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Papers on Social Representations (PSR) is an international journal dedicated to furthering the theoretical and methodological development of the Theory of Social Representations and its application, as well as of related theorethical and methodological approaches in the social sciences. Social Representations Theory was first proposed by Professor Serge Moscovici in 1961 and is now a major theoretical perspective within Social Psychology. As such it develops a theory of social cognition, culture and communication connecting knowledge practices, identity processes, psychological processes, ideology and social change. In 1999, Papers on Social Representations became accessible online with the financial support of European Commission - D.G. XXII - CDA "European Doctorate on Social Representations and Communication" and Johannes Kepler Universität Linz. PSR publishes original papers that advance the understanding and application of Social Representations Theory and commensurate ideas and epistemologies. The journal publishes papers across an expansive array of topics with a focus on theoretical critique and debate, methodological integration and innovation, and theoretically driven research from a diverse range of approaches and methods.