysics, petroleum engineering, petroleum machinery, petrochemical industry, petroleum economy, etc., comprehensively reflects the progress of interdisciplinary basic research in petroleum natural science and social science, builds a high-level academic exchange platform for petroleum scientists, and promotes the innovation and development of petroleum science.
Petroleum Science Bulletin has been collected in the following retrieval systems or databases: China Science and Technology Papers Statistical Source Database, Scopus, CNKI, China Academic Journals (Optical disc edition), Wanfang Data, Vipu,, Superstar.