Le Carte e la Storia, review of the Society for the studies of history of institutions, is a working and updating instrument dedicated to the historical-institutional historiography and its developments, with special focus to its relationship with the patrimony of sources. In the section “Topics and problems” (“Temi e problemi”) the review develops ample reflections on the history of institutions; in “Bibliographies” (“Bibliografie”), it presents medieval history’s and history of modern and contemporary institutions’ books and reviews, completed with “Files” (“Schede”) that review the extensive landscape of the most recent historical production. The section “Instruments” (“Strumenti”) offers analysis and recommendations of research instruments, in particular Internet sites that might be useful for historians of the institutions; the section “Reports and news” (“Cronache e notizie”) contains information about meetings, workshops, archival work groups, rearrangements of archives and publications of sources.In the section “The research” (“La ricerca”) original research contributions are published.