Materials Open Research is a rapid open access publishing platform for a broad range of materials science research. The platform welcomes theoretical, experimental, and modelling approaches on the properties, characterization, design, structure, classification, processing, and performance of materials, and their applications. The platform is open to submissions from researchers, practitioners and experts, and all articles will benefit from open peer review.
Materials research underpins many significant and novel technologies which are set to revolutionize our society, and Materials Open Research is well-suited to ensure fast and full access to this research for the benefit of the academic community, industry, and beyond.
The platform aims to create a forum for discussion and for the dissemination of research in all areas of materials science and engineering. This includes, but is not limited to, research on the following material classes:
● Biomaterials and biomedical materials
● Composites
● Economic minerals
● Electronic materials
● Glasses & ceramics
● Magnetic materials
● Metals & alloys
● Nanomaterials and nanostructures
● Polymers
● Porous materials
● Quantum materials
● Smart materials
● Soft matter
● Structural materials
● Superconducting materials
● Thin films
Materials Open Research also focuses on a range of applications and approaches within materials science, including but not limited to:
● Additive manufacturing
● Computational materials & modelling
● Materials in energy & the environment
● Materials informatics
● Materials synthesis and processing
In addition to original Research Articles, Materials Open Research will feature a variety of article types including Method Articles, Study Protocols, Software Tool Articles, Systematic Reviews, Data Notes, Brief Reports, and Opinion Articles. All research is welcome and will be published irrespective of the perceived level of interest or novelty; we accept confirmatory and replication studies, as well as negative and null results.
Materials Open Research is an Open Research Platform. All articles are published open access under a CC-BY license and authors benefit from fully transparent publishing and peer review processes. Where applicable, authors are asked to include detailed descriptions of methods and will receive editorial guidance on making all underlying data openly available in order to improve reproducibility. The platform will also provide the option to publish non-peer reviewed materials including technical reports, training materials, posters, slides, and other documents.