The journal Comunicação, Mídia e Consumo – Communication, Media and Consumption – is published in printed and digital versions by the Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação e Práticas de Consumo da ESPM-SP – Postgraduate Programme in Communication and Consumption Practices of ESPM-SP – Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing – Superior School of Propaganda and Marketing and it is evaluated as Qualis A2; its editorial line is to approach relevant topics of the field of Communication, understood here as a complex socio-cultural process and practice. The articles must be well-founded and mobilise different authors of a given theoretical tendency so that they develop a critical reflection about the approached thematic topics. In the case of empirical articles, besides the contextualisation and the descriptive stage of the material, we privilege articles which present a theoretico-interpretative of the aspects that are observed in the corpus.