Voprosy Khimii i Khimicheskoi Tekhnologii (Issues of Chemistry and Chemical Technology) is published bimonthly by the Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology and accepts Ukrainian- or English language high-quality original articles and reviews concerning various fields of research in chemistry and chemical engineering. Our unusual title “Voprosy khimii i khimicheskoi tekhnologii” originates from the transliterated initial Russian title “Issues of Chemistry and Chemical Technology“. The fact of the matter is that Voprosy khimii i khimicheskoi tekhnologii was founded in 1965 as a scientific journal mainly for Russian-reading and Russian-speaking readership when «the Iron Curtain» existed. Since 1991, after Ukraine declared its independence, our Journal began to publish the articles in Ukrainian and English. Multilingualism is our established tradition. We remember and cherish our traditions, but we follow the latest trends in modern science. Papers that are multidisciplinary or address new or emerging areas of chemistry and chemical engineering are particularly encouraged. Thus, the scope is dynamic. It includes but is not limited to the traditional areas of general, inorganic, organic, analytical, physical chemistry and electrochemistry, as well as all conventional areas of chemical engineering (chemistry of high molecular compounds, technology of inorganic and organic substances, processing of combustible minerals, chemical technology of silicates, processes and apparatus of chemical productions, etc.). The Journal publishes papers dealing with newer interdisciplinary areas such as materials science, nano-science, catalysis, computational and theoretical chemistry, surface phenomenon and colloidal systems, environmental chemistry, green chemistry.
大类:Chemical Engineering 小类:General Chemical Engineering
Pub Date : 2024-02-01DOI: 10.32434/0321-4095-2024-152-1-48-54S. Logvinkov, O. Borysenko, A. Ivashura, H. Shabanova, V.M. Shumejko, A. Korohodska, N. S. Tsapko